Stage 2



  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    finished stage 2B last night...and it kicked me in the *kitten* seemed super long. I had to finish the 3 workouts at home instead of the gym because it was getting late. I do the intervals on both A and B days, and i do 15 minutes before and 15 minutes after. I feel like a pile of poo today. I was to low on my protein last night, and now I have a weight lifting hangover :ohwell: Also I found that the vibram 5 finger shoes help me A TON when weight lifting. I'm way more balanced when doing squats and lunges, I can really get good form when I do deadlifts, and they're awesome on my knees for cardio. Best shoes I've ever bought. I'm surprised I'm not crazy sore today...I can feel some muscles, but I'm not sore. Definitely upping my weights next week.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    you'll feel it tomorrow more LOL. Going to look at those shoes.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    you'll feel it tomorrow more LOL. Going to look at those shoes.

    I'm starting to feel it now! in my thighs and my *kitten*
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i've started lifting in my yoga socks (they are black and have little rubber things on the bottoms to keep you from slipping. plus it's a 5 toed sock so my balance is so much better. i still might get the shoes though. the only thing is on some days i do running HIIT after lifting and i dont want to have to lug 2 separate pairs of shoes around since i need motion control for running
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I think my cheap broken sneakers may the reason my legs hurt so bad when running. I'm not brave enough to loose the shoes at the gym when lifting, but I can't do 2 pairs right now. The men already look at me like I'm crazy LOL Impressed, but crazy.
  • Phoenix59
    Phoenix59 Posts: 364 Member
    I started Stage 2 today and it wasn't too bad. I did have a bit of a problem with the one-point row because my balance is just sucky! Overall, though, it wasn't bad.

    One question - are the intervals supposed to be done after both A and B or just B? I did it today, but I noticed another poster mentioned only doing intervals after workout B.
  • nic2561
    nic2561 Posts: 21 Member
    Just finished my first Stage 2 work out. I'm a bit confused about switching legs/reps. I don't have my book with me so bear with me. During Stage 1, I would complete one set of step ups with 1 leg and then do the other leg for the next rep. When I re-read the step up instructions for stage 2 it seems like maybe I was suppose to complete the rep with one leg and start over with the other? Am I suppose to actually do 2 sets of 20 step ups rather than 2 sets of 10? I’m also confused about sides and reps for lunges and the wood chop. Do I switch half way, do an extra set or alternate sets?

    I also couldn't complete more than 6 of the front squat/press thingies. After reading some of this thread I'm thinking maybe I didn't use enough momentum from the squat for the press? I only used the bar but really couldn't do more than 6. I also have a herniated disc in my neck so I get super nervous about straining to lift overhead.
  • Phoenix59
    Phoenix59 Posts: 364 Member
    Nic - with step-ups and static lunges, the way I read instructions, we're supposed to do 10 reps per leg in each set (so a total of 20). Cable woodchops are 10 on each side, so do 10 pulling to the left, then 10 pulling to the right. The only one I see that we switch halfway is the dumbbell one-point row, we should do half the reps (5) per leg in each set (so a total of 10).
  • nic2561
    nic2561 Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks Phoenix!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Nic - with step-ups and static lunges, the way I read instructions, we're supposed to do 10 reps per leg in each set (so a total of 20). Cable woodchops are 10 on each side, so do 10 pulling to the left, then 10 pulling to the right. The only one I see that we switch halfway is the dumbbell one-point row, we should do half the reps (5) per leg in each set (so a total of 10).

    I've been doing 10 reps of the dumbbell one point rows PER LEG! Haha, no wonder why those hurt! I might as well keep doing it, I rest for like 30 seconds between switching legs and doing 10 more, so it's not too bad.

    I have Workout 4B tonight. I didn't get to the gym last night like I wanted to since I got stuck at work late and didn't have gym clothes with me. I did better this weekend with food and such. I did eat dinner out Saturday that was my cheat meal, but I did much better on Sunday with healthy choices for all my meals, plus lots of walking to balance it out. I was still at 157 this morning on the scale, not too shabby. I've been between 156-159 for this entire program so far. I'm curious to see what my measurements end up being at this end of this phase. My plan is to do one more set of Workouts A and B and then move onto Phase 3 at the end of next week. Exciting!
  • Phoenix59
    Phoenix59 Posts: 364 Member
    You're welcome, Nic! :smile:

    00trayn - If I could keep my balance, I'd do 10 on each leg! My balance just sucks, so I'm lucky I was able to do the 5! :laugh:
  • katiedid1226
    katiedid1226 Posts: 233 Member
    Today was my first day on Stage 2. Workout A wasn't too bad. It also wasn't too good! I cannot keep my wrists back when doing the front squat. Hurt like hell! I managed to squeak out all my reps.

    Keeping my balance was difficult on my left leg with the single point row. I need some balance work!

    And now, in reading your posts above, I just realized I did the cable wood chop only on one side, both sets! HAHAHAH!A!! What a dork! Oh well, live & learn!
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I am having trouble finding an explanation of the move "Front Squat / Push Press" in the book. What are you guys doing for it? *stage 2, workout A*

    It would be awesome if you could find a video tutorial link, too. I am finding some but not sure if they are what is being suggested by the book - since I can't find the book's explanation. :(
  • Phoenix59
    Phoenix59 Posts: 364 Member
    I am having trouble finding an explanation of the move "Front Squat / Push Press" in the book. What are you guys doing for it? *stage 2, workout A*

    It would be awesome if you could find a video tutorial link, too. I am finding some but not sure if they are what is being suggested by the book - since I can't find the book's explanation. :(

    The instructions for the front squat/push press are on page 180, beginning in the middle of the page. The illustration is on page 181.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member

    And now, in reading your posts above, I just realized I did the cable wood chop only on one side, both sets! HAHAHAH!A!! What a dork! Oh well, live & learn!

    Don't feel bad. I alnmost did that the first night but the guy I was switching off with said, "Hey aren't you going to do the other side?" THanks to Stan I did do both saide LOL.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I am having trouble finding an explanation of the move "Front Squat / Push Press" in the book. What are you guys doing for it? *stage 2, workout A*

    It would be awesome if you could find a video tutorial link, too. I am finding some but not sure if they are what is being suggested by the book - since I can't find the book's explanation. :(

    Look in the video thread. I think I posted one there. Also, try to keep your hands on your collar bone and push the bar overhead as you come back up from the squat. Use that force to get the bar over your head. Don't stop half way up or half way. Do it in one fluid movement. I practiced with my swiffer LOL.
  • moochachip
    moochachip Posts: 237 Member
    Today was my last day of Stage 2, and boy can I tell the improvement. I started my lat pull downs at 50, and am now at 70. I went from 80 pounds on dead-lifts to 90.

    I also ran intervals every workout when I was suppose only do B. Whoops.

    Today, I also noticed all the stares I got from the other guys working out. Amusing.
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    Did 2A last night and I actually managed to add some weight to my front squat push press, only 5 lbs but I didn't think I would be able to do even that so I'm happy about it! I ended up doing my planks on bosu ball, I just couldn't seem to get on the bench and ball without making a huge scene (falling, that is) and it seemed like it would be the same idea.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I did Workout 4B last night and it definitely still kicks my butt. I'm at 115 lbs on the deadlifts, and 25 lbs per arm for the step up things. I even managed to get an extra 5 lbs for the lat pulldown to bring it to 105 lbs. My goal is to have an increase in weight on every exercise by time I'm finished with Phase 2, I think I'm going to be able to do that.

    I'm going to add a bonus workout 5A and 5B since I had some issues with equipment and such in the beginning of the phase. It looks like Workout 5A will be this week and 5B will be Monday, then it's onto Phase 3! Whoot! I'm planning to redo my measurements and take some new photos, so I'll definitely post them on here to share. I didn't do photos after Phase 1 because I had only taken them halfway through the phase. Now that it's been 2 months since I took the photos, I should be able to take a new set and see a difference... I hope!

    I still haven't lost a single pound, but I feel good about my progress and I'm finally getting my mind off the scale and onto other ways to measure progress. I just posted a blog if you're curious to check it out.
  • Phoenix59
    Phoenix59 Posts: 364 Member
    I did B1 today and think I should've gone heavier on the lat pulldowns and wide grip deadlifts. I was able to do 50 lbs. on the pulldowns and 65 lbs on the deads without a problem . The Bulgarian split squats gave me a headache! Sucky balance, but I'm hoping it gets better.