


  • HappyathomeMN
    HappyathomeMN Posts: 498 Member
    Alright - my pole story ;-)

    I "discovered" pole many years ago watchin Teri Hatcher demonstrate her pole moves (S Factor) for about 3 minutes on an Oprah episode. That was about 2004/2005. I didn't take any lessons, or even attempt anything until May of 2012. Now, it's all I want to do for exercise. I can invert and I adore it when we get to put the poles on spin(it's only happened twice) and I can combo spin to my hearts content, it makes me feel like I am flying.

    I currently have a lil'minx static pole at home, but I'm not enjoying it as much as the xpoles from the studio. I am looking into either an xpole, 45mm with spin or going all out (my boyfriends suggestion) and getting the platinum stages star stand alone, 45mm steel. For extra help in the humid summer with grip, I use Dry Hands, which is sold at the studio I go to.

    I love being on for the forums and the images as well as the user uploaded videos. I haven't tried the online lessons there, but I did watch one of the samples and I found it to be very comprehensive. The studio I attend is awesome, everyone is supportive and helpful. I also have a thing for the shoes - love them!

    Overall, I truly feel like pole is something that will be a part of my life for many years, especially since there is so much to learn!
  • drkfaery1
    Hi pole friends! I just started on here about a week ago. Been poling for about 5 years. Trying to get back my strength after a little break. :)
  • IronKitty
    IronKitty Posts: 121 Member
    Im back on MFP after about a year (and even then I wasn't very committed). I've been poling for over a year and actually now work as a studio assistant at the studio I attend and just got a pole for Christmas!!!
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE pole! It is actually plays a very large part in why I'm losing weight. I'm sporting some pretty bad *kitten* muscles that no one can see under the fat, so I'd really like to work it off. After a year at it I still can't invert without assistance, which I blame my weight for (at least partially), but a lot has to do with fear too. Actually I think the majority of stuff I have problems with is fear, but I think my pole at home is going to help a lot with that!
    So excited to be apart of this group!!
    Jillian xx
  • sironae
    sironae Posts: 19
    Hi there!
    I'm brand spanking new to MFP! I just started polling a few months ago, and have been aerial dancing for a couple of years so I've been able to learn some intermediate moves fairly quickly. The most challenging thing for me is the "pain" of squeezing the pole between my thighs! I seem to feel more at home on the pole than I do on silks.

    I have a theatrical background and started performing burlesque last summer. I produced my very first show on December 21st, 2012 (end of the world show!) and it was a sell-out success! I'm hoping to incorporate some pole routines into my performance repertoire in upcoming shows, and to shred some body fat while I'm at it!

  • scittle13
    Hi guys! I'm starting pole soon and very excited! Not exactly new to fitness pal app but new to all the friends stuff so please add me :) I'm from Adelaide AUSTRALIA :D oh and I love raving :)))
  • preslyann50
    preslyann50 Posts: 114 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Shannon. I live in NC. I started classes at Aradia Fitness and I am currently in pole 2. Since the classes are some what esppensive I went ahead and bought my own Xpole and I love it. Funny thing is I told my husband for his birthday we could go with an Ipad or the pole.. he chose wisely lol.
    I am so happy I started pole fitness. My upper body strength is getting so much better and now that we are preparing to climb my legs are getting a crazy work out as well.
    I am looking to meet some people on here who can offer tips and everything. So hello :)
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,502 Member
    Hello, everyone

    My name is Colleen and I have been taking pole dance classes at the S Factor studio in Houston since last January. I absolutely love it and I am so excited to see a pole dancers group here on MFP! Pole dancing has become my favorite workout as well as an amazing confidence booster. I look forward to being able to talk about my passion with people who won't give me "the look" (you know the one)! :wink:
  • iamsharla
    Hi! I'm new to this site, but have been religiously attending pole fitness classes for close to two months. My non-pole friends don't seem to understand my excitement when I make progress... For Example: I'm so stoked that I inverted for the first time last night...granted it was quite sloppy and pathetic looking. Progress is progress, eh?
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    Hi everyone, I'm Katie and I was doing pole regularly from Feb-Nov until I broke my wrist. I still am not back as my wrist was badly broken and I can't put much load on it. But I miss pole so much and am thinking of going to a class to see how I go.

    It sucks that I'm back at square one, but it's my passion. I know dropping kgs will help me too.

    I even got the mister doing it too :)
  • lilxsillygrl
    lilxsillygrl Posts: 16 Member
    Hey everyone ! Im Celeste. I started poling about 4 months ago 1X/wk. I love it. I even enjoy getting the bruises, theyre like battle scars to me. I do it with my best friend, just started doing some inverts and Im having problems lifting my body and legs up when I get upside down on the pole. Im trying to work on building some core muscles and arm strength so I can do a better invert. Slowly getting there. I have my own pole at home, its not an X-pole but it work for now, def. going to invest in an X once I save up enough money though.

    Happy Poling !
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    My name is Kelly and I just took my 5th pole class today. I am now going to be doing personal lessons twice per week one-on-one and then working out by myself on the pole once per week. When I was a kid, I took ballet and gymnastics and as I got older I realized I lost a ton of flexibility and functional upper body strength. I will be 40 next month, so it was important to me to find some kind of functional fitness. I like the one-on-one classes I take and I find them to be excellent body weight workouts and fun cross-training. I run a couple of times per week, lift a couple of times per week, swim once per week and do yoga or pilates vids about 3 times per week as well. I also like hiking and would like to get more into cross country skiing next winter.

    I can't do much of anything now, as I am very uncoordinated. Even simple sit spins make me feel all tangled up. LOL. The pole dancing has been interesting for me since I lift really heavy but can't even climb the pole right now. That's why I think I need functional fitness. I am starting to see increased flexibility already and think I will be climbing soon. I am digging it! I am so bruised.

    I would love to get my own pole since it costs me $15 to work out on the pole at the studio here, even alone, but I live in an old Victorian cottage with false ceilings, as well as lathe and plaster and I don't really see that happening. :grumble:
  • Hallucynogen
    Hallucynogen Posts: 4 Member
    Hey Pole People!

    I'm Lucy, 24 years old and I'm from South Carolina in the US. I've been poling on and off for about 2 years so I'm not as good as I could be but I'm definitely not a newbie :P

    I've recently gotten motivated to pole, lose weight, and improve myself all together so I've seen much improvement in my pole performance and my flexibility. I've lost somewhere from 10-15 pounds (and counting!) and it's unbelievable how much more energy I have and how much easier it is too pole dance or go jogging.

    I've taken some classes, but now I prefer to mess around and teach myself rather than paying for lessons. I started with and still have a static TG 50 mm X-Pole and recently purchased a spinning chrome 45 mm X-Pole that I have not yet installed (but soon!).

    I sure hope to find some other lovely pole enthusiasts here that would like to join me on my pole/flexibility/weight loss/health/fitness journey! Feel free to add me so we can support each other :)
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    Hi I'm jacques. I just started pole dancing recently to try and work on my cross training. I have always played sports and strength has not been an issue but flexibility has been so I figured what better way to try and improve that.......So far I can swing around it holding on with one hand and hang upside down by my legs but I am hoping to learn more quickly.
  • katiplease
    katiplease Posts: 10 Member
    Hello, y'all! I'm Kati, I'm 22, I've been poling off and on since I was 19, but not enough to get any good at all, and have been housebound mostly so haven't been to more than 10 or 20 lessons total and rn am pretty much at square one (though I have enough body strength I could probably still hold myself on the pole or do one-hand spins or sit spins). Loved it when I did go, I gained 5-10lbs in muscle alone so hopefully it'll be the same story when I start again.

    I recently got a service dog and have been getting out of the house more, though, and plan to buy a pole soon too, so hopefully that'll change - I also have been looking into bellydance and aerial silks lessons, and strength and flex training at home. Circus/aerial freaks, unite!

    Feel free to add me, looking for friends and pole friends would be especially appreciated!
  • amandajam2012
    I'm Amanda and I am 23 years old. I just started taking pole lessons and I love it! I have had 3 classes so far and my next class is tomorrow. I also plan on purchasing the summer student package I the studio I practice at that will allow me to take unlimited classes and I'll do the same for fall and spring semester! I plan on taking 3 level1/beginner classes a week. I'm hoping to build strength, tone, and most of all gain confidence!
  • galephys
    galephys Posts: 5
    Hi, I'm Anna from VA. I am a power poler - inverts, tricks and crazy moves are my thing, but dancing... not so much. I am pretty strong, but I need to work on my lower back and lower abs (ahh, I want the last "2 pack" to finally show up!!), flexibility and balance. I am strong enough to hold a handstand, but I fall out of it as soon as I loose the feel of the pole. Considering I don't have anyone to assist me, any tips on getting that done?
    I pole for a little over a year now. My goal is to get the IronX by December and a twisted grip from the floor by Fall. I can get into it from the inverts, but lifting up from the ground feels so strange...
    And finally, my first competition is this Saturday: I am all bruised up and ready. Wish me luck!
  • fatdakota
    fatdakota Posts: 2
    I am Dakota from MN. I joined a while back but haven't made it around to even lurk much less introduce. I started teaching pole dance this year at a local pole dance studio. I teach beginners-advanced pole tricks, floorwork, dance, spin pole, and strength/conditioning. More than anything right now I'm always working on how to be a better instructor. Teaching, as it turns out, is an art form and skill all in itself. Trick wise, I'm gearing up to transition back into a shoulder mount from a fongi and my nemesis of consistent splits. I don't teach flexibility and have horrible stretching discipline.

    I've become more concerned with my physique than ever before. I have also come to feel additional, self inflicted as it may be, pressure to be a good example for those searching not only to FEEL great but to look their best as well. That's how I came to find and rely heavily on myfitnesspal. I'm a late night snacker, a junk food junkie, and recently sobered drinker and this program has helped me to gain and maintain control of myself, my diet, and my fitness.
  • MsMischief
    MsMischief Posts: 32 Member
    Hi, I'm Mischief and I just started pole fitness a few weeks ago, so I'm a total newbie. My studio is strictly fitness, so no routines or dancing or anything, but it means the whole session (45 min twice a week) is all about moves. I think this is great, it's so much fun to manage moves and the instructors are really nice and helpful, and classes are the high light of my week (even though I come home with sore muscles and bruises).
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    Hello all,

    I did my first pole dancing class last week and I suck at it, but it was fun! I want to keep doing it so I'd like to work on my strength and lose some poundage to make it easier. I bought a pole and signed up for a pole dancing for virgins workshop on the 12th. Hoping to improve quickly and stay motivated!
  • TeddyCPC2014
    My name is Jamie and I am an instructor at Dollhouse Pole Dance Studio in Minnesota. I have been dancing since September 2012.. so what is that? A year and 4 months. I have been instructing for 8 months. It has become the biggest passion in my life. I previously lived in a small town that did not have anything CLOSE to pole dancing, but when I would see those very silly Flirty Girl Fitness commercials I knew I would have to give it a try. Long story short: moved to MSP and had my first pole class and fell head over heels. I started out working behind the desk and then moved my way up. I now teach 7 classes a week, and am amazed at all the truly wonderful, beautiful and inspiring women I have met. My friends and I are training for the Central Pole Championships in May and I am so excited/ nervous. Some of my favorite moves are the Teddy and Iguana pose (Think jenyne airwalking from that crazy upside down grip- I cant airwalk...yet but am working on it)