Stage 2



  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Phase 2 done!!!! I did the last workout yesterday. I ended up adding a 5th workout for A and B to the end since I had a few workouts that didn't go as planned and I wanted to make up for it. I didn't get to the intervals though yesterday, my ankle was bothering me and I didn't want to aggravate it. I'm planning to redo measurements and progress photos the end of this week when I don't have a ton of water weight. But for now, here's my progress from each exercise.

    Workout A:
    Front squat/push press - 40 lb barbell to 50 lb barbell
    Step-ups - 25 lb kettlebells in each hand to 30 lbs in each hand
    One Point Rows - 20 lb kettlebells in each hand to 25 lb kettlebells
    Static Lunge - 15 lb kettlebells in each hand to 25 lb kettlebells
    Push-up - 10 pushups with feet on the squishy part of a Bosu ball to 12 reps.
    Plank - 60 seconds... no progress on this one. It's HARD!
    Cable Wood Chop - 50 lbs to 60 lbs

    Workout B:
    Deadlift - 115 lbs to 125 lbs (I didn't use the box, I'm so short that regular deadlifts are challenging enough!
    Bulgarian Split Squat - 15 lb kettlebells in each hand to 25 lb kettlebells
    Underhand Lat Pulldown - 100 lbs to 105 lbs (but it got easier, I wanted to try 115 but forgot)
    Reverse Lunge from Box - 25 lbs kettlebells in each hand - no progress, someone had the 30 lb bells that I wanted yesterday to try
    Cuban Snatch - 12 lbs each arm to 15 lbs each arm (couldn't manage 20 lbs, next highest dumbbell)
    Swiss Ball Crunch - Holding a 20 lb kettlebell straight over my head to a 25 lb kettlebell
    Reverse Crunch - 10 reps, no change
    Lateral flexion - Honestly, I skipped this one.
    Prone Cobra - 60 second hold, no change

    I was mostly happy with my progress, but it was definitely less progression than in Phase 1. I'll be starting Phase 3 on Monday it looks like. I just skimmed the workout sheets for Phase 3 and it looks kinda tough! Should be interesting...
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Finally was able to get my butt ouf of bed this morning to do workout B2. It felt so good.

    mesha & 00trayn - great progress on your lifts! I don't feel like I'm increasing weights at all.

    elisa - I don't jump at all either, I'm sure it can be done without jumping.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    OH MY! :noway: STAGE 2 has kicked my bootie. Stage 1 seems like a walk in the park.

    squat with the shoulder press ?? sorry don't have my book nearby) 25 pound barbell

    step ups 30 pounds

    one point dumbbell row 20 pound and I was wobbly. Lucky if I could do 2 in a row.

    static lunge 30 pounds

    planks 30 rest 30 My body was shaking from top to bottom.

    woodchop 12.5 > 17.5
  • realrayne10
    realrayne10 Posts: 388 Member
    I started Stage 2 last night as well. My arms were shaking for hours after I finished!

    Squat/PP - 45lb oly bar only made it through 5 on the 2nd set
    step up - went down to 20# but raised the step 6 inches
    one point - 10# felt my arms could have done more but the balancing was an issue. may do this barefoot next time
    static lunge - 20#
    pushups - regular
    planks - 60 seconds of TORTURE!

    Looking forward to workout B. I really need to get going with my cardio again.
  • TriciaZ944
    TriciaZ944 Posts: 317 Member
    Just started stage 2 and did workout B today. I feel it in my legs! :tongue:
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i'm starting stage 3 tomorrow and then i'll be taking a month off to use this krav maga deal i got from groupon before it expires.

    so i hope to see you ladies in stage 3 or in stage 4 sometime in july.

    happy lifting!!

  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    Did workout 2A today. And for some reason I had more trouble today than I did the first time I did it. :/ I did increase my front squat push press to 60 lbs and did a 3rd set (but only 8 reps because my form got weak). I struggled with the one point rows and balancing on my dominant foot (which seems odd, seems that would be easier) and I had to go down to 20 lb DBs to get it done properly. :/ Weight stayed the same on step-ups and lunges. Instead of doing the wood chop with a band, I used a 20 lb DB and did the movement on the floor - felt it in my triceps and my abs, much more than when I used the band so I think I'll stick with the floor movement. Planks stayed at 60 seconds and I was glad to get them over with. I did HIIT after this workout too (needed the burn for the extra candy I ate today, hee hee). Have I mentioned how much I really like the front squat push press?! I know it's awkward but I love that hip drive and getting the bar up. I feel She-Ra or something. haha
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Hi all! I'm going to be starting stage 2 really soon. I was wondering if anyone had a good substitution for the front squat/push press? I was practicing it the other day, and it really was straining a wrist injury I've been babying the past year. I am thinking I don't want to risk reinjury.

    Any ideas?
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Hi all! I'm going to be starting stage 2 really soon. I was wondering if anyone had a good substitution for the front squat/push press? I was practicing it the other day, and it really was straining a wrist injury I've been babying the past year. I am thinking I don't want to risk reinjury.

    Any ideas?

    I admit I don't really do it how they show it in the book. I have tiny hands and wrists and I cannot support the bar like they show. What I do is hold the bar overhand like I'm at the top of a deadlift. I squat down and the pop up while flipping the bar into the front press position and use the momentum of coming out of the squat to push it over my head. Not sure what it's called or if it's right, but it works really well for me and it's challenging.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Ootrayn, I think that's how I did it yesterday.

    AM I EVER SORE TODAY! Stage 1 did not do that to me. Maybe because I did lunges and squats before and I was not challenging myself?
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Did workout a today. Because of the original two week break between a and b I'll be terming this 1A

    I am getting a serious pain in my right knee when I go past parallel doing the squat. Like it feels as if it's about to snap. I stopped pushing lower and stood side on to watch myself but couldn't see what I was doing wrong. I also can't seem to hold the bar in the right position while doing the push. Very awkward move.

    Step ups I can do. Two of the risers have gone missing so upped my weights to 16kg bells.

    I flat out cannot do the dumbbell one point row. Can't do it. Even trying to do the balance with no weights I kept tipping over. This is where I think the program really disadvantages bigger women. I ended up doing them with my toe touching the floor.

    Static lunge was easier though balance again. I had to reset after every second or third lunge.

    Push ups I'm about half on the stepper bench (with one riser) and half on a weights bench.

    Plank I got to the full 60 seconds! For both! Really focused on my *kitten* too. It was nice and flat.

    Wood hop I accidental triped my weight! Can do it with a struggle so will stay there.
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    Hi all! I'm going to be starting stage 2 really soon. I was wondering if anyone had a good substitution for the front squat/push press? I was practicing it the other day, and it really was straining a wrist injury I've been babying the past year. I am thinking I don't want to risk reinjury.

    Any ideas?

    you can do a squat push press with dumbbells or kettle bells which should relieve some of the strain on the wrist. its a slightly different body position, but the only thing I have found that is close
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Hi all! I'm going to be starting stage 2 really soon. I was wondering if anyone had a good substitution for the front squat/push press? I was practicing it the other day, and it really was straining a wrist injury I've been babying the past year. I am thinking I don't want to risk reinjury.

    Any ideas?

    you can do a squat push press with dumbbells or kettle bells which should relieve some of the strain on the wrist. its a slightly different body position, but the only thing I have found that is close

    That's exactly what I ended up doing! It was really frustrating. I normally do a DB shoulder press with 15lb DBs, but had to drop down to 8 for this. I think it was more the squat than the press. I still am doing extremely low weight on my squats, but I'm going down all the way, which I think is probably more important. Still, lowering my weight drives me crazy.

    Stage 2 definitely takes things up a notch! I enjoyed workout A.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I just put together a blog post on my Phase 2 final results with some new progress photos. If you're curious how far 2 phases of this program can get you, here's some solid proof that it's pretty far! And I haven't lost a single pound in between the photos.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I reserve the right to retract the following statement at a later date . :bigsmile: While the B workout kicked my butt, I enjoyed feeling the burn and increased heart rate.

    HIIT was a disappointment. I could not go any faster than 3.6 on the treadmill. My legs were jello-O at that point. The HR monitor on the machine said my HR stayed above 130 the entire time.
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    00trayn, that is great progress! you can really tell how much more slim and toned you are all over, you look great! thanks for posting, that really helps keep me motivated even though I don't see the scale moving!
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I just finished 1B. Enjoyed it a lot more this time. I really need to up my weights though, I'm not lifting heavy enough.

    I did the Cuban snatches correctly today. Started with 5kg. Almost died. Dropped to 2kg and struggled. Felt like such a weakling with those teeny, tiny weights but I couldn't do more!

    For the Bulgarian squat what do people do for the weight? I've been grabbing a 10kg plate and doing the squat with that(though it feels more like a lunge to be honest) I need to up it, but the next option is 20kg. Which is doubling my weight. Not sure if I could do that.
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    I had that same problem with the plates, the ones at my gym go from 10 lbs to 25 so I've been using a single dumbbell. I just realized this week I had been doing those incorrectly and man oh man did I feel it with a 20 lb dumbbell!
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    What were you doing wrong? I've watched videos and feel like I'm doing it right but I'm paranoid.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I just finished 1B. Enjoyed it a lot more this time. I really need to up my weights though, I'm not lifting heavy enough.

    I did the Cuban snatches correctly today. Started with 5kg. Almost died. Dropped to 2kg and struggled. Felt like such a weakling with those teeny, tiny weights but I couldn't do more!

    For the Bulgarian squat what do people do for the weight? I've been grabbing a 10kg plate and doing the squat with that(though it feels more like a lunge to be honest) I need to up it, but the next option is 20kg. Which is doubling my weight. Not sure if I could do that.

    For all those weighted squats, lunges, and step up type exercises, I hold kettlebells in each hand. My gym has pairs of kettlebells from 5lbs up to 40 lbs (it has singles up to 60 lbs) in 5 lb increments. I find it works really well and they're really easy to hold on to. And it helps with balance since you have something in either hand, instead of trying to hold something in front of you.