1st Trimester



  • divasoofly
    divasoofly Posts: 50 Member
    Hey ladies, I see we are all at the same crossroads: nausea and names, lol. I am hopeful that maybe this nausea is coming to a close but I still don't feel quite myself. I had my ultrasound today and everything was wonderful. I saw the baby kicking and talking, and waving to us. It was a special moment for my husband and I. Also, my date was moved up 8 days so I'm now 13w4ds instead of 12w3ds. This makes me due Nov. 9th not the 17th. Anymore Nov. 9 birthdays out there???

    As far as names I Love Elle and Quinn for a girl but haven't come up with any boy names that I like. My husband isn't too fond yet of either name so back to the drawing board, lol.

    Also, do I head over to the 2nd trimester board at the end of the week? Have a beautiful day ladies!!!!
  • JulaMonster
    JulaMonster Posts: 51 Member
    Hey ladies! I've been lurking in here a bit but haven't had much time to post. I had my second appointment and my first 'official' ultrasound today! Got a little nervous when my midwife said my uterus felt quite large for just 12 weeks (I'm 12w4d today), then said "good thing you're having an ultrasound today!" So there I am freaking out if it's multiples or not :wink: Turns out there's definitely just one in there, and the tech is *pretty* sure it's a girl! (70% chance it's a girl) YAY! She's measuring a week ahead (measuring 13w3d), but I don't know if they'll move my due date up or not (my midwife appointment was before the ultrasound, which is done in a different office). If I remember correctly, I think I was measuring a little ahead with my son as well, especially in the beginning. We'll see if I can dig up his ultrasound photos to be sure. At this point I'll stick with the same Nov 16th due date, no need to rush things :wink: I've been feeling pretty good, energy levels seem like they're starting to improve, and maternity pants are definitely in order these days! I have gained any weight yet (in fact I'm down almost 2lbs from my weight when I found out I was pregnant (and therefore my lowest weight in years), though I wasn't trying to lose), but still in the overweight range. My midwife has advised a weight gain no more than 15-25lbs for the remainder of the pregnancy, which I think is totally doable and reasonable, and she wants me to walk a mile 5 days a week. Now that my energy has been better, I've been much more active than I was the first month or so, so that's good! Anyways, just wanted to update! Hope everyone is feeling well!
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    Well had my first doctor appt today and ultrasound. From what my doctor says everything looked great I am further along than they first thought so my new due date is December 15. I was told by my doctor that if I can maintain my weight or continue losing he completely supports it, but he would prefer me not to gain. Go figure. Was given the orders to go to the lab and have all the blood work done. Not sure about you all but I looked at it and couldn't believe everything they test you for. When I had my son they didn't tell me what they tested for they just tested. Go back in 4 weeks to have the N.T. done, but by then I will be in my 2nd trimester yeah!!!!
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Most of my pants are getting too tight! It's crazy that they fit when I weighed over 170, and now I'm only around 160 and most are too small. I guess I'm going to use the rubber band trick for a while, until I really start showing....so ready to show and just not look fat!
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    They make a belly band so you can stay in your pants longer I personally have never used it but others say it works great. I had a friend who was really tiny when she got pregnant and unfortunately she looked fat not pregnant I never told her that sometimes I guess it happens she had all girls. When I had my son you never would have known that I was pregnant unless I turned to the side. I know what you mean you want to look like there is a baby in there and not that you can't stay away from the cheeseburgers.
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Most of my pants are getting too tight! It's crazy that they fit when I weighed over 170, and now I'm only around 160 and most are too small. I guess I'm going to use the rubber band trick for a while, until I really start showing....so ready to show and just not look fat!

    I know what you mean about just wanting to show already... Some of my pants are starting to get tight, they still fit, but I know it won't be long... I feel fat though and not pregnant, so I am hoping it won't be too much longer before I actually feel and look pregnant.
  • cmaxmor
    cmaxmor Posts: 231 Member
    Luckily(?) I had just lost 17 lbs when I found out I was pregnant. So I'm just wearing my "fat" pants. Boo.
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Yay!...13 weeks today! I will be moving over to the second trimester board soon, but will pop in to see how everyone is doing too! So how is everyone doing on this Friday? I am so ready for the weekend...
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    cmaxor-that's about where I was and now some of my fat pants are getting snug. I will have probably try the belly band, anyone know where to get them? I am doing pretty good, I feel a little more energy these past two days. I was wondering if any of you took the free prenatal vitamins? I got some at my local Meijer, and I was wondering if they contained iron? I just started taking them a few weeks ago, and noticed I was waaay more tired, so I switched back and now I feel better. Hope all of you are doing well:)
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    cmaxor-that's about where I was and now some of my fat pants are getting snug. I will have probably try the belly band, anyone know where to get them? I am doing pretty good, I feel a little more energy these past two days. I was wondering if any of you took the free prenatal vitamins? I got some at my local Meijer, and I was wondering if they contained iron? I just started taking them a few weeks ago, and noticed I was waaay more tired, so I switched back and now I feel better. Hope all of you are doing well:)

    I have seen the belly bands at Target for about $15.00.
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    Just had a very strange conversation with my boss. I haven't told them I am pregnant yet I wanted to wait until I was in my 2nd trimester. A little background my boss' son just had a baby in the beginning of April and his daughter is due in August. His wife has decided she is going to be the day care center for both babies plus her nieces baby who just turned a year old. His wife is also the one who fills in for me when I am out whether its for a day or for vacation. Now I am worried that I will be out of a job when they find out I am pregnant its not like they offer maternity leave or anything anyway, but it looks like I could be out of a job as soon as I tell them I am pregnant or at the latest right before my due date. The guys aren't going to fill in they will need to have someone do my job. Stress I did not need.
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    I got two bellybands (one black and one brown) from amazon.com for $20.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I'm 5w2d today. I have my first doctor's appointment next Monday, so I'll be 6w3d along. I am really hoping we'll be able to hear a heartbeat by then, but I know that it might still be too early. Hopefully I won't get too freaked out if we don't hear anything in that first appointment.

    This is what the doctor's office suggested based on the first day of my last period, even though I explained that I didn't ovulate until CD20. When did you have your first appointment?
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    My first appointment wasn't until after 10 weeks, and it was just with the nurse. It is unlikely they will be able to hear the heart beat with a doppler, but if they do an ultrasound, you will at least be able to see it. At my first appointment, they just took family history, had me pee in a cup, and did bloodwork. Good luck!
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    I'm 5w2d today. I have my first doctor's appointment next Monday, so I'll be 6w3d along. I am really hoping we'll be able to hear a heartbeat by then, but I know that it might still be too early. Hopefully I won't get too freaked out if we don't hear anything in that first appointment.

    This is what the doctor's office suggested based on the first day of my last period, even though I explained that I didn't ovulate until CD20. When did you have your first appointment?

    My first appointment I was like over 8 weeks... Got an ultrasound, lab tests, family history, weight, blood pressure,etc. Most doctors wait till about 12 weeks to listen for a heartbeat on a doppler, but if you get an ultrasound then you should be able to see the heartbeat.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Well ladies, I guess it is time for my to join the second trimester group, I will be 14 weeks on Wednesday. Good luck, I will see all of you there soon! I might come back on occasion :)
  • pcedano
    pcedano Posts: 62 Member
    @Blink1021- I told my boss the minute I found out I was pregnant because every article, book, etc about pregnancy in the work force recommends it. Don't know where you live, but here in the States the minute you inform your boss that you are pregnant you are placed under a protective class, in other words they need to provide ample evidence of why terminating your job that does not have to do with your pregnancy status. It is also recommended that you inform them in writing (to have a record). You should at least tell your boss and inform him not to mention it to NO ON!!! If you do it know it gives both of you enough time to formulate a plan.
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    Just had a very strange conversation with my boss. I haven't told them I am pregnant yet I wanted to wait until I was in my 2nd trimester. A little background my boss' son just had a baby in the beginning of April and his daughter is due in August. His wife has decided she is going to be the day care center for both babies plus her nieces baby who just turned a year old. His wife is also the one who fills in for me when I am out whether its for a day or for vacation. Now I am worried that I will be out of a job when they find out I am pregnant its not like they offer maternity leave or anything anyway, but it looks like I could be out of a job as soon as I tell them I am pregnant or at the latest right before my due date. The guys aren't going to fill in they will need to have someone do my job. Stress I did not need.

    I am in the same situation. Fortunately for me i dont think I will lose my job until closer to my due date since i work at a Marina and the summers are super busy. the stressful thing is that I am paying for good insurance through my work and if he fires me because I am pregnant i lose that insurance.

    I cant even use FLMA because there are only 12 employees there
  • glimmer01
    glimmer01 Posts: 18 Member
    It would be illegal for them to fire you over being pregnant. But if you have other issues they might be able to let you go.
  • EricaG86
    EricaG86 Posts: 28
    hey guys, im 12 weeks today..My fat pants are fitting a little snug on me now. I've been wearing oversized shirts to work, like tunics and one of my co-workers asked me if i was wearing a maternity top..I dont want to tell anyone @ work until the 2nd trimester. I do notice some ppl looking at my stomach, not sure if its because they think im pregnant or because it looks like i had a big breakfast or lunch lol..I have a transnucheal Ultrasound at the end of this month and i cancelled my coloposcopy appointment..I dont feel comfortable with having that procedure done while i'm pregnant. Anyway I hope everyones doing great.