Stage 2



  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I started using the bench for step ups too. I lowered my weights by 5 lbs, so no big deal. B2 tomorrow!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    thanks all for the ideas.
    @maggie : you bring up a good point about grip. I think I will switch to DB just because I really need to work on my grip.

    i do feel like my balance is better after having done the step ups with a barbell, but I REALLY need to work on grip.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    funny I was thinking of switching to the barbell because of my grip. 30's are really hard to hang onto.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I did my first workout today. Not sure if like.

    The squat with push was difficult. I started with just an Olly bar but that was too awkward so changed to a 10kg pre-loaded bar. I was able to do that though it was still awkward to hold. I did however go *kitten* to grass :) Went right down so that was a plus!

    Step ups are same from Stage 1.

    Dumbbell Rows are HARD. I could do them but the balance bit? Was killing me. Took me twice as long trying to keep my balance. Only used 5kg bells.

    Static Lunge was weird but prefered them to normal lunges.

    Push-ups I'm still going from weight bench to stepper to floor so good progress there.

    Planks was able to do 30 second at a time in the traditional plank. It's so hard on my forearms though!

    Horitontal cable chop did 20kg but will be upping that. Just wanted the motion right today, could probably add 10kg easy. Once I figured out to pull the rope the full way through and not have it halfway it was a lot easier!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    isn't interval training just the same as HIIT? after all hiit is just high intensity interval training..

    tomorrow (well later today once i get to sleep and wake up) i start stage 2.

    i'm looking forward to front squat and push presses. LOVE these!!
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    Hi everyone! So I'm starting stage 2 this week and I've been reading through the thread to see how its going for everyone. The exercises in this stage look very intimidating to me for some reason. I'm especially nervous about the squat push press as I only got to 15 lb DBs for the shoulder press and I'm not sure I will be able to lift even the empty barbell over my head. Honestly I struggled moving it around to load for the deadlifts and squats in stage 1. My gym does have some smaller pre-loaded barbells so I guess I could try those. Or does the difference in weight distribution of the the barbell v. the DBs make it okay? How did it turn for the others who had this same concern?

    I've also really struggled with my grip, glad to see I'm not the only one! Gloves have helped, but a 25 lb DB is about as much as I can take.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Go ahead and try the preloaded barbell and keep your hands right on your shoulders, next to your collarbone. That will put you in the right spot for pushing up and having your arms at the right angle. good luck. For the split squats and static lunges, I just drop into the right position and go. I don't all the way back up until I've finished the set (I have short legs)
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    Thanks, I will give that a shot. Worst case, I did run across a video of squat push press with DBs today so I can do that if all else fails.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    I'm especially nervous about the squat push press as I only got to 15 lb DBs for the shoulder press and I'm not sure I will be able to lift even the empty barbell over my head.

    you can increase in weight. you arent lifting the weight with your shoulders. you are lifting the weight with your hips. if you're feeling as if you are lifting the weight with your upper body then you arent doing the movement right or arent using correct form in your squat, since in order for it to work, you need to push your hips back. as you stand up, the movement in your hips gives momentum to your upper body.

    today i did workout 1 a
    NROL4W - Workout 1A
    Front squat/push press - 45, 65 I think next time I'm moving to the preloaded barbells. I'm a bit nervous about using the longer bar, especially since people at my gym sometimes dont pay attention where they walk

    step up - 25, 25 - used the barbells this time. i think i like them better.

    DB 1 point row - 22.5, 22.5

    static lunge - 35, 35 - used a weight plate. i think next time i'm going for the preloaded barbells

    pushups : T -up, regular - i meant to do declines for the final set but i was too lazy to search for a step

    planks - first set 60 seconds, 2nd set 40 seconds/20 seconds

    horizontal wood chop - 30, 40

    I'm not happy about needing so many props for this workout. Granted my gym was a mess and nothing was where it should be. But I had to hunt for the step for step ups, I had to hunt for an aerobic step for the static lunges. OK after I type that I realize there were only 2 props :laugh: but whatever i was pissed that I had to pretty much run around the gym looking for those things
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    isn't interval training just the same as HIIT? after all hiit is just high intensity interval training..

    HIIT is a form of interval training but not the same. You can do intervals without being high intensity. HIIT you are supposed to push yourself to the max. That's why I was wondering if everyone was really doing HIIT. I think it would be hard to go intense after lifting weights.
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Did my last Stage 2 workout yesterday evening, and am now SO HUNGRY today! I really pushed myself in Stage 2, and think I deserve a week off now. Ironically, in the light of the HIIT conversation going on, I was simply too tired to face HIIT last night, so I'm saving that pleasure for this evening.

    I'm not planning on doing AMRAPS - my reading of the advice in the book was that it was an end-of-stage-1 thing only. Or have I got the wrong end of the stick?
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    That's interesting that HIIT is interval but intervals not needing to be HIIT.

    I've been sore all day, thighs mostly. Had to play netball tonight and can now barely move. Getting into the bath was very, very difficult. Stage 1B tomorrow
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    isn't interval training just the same as HIIT? after all hiit is just high intensity interval training..

    HIIT is a form of interval training but not the same. You can do intervals without being high intensity. HIIT you are supposed to push yourself to the max. That's why I was wondering if everyone was really doing HIIT. I think it would be hard to go intense after lifting weights.

    ok i think i get ya.

    so yeah i do hiit. i differentiate between 2 types though : aerobic hiit and anaerobic hiit. what the book suggests after lifting is the aerobic version of it (those will have longer recovery periods). i think depending on your general condition, aerobic hiit after lifting is very doable. anaerobic hiit on the other hand, i'm not so sure about. my anaerobic sessions have 15 seconds sprinting and 15 seconds recovery. (this one is also frm cosgrove)
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    That's interesting that HIIT is interval but intervals not needing to be HIIT.

    Yeah, it's just intensity that is different. You can do intervals with doing a slow walk then fast walk or jog, but HIIT would be running as fast as you could.

    So, I just did my 1st stage 2 workout. Um, not doing front squat push presses. I just can't get the movement. I actually think even if I got used to it I'd have an issue if I wanted to add weights to the bar because I do in the basement and there is a light on the ceiling that might be to low if I wanted to stay near power rack. I'm just alternating regular squats and shoulder presses instead.

    The reverse lunge is a killer but I think it will get good results.

    Planks are for the devil! LOL I struggled to do 30 seconds.
  • wendyapple
    wendyapple Posts: 323 Member
    workout A in stage 2 is way too short. i got through it in under 45 minutes. i think two exercises from B should be added to A, and maybe the HIIT should be on A days. B is insane though.

    I'm having trouble with the squat press. it hurts my wrists to hold the bar and I still can't use the oly, even unweighted. i lose balance up top on my toes and wobble a bit. and i was only using a 40lb bar.

    the wood chops don't feel terribly stable either.

    @maggie, AMRAP is only stage 1, you're right.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    @ wendy : for the toe balance on the squat press, i think shoes make ALL the difference in those type exercises. if you're wearing traditional cross trainers then those could be throwing you off.

    i've started wearing these on my lifting days :
    since i dont want to go barefoot at my gym and i wont be rewarding myself with the fila skeletoes until i reach halfway to my weight loss goal.

    plus this way i dont have to carry 2 pairs of shoes with me on my lifting days (i usually do 21 minutes of walk/run hitt on the treadmill or indoor track after i lift).

    and can you start with one of those weighted body bar things?
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    That's interesting that HIIT is interval but intervals not needing to be HIIT.

    Yeah, it's just intensity that is different. You can do intervals with doing a slow walk then fast walk or jog, but HIIT would be running as fast as you could.

    So, I just did my 1st stage 2 workout. Um, not doing front squat push presses. I just can't get the movement. I actually think even if I got used to it I'd have an issue if I wanted to add weights to the bar because I do in the basement and there is a light on the ceiling that might be to low if I wanted to stay near power rack. I'm just alternating regular squats and shoulder presses instead.

    The reverse lunge is a killer but I think it will get good results.

    Planks are for the devil! LOL I struggled to do 30 seconds.
    Welcome to stage 2. That sounds like a good plan if you don't have the clearance height for the Push Press, let us know how it goes. I had to watch several videos and try it a few time. When I did A2, I finally got it right. I'm only doing the bar + 5 for 50lbs, my shoulder press weight.

    Speaking of shoes I desperately needs new sneakers but can only afford ONE pair. I was looking at the New Balance shoes, the new "Like barefoot" ones, but they have to be for my cardio days too, though they do recommend running barefoot too LOL don't know if I can pull that off. Meshashesha, I'll look at those shoes and I think that's good advice for Wendy.

    I finally did B2 tonight. Upped my weights on everything. Pretty cool breaking 90 on the underhand lat pull. I think I can go a lot heavier on the split squat and reverse lunge though. This time I was really focusing on isolating the muscles. I breezed through the abs. I reintroduced the jacknife for my reverse crunches for the extra challenge. I have I pretty big belly still comparatively, but I can do some ab work LOL. I felt ok doing the intervals. I HATE running. I can do any other kind of cardio you can throw at me, but running HURTS. Thankfully we are only doing 1 minute of our upper speed at a time, and I watch that clock to the second!
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Hi everyone. I just finished stage 1 on Saturday and will begin stage 2 on May 1 :smile: I gained about 2 lbs during stage 1 and I am hoping that I can lose during 2. I did shrink by 6 inches overall in my measurements so that is definitely a good thing. I will be spending this week with some light calisthenics and jogging/walking but overall just taking it easy.
  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    Just started stage 2 last night and the damn planks kicked my tush. My lower back is super sore. At least I know I worked. :) Looking forward to being able to do the full 60 seconds on those bad boys.
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    Just finished my first A workout and I can I just say, wow! That was so much harder than stage 1! I did (wo)man up and use the olympic bar for the squat push press but the last 2 reps were really tough. Everything went pretty well overall, but I was really having to push myself through the last 2 reps in all of them. The wood chop move is a bit odd and I found myself adding in a little hip swagger that wasn't supposed to be there but either way I really felt that in my obliques (hopefully that's the right place to feel that). I also only made through 5 floor push ups before I had to back to an incline but that's okay, i only got to full sets on the floor in my last stage 1 workout.

    I think I may cut this stage to 2 workouts a week as I'm already committed to tennis lessons on saturdays starting this week and I don't want sore arms from that to interfere with the lifting. Either way I am super excited for the B workout on thursday!