Stage 1



  • SairahRose
    SairahRose Posts: 412 Member
    Moving on to Workout 5 A.. so 3 sets of 10 reps. I increased by 6kg from 1 to 3, but now I've got a barbell instead of a dumbell I'm hoping to go up higher... we shall see :D
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm starting Monday! I'm so excited. I'll be starting off at home. I have most of the equipment I need, and will be adding as I go. I'm going to take things slow. I have back and neck injuries, so I don't want to push myself too hard and make anything worse. None the less, I can't wait to get going :)
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    I finished Stage 1 today! I lifted 3 days/week and lost 7 lbs eating at a deficit. Here are my stats:

    Squats 45 lbs --> 85 lbs
    Seated Row 27.5 lbs --> 82 lbs
    Push Ups 15 regular --> 3 sets of 8 with feet elevated (on step or basu ball)
    Step Up 15 lb low step --> 17 lb weight bench
    Prone Jackknives (from hell) - barely eeking out 2 sets of 8 bad form --> 3 sets of 15 pretty decent (Note: my dismount aka falling off the ball stayed the same)

    Deadlifts 25 lbs --> 90 lbs (also went from fearing to loving this lift!)
    Shoulder Press 12.5 lbs --> 25 lbs
    Wide Lat Pulldown 50 lbs --> 110 lbs
    Lunge 12.5 lbs --> 22 lbs
    Swiss Ball Crunch - body weight --> holding a 12 lb medicine ball

    I am skipping AMRAPs so I can take off from lifting this week and start Stage 2 next Monday. I feel great!
  • lhergenr
    lhergenr Posts: 242 Member
    You started out doing 15 regular push ups?! That's amazing to me. Get it! I'm curious for your shoulder press, did you end up using two 25 lb dumb bells, or a total weight of 25 lbs? For some reason I have a feeling you are pressing a total of 50 lbs (probably because you kick *kitten* at pushups), if so I would definitely be logging it as such!
  • trimom10
    trimom10 Posts: 388 Member
    Starting today. Met with a personal trainer on Friday and did a dry run on Saturday. Good thing I did because I found out I couldn't move the bar on the squat rack to adjust it to the correct height. With the help of my son, we figured out I should just use a Smith machine until I gain some strength. One of my MFPs suggested doing goblet squats. Anyway, I think I'm all set. Just adjusted my daily calories and changed my meal descriptions/macros. Now I just need to figure out how to get all of this protein in me!
  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    tri mom I use shakes and bars for a good third of my protein probably. I find though that when trying to balance the protein it helps my calories/carbs/fats all fall into line pretty easily. Good luck and welcome!

    upped my squat weight to 54(3A) today! I was so excited. I started out way low apparently...exciting to be able to lift so much more than I thought I could. I cannot wait to see how far I can go from here. :)

    kmsairam-yay for getting through stage 1! awesome looking stats!
  • jsextrasmooth
    jsextrasmooth Posts: 127 Member
    I am skipping AMRAPs so I can take off from lifting this week and start Stage 2 next Monday. I feel great!

    With those stats it's a good idea skipping AMRAPS or else you'd be there for weeks!! :tongue:
    Fantastic work well done!

    To the ladies starting out, welcome aboard. WO 4A completed today and I'm so happy that I finally have the confidence in my squats form, in fact I just about completed a 3rd set just to prove to myself I could! Will look to push upwards with the weight as I feel much stronger now in week 3. Next A workout will be 3 sets anyhow.

    My weakness with this workout is definitely push ups, I really do wish I was better at these. I'm very good at prone jackknives though - anyone wanna swap lol

    gadenni, well done with the squat weight, it's a great feeling isn't it when you can see your strength increasing :drinker:
  • MrsAgi
    MrsAgi Posts: 338 Member
    all done with stage 1:)


    I lost 1lb during the six weeks. 1 whole,measley pound:(
    I lost about 3cm off my belly. Don't think my other measurements changed much (although my measuring is pretty rubbish)

    The above was probably mostly to do with my eating, as I upped my cals and changed things around just as I started NR. Have popped my cals back down again for stage 2, so hoping to see a bigger loss over the next month.

    Workout A:
    Squats - BW* to 45kg/99lb
    Push ups - 5 terrible form to 3 sets of 10 reasonable form
    seated row (took me several weeks to find the damn machine!) 27.5kg/60lb to 45kg/99lb
    Bent over row (did this instead of seated row for most of the workouts) - 7kg/15lb in each hand to 12kg/26.5lb
    Step up - 4 risers @ 8kg/17lb each hand to 5 risers @ 12kg/26.5lb
    Prone Jackknife - utter failure to do even one to 3 sets of 8

    Workout B:
    Deadlift - 20kg/44lb to 45kg/99lb (I think I could have gone up to 50kg, but my gym only has barbells up to 45kg!)
    Dumbbell shoulder press - 7kg/15lb each hand to 10kg/22lb (these were HARD!)
    Lat pull down - 20kg/44lb to 40kg/88lb
    Lunge - 7kg/15lb each hand to 14kg/30lb
    Swiss ball crunch - couldn't do these. I obviously got it wrong as they seemed really easy whatever I did, and my core is NOT great!. So did sit ups and scissors instead.

    Looking forward to stage 2. Going straight into it on Weds as I will have to take a week off over half term (Halloween week). Not doing AMRAPS as I started MUCH too low weights for nearly everything, so it seems a bit pointless
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    *High five Mrs. Agi*!!! Geez, 30 lbs each hand on lunges?? WOW!! Anxious to hear your feedback on Stage 2... I'll be right behind you!

    lhergenr - yup, for some reason I have always been able to do pushups, perhaps because of my linebacker-like shoulders. And yes, I did 25 lbs each hand for the shoulder presses. I was very proud of that one because I always used barbie weights in the past and never went higher than 10 - maybe 12 lbs.

    Welcome to everyone just getting started. You're gonna love it. Go for it with your weights! I started too low on the deadlifts for sure.

    My squats are terrible and it's largely due to my knee! I'm scared of what's happened to it. I ran on Sunday (first time in a long while) and my knee is seriously killing me today. So step ups, lunges, and the dreaded squat were always a challenge for me. I hope I didn't do any permanent damage, since I kinda worked through the pain. But it never hurt this bad til today. :-/
  • trimom10
    trimom10 Posts: 388 Member
    tri mom I use shakes and bars for a good third of my protein probably. I find though that when trying to balance the protein it helps my calories/carbs/fats all fall into line pretty easily. Good luck and welcome!

    Yes - I've been using bars for awhile... but all not created equal! I haven't quite decided which ones I like or will fit in. This past weekend I just started using the protein powder. It makes a HUGH difference in my protein level. I plan to mix into my yogurt this morning and oatmeal tomorrow.
  • lhergenr
    lhergenr Posts: 242 Member
    Almost done with stage 1, did 7A yesterday. Finally used a higher step for my step ups and WOW I'm really feeling it in my buns today. I'm super sore. I also surprised myself by doing my last set of pushups on the floor! Yay for progress!
  • jsextrasmooth
    jsextrasmooth Posts: 127 Member
    MrsAgi - Congrats on completing stage 1 :drinker: Good luck with Stage 2 tomorrow.

    trimom - Hope your first workout went well

    Ihergenr - I sooo want to get to that stage of being able to do pushups on the floor. I'm really pleased for you :smile:
  • juncture
    juncture Posts: 129 Member
    Just started yesterday, planning to do it as 3 workouts of each "level" of workouts A and B rather than 2 because I really have never done anything like this before.

    I don't think I pushed myself hard enough yesterday as I felt pretty okay afterwards, I think cause I was trying to work out where everything was and what to do that I ended up with long breaks. I also couldn't work out for the life of me how to get on the ball for the prone jackknife but have since read a helpful thread and watched a youtube video or two!

    I think next time I do workout A I'll gather the bits I need and put them on a mat and leave my stuff there for the couple of minutes I go off to do the seated rows.

    Workout B seems scarier though cause I actually have to go into the proper weights room rather than being able to go in the warmup-ish area!
  • trimom10
    trimom10 Posts: 388 Member
    @juncture - I had the same experience feeling like I didn't push myself hard enough. I expected to be sore... and I wasn't. It's funny because when I met with the personal trainer last week, we only did four of the lifts (squats, deadlift, seated row, and the wide grip pull down) and I was sore the next two days. Doing B tonight.
  • julysbaby
    julysbaby Posts: 97 Member
    Does anyone else have trouble in their gym? I cannot do step ups because I don't have a step in the weight room to do them on. Since I wasn't able to do that particular exercise (and am a little shy to do others in the gym), I have been doing other exercises that work the same muscle group. Has anyone else had this issue?
  • jsextrasmooth
    jsextrasmooth Posts: 127 Member
    Does anyone else have trouble in their gym? I cannot do step ups because I don't have a step in the weight room to do them on. Since I wasn't able to do that particular exercise (and am a little shy to do others in the gym), I have been doing other exercises that work the same muscle group. Has anyone else had this issue?

    Lots of people use one of the benches for the step ups if there isn't a "step" available. If the shyness is due to not feeling confident about the moves, then try to book some time with the trainer to show you everything. Remember that everyone has to start somewhere in the beginning (I'd never lifted before this program). NROLFW is a great program so if you can work though the initial shyness, it's so worth it!!! We're hear to help and motivate each other :bigsmile:
  • julysbaby
    julysbaby Posts: 97 Member
    Does anyone else have trouble in their gym? I cannot do step ups because I don't have a step in the weight room to do them on. Since I wasn't able to do that particular exercise (and am a little shy to do others in the gym), I have been doing other exercises that work the same muscle group. Has anyone else had this issue?

    Lots of people use one of the benches for the step ups if there isn't a "step" available. If the shyness is due to not feeling confident about the moves, then try to book some time with the trainer to show you everything. Remember that everyone has to start somewhere in the beginning (I'd never lifted before this program). NROLFW is a great program so if you can work though the initial shyness, it's so worth it!!! We're hear to help and motivate each other :bigsmile:
    Thanks for the support!! I seriously cannot figure how I would use a bench for a step up. They are super high!!!
  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    Does anyone else have trouble in their gym? I cannot do step ups because I don't have a step in the weight room to do them on. Since I wasn't able to do that particular exercise (and am a little shy to do others in the gym), I have been doing other exercises that work the same muscle group. Has anyone else had this issue?

    Lots of people use one of the benches for the step ups if there isn't a "step" available. If the shyness is due to not feeling confident about the moves, then try to book some time with the trainer to show you everything. Remember that everyone has to start somewhere in the beginning (I'd never lifted before this program). NROLFW is a great program so if you can work though the initial shyness, it's so worth it!!! We're hear to help and motivate each other :bigsmile:
    Thanks for the support!! I seriously cannot figure how I would use a bench for a step up. They are super high!!!

    I don't know where you work out but I was pretty shy/scared about doing this too when I first started. So I went in at a totally unrelated time and asked a trainer to show me where everything was and listed some of the exercises I would be doing in the first stage. He walked me through it all. THEN...when I went to workout I got another gal who was on at the same time I was going to workout to walk me through it all again. Now I am more comfortable with moving around through the equipment. And I have been going to this gym for over two years now but never in the free weights. mostly classes/cardio/track.

    get someone to walk you through and then enter like you own the place. I no longer even pay attention to others, aside from just being polite, and I just get my *kitten* done and get out. Which is one of the things I love the most about NROL. Hang in there! Keep us posted on how it is going.

    oh and for step ups I use the risers they use in the aerobics classes. they have some out in the general workout area. I am not sure I am ready to use the bench yet. eventually I will try it though.
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    I use the weight bench. I would recommend trying to use this (if available), as height is more important than the weights you hold. I read about this on the New Rules website. I'm 5'2". If I can do it, anyone can! I started with low weights (maybe even body weight, I can't remember offhand). Step-ups really get my heart rate going. Between these and the prone jackknives, I am huffing and puffing and pouring sweat.
  • trimom10
    trimom10 Posts: 388 Member
    Would it be possible to snag a set of dumbbells and go where the steps are located? Or vice versa?