December Challenge



  • Labcoathipster
    I'm new to this group, but excited to be here {thanks for the invite @labcoathipster}

    I spent the weekend home sick so at least I didn't overindulge in holiday treats, but I also didn't really get a good workout in.

    To challenge myself I am getting back to the gym this week. I normally do 2-hrs on the elliptical Mon - Thur (or I was until about 2-wks ago). I am always at incline 3, resistance 3 b/c I don't think if I go any harder I will last my whole 2-hrs [which I need to or I can't watch my tv shows!] My goal for the remainder will be to challenge myself and burn extra calories by increasing incline & resistance every 30 min..... Starting with 3/3 and ending at 6/6! I CAN do this!

    Next week I will try to increase them even more.

    I also want to challenge myself to maintain my food journal!! I've been slacking lately.

    Welcome! I'm so glad you decided to join! This little group we got going has been huge in motivation for me. It's so nice to have people there to support you and to keep you accountable. You can totally do the increase in resistance!! Let us know how it goes and I hope you feel better soon!!

    As for me, tonight is a big cardio night. I'm going to do the elliptical as well, minimum 40 minutes. I'm also going to focus on abs and shoulders. Hope you all have a good night of working out!!
  • BellaBones
    I'm new to this group, but excited to be here {thanks for the invite @labcoathipster}

    I spent the weekend home sick so at least I didn't overindulge in holiday treats, but I also didn't really get a good workout in.

    To challenge myself I am getting back to the gym this week. I normally do 2-hrs on the elliptical Mon - Thur (or I was until about 2-wks ago). I am always at incline 3, resistance 3 b/c I don't think if I go any harder I will last my whole 2-hrs [which I need to or I can't watch my tv shows!] My goal for the remainder will be to challenge myself and burn extra calories by increasing incline & resistance every 30 min..... Starting with 3/3 and ending at 6/6! I CAN do this!

    Next week I will try to increase them even more.

    I also want to challenge myself to maintain my food journal!! I've been slacking lately.

    Welcome! I'm so glad you decided to join! This little group we got going has been huge in motivation for me. It's so nice to have people there to support you and to keep you accountable. You can totally do the increase in resistance!! Let us know how it goes and I hope you feel better soon!!

    As for me, tonight is a big cardio night. I'm going to do the elliptical as well, minimum 40 minutes. I'm also going to focus on abs and shoulders. Hope you all have a good night of working out!!

    Welcome to the group there Hoxie :) The support here is awesome and also a very important role when it comes to motivation and sticking to your goals. It has helped me as well with the great little team we got here. The more people the better support system.
    I am on the verge of sickies, this weekend was my best friends birthday and also two parties for the xmas, I did fine with all my eating, my logging kinda sucked eggs, but I got in what I could. I only exercised once all weekend which was not very good, but I did not have any setbacks, I stayed at the same weight, will look to be down at least a pound on my next weigh in. Two would be awesome. The only thing I am going to splurge on this Xmas is ham and mashed potatos. The sweets have not even been tempting really, so I think I am alright.

    This weeks challenge for me is to work out 30 minutes on my core and arms.
  • Labcoathipster
    I'm wiped. I did 35 minutes on the elliptical, followed by a 30 minute toning train on my Nike Complete Trainer phone app.

    Training included: High knees, leg kicks, side planks, dead lifts, plank rows, mountain climbers, Russian twists and toe touches, followed by a lengthy stretching sessions.

    Literally, so tired. Tomorrow is going to have to be a pool day. It'll relax my muscles and loosen up my shoulders, all while getting my cardio in. Hope y'all workouts went great!

    @Bella, hope you're feeling better. Drink lots of water and sweat out the sickness!
    @Hoxie, how'd the workout go?
  • 2012Kristin
    2012Kristin Posts: 222 Member
    @Hoxie, how'd the workout go?

    Did fairly well, but I didn't completely increase my inclinde or resistance. Maybe next time though!! I think not getting on the elliptical for a few weeks made me struggle a little, but I did do my 120 min and burnt over 1,000 calories!
  • Labcoathipster
    @Hoxie, how'd the workout go?

    Did fairly well, but I didn't completely increase my inclinde or resistance. Maybe next time though!! I think not getting on the elliptical for a few weeks made me struggle a little, but I did do my 120 min and burnt over 1,000 calories!

    That's fantastic! It's such a good start, and over time you'll be able to push yourself even more on the incline and resistance. Awesome job!
  • BellaBones
    Hoxie, that is an awesome burn, :) Good for you.

    Labcoat, you are doing great, burn baby burn. gotta love the planks. I will be doing abs and arms today. Got my planks, abs, walls, and everything else in on Monday, I probably burned atleast a good 1000 calories that night with skating and circuit action.
  • Labcoathipster
    Bella, how'd the workout go?

    Tonight I'm going to hit it hard again. 1/2 hour of cardio, 1/2 hour of strength. I come!!
  • BellaBones
    Labcoat, I skated for over an hour last night and did about 20 minutes of core exercise. However I pushed myself into sick again, I was feeling better and after skating I just felt like utter crap, so I am going to listen to my body and just rest the next three days and get back on board on Monday. I will be logging my meals and if I can get any kind of exercise in I call it a miracle because right now my body just wants to be sedentary.

    Have fun and enjoy the holidays. <3
  • Labcoathipster
    Get some rest Bella, hope you feel better soon.

    I'm so frustrated today! Like an idiot I decided to step on the scale today as I was leaving the gym. I figured it was close enough to Christmas that I could finally weigh myself after two months and get a look at my progress. Guess how much I've lost? NOTHING. Yeah, that's right. I've been busting my *kitten* for two months for nothing. To be fair, I didn't weigh myself when I started, however I refuse to believe I gained enough weight in a month that two months of working out burned it all off.

    I don't even know what to think now. Is something wrong with me??

    All this was after forty five minutes on the elliptical. Feels like a waste.
  • BellaBones
    Get some rest Bella, hope you feel better soon.

    I'm so frustrated today! Like an idiot I decided to step on the scale today as I was leaving the gym. I figured it was close enough to Christmas that I could finally weigh myself after two months and get a look at my progress. Guess how much I've lost? NOTHING. Yeah, that's right. I've been busting my *kitten* for two months for nothing. To be fair, I didn't weigh myself when I started, however I refuse to believe I gained enough weight in a month that two months of working out burned it all off.

    I don't even know what to think now. Is something wrong with me??

    All this was after forty five minutes on the elliptical. Feels like a waste.

    Labcoat do not give up. Maybe you should start weighing your self weekly or bi weekly so you can see your small accomplisments. I try not to focus on the scale, but do my weigh ins to keep me on track and when I lose it makes me feel that much better and if I gain it shows me I have to work a little harder to reach my goals and to stay on track :)

    It is not for nothing, you have felt great each day after that 45 minutes on the eliptical right? So there you go.

    I did 15 minutes of arms today, will be going skating tonight and am going to do my abs later in the day. Not pushing to hard but making it happen... :)

    Keep going girlie.

    And Hoxie, where did you go???
  • BellaBones
    Last week of 2011. Lets get this new year started early and get the awesome on!!!! Going to skate for probably about 3 hours tonight and will be working my core this afternoon :) Have to make up for time lost this weekend and also to get ready to do my skills test and rock it hard on the 2nd !!!!

    Whats everyone got for this wonderful Monday loves. :) Do great and burn baby burn!
  • Labcoathipster
    I'll be hitting the gym hard today. Shake off the holidays in excellent fashion! I'll check in later, cause I'm not sure exactly what I'll be doing there....
  • Labcoathipster
    Today was a struggle. I completed 20 minutes of my Nike training program and then did 10 minutes of strength training. I'm glad I got my workout in, however I could have pushed myself harder. Mentally I couldn't break through. I'm still pretty shaken from last thursday's weigh in. I'm feeling like doing it wont make a difference, especially when I see posts from people that have been on here five months and have lost almost fifty pounds. Can't deal today.
  • BellaBones
    Today was a struggle. I completed 20 minutes of my Nike training program and then did 10 minutes of strength training. I'm glad I got my workout in, however I could have pushed myself harder. Mentally I couldn't break through. I'm still pretty shaken from last thursday's weigh in. I'm feeling like doing it wont make a difference, especially when I see posts from people that have been on here five months and have lost almost fifty pounds. Can't deal today.

    Try to stay positive and keep it up. :) We are here for ya labcoat ! I put on a few pounds this last weekend, so I am backtracking, but will make it happen and lose those pounds and bring in the new year strong, you can do the same!

    I did the Chamber last night, along with relays, so I pushed myself pretty hard, go cardio and circuit in woo.

    Do not give up!!!!
  • Labcoathipster
    Thanks Bella, I'm really trying to stay positive. It's working pretty ok for now. :)
  • BellaBones
    Keep it up Labcoat. We have a new year of challenges ahead :)
  • BellaBones
    Today I am going to LA to scrimmage on the Banked Track. I so can not wait!!!! Going to get my abs and arms workout in. Hopefully a half hour.
  • BellaBones
    Banked track was awesome, Iam sore in places I never knew existed :P Going to skate the rink tonight. 5 days skating strong :) Will be 6 tomorrow with the wreck in the new year scrimmage :) YAY