Stage 1



  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 474 Member
    I can't do real push ups either. I do bench height. I'm in stage 2 and still can't do more than 2 real ones.
  • Emtabo01
    Just completed my very first workout, holy crap - how freaking hard is a push up? I feel like a wuss.
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    Just completed my very first workout, holy crap - how freaking hard is a push up? I feel like a wuss.

    I finished Stage 1 almost two weeks ago and I STILL can't do a "real" push up. But I can deadlift and squat 115lbs. Eventually my push ups will catch up. Don't sweat it!
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Deadlifting and squatting 115? Your rock Holley! I wanna be just like you when I grow up. :) I DL'd 65 today and felt special. I know I can lift more though; I am being a bit tentative because of my knee. Overall I really challenged myself today and was nice and sweaty by the end of my workout.

    DL: 65
    Should Press: 20 (! can't believe this!)
    Wide Lat: 90
    Lunge: holding 20 lb dumbbells
    Swiss crunch - added 5lb, then 10lb weights. Really not feeling these like I want to. I found that holding the 10lb weight overhead made it a little harder.

    Felt great today. I love doing 3 sets!

    Hope everyone's week is off to a great start!!
  • mermegan
    mermegan Posts: 143
    KMSAIRAM: Wide lat 90! That's a lot lady—awesome work! And HOLLEY: Squatting 115! Good job!! I'm stuck at 75 and may have to go back down because my hip flexors hurt afterwards :(

    I'm officially half way through Stage 1, doing deadlifts today (or tomorrow if bootcamp kills me this a.m.) I really really love deadlifts.

    Oh so I'm cheating and added the cable twist to the end of my workout and I LOVE IT! It just looked fun so I tried it and now I'm hooked!
  • lhergenr
    lhergenr Posts: 242 Member
    I'm also halfway through stage 1, will do A4 today if I start feeling better. Not feelin' too hot today. I'm kind of curious how much longer the three sets workouts take? I've been averaging about 25 minutes per workout but I imagine doing 3 sets of 10 plus is going to take quite a bit longer, am I right?
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Thanks Megan. I have weird strength for certain exercises. It's so random! I will have to look up the cable twist. I admit, that I often look ahead trying to plan out Stage 2 and familiarize myself with the moves, but I'm too lazy to add anything else.

    lhergenr - I started 3 sets last week. It just adds on about 10 minutes for me. Not nearly as much as I thought it would. I personally LOVE quick workouts, so I'm scared about later stages... Hope you feel better!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Just completed my very first workout, holy crap - how freaking hard is a push up? I feel like a wuss.

    I finished Stage 1 almost two weeks ago and I STILL can't do a "real" push up. But I can deadlift and squat 115lbs. Eventually my push ups will catch up. Don't sweat it!

    Me too Holley! I can get on the floor, but I can't get to the bottom of the push-up. However, my last workout I deadlifted 110 and squatted 90. Go figure! My arms, shoulders and chest are just not as strong as my butt and legs!

    I'm just back from a 2 week vacation, and start Stage 2 either tonight after my meeting or tomorrow morning if I get home too late.
  • kimmae17
    kimmae17 Posts: 64 Member
    I lost track of time and just realized, holy crap im done stage 1! still have to do amraps.

    heres my stats.

    squat from 70lb -90
    push up - from incline - ground with elbows in
    seated row 50 -65

    step up 20-60
    prone jackknife - crappy - good form

    deadlift 50 - 85
    dumbbell shoulder press 20-40lb
    wide grip lat pulldown 50-65lb
    lunge 25-50lb
    swiss ball from bw -25lb

    I didnt measure, but i am definitely less flabby! a LITTLe smaller in my clothes. but the flab was my goal! i havent been very good about the workouts lately. Ive only done two a week for the past two weeks. work has been crazy as i work about 50 hours a week and go to school part time. I am wondering if I should do a week more of stage one before going to stage 2!

    i also feel like i didnt gain as much strength as i had hoped. I had expected to up my weights more than that!
  • livlovra
    livlovra Posts: 139 Member
    I read somewhere that a fit person should be able to squat 2/3 their body weight - well yesterday I managed it! am so proud even if it is a little thing. Since at the beginning of stage 1 I couldn't squat the bar alone to have got up to 111lbs is fab!

    Ok thanks for listening to my bit of boasting. x
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    livlovra - wow, I'm impressed!! You have come a long way. How far along are you in Stage 1? You ramped up pretty quickly it seems. That's awesome.

    kim - congrats on finishing stage 1! Woo hoo!! Your numbers are impressive. You started off way higher than I did on some things. Example: I'm just NOW doing 20lb shoulder presses! I say move on to Stage 2! I don't know about you, but I'm ready for a change in routine. I have 2 more weeks to go in Stage 1.

    sue - strong legs and butts make for serious deadlifters! I am the exact opposite though. I have freakishly strong shoulders. My boast today is doing push-ups with my feet on a step. Pushups have never been a problem for me. But deadlifting 110??? Scares the crap out of me!! lol
  • jsextrasmooth
    jsextrasmooth Posts: 127 Member
    livlovra - wow, I'm impressed!! You have come a long way. How far along are you in Stage 1? You ramped up pretty quickly it seems. That's awesome.

    kim - congrats on finishing stage 1! Woo hoo!! Your numbers are impressive. You started off way higher than I did on some things. Example: I'm just NOW doing 20lb shoulder presses! I say move on to Stage 2! I don't know about you, but I'm ready for a change in routine. I have 2 more weeks to go in Stage 1.

    sue - strong legs and butts make for serious deadlifters! I am the exact opposite though. I have freakishly strong shoulders. My boast today is doing push-ups with my feet on a step. Pushups have never been a problem for me. But deadlifting 110??? Scares the crap out of me!! lol

    100% agree with everything kmsairam says above apart from the bit about push ups, which I'd love to say I'm good at but I'm really not :bigsmile: Kmsairam that some serious push up ability right there! Well done to all!!

    Did my first (technically 2nd but my 1st was like a month ago) B workout today. From advice on another thread I did romanian deadlifts using the oly bar on it's own, then with 2.5kg plates each side, which was much better given how low the bar is.
  • MrsAgi
    MrsAgi Posts: 338 Member
    First day back after a week off for me due to some shi**y personal issues last week:( I was a bit worried that I would find it difficult to go back to the same weights, but in fact I upped my weight on almost everything!:drinker:

    I am up to 40kg on my squats which is amazing

    I finally managed three sets of 10 press ups today. Not great form, but full press ups, on the floor. I'm pleased with my progress on these

    I also finally worked out how to do jackknives properly (duh - its only week 5!!!). I couldn't grasp the point of them before because I was just letting my legs roll the ball. Now I realise I have to keep my hips up high while I roll the ball, I can feel it working!!!

    Looking forward to deadlifts in Friday (which are my favourite lift - weird huh!), then moving onto the final workouts with 3 sets of 8.......
  • mercury8826

    <-- Has been absent for 3 weeks!! I'm afraid to return to the weights.... What if I have to go back down to puny little dumbells and no weights on the Oly bar?!?! D;

    Hello girls, who've been diligent and getting amazing results, and Hello to those who are just starting! Don't look at me as an example as I'm a horrible example for lifting and motivation... u_u

    Anywho, Technically I only have 2 weeks left of actual workouts and then the AMRAPs.. Sigh.. I pretty sick of stage 1 and kind of wish I hadn't done the "extended" version... @__@
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I just started NROL4W. I've had the book for awhile but my work situation just changed and made it possible to join a gym. Tmw is my third workout of stage 1, and I really like it! It is interesting how some parts of me are super weak and some are really strong. When I first joined MFP I was all about the weight loss (but never did a VLCD, i was a EM2WL girl from the start) but now I'm really excited about body recomp!

    I am SO sore today. Like groan when I get up from my desk sore...but I love it. I am a long distance runner so this is a BIG change for me, but horrid shin splints have taken me out of running for a while so I am focusing on this instead. I love reading all of your updates! For those who are wondering:

    I am 5'1"
    Squat: 40lb barbell (just for my first workout...the squat rack machine thing kinda freaked me out)
    Shoulder press: 15lb dumbbells in each hand
    lat pull down: 45lbs
    lunges: 8lb dumbbells in each hand (this is my worst exercise!)

    that is all i can remember right now...but I can't wait to keep getting stronger!
  • jsextrasmooth
    jsextrasmooth Posts: 127 Member
    Hey MrsAgi, wow that's fab! I can't do a full push up at all, I'm doing 30 degree push ups. Sorry you had a crappy week but I'm glad you've sussed the jackknives. I'm not sure I have a favourite lift yet, will let you know after a few more workouts!

    Mercury8826, I have no idea what all those symbols mean, I must be showing my age :ohwell:

    emgel9 - the squat rack is kind of scary to approach the first time. I did 3 laps round the weight area at my gym before finally walking up to it and not past it! I must have looked pretty silly at the time :blushing:
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    I'm glad I'm not alone! I am DEF going to conquer it tmw am tho! I mean, how hard can a squat rack be to operate?
  • livelaughlove2121
    I'm new to this group! Finished the first day yesterday...sooooooo sore today (especially my quadriceps!)...2nd workout tomorrow (quite nervous about the deadlifts!)
  • Ninikins2
    Hi guys! I am returning to NROL from a break where I was focusing on my running and 5Ks. Well the last 5K is tomorrow, so after that I am ready to go back to NROL! Just in time for the cold weather. I decided to start back at Stage 1 because I can tell my muscle mass is gone - in my arms especially.
    Looking for some supportive friends. Feel free to add me!
    GL with Stage 1!!
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    The squat rack is intimidating! Or at least it was. I actually had to google "squat rack" before I started so I knew what to look for at the gym. Don't laugh! But I'm totally cool with it now (just finished stage 1 WO B6). I did have trouble removing the pins -- you have to adjust them to your height. Today I used a small weight to knock it out and the pin went FLYING and the barbell dropped with a clang.
