
Since there's no current conversation here, I'll bite the bullet and start. Hope you all join in!

My name is Amanda! I started pole dance lessons when I moved to FL and was a stay at home navy wife with spare time and spare pounds. Through an hour and half pole lesson and three gym sessions on base a week I went from 185lbs to a nicely toned but still doughy 155.

When I moved back up to my home state I realized no one else was teaching so I started giving private lessons in my own home and I love it! I've just gotten my pole back up after a move and a few taxing life changes so I'm really looking forward to getting back into the 'swing of things'.

Who are you and what's your story?


  • helenium
    helenium Posts: 546 Member

    Hi, I'm Helen. I created the group, but have only been pole dancing since August (so... 3-4 months?) and I'm yet to invert :) I've recently been getting more definition in my arms and abs through pole dancing alone. I've just got my own pole and am loving it.

    How long did it take you to achieve a level of mastery on the pole?
  • dointhis4me
    dointhis4me Posts: 52 Member
    Inverts are the first really big hurdle. Unless you already have great muscle tone or weigh 98 lbs it's a battle. Even once you get your legs up there you'll be all balled up and look like a monkey hanging from a branch. Just work on using your abs/back and arms to lift yourself rather then swinging your legs. This will also keep you from smacking the hell outta your feet and legs : D
  • helenium
    helenium Posts: 546 Member
    I'm currently just starting to attempt to do tucked inverts from today. Can't lean back very far yet. I'll just keep pushing at it until I make a bit of progress :) (carefully of course) - trying not to jump!
  • lil_longhorn
    lil_longhorn Posts: 19 Member
    Hi. I would like to know if anyone has any suggestions of at home classes that I could try. I never been able to take a pole dancer class but it's something that i would love to learn. My problem is all the classes offered in my area are about an hour drive away (and that's if traffic is good). Does any have any suggestions that they could offer?
  • dointhis4me
    dointhis4me Posts: 52 Member
    Some DVD's out there are getting good reviews, the only problem is that once you outgrow them they sit on your shelf and never get touched. I would really just recomend spending a night on youtube perving popular pole videos. There are tons of 'how to' videos out there as well as simply wonderful routines and women who will converse with you via pm to offer tips and encouragement!
  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    First.. The Hamster is DARLING!!!! i love the wicked hair...

    I took pole classes last winter.. I had to start to work out to lose weight so I could hold my fat fanny up on the pole.... I have one in my exercise room.. I love it, but would like to get back into it...

    Lil, thanks for starting the group... I would like to get back to see what I can do now that i have more strength...
  • helenium
    helenium Posts: 546 Member
    Lil, thanks for starting the group... I would like to get back to see what I can do now that i have more strength...

    Haha, no I started the group :P

    Hope you come back to it with renewed strength!

    From what I've gathered so far, classes are definitely the better option because they teach you how to use the pole safely, rather than a way of developing injuries. You should also see if there's a lone pole dance teacher around who'd be interested in giving you lessons over Skype. I've heard of this being successful in some circumstances.
  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    LOL.. Sorry Helen.. Thanks for starting.. I like a class environment because of the support you get from the others in class. Have a good one!
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    The down side of videos is that it can be easy to get hurt pole dancing, particularly if you're trying advanced moves without a spotter (or with a poor spotter). If you're careful though, you should be able to learn the basics, and do some conditioning on your own. Then you can maybe take seminars to learn more advanced stuff.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Hi Everyone, I've been pole dancing on and off (more off than on unfortunately) for about three years now. I started during my then boyfriend's (now husband's) first deployment. It was his homecoming surprise. I quickly fell in love with it, so now I do it all for myself. We joke that I'm having an affair with a metal object. I put on some weight during a break from pole last winter, which I'm now working on getting back off. Hauling an extra 15 pounds up the pole is no fun at all. Especially since I'm prepping for shoulder mounts. SM you WILL be mine!
  • kimclaws
    kimclaws Posts: 101 Member
    Hello My name is Kim, I started pole dancing about 1.5 years ago and have been addicted ever since. Everything I know ,I learned from videos on youtube. But i have a large array of tricks now, and I just recently attended a couple classes, It was fun, but unfortunately the only classes near me are 2 hour drive, so I plan to start teaching this spring, Pole is the one thing that keeps me motivated in the gym, because i know that as I build my strength I will achieve more and more tricks.
  • Deathscall
    Hi! My name is Shannon :) I've signed up for my first pole class (January 3rd) and I was just wondering if anyone had any advice for a newbie?
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Hi! My name is Shannon :) I've signed up for my first pole class (January 3rd) and I was just wondering if anyone had any advice for a newbie?

    If you don't already, start working those abs! Oh, and have fun! Welcome to the wonderful world of pole.
  • helenium
    helenium Posts: 546 Member
    Hi! My name is Shannon :) I've signed up for my first pole class (January 3rd) and I was just wondering if anyone had any advice for a newbie?

    You'll love it. Get on those ab exercises (like mellisant says) and work on getting your press-ups up to speed. If you can do press-ups, aim for 2x8 sets per day, and if you can't, build up to a single press-up (e.g. knee press ups or other modifications first).
  • kimclaws
    kimclaws Posts: 101 Member
    I would work on some planks , abs and some wall hand stands for shoulder strength, and definitely keep up on you flexibility. You will love it, I will I had a class close by.
  • Deathscall
    Thanks for all your suggestions! I absolutely cannot wait for my first class, I've been wanting to try pole for so long now. What should I wear to class? I know not to wear pants, but do you have any other suggestions? Shoes? Thanks!! :)
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Actually, unless you studio says not to, you can totally wear pants to an intro class. I wore yoga pants for about the first month of classes. Shorts would also be totally okay. You can wear shoes if you want, but a lot of people start out in bare feet. I'd say just wear normal workout clothes and maybe bring along a pair of normal heels. You'll get into other clothes soon enough.
  • ktbkitten108
    Hi! My name is Kat and I have been pole dancing for about a year and a half now. The sad part is the the studio that I went to just closed down and the others ones are pretty far away (I was driving a little over an hour before....) I have a pole but I can not set it up where I live, but I do hope to be moving soon and I will have a place for it then. I love love love pole dancing and can not wait to get into it again!!! I'll have to post some pictures of a few of the tricks that I can do!!
  • ktbkitten108
    Oh and mellisant that is a beautiful butterfly!!! I always had issues extending that there a trick that you have?! And do you guys use anything to help you stick to the pole?!
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Welcome Kat. I feel you as I've had to take a few breaks from pole--it sucks! I hope you move and get your pole up soon and/or find another studio near you soon.

    As for the extended butterfly, Thanks! The only "trick" I was taught was that once you have your hands in position and the ankle lightly hooked, you have to push up the pole when extending out. I think the initial instinct is just to push back like you do in a regular butterfly, but I was taught that you actually want to see that top foot (on the pole) move up a little (like an inch or two, maybe a little more).