Stage 2



  • melissaw1232
    melissaw1232 Posts: 184 Member
    Morning ladies!

    Nthnbut whats a gymboss? something like a stopwatch? If Im wearing my hrm I used that for my time.
    Does anyone else take a break during the static lunge or BSS when switching legs? Im doing 80lbs and that really taxes me so I take a 30-45 second break.
    Moved up to 80lbs on my stepups last night. super stoked about that but I realize that my left leg is weaker than my right. who knew?
    I just love using the barbell for everything cuz I couldnt hold more than 30lb dumbells. I feel so much free'er
    3 more workouts till Stage 2 is in the books! woo-hoo
  • SteAnnMui
    SteAnnMui Posts: 129 Member
    Did workout B for the first time today. Bulgarian split squats hurt like crazy after doing deadlifts!

    I find the reverse lunge from box move very awkward, hopefully I get better at it. I really enjoy the dumbbell Cuban snatch, I really felt it in my arms and it seems like an awesome move! Can't wait to get ripped! haha ;)
  • melissaw1232
    melissaw1232 Posts: 184 Member
    Did workout B for the first time today. Bulgarian split squats hurt like crazy after doing deadlifts!

    I find the reverse lunge from box move very awkward, hopefully I get better at it. I really enjoy the dumbbell Cuban snatch, I really felt it in my arms and it seems like an awesome move! Can't wait to get ripped! haha ;)

    You enjoyed the Cuban Snatch??? god Bless you! lol
    I hate it but I do love the reverse lunge tho and the BSS & Static Lunge :-) We all have our vices..hahah
  • NthnButMoonshine
    NthnButMoonshine Posts: 125 Member
    Morning ladies!

    Nthnbut whats a gymboss? something like a stopwatch? If Im wearing my hrm I used that for my time.
    Does anyone else take a break during the static lunge or BSS when switching legs? Im doing 80lbs and that really taxes me so I take a 30-45 second break.
    Moved up to 80lbs on my stepups last night. super stoked about that but I realize that my left leg is weaker than my right. who knew?
    I just love using the barbell for everything cuz I couldnt hold more than 30lb dumbells. I feel so much free'er
    3 more workouts till Stage 2 is in the books! woo-hoo


    I wear a HRM as well, but my brain just cant seem to hold numbers and add numbers to keep an honest time for rests. A Gymboss is an interval timer and a stopwatch in one. It beeps or vibrates depending on what you have it set to at the moment. I love it. Mine is set to vibrate and clipped to my top. So when I finish my set, I put down my weights, reach up and push a button. It vibrates once to let me know its timing me (Ive already got my times worked out on it). Then 75 seconds later it vibrates again to tell me to get my butt back to work. No more remembering when I finished the set or trying to add the time in my head. (Yes, Im that bad at addition when I cant breathe!) Also, I dont have to take my HRM off to see the clock when Im planking or doing that prone cobra. I just unclip my Gymboss from my top and stick it on the floor in front of me. I was terrified the thing would be complicated to work. It was all for naught. Once I had it in my hands and read the instructions, it was pretty easy. You can find them at if you are interested in more info.
  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 467 Member
    I did my first A workout today. It was hard! I can't balance on the one-pointed rows either. Would lighter weight help? And are you supposed to do 5 on one leg and 5 on the other or 10 and 10?

    I can tell I'm going to have to modify quite a bit in this stage working out at home, and I'm not sure how I feel about that.
  • susanmc31
    susanmc31 Posts: 287 Member
    I did my first A workout today. It was hard! I can't balance on the one-pointed rows either. Would lighter weight help? And are you supposed to do 5 on one leg and 5 on the other or 10 and 10?

    I can tell I'm going to have to modify quite a bit in this stage working out at home, and I'm not sure how I feel about that.

    I did my first workout today too! It was tough, I loved it! I too had trouble doing the one-pointed rows, I used 17.5 weights in each hand hoping that they would balance my I think you are supposed to do 5 on each leg, which I found hard after doing the squats and set-ups, my legs were like jelly. Good luck!
  • melissaw1232
    melissaw1232 Posts: 184 Member
    I did my first A workout today. It was hard! I can't balance on the one-pointed rows either. Would lighter weight help? And are you supposed to do 5 on one leg and 5 on the other or 10 and 10?

    I can tell I'm going to have to modify quite a bit in this stage working out at home, and I'm not sure how I feel about that.

    hey Chic I do 5 & 5 cuz it seems to be a back excercise and not really a leg exercise. last time I went straight thru on 1 leg! - I know that was
  • SteAnnMui
    SteAnnMui Posts: 129 Member
    Did workout B for the first time today. Bulgarian split squats hurt like crazy after doing deadlifts!

    I find the reverse lunge from box move very awkward, hopefully I get better at it. I really enjoy the dumbbell Cuban snatch, I really felt it in my arms and it seems like an awesome move! Can't wait to get ripped! haha ;)

    You enjoyed the Cuban Snatch??? god Bless you! lol
    I hate it but I do love the reverse lunge tho and the BSS & Static Lunge :-) We all have our vices..hahah

    I do really like it! I hate lunges, haha.
  • SteAnnMui
    SteAnnMui Posts: 129 Member
    For the dumbbell one point row, the book says to switch legs half way through the set. The other leg exercises are per leg, but as this is a back/arm exercise you can switch legs halfway through.
  • melissaw1232
    melissaw1232 Posts: 184 Member
    Morning ladies,

    So last night was 3B. I managed to up my deads to 120!! I did 2 sets of Squats after just because I miss them so. Finished up the routine as scheduled. No gains in anything else.
  • woodsygirl
    woodsygirl Posts: 354 Member
    I did my first A workout today. It was hard! I can't balance on the one-pointed rows either. Would lighter weight help? And are you supposed to do 5 on one leg and 5 on the other or 10 and 10?

    I can tell I'm going to have to modify quite a bit in this stage working out at home, and I'm not sure how I feel about that.

    I do 10 on each side, maybe i've been overdoing it!

    If you hold the weights far out when you lean forward it will put you off balance, there is a sweet spot in there where the weights sort of help you balance. If you can find it, it's very helpful! FWIW, I use 25 lb weights and I find they are perfect for me on this but my back is pretty strong (unlike other parts of me :embarassed: )
  • SteAnnMui
    SteAnnMui Posts: 129 Member
    So far I am really enjoying this stage! During stage 1 I lost a lot of inches but only a few lbs. 1 week/3 workouts into this stage I've lost a lb and a half from my lowest weight (I weigh daily so I can see what causes fluctuations).
  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 467 Member
    I did the first B workout today, and I don't really like it...a lot of weird moves, but it's only for a few weeks, I guess. It's partly because I don't have the right equipment. I don't have a step so I just did reverse lunges without a box, and my bench is cheap and it was hard to get into a good position to do the Cuban Snatches.
  • NthnButMoonshine
    NthnButMoonshine Posts: 125 Member
    Finished 2B3 this morning. Cant believe Ive only got 2 more of each A and B to go and Stage 2 will be in the books. It seems to have gone by in the blink of an eye. Speaking of eyes, I wasnt going to take a break between Stage 2 and Stage 3, but it looks like my youngest (16 months) will be going in for eye surgery on October 8th. I might as well take next week off so I dont have to worry about dragging her to the gym if she isnt feeling 100%. Funny how life works out sometimes. ;)
  • SteAnnMui
    SteAnnMui Posts: 129 Member
    Finished 2B3 this morning. Cant believe Ive only got 2 more of each A and B to go and Stage 2 will be in the books. It seems to have gone by in the blink of an eye. Speaking of eyes, I wasnt going to take a break between Stage 2 and Stage 3, but it looks like my youngest (16 months) will be going in for eye surgery on October 8th. I might as well take next week off so I dont have to worry about dragging her to the gym if she isnt feeling 100%. Funny how life works out sometimes. ;)

    I hope the surgery goes okay! It's never fun when they aren't feeling 100%.

    I have a 9 month old who has 8 teeth and teething definitely took a toll on me and my workouts.
  • NthnButMoonshine
    NthnButMoonshine Posts: 125 Member
    Finished 2B3 this morning. Cant believe Ive only got 2 more of each A and B to go and Stage 2 will be in the books. It seems to have gone by in the blink of an eye. Speaking of eyes, I wasnt going to take a break between Stage 2 and Stage 3, but it looks like my youngest (16 months) will be going in for eye surgery on October 8th. I might as well take next week off so I dont have to worry about dragging her to the gym if she isnt feeling 100%. Funny how life works out sometimes. ;)

    I hope the surgery goes okay! It's never fun when they aren't feeling 100%.

    I have a 9 month old who has 8 teeth and teething definitely took a toll on me and my workouts.

    Thank you. :o) Its nothing major, we went through the same thing with my son at this age. Hopefully it will go just as smoothly for my daughter. I hear you on the teething. Both of my children had all their teeth, save their two year molars, before their first birthday. Non-stop teething and teething multiples was our norm too. You have my sympathy!!!
  • susanmc31
    susanmc31 Posts: 287 Member
    Just finished 2B1 today and it was hard. All that leg work has left my legs feeling like jello :D

    I did the 15 minutes on the bike - I was just wondering what other people do for the interval part of B. I liked the bike. I went from level 5 to level 13 for my interval. It felt great and I haven't sweated this much before (took me to a whole other level) - glad to know I am putting in a good workout. Have a great week ladies!

  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 467 Member
    I do the treadmill. 6.3 mph for 1 minute and 4 mph for 2 minutes.
  • NthnButMoonshine
    NthnButMoonshine Posts: 125 Member
    I also use the "dread"mill. Its mind-numbing, but by the time I get through everything else I dont want to think too much anymore! :laugh: I do 1 minute at 8 mph and 2 minutes at 3 mph. For me that translates to an all out sprint and a decent paced walk.
  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 467 Member
    I would DIE at 8 for a minute. I can BARELY get through