1st Trimester



  • EricaG86
    EricaG86 Posts: 28
    Hi ladies, Happy Friday!!!
    Today im 9wksand3d, I was wondering if anyone else felt sick/nauseous if they don't eat every 2-3 hours??
    I've been eating crackers,fruit,healthy snacks. But if i go longer than 3 hours not eating, i get sick and have this horrible feeling in my stomach.
    Is anyone else experiencing this?
    Yes. Me. I try to do healthy but I sometimes grab a handful of pringles. The salt helps.
    Thanks, i feel a little bit better knowing im not the only one eating every 2-3 hours
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I know some of you read my status, but I figured I would update here in more detail. So my first appointment was today, and all they did was took my history. I have an appointment at the end of May with the doctor, at which time they will check for a heartbeat. However, I have to have an ultrasound done in a week to check my cervix. I had a LEEP done in 2006, but haven't had any problems since then, they just want to check the thickness. So do you guys think they would be able to see the baby during that? I sure hope so.

    I also got my blood drawn, 7 viles. I was getting a little queasy right when she was done, but she messed up. She didn't have a cotton ball or gauze to stop the blood, so she took the needle out, but a towel on my arm and went to get something. Of course I looked over and blood was running down my arm, and I think I passed out right after that!!! I was kind of embrassed as that has never happened before, but I'm not sure how much blood was lost before they stopped it. They got my husband a little after it happened, and he said they were just cleaning up my arm and one of the guys had blood on his shoe, so it must have been a decent amount. Now I'm really going to dread it next time. My husband was really sweet though during the whole thing, he was very freaked out when he walked in because he said I was so pale and was drooling. He made me eat after even though I just wanted to go home and sleep.

    Erica-Mine is getting a little better, but from 6-10 weeks I had to eat every 2 hours, now it's not qutie as bad, but I do feel icky if I don't eat for a while
  • I know some of you read my status, but I figured I would update here in more detail. So my first appointment was today, and all they did was took my history. I have an appointment at the end of May with the doctor, at which time they will check for a heartbeat. However, I have to have an ultrasound done in a week to check my cervix. I had a LEEP done in 2006, but haven't had any problems since then, they just want to check the thickness. So do you guys think they would be able to see the baby during that? I sure hope so.

    I also got my blood drawn, 7 viles. I was getting a little queasy right when she was done, but she messed up. She didn't have a cotton ball or gauze to stop the blood, so she took the needle out, but a towel on my arm and went to get something. Of course I looked over and blood was running down my arm, and I think I passed out right after that!!! I was kind of embrassed as that has never happened before, but I'm not sure how much blood was lost before they stopped it. They got my husband a little after it happened, and he said they were just cleaning up my arm and one of the guys had blood on his shoe, so it must have been a decent amount. Now I'm really going to dread it next time. My husband was really sweet though during the whole thing, he was very freaked out when he walked in because he said I was so pale and was drooling. He made me eat after even though I just wanted to go home and sleep.

    Erica-Mine is getting a little better, but from 6-10 weeks I had to eat every 2 hours, now it's not qutie as bad, but I do feel icky if I don't eat for a while

    I know how you feel! The sight of blood makes me pass out too.... everytime I have blood drawn, I look in the opposite direction until it's all done :) My husband laughs at me everytime.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    It's weird, I've never had issues, and working where i do I have seen blood before. It didn't bother me seeing it going in the tubes, but already feeling light headed, I'm sure that didn't help!
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Have any of you started to "show" yet? I know it takes longer on first time moms, and I have a long torso so it will probably take longer for me. I never thought I would be so anxious to look pregnant, but it's better than feeling fat! I'm hoping in the next month I will have a bump, I'm currently 11 weeks!
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Have any of you started to "show" yet? I know it takes longer on first time moms, and I have a long torso so it will probably take longer for me. I never thought I would be so anxious to look pregnant, but it's better than feeling fat! I'm hoping in the next month I will have a bump, I'm currently 11 weeks!

    I'm 11w2d and not showing yet either. I know what you mean about wanting to look pregnant instead of just feeling fat! Hopefully in the next month or so, we will start to show, so guess we will have to wait and see.
  • cmaxmor
    cmaxmor Posts: 231 Member
    Not showing. Just look like I ate too many twinkies.
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    Have any of you started to "show" yet? I know it takes longer on first time moms, and I have a long torso so it will probably take longer for me. I never thought I would be so anxious to look pregnant, but it's better than feeling fat! I'm hoping in the next month I will have a bump, I'm currently 11 weeks!

    I feel like I'm showing because I've gained about 10 pounds during our IVF process. DH likes to talk to my belly, and I don't have the heart to tell him that he's currently talking to belly fat, and the baby is a little lower! haha
  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
    baby #3....a couple days off from 9 weeks...not showing...and I'm glad :) Makes me happy that my belly muscles went back after my 10lb son :noway: BUT i do remember the first time I was expecting, and how anxious I was for that baby bump, and I'll be honest I didn't look pregnant until I was about 6 months along as I have a long torso and used to have a very toned tummy.
  • Baby #3 for me too but I have already went up 3 cup sizes - no joke. I feel really bloated, pukey and very unattractive at the moment! My last baby 5 years ago I hardly put on anything but my first baby 13 years ago I was huuuge! I've not started telling people yet but i really feel like i am showing. I cant wait to be able to say "I'm Pregnant!"
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I'm glad I'm not alone with just feeling fat, I saw 160 for the first time today, and it made me sad. I know it was coming, just hoping it would hold off for another week or so! The weekend is always worse, so I will get back to eating better starting today! I wouldn't care if I wasn't showing if I looked like I did 6 weeks ago! I know it will come with time, I am usually a patient person!
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    chickybuns - I would ask to lay down the next time they take blood. With my first baby that happened to me and every time I went in to give more blood I layed down, closed my eyes, and focused on my breathing and it helps me. I passed out the first time as well so you are not alone. :smile: And you should totally be able to see your baby on an u/s at 10ish weeks...it will be an amazing experience!

    I am now in my 2nd trimester I think (13wks3d) and not showing much yet. This is baby #3 and no one at work has questioned me and I'm able to hide it still, but I'm looking forward to showing soon so people can stop thinking I am just eating too much and putting the weight I lost back on. :giggle:
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    chickybuns - I would ask to lay down the next time they take blood. With my first baby that happened to me and every time I went in to give more blood I layed down, closed my eyes, and focused on my breathing and it helps me. I passed out the first time as well so you are not alone. :smile: And you should totally be able to see your baby on an u/s at 10ish weeks...it will be an amazing experience!

    I am now in my 2nd trimester I think (13wks3d) and not showing much yet. This is baby #3 and no one at work has questioned me and I'm able to hide it still, but I'm looking forward to showing soon so people can stop thinking I am just eating too much and putting the weight I lost back on. :giggle:

    Glad I'm not the only one who passed out! I think I would have been fine if they didn't take the needle out and let me bleed more. I am going to request to lie down next time to be safe. I will be almost 12 weeks when they do the u/s to check my cervix!
  • nicurn_05
    nicurn_05 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi girls, I am currently 11w2days with my 3rd baby. I feel like I am already showing and I feel huge, I got huge with my other kids, and I'm trying to watch my weight with this one. With DD #1 I gained 60lbs, not proud of that, but I did lose it, or most of it.. then with my DS I gained 27 alot of that contributed to the fact I had gestational diabetes with him and once I was forced to watch what I ate I actually lost and then maintained during my 2nd and 3rd trimesters. So with this pregnancy, 2 1/2 years later I was down to my prepregnancy weight I was at with my daughter and now have gained 12 lbs already! I fibbed and said my prepregnancy weight was 5# heavier than it was because I felt like such a cow, but now I want to maintain this weight for as long as I can because my doctor and I set a goal of 15-20# that I was comfortable gaining. My real pre-prego weight was 145lbs.. I am a labor and delivery nurse so I know that it's not all fat storage, but I don't want a lot to have to lose afterwards either, and we are trying to prevent the gestational diabetes even though we ultimately have no control over that as it's a placental issue. Anyways, I set my goal to maintain, but it says I should be getting 1920 calories! I barely ate 1350 prior to pregnancy and I don't know that I could get myself to eat that much now even with being hungry.. I still am sufferring from nausea and do find that if I eat a little it subsides some, along with heartburn. I'm not that great at tracking my food on here, but I am trying to count the carbs and maintain a low carb diet, when it's "weigh-in" day do I add the amount I gained if I did gain or maybe lose? or do you not track it? I'm trying to get back on the wagon of this site because I kind of allowed myself to get off track right before I got pregnant, which was completely unplanned on both areas.. I figure if I eat more healthy things like whole grains and fresh fruits and veggies I'm doing good, even if I don't track all of the time.. Sorry for the long post. I'm looking forward to this discussion group though because I like the community aspect of not being the only one out there. :) I'm also here for if you girls have any questions about labor/delivery/etc..
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    Hi girls, I am currently 11w2days with my 3rd baby. I feel like I am already showing and I feel huge, I got huge with my other kids, and I'm trying to watch my weight with this one. With DD #1 I gained 60lbs, not proud of that, but I did lose it, or most of it.. then with my DS I gained 27 alot of that contributed to the fact I had gestational diabetes with him and once I was forced to watch what I ate I actually lost and then maintained during my 2nd and 3rd trimesters. So with this pregnancy, 2 1/2 years later I was down to my prepregnancy weight I was at with my daughter and now have gained 12 lbs already! I fibbed and said my prepregnancy weight was 5# heavier than it was because I felt like such a cow, but now I want to maintain this weight for as long as I can because my doctor and I set a goal of 15-20# that I was comfortable gaining. My real pre-prego weight was 145lbs.. I am a labor and delivery nurse so I know that it's not all fat storage, but I don't want a lot to have to lose afterwards either, and we are trying to prevent the gestational diabetes even though we ultimately have no control over that as it's a placental issue. Anyways, I set my goal to maintain, but it says I should be getting 1920 calories! I barely ate 1350 prior to pregnancy and I don't know that I could get myself to eat that much now even with being hungry.. I still am sufferring from nausea and do find that if I eat a little it subsides some, along with heartburn. I'm not that great at tracking my food on here, but I am trying to count the carbs and maintain a low carb diet, when it's "weigh-in" day do I add the amount I gained if I did gain or maybe lose? or do you not track it? I'm trying to get back on the wagon of this site because I kind of allowed myself to get off track right before I got pregnant, which was completely unplanned on both areas.. I figure if I eat more healthy things like whole grains and fresh fruits and veggies I'm doing good, even if I don't track all of the time.. Sorry for the long post. I'm looking forward to this discussion group though because I like the community aspect of not being the only one out there. :) I'm also here for if you girls have any questions about labor/delivery/etc..


    I am working hard too to get back on track with counting calories. So far, it's been pretty hard. I gained 10 pounds during my IVF process, and another pound during the last week. I am going to track my weight, because if I don't, I won't hold myself to counting calories. In order to bump up my calories without feeling like I'm stuffing myself, I've been supplementing with V8 juice and orange juice.

    Welcome to the group! Everyone here is really great!

  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Hi girls, I am currently 11w2days with my 3rd baby. I feel like I am already showing and I feel huge, I got huge with my other kids, and I'm trying to watch my weight with this one. With DD #1 I gained 60lbs, not proud of that, but I did lose it, or most of it.. then with my DS I gained 27 alot of that contributed to the fact I had gestational diabetes with him and once I was forced to watch what I ate I actually lost and then maintained during my 2nd and 3rd trimesters. So with this pregnancy, 2 1/2 years later I was down to my prepregnancy weight I was at with my daughter and now have gained 12 lbs already! I fibbed and said my prepregnancy weight was 5# heavier than it was because I felt like such a cow, but now I want to maintain this weight for as long as I can because my doctor and I set a goal of 15-20# that I was comfortable gaining. My real pre-prego weight was 145lbs.. I am a labor and delivery nurse so I know that it's not all fat storage, but I don't want a lot to have to lose afterwards either, and we are trying to prevent the gestational diabetes even though we ultimately have no control over that as it's a placental issue. Anyways, I set my goal to maintain, but it says I should be getting 1920 calories! I barely ate 1350 prior to pregnancy and I don't know that I could get myself to eat that much now even with being hungry.. I still am sufferring from nausea and do find that if I eat a little it subsides some, along with heartburn. I'm not that great at tracking my food on here, but I am trying to count the carbs and maintain a low carb diet, when it's "weigh-in" day do I add the amount I gained if I did gain or maybe lose? or do you not track it? I'm trying to get back on the wagon of this site because I kind of allowed myself to get off track right before I got pregnant, which was completely unplanned on both areas.. I figure if I eat more healthy things like whole grains and fresh fruits and veggies I'm doing good, even if I don't track all of the time.. Sorry for the long post. I'm looking forward to this discussion group though because I like the community aspect of not being the only one out there. :) I'm also here for if you girls have any questions about labor/delivery/etc..

    Welcome, I am also 11w3d. I know I am concerned about the weight too, as I just recently lost almost 20lbs. I have gained about 3-4 so far, so I feel that's not too bad. I have no problem eating my maintenance calories and usually go over because I'm so hungry. I keep track of my weight, and I weigh everyday, but I understand it flutctuates. You could always add more milk, peanut butter, or nuts to get easy healthy calories. I also love having people to talk about it, it makes it so much nicer!
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Hi girls, I am currently 11w2days with my 3rd baby. I feel like I am already showing and I feel huge, I got huge with my other kids, and I'm trying to watch my weight with this one. With DD #1 I gained 60lbs, not proud of that, but I did lose it, or most of it.. then with my DS I gained 27 alot of that contributed to the fact I had gestational diabetes with him and once I was forced to watch what I ate I actually lost and then maintained during my 2nd and 3rd trimesters. So with this pregnancy, 2 1/2 years later I was down to my prepregnancy weight I was at with my daughter and now have gained 12 lbs already! I fibbed and said my prepregnancy weight was 5# heavier than it was because I felt like such a cow, but now I want to maintain this weight for as long as I can because my doctor and I set a goal of 15-20# that I was comfortable gaining. My real pre-prego weight was 145lbs.. I am a labor and delivery nurse so I know that it's not all fat storage, but I don't want a lot to have to lose afterwards either, and we are trying to prevent the gestational diabetes even though we ultimately have no control over that as it's a placental issue. Anyways, I set my goal to maintain, but it says I should be getting 1920 calories! I barely ate 1350 prior to pregnancy and I don't know that I could get myself to eat that much now even with being hungry.. I still am sufferring from nausea and do find that if I eat a little it subsides some, along with heartburn. I'm not that great at tracking my food on here, but I am trying to count the carbs and maintain a low carb diet, when it's "weigh-in" day do I add the amount I gained if I did gain or maybe lose? or do you not track it? I'm trying to get back on the wagon of this site because I kind of allowed myself to get off track right before I got pregnant, which was completely unplanned on both areas.. I figure if I eat more healthy things like whole grains and fresh fruits and veggies I'm doing good, even if I don't track all of the time.. Sorry for the long post. I'm looking forward to this discussion group though because I like the community aspect of not being the only one out there. :) I'm also here for if you girls have any questions about labor/delivery/etc..

    Welcome! I am 11w4d and was also working on losing weight when I got pregnant. I am still logging and exercising (as long as I am feeling up to it). Some days are tougher than others with fatigue and morning sickness, but it helps to have all these wonderful ladies to chat with. :)
  • JulaMonster
    JulaMonster Posts: 51 Member
    I'm off for my early glucose tolerance test and other bloodwork this morning! I'll get results next week at my next appointment, man oh man I hope the glucose test comes back normal!!! And I have errands to run after the test, hope I don't feel too awful afterwards! Eeek!
  • cmaxmor
    cmaxmor Posts: 231 Member
    Had my glucose test this morning. Gross. I am so freaking tired today. I feel bad for letting my 5 y.o. watch cartoons all day, but I just have zero energy to do anything.....
  • Murphy15
    Murphy15 Posts: 142
    Okay I'm curious...what exactly does the glucose tolerance test entail and when do you usually get it?