


  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    Also we have to stop confusing the issue. Religion has no place in the discussion.

    Yes, it does, since it plays a significant factor in a lot of people's argument for or against it.

    Personally, yes, I believe in evolution. Living things evolve all the time.

    Do I think we "started as monkeys" or "started as tadpoles?" I honestly have no idea, and personally, I don't really care. I'll leave that up to the scientists to discover. :tongue: I do not believe in the creation stories from any religious texts, so I definitely hold my water with the scientific explanation of our origins.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    Ok I will amend my statement.

    If religion and religious believers would like to argue against the existence of the evolutionary process it/they certainly can. But if they're smart they won't. Because evolution has been proven. Creation myths are simply that. Myths. You can not put evolution up against Adam & Eve or any other creation fable and carry on any sort of mature discussion.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Ok I will amend my statement.

    If religion and religious believers would like to argue against the existence of the evolutionary process it/they certainly can. But if they're smart they won't. Because evolution has been proven. Creation myths are simply that. Myths. You can not put evolution up against Adam & Eve or any other creation fable and carry on any sort of mature discussion.

    And that's why most theologians (and I) won't.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    Thanks Patti. I don't care for science being disrespected, mostly for the reason that WE'RE ON THE INTERNET! Don't tell me scientists are full of it while you type words that are instantly translated into binary code and spread by a world wide digital signal. I equate it to going into someone's church and saying God isn't real. I'd think that showed horrible manners.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Evolution doesn't need to be "believed" because it is scientific fact.
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    Macpatti, you can't quote the Bible to prove that God exists. That's a bit like quoting Twilight to prove that vampires exist. If you don't already believe what the Bible says, it's just another story.

    I don't understand your statement. What do you mean I can't quote the bible to prove God exists?

    Patti he's referring to the circular argument for God. "God is real because the bible says so and the bible is true because it's the word of God."

    We can go on and on about that but this thread is about evolution. We have another thread we can slug it out in for religious issues.
    I'm not a "he" but other than that you are correct. :smile:
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Thanks Patti. I don't care for science being disrespected, mostly for the reason that WE'RE ON THE INTERNET! Don't tell me scientists are full of it while you type words that are instantly translated into binary code and spread by a world wide digital signal. I equate it to going into someone's church and saying God isn't real. I'd think that showed horrible manners.

    I also know many great scientists who can't deny the existence of God. If we were all just atoms and matter, we wouldn't even be able to debate these issues. I think it's more important to focus on how science and religion can go hand in hand instead of trying to prove the other is wrong. Both are important disciplines.
  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    Thanks Patti. I don't care for science being disrespected, mostly for the reason that WE'RE ON THE INTERNET! Don't tell me scientists are full of it while you type words that are instantly translated into binary code and spread by a world wide digital signal. I equate it to going into someone's church and saying God isn't real. I'd think that showed horrible manners.

    I also know many great scientists who can't deny the existence of God. If we were all just atoms and matter, we wouldn't even be able to debate these issues. I think it's more important to focus on how science and religion can go hand in hand instead of trying to prove the other is wrong. Both are important disciplines.

    The problem with focusing on religion and science going hand in hand is that not everyone believes in the same religion, and a lot of people don't follow any religion period. Scientific evidence, however, can usually not be disputed, and strives for FACTUAL EVIDENCE, vs. what cannot be proven.
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    Thanks Patti. I don't care for science being disrespected, mostly for the reason that WE'RE ON THE INTERNET! Don't tell me scientists are full of it while you type words that are instantly translated into binary code and spread by a world wide digital signal. I equate it to going into someone's church and saying God isn't real. I'd think that showed horrible manners.

    I also know many great scientists who can't deny the existence of God. If we were all just atoms and matter, we wouldn't even be able to debate these issues. I think it's more important to focus on how science and religion can go hand in hand instead of trying to prove the other is wrong. Both are important disciplines.

    The problem with focusing on religion and science going hand in hand is that not everyone believes in the same religion, and a lot of people don't follow any religion period. Scientific evidence, however, can usually not be disputed, and strives for FACTUAL EVIDENCE, vs. what cannot be proven.
    Exactly. Religious people always want science and religion to go hand in hand (if they're willing to concede that science exists :laugh:) but it's only THEIR religion that they are willing to accept. If science suddenly decides "OK, we concede that religion could have something to do with it. We feel that it is possible that the Goddess created the Earth and made us it's guardians..." Christians would be in an uproar.

    The other issue is that saying "It must have been God." is really just saying "We haven't figured that out yet." At one time gravity was explained as God pushing things down. Heaven was just above the clouds. The Earth was the center of the universe and the sun revolved around it. All those things were religious explanations. All were disproven by science.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Scientific evidence, however, can usually not be disputed, and strives for FACTUAL EVIDENCE, vs. what cannot be proven.
    As far as scientific evidence not being disputed....it happens all the time. Science disputes scientific evidence all the time.
    Religious people always want science and religion to go hand in hand (if they're willing to concede that science exists :laugh:) but it's only THEIR religion that they are willing to accept.
    Religious scholars, whether Christian or non-Christian, can find common ground. I'm not asking for scientists to claim there is a God. I'm saying many won't try to dispute it.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    The problem with focusing on religion and science going hand in hand is that not everyone believes in the same religion, and a lot of people don't follow any religion period. Scientific evidence, however, can usually not be disputed, and strives for FACTUAL EVIDENCE, vs. what cannot be proven.

    Again, I'm not suggesting that scientists proclaim there is a God and support any specific type of religion. I'm saying religious scholars/theologians should not try to dispute science, and scientists should not try to dispute religion. Regarding FACTUAL EVIDENCE, there have been plenty of incidents where science disputes its own evidence.
  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    Scientific evidence, however, can usually not be disputed, and strives for FACTUAL EVIDENCE, vs. what cannot be proven.
    As far as scientific evidence not being disputed....it happens all the time. Science disputes scientific evidence all the time.
    Religious people always want science and religion to go hand in hand (if they're willing to concede that science exists :laugh:) but it's only THEIR religion that they are willing to accept.
    Religious scholars, whether Christian or non-Christian, can find common ground. I'm not asking for scientists to claim there is a God. I'm saying many won't try to dispute it.

    Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but are you saying that many scientists won't try to dispute religion?

    And yes, I understand science disputes its own evidence..but they're at least striving to find the truth, whereas religion offers an unyielding explanation that cannot be proven and is expected to be trusted with faith alone. Which is fine, if that's what someone believes, but they cannot simply say "that's how it happened" with no proof.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    People who don't believe in evolution ignore the fact that evolution happens every day. It's why antibiotics stop working, for one thing. It's why the plague stopped killing people in Europe by the 17th century. Of course, there is plenty of room for your God. After all, an omnipotent god doesn't need to design everything. A god could set the whole process in motion by throwing two rocks together and know that billions of years later we would be writing this thread.
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    I believe in evolution because I injured my damn tailbone, and if we didn't evolve from something that used to have a flipping tail, then I wouldn't have to deal with this pain!!!!
  • summalovaable
    summalovaable Posts: 287 Member
    People who don't believe in evolution ignore the fact that evolution happens every day. It's why antibiotics stop working, for one thing. It's why the plague stopped killing people in Europe by the 17th century. Of course, there is plenty of room for your God. After all, an omnipotent god doesn't need to design everything. A god could set the whole process in motion by throwing two rocks together and know that billions of years later we would be writing this thread.

    I think "not believing" translates to "not understanding". As I said before, you can't debate whether or not evolution occurs, because its been scientifically proven. However, you can debate the starting of the earth... as that has yet to be proven scientifically. Though I wouldn't be surprised to see in 500 years people saying "You mean, they ACTUALLY thought a 'magical being' created the earth, thats too funny its obviously _______" ( blank = hopefully find out within the next 500 or so years?)
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    I believe in evolution because I injured my damn tailbone, and if we didn't evolve from something that used to have a flipping tail, then I wouldn't have to deal with this pain!!!!

    I'm sorry for your pain. BTDT. Ouch! Who would have thought how much you use your tailbone area for besides sitting?
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    I believe in evolution because I injured my damn tailbone, and if we didn't evolve from something that used to have a flipping tail, then I wouldn't have to deal with this pain!!!!

    I'm sorry for your pain. BTDT. Ouch! Who would have thought how much you use your tailbone area for besides sitting?

    I know right! And for the most part, it doesn't really bother me much if I'm standing or lying down. But sitting is a chore, and driving really sucks. I don't even know what exactly happened to it---I just know that it happened when I sat up from doing crunches, and I leaned to one side to stand up and felt a pop or something move in that area. It was horribly painful the first few days. Now it's not quite so bad, but I can't sit down normal yet, I still have to lean to the side or sit forward so there's no pressure on it. Every now and again, if I shift too far back towards 'center' while sitting, I feel something pop. i'm so done with stupid tailbone pain!
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Thanks Patti. I don't care for science being disrespected, mostly for the reason that WE'RE ON THE INTERNET! Don't tell me scientists are full of it while you type words that are instantly translated into binary code and spread by a world wide digital signal. I equate it to going into someone's church and saying God isn't real. I'd think that showed horrible manners.

    You are correct, Brett. We're on the internet typing words that are instantly translated into binary code and spread by a world wide digital system. Science should never be disrespected. However, if we were mere atoms and matter, we would not be able to even discuss these issues. Because we're able to discuss evolution, science, the existence of God, etc, suggests to me that we are far more than just scientific matter.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    im really surprised this is even a debate??
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    Atoms and molecules don't just float around randomly. They are put together in different ways make different compounds and materials. It's not just a simple lumping it all together. Cloride is an element that is highly toxic and will eat away at metal. Combine it with sodium and it becomes table salt. Carbon dioxide is something we exhale. It's part of the air. Take away one molecule of oxygen and it becomes carbon monoxide which is deadly. Those are just simple, 2 element compounds that can be changed radically with the addition or subtraction of 1 element. Imagine what happens when you get into much more complex compounds and start changing one or 2 things.