


  • michelebelle82
    Hi everyone!

    My name is Michele, and I've been taking pole classes for just about a year now. I love it and I'm totally addicted! One of my best friends has been taking S Factor classes for about 7 years in NYC, and she now teaches a class close to my home in Jersey. It's something I look forward to every week!

    Over the past 2 years I've been through a lot of life BS and along the way gained about 20 pounds that I'm now hoping to get rid of.

    I'm currently taking pole class every Tuesday night and trying to hit the gym at least 3 other days a week. I definitely need to work on my ab and upper body strength. I feel like I just reached a bit of a plateau in class. I can invert, however I still look like a "monkey on a tree branch" as some of you spoke about earlier on in this thread LOL. My favorite trick is the flying body spiral!

    So happy to be part of this group! :)
  • Devolucien
    Devolucien Posts: 55 Member
    Hello- I am looking to get into poledancing. I have done a little bit of Flirty Fit and some of my own stuff but I really would like to take classes to incorporate it into my weight loss goals. I have dreams of being a burlesque/belly/pole dance performer for a hobby eventually but that is after I lose my 100+ lbs I need to lose and master all of them. I'd actually love also to teach eventually because it is such a great art form for any woman regardless of age, shape, or size to boost self confidence!
  • lindsy721
    lindsy721 Posts: 350 Member
    Hey! Wow I was just about to *make* a pole dancers group, good thing I searched first :-P

    I'm Lindsy, I'm 27, and I've been into pole for about 1.5 years. I have a few pole pics on my profile. Not sure how I got into pole... just kind of happened! I actually bought my own pole *before* I started taking lessons, then realized that this was dangerous and maybe I should get some professional instruction :-P It quickly became an addiction, and here I am! I've put on some serious muscle (almost 10 pounds) from doing pole, I've had to get rid of about 20 pieces of clothing because they no longer fit my shoulders/chest! :-)

    Yay for ladies of the pole!!
  • Sdewhizzle
    Sdewhizzle Posts: 26 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Sarah, I'm 28 and from the UK. I'm so happy to see other polers here! I'm very new to it, only been dancing for 2 months but I am very much in love with my X-pole. I don't know anyone else who poles so please feel free to add me!
  • Nina9925
    Nina9925 Posts: 33
    Hello, I am Christina I have been pole dancing for 3 years now. I am now an instructor and have been teaching for a little over a year now. I love it I got in the best shape of my life from pole dancing!! I wished they had on here exactly how many calories you burn while pole dancing!!!! Feel free to add my to your friends lists on here!!!!
  • beck5411
    beck5411 Posts: 4
    Hi, my name is Beckie, I am 33 and have been wanting to try pole fitness for YEARS but alway felt like I was too fat so I told myself as an award I will join a Pole Fitness gym when I reach my half-way weight loss goal. So I tried running and decided nope not for me pole is the way to go, so I joined and just complete my second week. I love it but I am terrible at it! I have no upper body/core strength so I am taking other classes to improve on that. My goal right now is to be able to hold myself up on the pole and do a freaking spin! I weigh 265 currently so I feel like a giant tub of butter in all of my classes but I try really hard not to let it bother me because I absolutely love it and know I will get better and thinner as I continue doing it. So excited this group exists.

  • Polebarbie
    Polebarbie Posts: 84
    Hey I'm Robyn looking for more pole friend so feel free to add me
  • muroo
    muroo Posts: 68
    Hi I'm Diana! I've been pole-ing for about 5 months, though I took my first class over 2 years I'm somewhere in between in experience. :-)

    For those looking for online lessons, I highly recommend Even for experienced polerinas I think getting it for a month would be worth it just to have so many lessons at your fingertips. Otherwise, the forums are really supportive and helpful, and I think you can get a 3-day trial membership if you just wanna see what the videos were about. It convinced me to get a month! I'll probably get a year membership once I'm feeling motivated and think I'll really use it.

    I know there are videos on youtube, but they vary in quality and I don't always trust the form (people teaching big swinging motions or jumping!) and it's nice having all of them in one place. Veena has foam rolling, stretching, and strength exercise videos too. :-)

    Fitocracy has pole dancing as a loggable activity...MFP has to get with the times! =P
  • 13inchestogo
    13inchestogo Posts: 296 Member
    I have never taken lessons but it's something as soon as I set aside the money I am going to try! I just love how it is such a great fun sensual way to exercise and strengthen yourself!! Especially the core and lord knows my core needs ALOT of work before I can do anything spectacular on the pole. Just wondering if anybody would reccommend brands or poles they can buy and install at home?? Or how it has effected their body positively? (is there anything negative? I guess injury if you do something incorrectly?)
  • Songtothesiren
    Songtothesiren Posts: 388 Member
    Good Afternoon (I'm on BST in the UK) Polers

    I'm a newbie Pole Dancer and also a newbie to myfitnesspal. Never calorie counted before - but then I'd never pole danced before and I sure am hooked on that!

    So Hello to everyone in this group. I'm glad to have found you.

    Mavis Waterbutts
  • faeofthedark
    faeofthedark Posts: 18 Member
    Hi Everyone

    I'm Stacey, I'm also in the UK, just had my third pole lesson. So glad I tried this I'm totally hooked! It has been something I've wanted to try for years but I had fallen into doing no exercise and has taken me a while to pluck up courage. I have hopes that pole will keep me interested as I find going to gyms too boring I just don't do it. I've also bought an exercise bike so I can do some exercise at home in front of tv and away from people.

    I managed to strain my muscles on the first lesson in May but enjoyed it so much I went back last week. Last week there weren't any beginners so the instructor had me join in with the class above. I was so happy to be able to keep up though I'm finding my arms get weaker and weaker as class goes on. Particularly enjoyed learning a move where you cross your foot over and hold your foot with one hand and lean back so the crossed leg is holding you on. At the moment I can't seem to remember the names of moves but I'm sure its just time needed. Tried some of the stuff I learnt last week at the end of class this week and I just couldn't manage I shall have to be brave enough to try it earlier on before I'm too tired.

    Is it too soon to be getting excited enough to want a pole at home?
  • lori_en
    lori_en Posts: 133 Member
    Hello fellow polers!

    My name's Laurie, from the UK and I've been pole dancing since October 2010.
    After my first lesson I was completely hooked and after about 6 months I decided to buy a pole so I could get more practice at home! I log my progress with photos on my facebook page
    I'm quite a slow learner so I'm not the best in my class, but I do stick at it and will not give up on a move until I've cracked it!

    Anyone wants to add me on here, then please feel free :)
  • jenn_mck
    jenn_mck Posts: 11
    Hi ladies

    I've been pole dancing for just bout 4 years. Since falling ill in August I've not really been on my pole. Really need to start up again. Hopefully this fourm will give me the motivation. I used to go to classes in the UK but nowI teach myself. I also found studioveena to be really helpful and youtube is always great for getting new ideas. It's so addictive and I love it.

    Feel free to add me.

    Happy poling.

  • xenogeek
    xenogeek Posts: 11 Member
    Hi all

    I started taking pole dance lessons when my husband deployed in 2010, I enjoyed it so much that after 4 months I bought my own pole. I stopped poling when I got pregnant and totally took it down when we got ready to move into our new house. My son just turned 6 months and I am excited to say that I am finally putting it back up again! Reading these posts made me remember how much fun pole dance is - I've missed it. I'm just scared (and excited) now to take that first spin, atleast my arms are!
  • Hethmares
    Hi I'm Heth Mama to 3 kiddos, 40 years old. I started poling 2 1/2 years ago and it was an on and off thing for the first couple years but the last few months, I have gotten seriously consistent with it. I am currently poling at a local studio 1x a week and try to practice 1-2x a week at home as well. I am currently at intermmediate/advanced level. I love poling and hope to one day in the near future to perform (still too shy to do it) and I am considering getting certified training as a pole instructor by xpole next year, as I would love to teach.
  • Hethmares
    Howdie. I'm 40 and a momma to 3 kiddos. I had friends who were exotic dancers and feature performers, so I was obsessed with pole for many years but never imagined how I could do it--there were no classes to learn pole at that time. Then a few years ago, pole fitness became the new craze and I was so excited that I could finally learn! I started pole about 2 1/2 years ago. It's been a crazy journey full of ups and downs but it is one of the best things that has ever happened to me and I hope to do it for many years to come!
  • Netterz0087
    Netterz0087 Posts: 91 Member
    Hi! I'm Jeanette! I started pole a year and a half ago and I just got a MFP account and I'm super excited to find this group!! Alot of my friends kind of look down on Pole so I don't really talk to them about it.

    I'm in the Coast Guard and stationed in Charleston, South Carolina. I love the Coast Guard, but I don't like the heat down here, so I stay inside -- which is great, because I have a pole now as of two months ago!! EEEE!! Excited :)

    I recently switched studios due to personality conflicts with the owner. And I love love LOVE my new studio! And am really excited to meet other Pole girls on here!
  • AerialEmma
    AerialEmma Posts: 3 Member

    i'm a pole instructor from the UK> been training for 6yrs now.

    just joined MFP.

    looking to get some motivation back for training myself rather than just teaching.

    plus i need to lose a few pounds. :-(
  • tibicinadulcis
    Hi everyone! I've only taken a few pole classes (hard to fit in my schedule sadly), but I loved them. In the meantime, I just started a burlesque class, and am hoping to get back to pole sometime soon.
  • Bella_DiVine
    Bella_DiVine Posts: 46 Member
    Hi everyone :-) I started pole dancing earlier this year and absolutely love it! Unfortunately the classes I went to are no longer running so I'm trying to teach myself from studioveena lessons.