Stage 1



  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    did workout 7A today.

    i swapped out another movement for the seated row. for some reason i was able to move to the cable machine's max weight so a few weeks ago i switched to bent over barbell rows. then i started getting some concerns for my back while doing that exercise. today i found a hidden machine at the gym i'd never seen. it's called a "low row" and i think that's the one i should have been using all along. i have no idea why the cable felt so easy and i was able to get to 190 pounds on that, because i can can barely do 100 on this low row machine.

    i got past the deadlift grip issue. the best bet for me seems to be the mixed grip, right palm facing out, left palm in.
  • SaraGrace82
    SaraGrace82 Posts: 232
    Ladies, I am having horrible reservations about this program. I have only lifted for 3 days and I am eating like a heifer!!! Today was a non lifting day. I couldn't do cardio because my knees and ankle joints would not allow it.

    I am so scared I am eating too much!!! According to the book, I should eat 2000ish on non days and 2300 on lifting days. Today my cals are like 1660.

    What if I gain 10 pounds this month!!! :noway:

    Seems to me like 1660 should be fine, but keep an eye on it. If you feel like you are gaining too much after two weeks you can just stop the program or lower you calories. Lowering your calories too much is very risky because without a proper energy supply and nutrient support your skeletal-muscular system will heal slower and less efficiently which could lead to injury.

    Are your knees and ankles hurting because of the weight lifting or because of something else? The weight lifting should NOT be hurting your joints (aside from maybe some general fatigue). If you are committed to the program & it is causing you joint pain, you should either back down on the weight you are doing, back down to lifting twice a week (you will still see excellent results), and/or set up a time with a trainer to have a professional look at your form. Any of these areas could be contributing to your pain issues.
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    Wow I can't believe this thread is on page 3 now! I have been MIA for a couple of weeks but I have finally finished Stage One and am on the second stage two workout now!

    I have posted my Stage One results in this blog:

    Can't believe I have finally joined the ranks of Stage Two- hope you are all enjoying the first stage I absolutely loved it and as far as strength training is concerned I have never looked back since starting it :flowerforyou:
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hey all, I am so bummed. I did the no-no. I weighed this morning. That little ticker that says I lost 5 lbs ...... I have gained 4 of it back. :sad:

    My TDEE is anywhere from 1543-1767 according to the tools. I thought I go for the happy medium of 1600. I don't think I ate this much when I wasn't trying.

    Times like this makes me want to give up and say what's the point.

    As for my knees, I hate to back off the weight because I know I can do the weight. Advil will become my friend. I better buy stock in it. :laugh:
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Hey all, I am so bummed. I did the no-no. I weighed this morning. That little ticker that says I lost 5 lbs ...... I have gained 4 of it back. :sad:

    My TDEE is anywhere from 1543-1767 according to the tools. I thought I go for the happy medium of 1600. I don't think I ate this much when I wasn't trying.

    Times like this makes me want to give up and say what's the point.

    As for my knees, I hate to back off the weight because I know I can do the weight. Advil will become my friend. I better buy stock in it. :laugh:

    I shot up 3 lbs in the first 2 weeks of starting this program, and I've really only lost 2 of them right now. HOWEVER... in a month I have gotten stronger, my arms and upper back have started to show some muscle tone, ANDDDDD my pants fit better! So honestly, the scale lies. It's likely water weight. I know it's hard to ignore the scale when you've gotten so used to using that as a measure of progress, but it tends to stress me out if I think about it too much. I trusted the program (and eating more) and so far it hasn't hurt me. I suspect my scale will inch down slowly over the course of the program as I lose some fat and gain some muscle, but I'm not putting all my stock in it. I can already tell my stomach is losing some of it's fat.

    I have Workout 8B today! Soon I'll be graduating to Phase 2! I'm still debating whether to do the AMRAPs. I started pretty low with my weights since I wasn't sure what I was capable of. If I do it, it will be on Monday and I'm combining Workout A and B into the same day since its only one set per exercise. I'm hoping to redo measurements tomorrow so I'll post those on here for people curious to see how well Phase 1 works. I've been eating 1600-2000 calories a day and I've gone from around 155 up to 158 at the start and now back down to 156 as of last Friday's weigh in (the scale is up a bit again from a bit of water weight).
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Times like this makes me want to give up and say what's the point.

    Go have a look at my pictures on page 2. That's after six weeks. THAT'S the point. It's only a 4kg difference but WHAT a difference.

    I did 7B tonight. I've been aching after doing 7A when I upped all my weights. But I gritted my teeth and went. Upped all my weights again (even though the first set on lat pulldown I started at my old weight of 40kg but that was super duper easy so upped to 45kg) I made myself do it today because I weigh in on Saturday so wanted to give myself that extra day for my muscles to shred the water.

    I don't know if this is as a result of me not being over my cold (still sniffly) or because I'm finally lifting weights that are really challenging me but I haven't been able to do cardio at the end. I thought that on Monday when I did 7A was because I was sick, but I tried to do my Week 4 C25K workout today and after finishing the warm down after the 3 minute run (the first run) I had to stop and warm down. I just couldn't do it. Thoughts?

    Will do 8A on Saturday, 8B on Monday then Workout A AMRAP on Wed and Workout B AMRAP on the Sat and then I'm onto my week break!

    I also really need to find my gloves. (never used, they're at least six years old :) Won money at my old gym but it could only be spent on merchandise. That was one of the things I grabbed!)
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    @sleepytexan - I think you just need to give it more time for your body to get settled into the new program.

    @manic - I'm sure your 5 lb gain is just water weight. I really suggest you stick with the program is it's written for at least a month (as the author suggests). That means eating at the recommended maintenance calories as well. I realize it's scary, but I bet you'll still see results. You don't have much to lose and I'll bet as you start gaining muscle and losing fat you may not even need to lose that whole 20 lbs. I've been eating over my maintenance because I'm starving and I'm still losing about 1/2 lb a week. I'm now in my 4th week of lifting.
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Stick with it and ditch the scale!

  • jingoace
    jingoace Posts: 219 Member
    NROLFW stage 1 workout B5 - used seesaw with BALL for 2nd round of single leg roman deadlifts - seems to help with stabilization on my left leg...still difficult to balance for me. Lunges are getting better - slow, alternating legs, can almost do them - feels like my leg is rounding inwards from hip to toe on forward leg while trying to get knee lower on backwards leg. Increased weigh on shoulder presses - discovered 35# is failure for me at 5 reps.

    Oh, and I ate like 3000 cal yesterday & LOST WEIGHT this morning! Day-UM!!!!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I completed 2B this morning and 10 minutes of elliptical for extra calorie burn and warm-up.
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    Completed Workout B1 + 15 warmup/cooldown min on the treadmill (tho the cals do not reflect that one single bit!) - 249 cals.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Completed Workout B1 + 15 warmup/cooldown min on the treadmill (tho the cals do not reflect that one single bit!) - 249 cals.

    GREAT JOB! How do you figure out the calories burned?
  • Phoenix59
    Phoenix59 Posts: 364 Member
    Completed B4 today. I increased weight for all but DB shoulder press, but did do a "happy dance" for 75 lb. DL's! :bigsmile: I'm looking forward to doing 3 sets on Monday!

    @ manic - don't sweat the initial weight gain! I gained 2 lbs. when I started. I weighed myself this morning and have dropped 3 lbs. I also know I've lost inches (I actually had to use a belt this morning to keep my jeans up!), but don't want to measure until I finish Phase 1. Being the major scale *kitten* that I am, I jump on that sucker at least twice a day, but I'm very aware of fluctuations, so I don't stress. Just follow the program, eat good, healthy foods, get plenty of rest and you'll be fine! :wink:
  • StarryEyed500
    StarryEyed500 Posts: 225 Member
    I just started lifting on Monday so did my second day today. I prefer the A set lol
    Doesn't help that I'm using just a set of dumbbells as that's all I have at home!
    I just know I'm gonna have DOMS tomorrow. I did yesterday and it felt a bit better today but now I ache all over again - not as bad as yesterday though.

    How on earth do I manage to eat so much food though?! I was just about managing 1400 before - now I have to get 2100 on workout days! I feel so stuffed - that can't be a good thing, can it?
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I just started lifting on Monday so did my second day today. I prefer the A set lol
    Doesn't help that I'm using just a set of dumbbells as that's all I have at home!
    I just know I'm gonna have DOMS tomorrow. I did yesterday and it felt a bit better today but now I ache all over again - not as bad as yesterday though.

    How on earth do I manage to eat so much food though?! I was just about managing 1400 before - now I have to get 2100 on workout days! I feel so stuffed - that can't be a good thing, can it?

    Trust me - give it a couple more workouts and you'll be starving!!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I just started lifting on Monday so did my second day today. I prefer the A set lol
    Doesn't help that I'm using just a set of dumbbells as that's all I have at home!
    I just know I'm gonna have DOMS tomorrow. I did yesterday and it felt a bit better today but now I ache all over again - not as bad as yesterday though.

    How on earth do I manage to eat so much food though?! I was just about managing 1400 before - now I have to get 2100 on workout days! I feel so stuffed - that can't be a good thing, can it?

    Trust me - give it a couple more workouts and you'll be starving!!

    AMEN to that! LOL
  • kbrogan78
    kbrogan78 Posts: 158 Member
    I know that the book recommends a rest day b/n workouts, but has anyone done them back-to-back?

    I usually lift MWF mornings while my daughter is at preschool. Next Friday she doesn't have school and my little community gym doesn't have childcare Friday or Saturday. So..... if I don't lift on Thursday, I won't have a chance again until Monday. I don't know if I should lift Thursday evening or just wait until the following Monday. Thoughts?
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I just started lifting on Monday so did my second day today. I prefer the A set lol
    Doesn't help that I'm using just a set of dumbbells as that's all I have at home!
    I just know I'm gonna have DOMS tomorrow. I did yesterday and it felt a bit better today but now I ache all over again - not as bad as yesterday though.

    How on earth do I manage to eat so much food though?! I was just about managing 1400 before - now I have to get 2100 on workout days! I feel so stuffed - that can't be a good thing, can it?

    Trust me - give it a couple more workouts and you'll be starving!!

    Agreed! I'm eating my afternoon snack now and I could probaby have a second one. I'm gonna do a protein shake after my workout with dinner though. That should help, the past 2 days I haven't had a protein shake and I've been really hungry.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I know that the book recommends a rest day b/n workouts, but has anyone done them back-to-back?

    I don't know if I should lift Thursday evening or just wait until the following Monday. Thoughts?

    I would not lift 2 days in a row. Your muscles must repair and it takes approximately 48 hours .

    I would take a walk outside.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    You know, if you go to the Stage 7 thread....and actually FOLLOW some of the women who (actually) FINISHED NROL4W, not ONE of them is saying, "....omg, I gained 10 lbs on this program, gained 5% body fat and also gained 17 inches!!!"

    It works...and those who have faithfully followed the program have the bodies/results to prove it.

    Stop pushing "PANIC" on Day 16 of a 175 day program - you sound NUTS.

    Sheesh....I guess I should set up a "venting" board. Sorry for the rant!