Stage 4



  • rcb1963
    rcb1963 Posts: 69 Member
    I am heading out of town to Houston (never been there and looking forward to going). I will be starting stage 4 when I return on Sunday.
    I never really mastered the push press form and am dreading it. Is there anyone who can give me some tips on that?
    I don't know if I can do 2 minutes of planks but I hate the prone cobra much worse.
  • asidebottom
    I was blown off track, ended up with a migraine that dragged on all weekend :frown:

    So I am making a second stab at starting again today! I ended up having two weeks off rather than then one I had planned!

    Rcb1963 - I wish I could help, i found it really awkward too. I did find doing it bare foot helped and I have bought some bare foot trainers from Merrell which I am trying today. Which bit did you find difficult?

    I could hold Cobra for ages yet the Plank defies me and it isn't my abs that give up it's my arms?!
  • rcb1963
    rcb1963 Posts: 69 Member
    The whole thing is awkward. I have tried rolling the bar onto my fingertips. I thought I was going break my wrist. Lol. I can squat and get up. the push above in a fluid motion was a laugh and a half. I am hopeful I have gained some strength from stage 3 so it won't be so difficult. Hope you are feeling better and enjoy your workout.
  • asidebottom
    I can't get it on to my fingertips either! Given up trying, I got one of the gym guys to check my form and he said it was fine so I'm going with it. I did find the movement much easier with my feet more firmly planted on the floor, the barefoot shoes worked well yesterday. Otherwise maybe the weight is a little too high?

    So I went yesterday as did half of my town :noway: I could not get near the squat rack, there was a queue! So I did the press with two 10kg dumbbells, I think I should have tried the 12.5kg but I was concious I hadn't done anything for a fortnight. Everything else went fine apart from the planks, I did one 90 secs and two at 75 secs. Going to aim for two 90 secs next time and try to build up.

    Aching this morning, easpecially my glutes :embarassed:
  • asidebottom
    I'm cursed! Managed to slip of the step doing the forward reach and twist my ankle :ohwell:

    Luckily I mananged to drop the dumbbells away from me as I fell! Ankle is very painful and swollen, luckily I am managing to work from home today.

    NOt sure how long this is going to lay me off for :grumble:
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Oh no! Hope you get to feeling better.
    I don't feel like my strength gains are as much as they should be this stage, but I'm definitely getting a great workout. Deadlifts are at 150lbs now(yay) and finally got the FSPS to 70lbs.
  • rcb1963
    rcb1963 Posts: 69 Member
    I started stage 4 today. I did much better with a bit less weight on the FSPS. That helped my form and allowed me to complete the sets. Thanks for the suggestion on form Aside Bottom.
    Cowgirl you are amazing with your lifting.
    Glad to be back lifting though I don't like the FSPS. Have a great evening.
  • asidebottom
    I'm not making much progress :sad: Ankle is still swollen and very sore, I have no idea when I am going to get back to it fully but I am wondering if I should have a go at doing at least the upper body bits. We have weights at home so I could do things like chest press, shoulder press and some abdominal work. Thoughts?
  • allikat819
    allikat819 Posts: 125 Member
    I had kind of a longer break between stage 3 and 4 than I intended and I've finally completed my first A and B workouts. And I'm remembering that there were several moves that I wasn't really fond on the first time around. I upped most of my weights, and I'm definiteily FEELING IT.

    I was kind of surprised that we don't keep up with the BWM, any thoughts as to why?

    I have to admit, I've been kind of lax about completing my HIIT, but I supplement with lots of other cardio and stay otherwise active. Anyone think this is a problem?
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    RCB, I am not too fond of the FSPP either. For one thing, it's like doing cardio. And it's just a really hard move.
    Asidebottom, I'm so sorry! That's horrible. I would keep up with the upper body moves if you can, but take it easy!
    Allikat, I was very GLAD to see that there was no BWM in Stage 4. I hated it with a passion. I like the HIIT but have a hard time getting in it too. The research behind HIIT indicates it's better for fat loss than steady pace cardio.

    Sick baby has me delayed this week so I'll probably only get two lifting sessions this week. Oh well.
  • allikat819
    allikat819 Posts: 125 Member
    For quite a while I've only been able to get in 2 lifting sessions per week. I just can't do more with the length of time these workouts take, and it's been really fine. I'm still able to make reasonable gains, and to an extent, I feel like my body needs the rest. Hope your baby is feeling better soon!
  • RUNN3Rmom
    RUNN3Rmom Posts: 441
    Hi ladies!

    I am starting Stage 4 tomorrow morning!! I am excited ot be moving onward w/the program!! I will check in tomorrow to post how it went.
  • RUNN3Rmom
    RUNN3Rmom Posts: 441
    Soooooooooo, is anyone else on Stage 4?!???!!

    OMG!! I am sacked from today's workout. I didn't get much sleep last night because my daughter was up & down with one complaint after another...then I had class from 8-10, blah!! Finally around 10:30 I got my gym time...but by the time I was on plank & wood chop I was exhausted!!

    But stats seemed on track. I lowered slightly (per book) and hope to steadily increase as the workouts go on.

    Front Squat/Push Press: 60
    Step-up: 50
    Dumbbell Single-leg Row: 25/each dumbbell = 50
    Static Lunge: 85
    Push-ups: T w/10
    Plank: 60 (I am out of energy by now)
    Wood-chop: 25 (right side can do more but left cannot so I have to do what I can)

    I look forward to seeing the changes in weight over the next couple of weeks.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I am still here. I only have two workouts left, but I haven't been to the gym in almost a week. At this rate I will be here another week.
    Runn3rmom, these workouts really wear me out too. I normally do the HIIT for workout B on non-lifting days because I'm just too tired to do it on the same day.
  • allikat819
    allikat819 Posts: 125 Member
    I"m just at the halfway point with Stage 4, having completed 2 A and B workouts. There's lot of exercises in here that I just do not enjoy, but I get through it. I'm making a few gains here and there, and I feel like I'm doing really awesome with the narrow underhand pull down :-)
  • asidebottom
    So it's not looking great for me with the dodgy ankle, just had an x-ray to make sure I don't have a hairline fracture which thankfully I don't. I do however need another 2 weeks rest :grumble: So that will have been 6 weeks off bar the one and a half sessions I got in before the accident.

    I am not sure how I am going to get back into it. Do we think I should just return to Stage 4 and maybe extend it beyond the 4 sessions so I can build up a bit of strength or shall I go back a stage or two?

  • rcb1963
    rcb1963 Posts: 69 Member
    I have one more workout A and B for stage 4. I didn't increase my weights much at all. I do think my form is much better. I think in stage 2 I probably used too much weight. I too find it hard to do the HIIT on the same day. I did it one time and almost fell asleep in the chair the rest of the day. I am looking forward to stage 5.
  • LottieLou13
    LottieLou13 Posts: 574 Member
    Results from the start of Stage 4 on Monday 15th October up until the final session today (31st October)

    Workout A
    Front squat to push press: 33lb barbell -> 38.5lb barbell
    Step ups: 45lb barbell/10 inch step -> 77lb barbell/10inch step
    Dumbbell one point row: 13lb dumbbell -> 18lb dumbbell
    Static lunge, rear foot elevated: 13lb dumbbell (each hand)/6 inch step -> 18lb dumbbell (each hand)/6 inch step
    Push up: Lowest level on rack -> 3 on floor, 10 kneeling on floor
    Cable horizontal woodchop: 17.5lb -> 27.5lb

    Workout B
    Deadlift: 83lb barbell -> 128lb barbbell
    Bulgarian split squat: 13lb plate -> 18lb dumbbell
    Underhand grip lat pulldown: 75lbs -> 80lbs
    Dumbbell shoulder press: 13lb -> 38.5lb barbbell
    Swiss ball crunch: 6.6lb medicine ball on chest -> 13lb dumbbell on chest

    So far as weight loss I've lost 2.5lbs and a couple of inches from all over this stage. But more importantly this is the first stage that I've not had to stop half way through a session due to painful knees or something going painful in my legs :smile:
  • NthnButMoonshine
    NthnButMoonshine Posts: 125 Member
    Just wanted to stop by and say hello! Finished up stage 3 last week, took this week off and Ill be joining yall in stage 4 next week. See you ladies soon!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Lottie, those are great results! Great job :)

    My results from Stage 4. I took an unplanned 11 day break towards the end, thus the reason I'm just now finishing.

    FSPP: 65lbs --> 70lbs
    Step-up: 75lbs-->80lbs
    One point row:30lbs each hand-->32.5 each hand
    Static lunge: 20lbs each hand--> 55lb barbell
    Push-up: Floor with sloppy form---> floor with better form (4 with great form)!
    Plank: I admit I didn't do these every workout. I am at 100 seconds. I feel these in my arms, not my core, so I must not be doing them correctly?
    Cable Chop: 40lbs--> 50lbs

    DL: 145lbs --> 160lbs
    BSS: 35lbs-->35lbs
    ULPD: 120lbs --> 150lbs
    Reverse lunge: 5lbs each -->12.5 lbs each
    Cuban Snatch: 10lbs each -->12.5lbs each
    Lateral flexion: did them
    Back Extension: 10lbs-->10lbs