January Challenge. Running with Wolves and Vampires



  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member

    Sorry Jacob lovers....this gal likes 'em pale, cold, and lacking a pulse! :laugh:


    just sayin...! :tongue:

    Okay Stacy....you know I have to respond right? Hope no one is offended...I mean, come on...get your minds out of the gutter!:tongue:


    Edited to Add: Darn it!! The pic is really small...but you get the idea! :blushing:

    well, if you're going to bring up 'popsicles', i'm going to cut to the chase:


    LOL that is awesome.
  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    Hi Twifans...I am new to this group, so behind on the challenge (it's a challenge for me just to get up in the morning, lol), but I am sure enjoying all of the lovely weight-loss tickers I'm viewing. I run with vampires, but do enjoy the wolves. Wishing everyone well in their goals.

    Welcome to the group! Did you find the challenge and how to sign up on the spreadsheet? I hope you have fun here and drop some pounds on the way!!
  • sykin
    sykin Posts: 1,676 Member
    Wow have I really gotten out of the swing of MFP! I'm not eating right, I'm not exercising, I'm not logging. UGH! I sucked this week. Ok. I need to get back into it! Starting tomorrow.....


    LOVE the photos you guys posted. I wish I was witty enough to come up with some of that stuff. haha
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    Wow have I really gotten out of the swing of MFP! I'm not eating right, I'm not exercising, I'm not logging. UGH! I sucked this week. Ok. I need to get back into it! Starting tomorrow.....


    LOVE the photos you guys posted. I wish I was witty enough to come up with some of that stuff. haha

    don't sweat the small stuff, it's a long way back to eden! one week is not going to make or break anything, so take a deep breath, focus your mind and dig in. you've got this! :flowerforyou:
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    So I weighed in yesteday at 188.8 it was the same today so I logged it. My goal weight for January was 190 so I am thinking of revising.I think I will see how this week goes first. :love: my Twi-hards ... Have a great week.
  • ScarlettVamp
    ScarlettVamp Posts: 828 Member
    AWESOME!! So proud of you!

    And I love your new pic! :wink:
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,359 Member
    lhurtubise, having to readjust a goal is great! Congrats! :drinker:

    I am loving this challenge -- it is really helping me get the new year started well. I thought I was pretty good with the veggies, but I've tried 2 new veggies this week thanks to running with the vampires. And I really need the challenge to drink that much water. The scale hasn't moved yet, but I usually lose in jumps and starts.
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,359 Member
    Sorry double post.
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    1st week, not too bad. While I was sick with allergies the majority of the week, my eating is much improved. I'm still struggling a bit with veggies and water, but moved the recumbent bike into the house so I can ride and watch t.v. - no excuses now!

    Lost 2.6 pounds, which I attribute to getting back on plan after overeating at Christmas.

    Good luck everyone one week 2!!!
  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    Week 1 Check in
    I lost 2 pounds so I am pretty happy about that. Getting so near my final goal weight.
    My veggie I chose as favorite was greean beans because they are so easliy cooked and incoporated into many things. No problem getting them in everyday. New veggie was avacado. Not that it is new, just not a normal part of my diet. I made guacamole and ate it 2x even though it didn't turn out that great. I discovered that 1/2 avacado on an english muffin with teaspoon of salsa is pretty dang good!! Water was no problem and got decent amount of exercise minutes in. Overall I am pleased. Never posted recipe:ohwell: I meant to post my beef veggie stew that I ate most of the week.

    This week my favorite veggie will be sweet potatoes because I love them oh so much! I'm thinking I will try brussles sprouts this week:sick: so I can make Surf's brain recipe.

    Our numbers look great!! I am so proud of all our wolves and vamps!! Keep on running!!
  • w8sarge
    w8sarge Posts: 4,013 Member
    1st Week check-in:

    Pleased with my minutes of cardio and my water intake. Weight stayed the same, probably cuz I still go over calories too often. It doesn't help that there are still Christmas cookies in the house!

    For 2nd week I want to push my minutes and get perfect score for water...it's getting easier to fit it all in! I also stocked up in the produce department for veggies/salads. Newish veggie is Kabocha squash (aka Japanese Pumpkin). Yum!

    Running with the wolves has been great!:laugh:
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    1st Week Check In:

    I was on a roll near the end of last week with regards to water intake. I am hoping to keep that going into this week, and have brought two filled water bottles to assist with that (I used to struggle to drink half of one). I have been doing great work with keeping under my calories and I have been getting off of my *kitten* and getting active as well. I think week one was pretty successful.

    Week 2: I want to keep it up with the water, up my veggie intake and make sure I am getting active at least 4 of the days. I know this may be tough as my schedule is ridiculously busy, but I am going to do my best.

    I only lost a pound this week and I was hoping for more (since the weight had jumped up over Christmas) but I guess I'll just have to take what I can get. Not sure what else I can do to keep in moving downward... any advice from those super successful??
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    week one was pretty good. i lost a bit, but it was holiday weight and i'm right back down to the dreaded 191-ish, which is the current bain of my existence. hopefully the downward trend will continue this week - we'll just have to wait and see. i've been working out like mad and making better food choices than i have in a while, though i did spend $13 today on chocolate. does that tell you anything? :blushing:

    anyhoo, happy monday to everyone and make it a great one - sweat some today!
  • Have actually managed to get through whole day without snacking on anything apart from 2 crackers and soft cheese...... done some exercise also (only 25 mins, did some parent reading at sons school today) made lovely beef stew in slow cooker. Not too bad on water lately either. Onwards and upwards.....
  • sykin
    sykin Posts: 1,676 Member
    Week 1: Fail. LOL - I did drink more water than I have been, I did eat a new vegetable, I worked out once for a good amount of time, but I didn't do much else. I have fallen out of logging every day so I'm working on doing that again. I also decided eating 6 small meals that are 200 calories each is a lot easier for me to track if I'm staying in the calorie range I need to be in...so we'll see how well that works. Today is so super stressful at work, I can't even see straight. I'm interested to see how that helps/hinders me. Ugh.

    Week 2: Jumping back in with both feet!

    I'm stealing one of your Team Edward icon photos. Those are adorable! And I think it'll help me get back on track :)
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    <---wolf nation representation, yo.
  • Shell_7609
    Shell_7609 Posts: 786 Member
    Week 1 went ok, was better than usual on water, just had a problem getting exercise in. Official weigh-in tomorrow afternoon before my hydro pilates class. My picture isn't exactly representing my running with vampires, however he is one of the best friends of Robert Pattinson, and co-wrote Never Think from the first movie soundtrack, the picture taken a month before I had decided enough was enough about my weight
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    When I stepped on the scale this morning I saw a huge drop!! 165.2! That puts me .2 lbs away from losing 30 lbs!!!! AND only 15.2 lbs away from my goal weight!!!
  • JackieMac979
    JackieMac979 Posts: 189 Member
    Hi everyone! I had a great week 1. I forgot to update my entry on the spreadsheet this weekend - I was on the go and not in front of my computer much. I'll try to update it tonight. I'm also going to post a recipe now. Have a great week 2, all!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    gah. binged today. bleh.