Stage 2



  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Hi All,
    I am currently in stage one and starting to research stage 2. How long are your workouts in stage 2? It seems like it is a lot more than stage 1. I do not mind more, but I only have an hour and fifteen minutes to get the workouts done before work. Thanks for any info.

    Typically, workout A is 40ish minutes and workout B is an hour (including the HIIT). I take my 75 second rests.

    Wow! You get it done! It takes me about 80 minutes. Of course, I have a lot of swapping weights around because I'm at home and am still using a standard bar. Which is totally not going to cut it anymore. Loaded up to 85lbs it barely fits on my rack. Anymore and it won't. I'm going to buy a oly set this week. But, that's another story.

    As I was saying, it takes me longer than that. :-P
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hi All,
    I am currently in stage one and starting to research stage 2. How long are your workouts in stage 2? It seems like it is a lot more than stage 1. I do not mind more, but I only have an hour and fifteen minutes to get the workouts done before work. Thanks for any info.

    Typically, workout A is 40ish minutes and workout B is an hour (including the HIIT). I take my 75 second rests.

    Wow! You get it done! It takes me about 80 minutes. Of course, I have a lot of swapping weights around because I'm at home and am still using a standard bar. Which is totally not going to cut it anymore. Loaded up to 85lbs it barely fits on my rack. Anymore and it won't. I'm going to buy a oly set this week. But, that's another story.

    As I was saying, it takes me longer than that. :-P

    I am a member at a VERY good gym. It is owned by the local hospital and it has every thing imaginable . Plus, I TRY to workout at non peak hours so there isn't time wasted waiting on machines or moving around people.
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    Did my first Stage 2 workout today 1A. I didn't mind it. Had to make some adjustments as I am using dumbbells, but it's all good. I was able to hold the plank for the 60 sec tho I was sure shaking toward the end.

    I decided to do the intervals after workout A instead of B since it isn't as long. I only have 50 min so I gotta make every min count. Yea for super sets!
  • worthyofchange
    worthyofchange Posts: 165 Member
    Did Stage 2 1A today as well.
    I was exhausted from these exercises! They seemed more cardio-intensive than stage 1. Squat push press, step-ups and lunges all get my heart rate going.


    I found out my gym does not have a cable that pulls from the middle for the chop. I'll read the instructions again and try the alternative later.
    Plank was awesome - I can hold it for 60 seconds but it's tough! I think my core is quite strong and it's my shoulders that are weak... always have been. Still struggle with pushups below 45 degrees and anything overhead is hard (squat push press).
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    Ya'll have no idea how excited I am to get over here and post my FINAL B workout stats - because that means THIS STAGE IS OVER! hahaha (You've listened to me whine enough about it, LOL!!)

    Deadlifts: start 115# --> 135# and I was feeling really beastly so I did 3 sets of 10 reps of 135, RAWR, hahahahah! (Actually I got over 11 hours of sleep last night and felt well-rested and well fed so I think that helped)

    Bulgarian squat: 20 DB --> 25 DB (don't have heavier DBs and my plates aren't the kind you can get a hold on, wahh, oh well, the 25 lb DB still provides one heck of a good workout with this squat as the legs are stretched real good)

    Underhand pulldown: 85# --> 105+13#bar (not gonna lie, felt very strong doing these and loved every second!)

    Reverse lunge w/reach: 10 DBs --> 12 DBs (maybe coulda pushed it to 15 DBs but my shoulders burned by the 8th rep on each leg as I was lifting up to shoulder/face height)

    Cuban snatch: 10 DBs -->12 DBs (hate hate hate this one due to the awkward feeling on my bench)

    Ball crunches - I just did sets of 25 as the movement makes my motion sickness kick in and I get nauseous. Silly, I know.
    Reverse crunches - love these, just did sets of 25 too
    Lateral flexion - did 'em the first workout and decided they were a waste of time, so did prone jackknife on ball instead

    Prone cobra - 90 secs all the time, these feel good and I love ending the workout with them

    See you girls in stage 3.... HOLLA!!!! *fist pump*
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    mrsrip, you did great!

    I haven't worked out since last Wednesday and that workout frustrated me. I could not keep my balance. SOOO, instead of finishing my last workout B, I would like to complete my last workout A with a bang before I move on to the last B. (sorry if this is a repeat. I THINK I only posted on my wall that I would repeat workout 4A).

    And this is one of my unscheduled breaks from lifting. We were on the road Thursday-Saturday, church yesterday, and gym closed for the holiday today.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Yay for graduating from stage 2 MrsRipdizzle!

    I did 2A tonight and it went so much better, knowing which weights to go with for which exercise. Ended the FSPP with a 40lb barbell, next workout it's back to the Oly bar, I think my form and grip will improve some more too.

    I'm frustrated that I still haven't made it to the floor for my push-ups, I'm still barely making it to 10 on the bench pushups, and everyone else seems to be on the floor at this point :(
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I am not on the floor. I can barely do them on the bench. My back bows :embarassed: even on the bench level.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    I struggle on the bench too, I think I'm only going down 2/3 of the way, but I wonder if it's also some sort of mental block, because I never thought I would be the type of person who could actually do real pushups lol. Hopefully we'll both hit the floor soon!
  • austelle
    austelle Posts: 108 Member
    Congrats on finishing Stage 2, Jen and Manic! That went by fast!

    Those of you struggling with three! I wonder if there are supplemental exercises we can do to strengthen the triceps? I have made barely ANY progress with these.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I finish Stage 2 tomorrow and go right in to Stage 3. I need to get some more dumbbells since mine only go up to 10 lbs and it looks like Stage 3 uses a lot more DBs in the exercises.
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    Ladies who are struggling with push-ups - what are you using to lean against? I have a smith machine that is busted - the only thing it was good for was for me to adjust the bar up or down to do push-ups. LOL (It was part of a package deal that we got when building up our home gym). Anyway - I started with the bar pretty high up in the notches and each workout, I'd lower the bar a notch or two...obviously the lower it got, the harder the push-ups were and the more I felt it the following day. I finally got to a point where it was as low as it was gonna go and I knew it was a mental block at that point. So I moved my butt to the floor and just DID the damn thing. It helps to tighten up your abs and butt - I mean really squeeze that butt in - and pushhhhhh. Try to do one or a few on the floor BEFORE going to your angled push-up spot. Even if you only get one or a few out on your toes....that's progress! Then next workout, do 2nd, 3rd, 4th one on your toes and when you think you can't push anymore - go back to your angled spot. You have to just keep trying! Before you know it one turns into ten. I promise!
  • HisChild2011
    HisChild2011 Posts: 145 Member
    Congrats on finishing stage 2 ladies!!!! you rock and inspire!

    Question - am I the only one with little energy to do my intervals after workout B?
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Mrsrip, you are right. I need to do that. Thanks for the "push'.

    Hischild, NO! my legs feel like jello but the ab workout seems to help me get some of my energy back before the HIIT. Plus, I am at the end of the stage so I feel like I progressed in that area and it isn't so bad now.
  • lu123
    lu123 Posts: 247 Member
    Congrats everyone on finishing stage 2!

    Did workout 2A yesterday and today I am FEELING those split squats, I can barely sit down! AWESOME! :flowerforyou:
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Finished 2A today. Um...I looked like a total idiot doing the 1 leg pointed row! Wow! I like the challenge though. Ima get that shiz down dang it! I liked everything in this workout. The push-squats were harder than I thought too...:)
  • lu123
    lu123 Posts: 247 Member
    Congrats everyone on finishing stage 2!

    Did workout 2A yesterday and today I am FEELING those split squats, I can barely sit down! AWESOME! :flowerforyou:

    whoops got mixed up. I meant 2B haha
  • austelle
    austelle Posts: 108 Member
    Jen, I started on the smith machine. Second notch from the bottom in Stage 1. I can now do 5 reps on the bottom notch but that is it. I am thinking of adding in some dips or cable press downs to try to strengthen the triceps more.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    That's great advice for the push-ups, thanks. I was using the squat rack and doing them against an Oly bar, but I felt like the way I was gripping the bar was putting a lot of stress on my wrist, so I moved to the bench, where I can do all 10 pushups but I feel like they are sort of half-assed. Doing dips is also a good suggestion, I might add those
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I repeated 4A today since last week was a total frustration. I honestly can say I feel like I got a workout today. :happy:

    I still can NOT keep my balance on the one point dumbbell row but I did manage to get them in. (2 then almost fall over, balance again, 2 or 3 more LOL)

    AND drumroll please.......

    I did SIX pushups on the floor each time . woohoo woohoo dance dance