January Challenge. Running with Wolves and Vampires



  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Anyone seen Water for Elephants? I was wondering if your opinions ...

    Yes! I love it. I saw it a couple of times at the theater and watched it again last night with some friends. I read the book about a year and a half ago and really liked it.

    I saw it when it came to the theaters, really enjoyed it, but the movie theater seats were so bad, it kind of took its toll on my experience. I bought the DVD for myself for Christmas, and actually got the book at Christmas from my son's new GF. So, one of these days, I'm going to have to break the movie open and watch it again, from my comfy sofa!
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    End of week 2 check in:

    :smile: The number on the scale is creeping downward, my lowest is 162.8, starting at 166 on Jan 1st.

    :tongue: I bought an HRM and have found that I'm burning more calories than I thought! which is incentive to 'test' it more!

    :grumble: I just have not been doing well in the new veggie department.

    :drinker: My water drinking for this week improved over week 1. If I could count all the water I've bailed, mopped, and dealt with due to our recent plumbing issues, I'd be spot on!:explode:

    Decided to part with clothes that are now too big. Dropped '3 bags full' off at the Good Will. I never want to be this size ever again!
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,048 Member
    Gosh yes, and my potato chips are veggies too, right? And chocolate is made from beans, I'm counting that too..... Talk about a creative bunch we have here!! :laugh:

    Oh, I had forgotten to count my chocolate and POTATO chips! Thanks, surfrgrl! I've got the veggies covered: go to starbucks, oder a super latte with all the bells and whistles, add some chocolate (a lot), and munch on chips! Dieting is great! LOL
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,048 Member
    Week 2 report:

    The scale is not moving; grrrr! :grumble: But, when I got my once-a-month weight and measurement accessment at Curves on Saturday, I had lost 4 lbs. since last month, so I was encouraged!

    I've been doing pretty well with the exercise and water -- having to report in pushes me to "git 'er done."

    I would do better on the new veggie front if buying the veggies counted. Is it really necessary that I prepare and eat them, too? Last week I did cayote squash and baby bella mushrooms, but this week I bought a bunch of veggies but only got around to cooking the baby bok choy (which I cooked to death).

    Most importantly! Breaking Dawn count: 13 :bigsmile: -- which is unlucky so I better see it at least one more time.:love:
  • ScarlettVamp
    ScarlettVamp Posts: 828 Member
    Challenge Week 2 was only good in that I drank my water and lost weight (3.4 lbs). I was working so much that I was honestly too tired and stressed out to eat.

    I'm gonna go ahead and tell you all now that I will have 0s across the board in this challenge for trying a new veggie. I can be a really picky eater at times, and I know what I like and what I don't like. I did eat baby lima beans last week (a lot), but I would do that anytime I had baked a ham and had ham pieces left over for seasoning.

    As for the veggie recipe sharing, well, I suck at it. I'm a pretty simple cook most of the time and if I do have a recipe that's good, it's generally not for veggies. :frown:

    The one place I'm doing better than I ever thought I would is EXERCISE. You all know I hate it, but I've been forcing myself to do it. Finding time during the week is tough so I'm trying to do something on the weekends for sure. For me to exercise 2 or 3 times a week for 30 minutes is a huge accomplishment and I'm pretty darn proud of myself.:bigsmile: I finally got my new HRM (had to exchange the one I got for Xmas) and I am loving being able to tell how many calories I really burn.

    All of that said, I hope you all have a sparkly week 3...even you wolf lovers! GO TEAM TWILIGHT!!!:flowerforyou:
  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    Week 2.

    Water good!
    Exercise good but I have done better. I have to accept with winter here in full force I may not get to do my favorite hikes and things each week.
    Veggies good on fave, which was sweet potato. Only once on Brussles sprouts, I did eat them today but it is a new week. I did not try Surfs brain recipe.:sad:
    I shared a recipe for sweet potatos.

    Next week my fave veggies I am doing anything cruciferous. I started today by having 3 types for dinner. My new veggie isn't new but it has been a very long time. I am focusing on sprouts. Unfortunately I didn't start them til today so it may be a couple days before I get to enjoy them. My "recipe" for the week will be a tutorial on how to sprout. It is a great way to get fresh produce into your diet in the middle of winter. And it doesnt get any fresher than this! Not sure when I will have the time to write it up, maybe I'll cheat and post a link.
  • ScarlettVamp
    ScarlettVamp Posts: 828 Member
    Edited to "delete" post. Moved to the new "Team Twilight Locker Room" Thread.
  • w8sarge
    w8sarge Posts: 3,874 Member
    Week 2 Challenge:

    The good news is that my exercise was up for the week thanks to an hour Zumba and dancing two hours Friday. But the scale's not budging and I just ate myself into the dumps today for sure! When will I learn to turn my emotions into positive Twilight dreaming instead of negative emotional eating?!?:mad:

    Now if only I'd eat my veggies instead of snacks...
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member

    I would do better on the new veggie front if buying the veggies counted. Is it really necessary that I prepare and eat them, too?

    So true, I have thrown out veggies I intended to prepare. Just like throwing $$$ straight into the trash, shame on me! Anyway, I have been eating lots of blackberries and raspberries, hey they aren't green, but they are CLOSE to veggies!
    have a great week everyone!
  • JackieMac979
    JackieMac979 Posts: 189 Member
    I *finally* updated all my stats - they're current as of today. I posted a new recipe today too. Have a great week 3, everyone!
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    Thank you guys SO much for doing a challenge like this. For the past 2 weeks my water intake has been up and suddenly the pounds have started to drop. I never would have held myself accountable if not for this group. You guys are AWESOME!!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    this week sucks. i'll get back on the wagon at some point. just not yet. but here is some david bowie to make everyone smile.


    not a twilight guy, but he'd make a great vampire.
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    this week sucks. i'll get back on the wagon at some point. just not yet. but here is some david bowie to make everyone smile.


    not a twilight guy, but he'd make a great vampire.

    Davie definitely has the right bone structure and paleness for a vamp! :happy:
  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    this week sucks. i'll get back on the wagon at some point. just not yet. but here is some david bowie to make everyone smile.


    not a twilight guy, but he'd make a great vampire.

    Davie definitely has the right bone structure and paleness for a vamp! :happy:

    ROFLOL!! This is hilarious! I love David Bowie!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Hello Twi-Hards! This week has been crazy. Food choices have sucked, but have been exercising a ton so that's good. I have also been reading a ton of fanfiction. I am thankful for the distraction from my chaotic life. Hope everyone is doing well this week!
  • clairelane1982
    Well seeing as im in blighty i think i am one of first to weigh in today!!!!! Its all good news. 2LBS off yay me... This is good, seeing as several bacardis were drunk last night at an old friends. Therefore am feeling quite delicate. Think i will take it easy today......SSSHHHHHHHHHHH..... Have a good weekend everyone.xxx
  • ScarlettVamp
    ScarlettVamp Posts: 828 Member
    Well seeing as im in blighty i think i am one of first to weigh in today!!!!! Its all good news. 2LBS off yay me... This is good, seeing as several bacardis were drunk last night at an old friends. Therefore am feeling quite delicate. Think i will take it easy today......SSSHHHHHHHHHHH..... Have a good weekend everyone.xxx

    *whispering* Great work....hope you have stuff to make yourself a bloody mary in the morning for your hangover.
  • ScarlettVamp
    ScarlettVamp Posts: 828 Member
    Hello Twi-Hards! This week has been crazy. Food choices have sucked, but have been exercising a ton so that's good. I have also been reading a ton of fanfiction. I am thankful for the distraction from my chaotic life. Hope everyone is doing well this week!

    Great job with your exercise! I'm sure the food choices will improve as the chaos settles down. :flowerforyou:
  • ScarlettVamp
    ScarlettVamp Posts: 828 Member
    Week 3 went pretty good. Water...Check! Veggies....Check! Exercise...well, 4 out of 7 days isn't bad with my current work schedule. Lost 1 pound, but as I'm holding water like crazy from the sodium I've had the last few days (chili, hot dogs, etc), I'll gladly take it.

    Week 4 is going to be a challenge. I have raging PMS and am surrounded by birthday treats (my kids' birthdays are the 19th & 22nd). I sure hope my sweet tooth doesn't get the best of me!

    Hope week 3 was a success for all of you fabulous Twi-folks!! Let's kick some *kitten* in week 4, vamp and wolf style!
  • sykin
    sykin Posts: 1,676 Member
    I promise I didn't disappear! We had a huge snow storm move through the state and so I've been a bit preoccupied with that lately. LOL - I haven't been able to get on the site as much! Anyway...

    Week 3 was better than week 1 but not as good as week 2. I don't think anyway. I need to go do my counting on the spreadsheet. I've at least continued to drink water and even hit 8 cups a couple of times! WOO!

    Am I the only one who finds it easier to do all the updating on the spreadsheet on the last day? LOL