Stage 2



  • RUNN3Rmom
    I'm back...

    I am not a fan of Stage 2 but I probably haven't given it a fair shot. I did ok today with Workout A again but I am just not a fan of the push/press (going to try dumbbells next time). I feel like I am going to whack myself in the face with the bar and the bar HURTS the back of my hands when I try to roll it back on to my fingertips. And for some more whinning...the woodchop sucks - my feet slide like crazy. I am hoping maybe I can wipe the bottom of my shoes next time to see if that helps.

    But on the bright side I was stopped in the weight area today by a martial arts instructor and he said I had GREAT POSTURE & balance and he loved my shoulders...what what ?!? How awesome!! I felt like I was in the clouds!! But then of course, for the rest of the workout I felt like he was watching pro's & con's of a compliment :laugh: .

    Is anyone else exhausted by the end of Stage 2? By plank time I am so wiped I swear I thought I was going to vomit today. I am thinking of maybe doing them in the beginning instead of at the end...thoughts?
  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    last workout of stage 2 done today but without the HIIT as I ran out of time :) Off on holiday next week so that will be a nice break then straight into stage 3 when I return. The hotel I'm staying at has 2 gyms so will hopefully be doing a mixture of cardio and weights to try and counteract all the alcohol I will be consuming!! lol
  • rcb1963
    rcb1963 Posts: 69 Member
    I have only one more A and one more B workout to do. I don't feel like I improved in this stage like I did in stage 1. But it is fewer workouts. I can't stand the prone cobra.:grumble: Give me a plank any day. Not that I like them either they just don't bother me as much.
    I have found the push press squat exercise very hard. I can't seem to get the form down. I feel off kilter very time I do it.

    I am glad to be doing this workout series. I appreciate all the posts I see for this. Everyone sharing their experience is helping me and keeping me motivated. :happy:
  • melissaw1232
    melissaw1232 Posts: 184 Member
    Starting stage 2 this week and im reviewing the excersises. ok is it me or is the Static Lunge rear foot elevated and the Bulgarian Split Squat the same dam thing??? Is Alwyn insulting my intelligence here. If Im wrong please clarify. Thanks ladies
  • RUNN3Rmom
    Melissa, it kind of is but it isn't. I think it's similiar and maybe that is why we do it on opposite days. The static lunge is on a small step w/the foot set like you were going to be taking off on a sprint race (from what I remember in the book), but the split squat your back foot is elevated up higher on a bench, per sa and you aren't using it too much, you are focusing your weight and pushing up on the primary foot/leg. I was able to do a barbell +20 (65lb total) on the lunges portion last time but this time when I did the split squat I could only do 20lb dumbbells (40lbs. total). So I def. think it's a harder/different exercise...but still looks the same. I am sure the range of motion is slightly more w/the split squat too. But I am not a pro, trust me...I didn't even do the split squat last week because I looked at the wrong picture :blushing: .
  • RUNN3Rmom
    last workout of stage 2 done today but without the HIIT as I ran out of time :) Off on holiday next week so that will be a nice break then straight into stage 3 when I return. The hotel I'm staying at has 2 gyms so will hopefully be doing a mixture of cardio and weights to try and counteract all the alcohol I will be consuming!! lol

    Have a blast on vacation!! We will miss you on the Stage 2 thread!
  • melissaw1232
    melissaw1232 Posts: 184 Member
    Melissa, it kind of is but it isn't. I think it's similiar and maybe that is why we do it on opposite days. The static lunge is on a small step w/the foot set like you were going to be taking off on a sprint race (from what I remember in the book), but the split squat your back foot is elevated up higher on a bench, per sa and you aren't using it too much, you are focusing your weight and pushing up on the primary foot/leg. I was able to do a barbell +20 (65lb total) on the lunges portion last time but this time when I did the split squat I could only do 20lb dumbbells (40lbs. total). So I def. think it's a harder/different exercise...but still looks the same. I am sure the range of motion is slightly more w/the split squat too. But I am not a pro, trust me...I didn't even do the split squat last week because I looked at the wrong picture :blushing: .

    Thanks for clarifying that for me Amanda. lol@ u doing the wrong exercise last happens.
    Ive decided to jump right into the workout A this wed. Im skipping AMRAP because I personally dont see the point. Ive actually been doing pushups nightly just because for some weird reason Ive started to like them. Id rather keep pushing myself then take a break after this stage.
  • rcb1963
    rcb1963 Posts: 69 Member
    Finished stage 2 today
    Workout A
    Front squat push press 45#~45# started only able to do 3 without a mini break worked up to 7, should have started at 30-35
    Step up 90#~110#
    Dumbbell 1 pt row 50#~55#
    Static lunge 35#~35#
    push up stayed same at bench level. Tried going lower on # 3 and 4 but couldn't seem to get there with good form
    Plank 60 sec~ 90 sec
    Wood chop had to do home gym version 25#~35#

    Workout B
    Deadlift from box 95#~115#
    Bulgarian split squat 25#~35#
    Lat pull down 80#~92.5#
    Reverse lunge 10#~25# (5#/hand to 12.5#/hand)
    Cuban snatch same as above
    Swiss ball crunch. 25# on chest area to 25# overhead
    Reverse crunch snd lateral flexion Stayed with 10 reps each time tried all 3 flexion exercises
    Prone cobra did 60 sec and felt sick at the end each time
  • RUNN3Rmom
    Thanks for clarifying that for me Amanda. lol@ u doing the wrong exercise last happens.
    Ive decided to jump right into the workout A this wed. Im skipping AMRAP because I personally dont see the point. Ive actually been doing pushups nightly just because for some weird reason Ive started to like them. Id rather keep pushing myself then take a break after this stage.

    Melissa, I didn't do AMRAP either. Tomorrow is Wednesday!! Have a blast starting A!!

    RCB- congrats on your finish!!

    I am set to do B tomorrow... And hub's will be with me :)
  • melissaw1232
    melissaw1232 Posts: 184 Member
    Did workout A and here's my starting weights: mostly 50lb across the board

    Front Squat Push/Press - 50lbs after the 5th rep or so I was sweating hard on this one!

    Step-Up - 50lb and is much easier with the bar although I feel that im working my shoulders more. Will def increase my weight as I ended stage 1 at 30lb dumbells each hand but came down cause I was worried about balance issues

    Static Lunge - 50lb barbell, foot on a chair

    Push-Ups - Half T, Half regular arms in. FSPP saps all my energy

    Plank - 75 wasnt that challenging so I'll up to the swiss ball ones on the next A

    Cable Horizontal Wood Chop - 15lb kettlebell. felt really weak. not sure about my options on this one. The dumbells are too big and awkward for this range of motion. may invest in 1 heavier weigt. maybe 30 or 35 lb..
  • RUNN3Rmom
    Sloooooooooow thread ;)

    I did A on Friday so nothing for me until Monday...I am just about done with this stage.
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    Sloooooooooow thread ;)

    I did A on Friday so nothing for me until Monday...I am just about done with this stage.

    This is a slow thread....and I haven't been posting much to it either. I am more than halfway through this stage but because of my recent IT band issues and the fact that I'm running a marathon a week from today.....I'm going to extend or repeat this stage after I recover from my marathon. I'm doing one more workout B tomorrow (I will have 3/4 of the workouts done) and then I'm probably taking a full 10 days off from lifting. I like this stage and I'm excited to push myself in my post-marathon workouts. Right now I'm doing them but I'm not pushing too hard because I don't want to exhaust myself and compromise my running.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Hey ladies popping in to say Hi. THe split squat and static lunge are confusing. Good descriptions though. THe static lunge uses a very low step and you just rest your toe on top of it behind you. I push the step up against the wall or something else stationary because it has moved on me. The split squat, you rest the top of your foot on the bench behind you. Frankly I used the seat of the pull down machine so nobody would jack my space.

    Keep lifting ladies you are awesome.
  • NthnButMoonshine
    NthnButMoonshine Posts: 125 Member
    Dropping by to say hello. Ill be starting stage 2 tomorrow. Looking forward to the torture already! :tongue:
  • RUNN3Rmom
    Frankly I used the seat of the pull down machine so nobody would jack my space.

    Me too!!! :)
  • RUNN3Rmom
    Dropping by to say hello. Ill be starting stage 2 tomorrow. Looking forward to the torture already! :tongue:


    I'm just about done. I'm doing one more A on Wednesday and an extra B because my first week was so odd. Yay! Almost Stage 3 time!!
  • melissaw1232
    melissaw1232 Posts: 184 Member
    Morning ladies!

    Did my first B last night but making adjustments due to working out at home.
    Reg DL 100lb
    BSS 80 barbell ---> tough
    Pullover 35 ----> tough
    Reverse lunge 25 each hand
    Prone Cuban 8lbs - 10lbs cant see going up on that too much
    abs I have to make more challenging.
    Love the prone Cobra 90 secs

    so far so good. looking fwd to the Front Squat Push Press tomorrow. that challenges me like nothing else so far. I love it!
    sick I know, lol
  • melissaw1232
    melissaw1232 Posts: 184 Member
    Hey ladies popping in to say Hi. THe split squat and static lunge are confusing. Good descriptions though. THe static lunge uses a very low step and you just rest your toe on top of it behind you. I push the step up against the wall or something else stationary because it has moved on me. The split squat, you rest the top of your foot on the bench behind you. Frankly I used the seat of the pull down machine so nobody would jack my space.

    Keep lifting ladies you are awesome.

    Thanks Samntha! I found that BSS to be way harder than the static lunge. my foot kept trying to go toe up instead of lay flat. ugh I'll get it eventually
  • NthnButMoonshine
    NthnButMoonshine Posts: 125 Member
    And so begins Stage 2...


    Front Squat Push Press
    45x10 - Actually just a front squat to break me in...
    45x10 - Just a push press...again to break me in...
    45x10 - True front squat push press...AWESOMENESS!!!

    Step Ups
    20(e)x10 * (e) = each hand for 40lbs total. I finished stage 1 at 50lbs, but this was so early up in the mix I was afraid to tax myself so much. I think Im going to move this super set to the end. This Step Up is the only thing that REALLY kills me and makes it hard to recover. Id rather have it come during my last set.

    Dumbbell One Point Row
    12(e)x10 *go heavier (e) = each for 24lbs total.

    Static Lunge Rear Foot Elevated
    13(e)x10 - oddball dumbells, dont ask. (e) = each for 26lbs total. Ill probably step up to 15lb db's for 30lbs total next go.

    Push Ups
    7 best goes, 3 turtles
    3 best goes, 7 turtles

    30, 30 - on bosu
    40, 20 - on floor *Sweaty mess - bring a towel for some grip!

    Cable Horizontal Wood Chop

    Notes: Holy front squat push press, Batman!! That was a boat load of fun...I wont be able to lift my arms to shampoo my hair tomorrow sort of fun. I love it!! Step ups still suck and I still hate them. Dumbbell one point rows werent too bad, need to keep my hips and toes pointed down, no spirals! Static lunge isnt my fav, but I guess Ill live through it. Push ups...trying something them my best go on the floor. Obviously not making it all the way to the floor, but going as far as I can, while still being able to make it back up. Once I cant do any more of those I switch to "turtle" pushups. Lower sloooooowly with control. Pause/rest. Then push back up. What do I have to lose? Planks were a hot mess..literally. I was so sweaty I was sliding all over the floor. My times were shameful. I expected to work for it since my body was already fatigued, but I didnt account for the slipping and sliding. First go, I tried the bosu ball because I know I can plank on the floor for 60 seconds easy. Yeah, I think Ill go back to that for a bit to account for all the fatigue and see where I land. Oh, and Ill bring a towel to stick under my sweaty arms for traction. HA! I love this! Cable horizontal wood chop was a piece of cake. Burned my midsection like the ****ens, but a piece of cake. Seriously, aside from the step ups...not too bad. Looking forward to 2B!
  • NthnButMoonshine
    NthnButMoonshine Posts: 125 Member
    ^^^^Sorry that was so long!! I copy/pasted from my log. Oops! :blushing: And MFP edited a word that wasnt even a bad word!!!! D*ckens isnt a bad word!!! ROFL