1st Trimester



  • JulaMonster
    JulaMonster Posts: 51 Member
    Okay I'm curious...what exactly does the glucose tolerance test entail and when do you usually get it?

    It is usually done around 25 weeks, but I get to do it early for whatever reason. You have to drink a super sweet drink, and have blood drawn an hour later. No big deal, just not entirely pleasant.
  • MyrianeO
    MyrianeO Posts: 92 Member
    Hey gals! I've been MIA for the last few days because I've been crazy busy with work! But I'm back now.. Big news, had my first appt yesterday, heard my baby's heartbeat - it was super clear and at 168 beats per minute, so very good :) The doctor thinks i'm at 11 weeks 5 days today instead of my original 10 weeks, which makes more sense to me because I feel big already !!
    They want me to go in for an ultrasound though because we're not 100% sure about the due date.. so very excited about that ! At least we will find out if we have twins sooner than later :)

    My blood tests were completely aweful, saw that a a few of you guys had bad experiences too.. They had to draw 6 viles of blood because i'm participating in a research project too.. I have rolling veins so everytime they would put a needle in me, it would roll away.. So they drew some on both my hands (ouch), and some on both of my arms.. in all, they blew 3 veins and had to try like 12 times... they had me laying down after a while because I was about to pass out... At one of the tries, it totally felt like my arm was going to explode, at that point it was the end and it hurt so much i started crying.. i was embarrassed but couldn't really help myself.. ugh..

    On a better note, i'm feeling better and happy to be more far along than I thought :)

    How is everyone else doing?
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Hey gals! I've been MIA for the last few days because I've been crazy busy with work! But I'm back now.. Big news, had my first appt yesterday, heard my baby's heartbeat - it was super clear and at 168 beats per minute, so very good :) The doctor thinks i'm at 11 weeks 5 days today instead of my original 10 weeks, which makes more sense to me because I feel big already !!
    They want me to go in for an ultrasound though because we're not 100% sure about the due date.. so very excited about that ! At least we will find out if we have twins sooner than later :)

    My blood tests were completely aweful, saw that a a few of you guys had bad experiences too.. They had to draw 6 viles of blood because i'm participating in a research project too.. I have rolling veins so everytime they would put a needle in me, it would roll away.. So they drew some on both my hands (ouch), and some on both of my arms.. in all, they blew 3 veins and had to try like 12 times... they had me laying down after a while because I was about to pass out... At one of the tries, it totally felt like my arm was going to explode, at that point it was the end and it hurt so much i started crying.. i was embarrassed but couldn't really help myself.. ugh..

    On a better note, i'm feeling better and happy to be more far along than I thought :)

    How is everyone else doing?

    Glad you are back. That's so great you got to hear the heartbeat! I can't wait!! Your blood test sounds pretty awful! At least we don't have to do it too often. It's nice that you are farther along than you thought, I really wish my Doc would do an u/s to see exactly how far along I am, I even told them my periods weren't super regular, but within 25-27 days. Anyway, I'm feeling more tired and naueseated this week than I had the last few, doesn't make sense. It's like just when I figure out what/when to eat and workout, it changes...welcome to pregnancy!
  • cmaxmor
    cmaxmor Posts: 231 Member
    Okay I'm curious...what exactly does the glucose tolerance test entail and when do you usually get it?
    It tests for gestational diabetes. Usually done at around 20 weeks. I had to do mine at 10 weeks because my family has a history of diabetes. It was gross. You drink a sugary drink and then get blood drawn exactly an hour later.
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Hey gals! I've been MIA for the last few days because I've been crazy busy with work! But I'm back now.. Big news, had my first appt yesterday, heard my baby's heartbeat - it was super clear and at 168 beats per minute, so very good :) The doctor thinks i'm at 11 weeks 5 days today instead of my original 10 weeks, which makes more sense to me because I feel big already !!
    They want me to go in for an ultrasound though because we're not 100% sure about the due date.. so very excited about that ! At least we will find out if we have twins sooner than later :)

    My blood tests were completely aweful, saw that a a few of you guys had bad experiences too.. They had to draw 6 viles of blood because i'm participating in a research project too.. I have rolling veins so everytime they would put a needle in me, it would roll away.. So they drew some on both my hands (ouch), and some on both of my arms.. in all, they blew 3 veins and had to try like 12 times... they had me laying down after a while because I was about to pass out... At one of the tries, it totally felt like my arm was going to explode, at that point it was the end and it hurt so much i started crying.. i was embarrassed but couldn't really help myself.. ugh..

    On a better note, i'm feeling better and happy to be more far along than I thought :)

    How is everyone else doing?

    Wow, sounds like you had an awful time getting your blood drawn. Glad to hear you are doing well aside from all of that. As for me, I am finally getting some relief from morning sickness... Yesterday was the first day and today so far I am feeling pretty good... Keeping my fingers crossed that it is starting to subside... I am 11w5d today!
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    MyrianeO - Yikes! That's an awful blood draw experience!! That would be great if you could skip ahead a week, wouldn't it? It feels like the weeks crawl by sometimes!

    When will good sleep ever come back??? I am getting sick, and my stomach hurt so bad that I was up every 30 minutes last night until 12:30, then my dog was freaking out about the thunderstorm, so I was up from 2:00 - 4:30am. And up at 6 for work! I'm sooooo tired. And *****y. On a good note, I am now 7 weeks! I have my first OB appointment tomorrow, so I can't wait to hear the baby's heartbeat again.
  • MyrianeO
    MyrianeO Posts: 92 Member
    chickybuns : I had a few days of feeling really nauseated this week too... it's like baby needs to give us one more reminder that he's there :tongue:

    1st trimester almost done!

    ajsdream: You're really lucky to hear the heartbeat so early, nice and reassuring :)

    for those of you with morning sickness or even feeling queezy - I sip gingerale almost all day and I find it helps soo much :drinker:
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    MyrianeO - Yikes! That's an awful blood draw experience!! That would be great if you could skip ahead a week, wouldn't it? It feels like the weeks crawl by sometimes!

    When will good sleep ever come back??? I am getting sick, and my stomach hurt so bad that I was up every 30 minutes last night until 12:30, then my dog was freaking out about the thunderstorm, so I was up from 2:00 - 4:30am. And up at 6 for work! I'm sooooo tired. And *****y. On a good note, I am now 7 weeks! I have my first OB appointment tomorrow, so I can't wait to hear the baby's heartbeat again.

    I'm also not sleeping well. It seems like when i get up to pee I'm up for 1-2 hours! I really would like to enjoy sleep as much as I can now! That is awesome you got to hear the heartbeat so early...I'm so jealous. Good luck with your appointment and let us know how it goes!
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    I am with you on not getting good sleep.. I am up at least 3x a night to go pee... Gone are the nights of good sleep! Oh wells, guess that's why there are naps...Of course it's only an option on the weekends....well some weekends...lol!
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    Hey all!- I am newly pregnant, just found out two days ago and I am 8 weeks along. I actually have not had any symptoms except a lil soreness in my breasts. My main question is how intensely do all you exercise ( if at all). I have been doing Insanity, Turbo Fire and Insanity Asylum and I run 5 miles 4 times a week. Am i ok to continue or should I cut back ( i normally workout about 2 hours a day)
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Hey all!- I am newly pregnant, just found out two days ago and I am 8 weeks along. I actually have not had any symptoms except a lil soreness in my breasts. My main question is how intensely do all you exercise ( if at all). I have been doing Insanity, Turbo Fire and Insanity Asylum and I run 5 miles 4 times a week. Am i ok to continue or should I cut back ( i normally workout about 2 hours a day)

    Welcome and Congrats! As for working out, my doctor as advised to stick to lower impact workouts... So I am sticking to zumba, turbo jam (doing the lower impact variation), Leslie Sansone dvd's and also walking my dogs. I will probably look for other low impact dvd's later on when I get bored with what I have.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Hey all!- I am newly pregnant, just found out two days ago and I am 8 weeks along. I actually have not had any symptoms except a lil soreness in my breasts. My main question is how intensely do all you exercise ( if at all). I have been doing Insanity, Turbo Fire and Insanity Asylum and I run 5 miles 4 times a week. Am i ok to continue or should I cut back ( i normally workout about 2 hours a day)

    Welcome!! I have continued doing the same things basically, but just scaled back the intensity. I will sometimes do Turbo fire, but I mostly due Turbo Jam because it's a little easier. I still do Zumba, but also try to keep it lower intensity for the most part. I bought a heart rate monitor when I found out I was pregnant, to help keep myself from overdoing it because I was doing some intense workouts as well. I try to make sure my HR doens't get over 150 at least for very long. I'm not sure how intense Insanity is, but I think TF would still be fine, maybe just take it back a notch, be easy with the HIITs or don't do them, and do the low impact version. running should be fine too, there are plenty women that run while pregnant. Maybe just slow your pace down a little. I used to run at about a 6mph pace, and now I do 5-5.2mph due to my heart rate! Hope this helped!
  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
    Ok so this is on the personal side of things IMO....my Dr called today to inform me that my lovely pap smear from last week came back "abnormal" and she has scheduled me for a coloscopy (which is basically a very upclose look at the cervix) Needless to say I am FREAKING out, worrying I have HPV or cancer or something...anyone else ever had abnormal pap results? positive outcome? not positive? while pregnant? I mean any experience would be nice as I've NEVER had an abnormal pap. AHHHH
  • MyrianeO
    MyrianeO Posts: 92 Member
    Ok so this is on the personal side of things IMO....my Dr called today to inform me that my lovely pap smear from last week came back "abnormal" and she has scheduled me for a coloscopy (which is basically a very upclose look at the cervix) Needless to say I am FREAKING out, worrying I have HPV or cancer or something...anyone else ever had abnormal pap results? positive outcome? not positive? while pregnant? I mean any experience would be nice as I've NEVER had an abnormal pap. AHHHH

    I wouldn't worry about it too much - they're probably just taking extra precaution because you are pregnant.. you could just have a bacteria or something that dissapears on its own.. I have HPV, but there are slight chances it actually becomes cancer, I just get checked more often.. it's a lifetime thing so I just have to deal with it - I have no more symptoms - used to have a little bit of genetal warts but we burned them away.. It's actually not that big a deal, many women and men have it - which is why they are getting teenagers to get vaccinated for it now.

    Stressing won't do you any good - just keep in mind that they are just making sure everything is good with yours and your baby's health.
  • MyrianeO
    MyrianeO Posts: 92 Member
    Ok girls, looks like i'm at 12 weeks today! I'm going to be switching over to the second trimester board (can't believe i'm there already!!!) I wish everyone a great pregnancy and I can't wait to greet you girls on the other side! :glasses:
  • cmaxmor
    cmaxmor Posts: 231 Member
    Somethinglike 50% of people have hpv. I do. Not that big of a deal.
    I have my first appt with my ob/gyn this morning. I hope to hear a heartbeat! I am going to go ahead and do the nuchal scan an protein screen. It is expensive and I don't have a history of birth defects or downs inmy family but it's better to know, right?
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    Somethinglike 50% of people have hpv. I do. Not that big of a deal.
    I have my first appt with my ob/gyn this morning. I hope to hear a heartbeat! I am going to go ahead and do the nuchal scan an protein screen. It is expensive and I don't have a history of birth defects or downs inmy family but it's better to know, right?

    Even though I've moved on to the 2nd Tri board, I still come back here to see what's going on! Anyway, we went ahead with the downs/nuchal/trisomy testing even though there's no known family history for us, either. We figured if there is something wrong, we'd like to be able to do some research and be prepared once baby arrives. So far I've done the u/s and first round of blood work and everything is looking good!
  • MyrianeO
    MyrianeO Posts: 92 Member
    Somethinglike 50% of people have hpv. I do. Not that big of a deal.
    I have my first appt with my ob/gyn this morning. I hope to hear a heartbeat! I am going to go ahead and do the nuchal scan an protein screen. It is expensive and I don't have a history of birth defects or downs inmy family but it's better to know, right?

    Good luck on your visit - hearing the heartbeat is an amazing feeling! I also want to know ahead of time if my baby has downs.. it will just help us mentally prepare ourselves - we will not abort... make sure to talk this over with your man though.. it's a touchy subject

    Hope you have a good appt!! :smile:
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    So whats everyone's view on coloring your hair while pregnant? I have been looking up a bunch of articles and it seems that this might be an old wives tale. Doesnt really seem like there is any evidence that it does any harm. Plus how can women who are pregnant work in a salon and be fine if it did cause so much damage?

    The reason I am asking is that I normally dye my hair blond with Nice and Easy ( a home coloring product) and am in a wedding next week., I has been about 5 weeks since I coloried my hair and the roots are coming in bad. I really need to fix my hair before this wedding.
  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
    guilty....i had my hair colored during both pregnancies; though I did always wait until I had cleared the first trimester.