Stage 4



  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I'm now in stage 4! Did first A workout today. Forgot how yuk those step ups are. Had success with the FSPP form though. Was able to increase weights on many moves also. Great stuff!
  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 474 Member
    Glad you made it here, Jo! I'm loving it!
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    Did my last A workout!! Feel like I kinda half assed it:/ I took a spin class before lifting and I usually do that after...probably wont do that again. I think I'm also jut tired of this stage. Haha
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    hi all - cant wait to lift tomorrow!! my 120s PR for the plank was totally ipod driven. I just picked a song that I was totally into and focused on that. I am usually thinking "i hate planks. when am i going to be done. i hate planks. i cant hold it another 5 seconds. i hate planks." Instead, I was totally jamming to led zepplin.

    Beck - I am two workouts behind you...I can see why lifting after spin really did not work out ;-) On the push-ups, I REALLY try to touch my nose to the floor to make sure I am getting low enough. I touch about 2/3 of the time.

    Jo - welcome to stage 4!! why do you think step-ups are one of the least popular moves? How are you doing with the program/weight gain/etc?

    chic - thanks.:blushing:
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    hi all - cant wait to lift tomorrow!! my 120s PR for the plank was totally ipod driven. I just picked a song that I was totally into and focused on that. I am usually thinking "i hate planks. when am i going to be done. i hate planks. i cant hold it another 5 seconds. i hate planks." Instead, I was totally jamming to led zepplin.

    Beck - I am two workouts behind you...I can see why lifting after spin really did not work out ;-) On the push-ups, I REALLY try to touch my nose to the floor to make sure I am getting low enough. I touch about 2/3 of the time.

    Jo - welcome to stage 4!! why do you think step-ups are one of the least popular moves? How are you doing with the program/weight gain/etc?

    chic - thanks.:blushing:

    I haven't redone measurements or gone near the scales.... to scared, lol. I think I'm putting on weight. I am getting stronger though.

    Yup, those planks are killer, I did 100 secs yesterday and my arms gave up. Abs are no problem but my arms get the proper shakes. 120 secs is epic..... it's my goal!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    hi all - cant wait to lift tomorrow!! my 120s PR for the plank was totally ipod driven. I just picked a song that I was totally into and focused on that. I am usually thinking "i hate planks. when am i going to be done. i hate planks. i cant hold it another 5 seconds. i hate planks." Instead, I was totally jamming to led zepplin.

    Beck - I am two workouts behind you...I can see why lifting after spin really did not work out ;-) On the push-ups, I REALLY try to touch my nose to the floor to make sure I am getting low enough. I touch about 2/3 of the time.

    Jo - welcome to stage 4!! why do you think step-ups are one of the least popular moves? How are you doing with the program/weight gain/etc?

    chic - thanks.:blushing:

    I haven't redone measurements or gone near the scales.... to scared, lol. I think I'm putting on weight. I am getting stronger though.

    Yup, those planks are killer, I did 100 secs yesterday and my arms gave up. Abs are no problem but my arms get the proper shakes. 120 secs is epic..... it's my goal!

    Jo - no need to fear a bit of weight gain...remember you came to this "a bit underweight".

    so, this am I did I have no idea how I burned the time between 515a and 6a, but only had time to do two sets today:

    WG deadlift from box: 115x8x1; 135x8x2 (bad math on the first set again...argh)
    BSS: 60x10x2
    lat pulldown: 105x8, 100x8
    reverse lunge w reach: 40x8, 40x10
    cuban snatch: 30x8x2
    v-situp: 15x25x2
    lateral flexion (wt OH):15x10x2

    only one more of each!!
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    Hasta la vista, stage 4!

    Upped a lot of my weights again today. I really just need to have more confidence in my strength. :) Excited to start stage 5 on Monday!! See y'all there!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Congrats beck! See you next week!
  • feelgoodnic
    feelgoodnic Posts: 66 Member
    Halfway through Stage 4 today! I missed two workouts (one shamefully due to hangover, one to stomach bug... ugh) last week so I've fallen behind. I'm visiting my parents for the weekend so I did a "pay as you go" session at a different gym... it was nice, very quiet, the weights area was a lot more "bro dominated" than my usual gym so I was scared at first but just got into it and ended up having a lovely workout :) My deficit deadlift is currently at 42.5kg and my squat to push press is 25kg (for only 5 reps). I'd love to finish this stage at 50kg and 30kg respectively but I'm not sure if that's a bit too optimistic with only 4 workouts left!

    My planks are totally ipod driven too, haha. It's SO much easier to get 120 seconds when I have something to listen to!

    A NSV this week- I bought my first bikini in 5 years and I actually think I look pretty darn good in it :) Despite my weight not changing in 2 months, lifting and getting stronger has given me more of a confidence boost than a few lost lbs ever could!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I'm experiencing another delay in continuing...... my gym membership expired last week without anyone warning me it was up :-/ So now am shopping around for the best deal while working full time this week after a weekend of night shifts. Needless to say things are not getting organised particularly rapidly!
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    My planks are totally ipod driven too, haha. It's SO much easier to get 120 seconds when I have something to listen to!

    I used this advice today and got my first 120 plank in!! DUH! Good thinking!! haha

    Jo...good luck. I hope you find a good gym for a good price!!

    I'm gonna ask y'all since I think I'm all alone in the Stage 5 thread:) I've been having some left shoulder pain for a while now (since like Stage 3...don't yell at me!!) It's only during certain moves. Especially the cuban snatches and the YTLW (or whatever the heck those letters are!) Sometimes during the push press thing or one armed squat move in stages 3&5 The first squat not the overhead squats one. Usually never during any other move. Not during pull downs or push ups...planks or whatever. Any thoughts? Is it just my form? I am weaker in my left arm, could that be it? It's not really a hurt's more like uncomfortableness?? This probably makes no sense:)
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    beck - I was having problems with left shoulder pain for quite a was a nerve thing for me. it hurt right on the corner of my shoulder when i lifted my arm (the ywtls were bad!). I got relief by massaging the area between my shoulder blade and my spine with whatever i could find. At home I used a tennis ball, which was perfect. At the gym, I actually laid on top of a dumbbell and rolled back and forth. where does it hurt in your shoulder? does it ever hurt when you are not lifting?

    You should join in the daily chat thread!

    jo - good luck finding a gym!

    I was supposed to lift yesterday am, but my sprinting partner messaged me sunday night. I am so happy to have someone to do it with, i have to be flexible. today is soccer, but I really hope to get this stage wrapped up this week.
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    I'm trying to foam roll it but I need to be moe consistant! I don't really know how to explain where it 3 inches under where your clavicle ends? I don't think it's anything super serious but what do I know? I def don't want to make it worse though. Hopefully the foaming will help! Thanks for your input!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    At the gym, I actually laid on top of a dumbbell and rolled back and forth.

    Hahaha, great mental image!!

    I managed to squeeze in a workout A at one of the gyms I am trialling, lol. Glad I got that done. Did a home DVD yesterday, probably do the same today. Might be time to get the P90X out again. Still on placement so not finding time to get the whole gym membership sorted. Finish placement Saturday so everything should work itself out next week, although my sister is visiting from Melbourne so maybe not?? :-/ Loving placement though (I'm training to be a midwife - am currently working in the birthing unit at my local hospital) - learning lots and delivering lots of babies :-) Plus I'm on my feet a lot and the 8.5 hour shifts fly by.

    Ok, gotta stop chatting, it appears that none of my 3 boys are ready for school...... and I'm not dressed either, lol. Have a great day everyone xxx
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    I'm trying to foam roll it but I need to be moe consistant! I don't really know how to explain where it 3 inches under where your clavicle ends? I don't think it's anything super serious but what do I know? I def don't want to make it worse though. Hopefully the foaming will help! Thanks for your input!

    shoulder pain? My boob is three inches under my clavicle (collarbone).

    Jo - I would LOVE to be a doula or a midwife! I think birth is so amazing. It must be a hard job, though. Will you get to stay close to where you are now when you get placed?

    Kids...wish they had an autopilot button: set it and forget it, not "put on you shoes...put on your shoes...put on your shoes...where are your (&^% SHOES?!?!?
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    I'm trying to foam roll it but I need to be moe consistant! I don't really know how to explain where it 3 inches under where your clavicle ends? I don't think it's anything super serious but what do I know? I def don't want to make it worse though. Hopefully the foaming will help! Thanks for your input!

    shoulder pain? My boob is three inches under my clavicle (collarbone).

    Bahahahahahaha! The other end of your clavicle?! Like just above my armpit-ish? Idk...I told you it was hard to explain! Hahahahaha:) Good news though...haven't really had any issues with it the past few days. I YouTube'd the YTWL move and realized I needed to lower my bench more and that seemed to help a lot!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Jo - I would LOVE to be a doula or a midwife! I think birth is so amazing. It must be a hard job, though. Will you get to stay close to where you are now when you get placed?

    Yeah it can be pretty draining! Study load is epic. But I got to deliver another beautiful baby into the world today :-) Love it.
    Hoping to get a job at my local hospital at the end of it all but not sure how realistic that is :-/

    Anyway, no gym sorted yet so decided to do P90X legs & back. Whoop whoop, best EVER at chin ups and managed close grip pull ups. Wide grip - still a no, but chuffed with progress! Have a great weekend all xx
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    hey all - my workout 4A4 report is pretty simple: 3 sets of everything at 70 pounds, except pushups I did 5 sets (20,20,20,20, close to 100 total!) and wood chop, I was at 75 pounds. Totally random that everything is at the same weight! my one point rows should be a little less, as my balance is really an issue on the left and my form is suffering on the last two.

    beck, glad your shoulder is better.

    jo, how do you like p90x?
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Nice job, well done on those push ups!

    P90X is good, I did the whole thing last year. It's tough though and I think I prefer NROLFW as there is more flexibility in doing 'other' fitness activities at the same time. Always good to do Plyo when I need to burn some cals though hahaha
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    done with stage 4! did 4B4 yesterday. progress:

    FSPP: 65 to 70
    step up: stayed @70, but moved up to 6 risers
    one pt row: 60 to 70...70 was too heavy to keep good form
    lunge RFE: 54 to 70
    pushup:65 total to 96 total
    plank: 105 to 120
    horiz wood chop: 70 to 75
    wide grip deadlift: 125 to 140 (keeping on the 70 pound theme...2x70!)
    BSS: 54 to 70
    underhand lat pulldown: 95 to 100 (went up to 105, but then the lat machine broke and I had to modify)
    reverse lunge w reach: 35 to 40
    cuban snatch:25 to 30
    v sit ups and lateral flexion: no change @ 15x25 and 15x10 (OH)

    So, not a tremendous amount of change, but great workouts every time!!

    See you in stage 5 and on the daily chat thread!