Stage 1



  • Bluemountain22
    Bluemountain22 Posts: 191 Member

    Great job!! I look forward to seeing your progress! I'm in my second week so feel free to add me as a friend if you need encouragement or have any questions!

    Thank you :) I just sent a request!
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    Did 2B before work this morning, I love deadlifting SO much (I may well say this every B day! :laugh: ) Managed to up my weight a little, lowered it on the lunges (to 3kg each hand) and my form was a lot better, although my right leg nearly gave out which was fun!
    Loads of older people in my gym in a morning which is ace to see, there was this younger couple just pootling along on the bikes and these dudes prob twice their age (at least) rocking out the weights! Loved it :laugh:
  • nickm21
    nickm21 Posts: 254 Member
    Finished 7A today! upped my squat weight again and looking forward to upping deadlifts on friday.
    I have decided not to do the as many reps as posssible workouts as I can already see the progress I have made and don't want to delay the next stage longer than necessary. Will finish stage 1 next Wednesday, then cram in as much cardio as possible before starting stage 2 the following week. :happy:
  • ladyjoie
    ladyjoie Posts: 165 Member
    6A done! I upped my row weights. I'm starting to hit my max hold on the squat weight (doing goblet squats) which is 17kg, so even though I could probably go a little heavier next time I do this workout I doubt I will. Still, we'll see! I also switched around my step ups - I had been doing them 13kg in one hand (so unbalanced) and this time I did 13kg evenly distributed - it sounds easier but it was actually harder! Maybe because I was used to overcompensating? Will be upping my weights a little on that next time too. Weirdly the jackknifes felt ridiculously easy.

    @Pookylou: I hear ya on the deadlifting!
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    Stage 1 - workout A - AMRAPS

    Squats - 115 lbs - free squat (not on smith machine) - 16 reps before i started to lose form
    Push ups - on bench - 16 reps will full range of motion
    Seated Rows - 105lbs - 19 reps
    Step ups - 55lbs - 21 doubles (eg. 1 rep = 1 left leg + 1 right leg)
    Jackknife - 38 reps

  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    I love deadlifts too, Pooky! Sometimes I even have deadlifting dreams now.

    Juice- whoa! Those are your start weights? Or finish weights? I think they're your finish weights, but I'd probably be a creeper if I went back to check. SO MANY REPS of your finish weights! Like a boss!

    I'm supposed to do 8B today, but I woke up and my knee is already PISSED, though it could be because I'm 2 days without celebrex and tram because my back had been feeling so good. I wonder if I'd been having knee pain throughout and only felt it when it was at it's worst thanks to the celebrex/ultram combo I take so often. :(

    I'm thinking I may take my week off early- or just do everything but the lunges at the gym. My lunges are definitely going to be behind in stage 2. I've missed 3 workouts of them, and then 2 workouts I had to reduce to bodyweight even though I had been perfectly capable of doing them weight-weight-weighted.
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    I love deadlifts too, Pooky! Sometimes I even have deadlifting dreams now.

    Juice- whoa! Those are your start weights? Or finish weights? I think they're your finish weights, but I'd probably be a creeper if I went back to check. SO MANY REPS of your finish weights! Like a boss!

    yes those are my finishing weights - what i did today in Amraps.
    i'll do a total stage 1 wrap up once i finish AMRAP B
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    I love deadlifts too, Pooky! Sometimes I even have deadlifting dreams now.

    Juice- whoa! Those are your start weights? Or finish weights? I think they're your finish weights, but I'd probably be a creeper if I went back to check. SO MANY REPS of your finish weights! Like a boss!

    yes those are my finishing weights - what i did today in Amraps.
    i'll do a total stage 1 wrap up once i finish AMRAP B

    Juice you are like, ninja strong! Skills!
    I can't wait for the deadlifting dreams, I saw a video of a girl my height being awesome: I wanna do that!
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    WOW!!. that's one deep squat shes got there... (in the video)
    i have to work on my form more!!
  • tchrmom04
    tchrmom04 Posts: 84 Member
    Two questions! :) Tomorrow I do workout 6B! yay! :)

    So - I did the squat rack for the first time on Monday night. I went right up to a guy near it and was like "are you done"? He seemed surprised but said yes and I moved right in and did it! :) Woo hoo!

    Anyway - using the bar on the rack - is that what you guys are referring to as a curl bar? Should I estimate 15 lbs for the bar on the rack? I wasn't sure how much to count it.

    Also - thoughts on rest week.? How many of you are resting (well - cardioing up like I plan to do) and how many are moving right to Stage 2?


  • Kmsnomaha
    Kmsnomaha Posts: 167 Member
    Two questions! :) Tomorrow I do workout 6B! yay! :)

    So - I did the squat rack for the first time on Monday night. I went right up to a guy near it and was like "are you done"? He seemed surprised but said yes and I moved right in and did it! :) Woo hoo!

    Anyway - using the bar on the rack - is that what you guys are referring to as a curl bar? Should I estimate 15 lbs for the bar on the rack? I wasn't sure how much to count it.

    Also - thoughts on rest week.? How many of you are resting (well - cardioing up like I plan to do) and how many are moving right to Stage 2?


    I believe the Olympic bar weighs 45 pounds
  • Bluemountain22
    Bluemountain22 Posts: 191 Member
    Did 1b yesterday
    Deadlift- 25kg ~55lbs
    Dumbell shoulder press - 2 x 5kg Dumbells ~ (10kg ~ 22lbs in total)
    Wide grip lat pull down - 20kg ~44lbs
    Lunges - 2x 7.5kg Dumbells - 15kg ~ 33lbs
    Swiss ball crunches- body weight 12 reps

    Olympic bars are 20kg so around 44lbs ( but if everyone rounds up maybe I should do that too to the above weights :) )
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    WOW!!. that's one deep squat shes got there... (in the video)
    i have to work on my form more!!

    She is amazing! I can't get anywhere near that - I have really tight calves and keeping my feet flat is an issue, I've always walked on my tip toes which hasn't helped.
  • ladyjoie
    ladyjoie Posts: 165 Member
    WOW!!. that's one deep squat shes got there... (in the video)
    i have to work on my form more!!

    She is amazing! I can't get anywhere near that - I have really tight calves and keeping my feet flat is an issue, I've always walked on my tip toes which hasn't helped.

    Might be worth working on some stretching out after weights and on your days off. You probably do already, just suggesting extra if you haven't thought of it.

    EDIT: the girl's bench press form, I've never seen it with an arched back like that. Is that what you're supposed to do?
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    WOW!!. that's one deep squat shes got there... (in the video)
    i have to work on my form more!!

    She is amazing! I can't get anywhere near that - I have really tight calves and keeping my feet flat is an issue, I've always walked on my tip toes which hasn't helped.

    Might be worth working on some stretching out after weights and on your days off. You probably do already, just suggesting extra if you haven't thought of it.

    EDIT: the girl's bench press form, I've never seen it with an arched back like that. Is that what you're supposed to do?

    I cant see that being good for your back.. youtube some more videos on benchpress.
  • ladyjoie
    ladyjoie Posts: 165 Member
    WOW!!. that's one deep squat shes got there... (in the video)
    i have to work on my form more!!

    She is amazing! I can't get anywhere near that - I have really tight calves and keeping my feet flat is an issue, I've always walked on my tip toes which hasn't helped.

    Might be worth working on some stretching out after weights and on your days off. You probably do already, just suggesting extra if you haven't thought of it.

    EDIT: the girl's bench press form, I've never seen it with an arched back like that. Is that what you're supposed to do?

    I cant see that being good for your back.. youtube some more videos on benchpress.

    I just looked it up - regular bench press isn't done that way, that's the powerlifting form. It makes sense now!
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    I started doing squats during my rest days, not weighted, just unweighted squats and really working my ATG by keeping in the lowest (almost like a resting, below parallel is much easier to maintain than parallel itself) point. My squats were delightfully low within two weeks.
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    I started doing squats during my rest days, not weighted, just unweighted squats and really working my ATG by keeping in the lowest (almost like a resting, below parallel is much easier to maintain than parallel itself) point. My squats were delightfully low within two weeks.

    Thanks.. i'll try to do that..
    whats ATG?
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    whats ATG?

    *kitten* to grass!

    Well. Carpet in my case.
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    I started doing squats during my rest days, not weighted, just unweighted squats and really working my ATG by keeping in the lowest (almost like a resting, below parallel is much easier to maintain than parallel itself) point. My squats were delightfully low within two weeks.

    Great idea! I shall have to try.
    I have been a bit lax on my stretching/yoga recently...... I must get back at it!