2012 Weigh In Thread



  • FitterTerri
    FitterTerri Posts: 91 Member
    Hi everyone. I have only found the Aussie Group last night and just found the weigh in. I hope it's not too late to join. I have just added my details. I think it is a great idea as other people will be able to see your weight and progress. It sort of makes you accountable for your efforts. Great idea.
  • msminkee
    msminkee Posts: 41 Member
    Never too late to join the group folks. Good luck with your progress :smile:
  • specialtreat
    Hi I have just joined MFP and found the Aussie group. Would love to join in on the weekly weigh ins.
    Hopefully it will help keep me motivated, I need lots of motivation :happy:
  • diver71_au
    diver71_au Posts: 424 Member
    Hi to the new folks - good to see that this motivation tool is still being utilised.

    3 Weeks overseas saw me unable to log and weigh-in however I am now back and should be weighing in on Sunday as per normal from now on.
  • Alkirra
    Alkirra Posts: 142 Member
    Welcome back Diver! Hi to all the newbies :)
  • diver71_au
    diver71_au Posts: 424 Member
    3 weeks absent - eating and drinking everything in sight while in Vietnam .... but it seems that the trekking we did offset it all as my returning weight was about the same as my departure weight ....

    But then I came down with pneumonia - which has restricted my exercise to getting out of bed to go to the toilet and returning to bed ... unfortunately I walk through the kitchen twice on this trek.

    Weigh-in was a little bit surprising this week but I guess its still beer weight dropping away.

    Numbers for the week:

    Since last weigh-in loss 2.0kg (2.35%)
    Annual loss to date 23.6kg (22.01%)

    To initial goal -1.4kg
    To revised goal 3.2kg
  • diver71_au
    diver71_au Posts: 424 Member
    Where is everyone ???

    This week sucked ... unable to exercise for almost the whole week and yet my appetite was in hyperdrive and my uncaring wife bough bucket-loads of chocolate into the house. Slight gain this week - but my body fat is still dropping.

    Numbers for the week:

    Since last weigh-in GAIN 0.2kg
    Annual loss to date 23.4kg (21.91%)

    To initial goal -1.6kg
    To revised goal 3.4kg
  • diver71_au
    diver71_au Posts: 424 Member
    Another bad week on the scales:

    Since last weigh-in GAIN 0.2kg
    Annual loss to date 23.2kg (21.91%)

    To initial goal -1.4kg
    To revised goal 3.6kg
  • diver71_au
    diver71_au Posts: 424 Member
    Since last weigh-in LOSS 0.6kg (0.718%)
    Annual loss to date 23.8kg (22.29%)

    To initial goal -2.0kg
    To revised goal 3.0kg
  • diver71_au
    diver71_au Posts: 424 Member
    Not a whole lot of motivation in being the only one that is posting to this group :(

    This will probably be my last weigh-in as it seems that nobody else is still around.

    Since last weigh-in LOSS 0.2kg
    Annual loss to date 24.0kg (22.29%)

    To initial goal -2.2kg
    To revised goal 2.8kg
  • msminkee
    msminkee Posts: 41 Member
    Hey Diver
    I'm still around and browsing the threads but have taken a break from posting and tracking for the last 3 weeks or so (to my weight detriment as I have put on 1kg) but I'm now ready to start tracking again.

    I agree it's a shame that everyone seems to have dropped off the thread although I note that some were still updating their spreadsheet record which is also what I did until a couple of weeks ago.

    I need to get my butt in order and get back on track! I still have a long way to go to get to goal.
  • msminkee
    msminkee Posts: 41 Member
    Ok - Just weighed in this morning and have lost most of what I put on in the last 3 weeks so I am ready to start again. This will be like the beginning of a new journey as my current weight is the lowest I have hovered around for the last 2 years or so.
    Time for a change - literally!
  • aneexer
    aneexer Posts: 29
    Typically my laptop wont let me participate in this :( I highlight and open in new window and nothing happens.
    I am disappointed as this sounded fun.
  • diver71_au
    diver71_au Posts: 424 Member
    Ok another week gone .... this week I spent most of my time racing the clock to beat deadlines at work and combined with bad shin splints I spent most of my time sitting at work or laying around at home. Managed a workout and a walk yesterday (before going to a catered event at the footy - scones and jam and cream, beers, butter chicken, beef wellington ..... )

    Since last weigh-in LOSS 1.8kg (2.174%)
    Annual loss to date 25.8kg (24.157%)

    To initial goal -4.0 kg
    To revised goal 1.0 kg
  • msminkee
    msminkee Posts: 41 Member
    A very small loss of 0.2 and now back to where I was half way through last month.

    Now to give myself a good kick in the proverbial and push it further - I have just hit a full 6 months so am proud of sticking with it for this long. In the past, I would have stopped at about 4 months, generally pleased with the loss at that stage. I would then drift back to old habits not realising that I really hadn't embedded new habits, just given the old ones a short rest.

    Diver congrats, you are doing so well. I'm not sure I could have bypassed all that fantastic catering - especially the scones - I am a sucker for scones and I probably would have gone back for multiple helpings - over 200 cals for one little scone! (that's without the jam and cream) - my habits die very hard! That used to be my work morning tea addition and I still crave them from time to time.
  • diver71_au
    diver71_au Posts: 424 Member
    Lots of NSVs this week but no joy on the scales!!

    Since last weigh-in GAIN 0.3g (0.37%)
    Annual loss to date 25.5kg (23.88%)

    To initial goal -3.7 kg
    To revised goal 1.3 kg
  • diver71_au
    diver71_au Posts: 424 Member
    Spent all week with the scales refusing to move from 80.1kg .... then today on weigh-in day they moved ....UP ... 80.8kg

    Since last weigh-in LOSS 0.5g (0.62%)
    Annual loss to date 26.0 kg (24.345%)

    To initial goal -4.2 kg
    To revised goal 0.8 kg
  • msminkee
    msminkee Posts: 41 Member
    Really bad week this week - put new batteries in the scales and they added 1kg! lol - can't really blame the scales much as I'd like to - cold and wet weather = carbohydrate cravings for me to which I succumbed together with hot chocolate on several occasions. OK it's a new week so now to start over...
  • jnthwaite
    jnthwaite Posts: 111
    Really bad week this week - put new batteries in the scales and they added 1kg! lol - can't really blame the scales much as I'd like to - cold and wet weather = carbohydrate cravings for me to which I succumbed together with hot chocolate on several occasions. OK it's a new week so now to start over...

    You're doing great MsMinkee. :) Stay the course, and overall we can do this! :)
  • diver71_au
    diver71_au Posts: 424 Member
    Well here we are 6 months into the year and at the date I set for my goal of 85kg. I started on Jan 1 at 106.8 kg and I hit the 85kg goal early in May and decided to go for 80kg (and the lightest I have been since 2nd or 3rd year high school).

    Yesterday and today the scales have shown the same weight ...... 79.7Kg !!!!

    Now I just need to decide if another 5kg is possible and still healthy or if I should just maintain at this and try and tighten up.

    Since last weigh-in LOSS 1.1 Kg (1.36%)
    Annual loss to date 27.1 kg (25.375%)

    To initial goal -5.3 kg
    To revised goal - 0.3 kg