Hi Everyone



  • ruth0815
    ruth0815 Posts: 4 Member
    It's not a magic cure or an easy way out. We’ve all learned that the hard way. I had GBS in '91 and lost, but it all came back plus. I ended up with severe GERD and had a RNY in '07. I got down to 207, but never made it under that 200 goal. My weight held steady between 225 & 232. I felt good about myself. The slightest amount of sugar caused me to dump, and the fear of dumping kept me in line. I became violently ill in the summer of ’11. It turned out that the scar tissue in around my intestines had closed off my bowel. It was a very small but solid blockage. Exploratory surgery fixed me, but not before 1.5 liters of fluid stretched my pouch. The sugar reaction is pretty much gone, and I’ve gained almost 30 lbs. My family is wonderful supportive, but they know if it is to be it’s up to me. I think it might help me to have a stranger to whom I can relate. I’m looking for a friend or 2 to help me get back on track.
    Thanks, Ruth
  • CelebrateYou
    Hi guys,
    My name is Patty. I live in Bend, Oregon and am committing to a Take Shape for Life program with the help of a coach who is also a dear friend. I hope this turns out to be a good thing since I want her honesty and welcome her kicking me in the *kitten*, a-la Jillian Michaels, if necessary!

    My basic story is this - I know why I am fat, know my triggers, and am really clear on why I am doing this NOW. I know because... (Gulp) ... I have lost 140 pounds before with a gastric bypass back in 2001. However, as I can certainly testify, it is gastric surgery, not BRAIN surgery. Since old habits and coping choices have crept back in, the weight has crept back on. I will not go backward any more.

    For me, my post surgical experience was a - pardon the pun - cakewalk! I never "dumped" and could eat anything I wanted except rice, for some reason ( still messes with me if it is the sticky type). Where I immediately started to go wrong was drinking carbonated drinks... Then life hit me with a series of emotional wallops that included .... applying for and beginning a graduate program, teaching at the university level (during 9-11), learning my husband had terminal cancer, full-time caregiving for my husband for a year, losing my husband to cancer, going through legal wrangles with his kids, selling my home, moving, looking for work, falling in love again, getting married again, leaving a job I loved, moving out of state, building a home, searching for new work, making new friends and connections in a new town, 3 major hospitalizations for new husband (2 planned, 1 emergency), a few more family and pet deaths, and ultimately settling into something semi- stable all within 3 years.

    Whew! Exhausts me to read this. Through it all I coped in ways that were familiar with one added element - dark microbrew, something I discovered since moving to the Pacific Northwest. Anyone familiar with that craving?

    Generally I am kind of a solitary regimen gal but I have started to think that staying in touch with others who share his struggle can be a good thing as long as that communication is genuine and positive. I admit, I could use a little affirmation on that front as I have been somewhat burned in the past with giving a lot and not really receiving... How has staying in touch with strangers through this forum helped you? Please share!

    I would live to offer support and get an atta-girl now and then if you will have me. Having contacts to share a laugh with is critical for my success, truly critical. This is a tough journey for sure, but not rocket science. Less drama and more chutzpah and determination is my motto! For me, I simply have to say NO to old habits and commit to working in some new ones - like exercise! This one will be tough due to time but I know it is doable. It is also a habit I never developed post-op way back when.

    I would love to hear from you to get looped in as soon as possible. I am on my IPad every night and morning and will be a great, sensitive support buddy. Hope to hear from someone:)

  • cryt121
    cryt121 Posts: 10 Member
    hi im crystal and i had by pass surgery over eight years ago i want to lose this weight once and for all who would like to be my weightloss partner and lets get rid of this weight together