Introductions!!!! Let's get started!!!!!!!!!



  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    Thank you Pam, I am ecstatic! And I plan to have fun, I'm having fun just thinking about it and I'm not even on a team yet!:) You've done a great job setting up and managing this Challenge...I know I speak for many people when I say I appreciate your sincerity and dedication to this project! We need more people in this world like you:))

    :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: Thank you soooo much for you kind words!!! It means so much to me!!! Good Luck!

  • slbauer63
    slbauer63 Posts: 92 Member

    Since I was just added to the Challenge and a Team I better introduce myself.

    Name: Shavonne/slbauer63

    About yourself: I am a 5th grade online teacher who works out of her home. I have 2 grown children - a daughter (25) who lives back with us while completing her second degree and a son (22) who is finishing up his last semester at school while lookig for a job. Working at home poses the challenge of not much movement since I am usually in front of my computer for almost 8 hours a day. I made the serious decision that in order to get my exercise in I was going to have to get up early (something I hate!) and do it. So, I signed up for a month of Adventure Boot Camp (which I love - never thought I would say that). It has been tough but so worth it.

    I have been heavy most of my life starting my first "diet" (using my mother's Weight Watchers food) when I was a sophomore in high school. I lost about 30 pounds and felt "normal" for the first time in a long time. However, this was only the beginning of my weight loss journey. After marrying my husband, I once again gained the weight back plus some and became pregnant. It is tough to be overweight and pregnant. After the complications and challenging birth due to my weight, I decided when my daughter was almost 3 months old I needed to lose this and needed help as well. I joined Weight Watchers in 1987 and lost the weight, kept it off until I became pregnant with my son (1988), but then lost it again after having him. However, since old habits die hard the weight returned plus many more pounds. I went back to WW starting at my highest weight ever 245.6. I have lost 22 of those pounds over the course of the last 5 years but never seemed to be serious about it. When the doctor mentioned, I was pre-diabetic recently I knew I needed to get serious. Having been a member of MFP since November I looked at the boards and found the Biggest Loser Challenge (love the show). This seemed like another piece to add to help me lose this weight. So that is my long story! Sorry for the novel - I love to talk (can you tell?).

    Starting Weight: 224

    12 Week Goal Weight: 200 (would love to see onederland!)

  • willowfyre
    I'm pretty sure all the teams are set and that's okay. I came across this group and plan on doing some of the challenges on my own. Team or not, this seems like a very motivating group and that's what I need. :) Saying all that, I figure if I'm going to do some of the challenges, I should at least join the group and introduce myself.

    Basics: 30 years old. Started this site at 227 lb. on January 2nd. Currently 221.5. My ultimate goal is to get to 140-145 lb by the end of this year. <--I've been overweight/obese since childhood so I have no idea if that will actually be my ending weight or not. I may need to lose more or not that much. I do know that it's time to find out!

    I actually joined MFP because a group of my friends are doing a Biggest Loser type contest, but it's more of a support group with the end result being a healthier household and a bit of spending cash to the winner. No challenges posted. :)

    Anyway, after seeing what MFP had to offer, I figured it was time to use all the tools at my disposal, including a group or two for motivation.

    Good luck everyone! This group is pretty amazing so far.
  • raven23uk
    raven23uk Posts: 528 Member
    Name: Charmaine

    About yourself: Started in January and so glad to have found the site. I currently weigh 164. I will be 50 this year so I want to look the best I can be when the time comes to celebrate.

    Starting Weight: 167

    12 Week Goal Weight: 155
  • sheBB
    sheBB Posts: 573 Member
    Hi everyone I'm new to the challenge, just trying to catch up. Thanks so much again to Pam & Jess (my Blue Team captain) for adding me, organizing & keeping track of every thing.

    Name: Diane

    About yourself: I am 51 years old. Prior to mfp I was 226 lbs. Started mfp in May of 2011 at 220, I currently weigh 184.6

    Starting Weight: 220

    12 Week Goal Weight: 170