1st Trimester



  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I'm burning up! I know that your temp goes up after ovulation and stays up if you get pregnant, but holy smokes! I normally run pretty cold so I'm used to wearing lots of layers. Guess I might need to back off a little. :happy:
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Erica-I think that's a good choice, why risk it?

    Kaitlin- I'm not hotter overall, but do kind of have hot flashes, especially when I'm sleeping, well trying to sleep.

    I can't believe I'm 12 weeks already!! Luckily the weekends always go to fast, so Monday and my ultrasound will be here before I know it....let's just hope they look at the baby too!
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    chickybuns - Can't wait to hear about your ultrasound!

    kaitlinj - I have hot flashes at night too, but also notice that I get warmer during the day. I'm usually really cold, no matter what time of year it is!

    I spent the weekend sick with a sinus infection/cold. So, little sleep for me since I can't breathe through my nose. Other than that, an uneventful weekend! Trying to (patiently) wait for my next ultrasound on the 17th.

  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    Found out I was pregnant about a week ago. Have my first appointment on Thursday so I am nervous and excited. This will be my second child I had my first child 8 years ago and from what I have been told lots has changed since I was last pregnant so that makes me a little nervous. Worried about the blood tests of course because I am a little older than what I had planned and I didn't have gestational diabetes with the last one so would really love not to have it with this one. I am appx. 7wks4days I am sure that can change with the ultrasound. This pregnancy so far is completely different from my last one and for that I am grateful. With my son I woke up throwing up and went to sleep throwing up. This one I am just nauseous and I am really cold all the time. It can be 76 outside and I am wearing sweats and still cold. Also the breast pain is almost unbearable if I could walk around topless I would, clothing on them makes the tenderness worse. I am also having trouble exercising I become light headed very easily so I take it slow or stop altogether. I had high blood pressure with my last pregnancy and would like to avoid it with this one. If anyone has questions or concerns I would be happy to help I am not going to be much help with labor and delivery because I probably had one of the easiest deliveries with my first one he basically slid out. My husband teases me that with this one he will break record speeds getting me to the hospital because he is afraid that he would have to deliver it in the car.
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    Found out I was pregnant about a week ago. Have my first appointment on Thursday so I am nervous and excited. This will be my second child I had my first child 8 years ago and from what I have been told lots has changed since I was last pregnant so that makes me a little nervous. Worried about the blood tests of course because I am a little older than what I had planned and I didn't have gestational diabetes with the last one so would really love not to have it with this one. I am appx. 7wks4days I am sure that can change with the ultrasound. This pregnancy so far is completely different from my last one and for that I am grateful. With my son I woke up throwing up and went to sleep throwing up. This one I am just nauseous and I am really cold all the time. It can be 76 outside and I am wearing sweats and still cold. Also the breast pain is almost unbearable if I could walk around topless I would, clothing on them makes the tenderness worse. I am also having trouble exercising I become light headed very easily so I take it slow or stop altogether. I had high blood pressure with my last pregnancy and would like to avoid it with this one. If anyone has questions or concerns I would be happy to help I am not going to be much help with labor and delivery because I probably had one of the easiest deliveries with my first one he basically slid out. My husband teases me that with this one he will break record speeds getting me to the hospital because he is afraid that he would have to deliver it in the car.

    Congratulations! We are almost the same, I'm at 7w5d.

    That's a relief that your nausea seems to be under control this time! I can't imagine throwing up all day long, but I know I'm not out of the woods yet.

  • MyrianeO
    MyrianeO Posts: 92 Member
    Hey girls! Glad to see some new people, congrats to all the soon to be mama's!

    I had my first ultrasound yesterday!!! They thought I was 12 weeks, but turns out i'm only 10 and 5 days.. so that's ok with me, i'm happy either way. It's so incredible to see your baby for the first time on that screen.. my little gummy bear was jumping up and down and wiggling his arms and legs, just full of energy, so that was cool! Heartbeat was at 160 :happy:

    Working from home today, in my pj's so I fell good!

    Hopefully everyone is feeling good too, i'm on cloud nine!!
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    Had my first ultrasound today. Found out i was not as far along as they thought. I am 6weeks 4days. So the lil guy is due 12/27. I got to hear the heartbeat. It was 117bpm. they said this was a little low but they would review it agian in four weeks.
  • dls0516
    dls0516 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi all! Congratulations to all the moms to be! I'm new to the board and I'm 5 weeks pregnant today - due January 7th! I called my doc already and have an appointment setup for next Tuesday. I have two boys ages 8 and 5 and have had two miscarriages. The last one was this past December and the first one was 6 years ago - with both I was at the end of the 1st trimester. So, I'm higher risk due to the miscarriages and because I'm over 35, oh yeah and overweight. For now that just means I get to have an ultrasound next week! I'm excited and nervous all at the same time. I haven't shared the pregnancy news with anyone but my husband so it's weird sharing this today. :)

    I look forward to sharing this journey with everyone!
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    Hi all! Congratulations to all the moms to be! I'm new to the board and I'm 5 weeks pregnant today - due January 7th! I called my doc already and have an appointment setup for next Tuesday. I have two boys ages 8 and 5 and have had two miscarriages. The last one was this past December and the first one was 6 years ago - with both I was at the end of the 1st trimester. So, I'm higher risk due to the miscarriages and because I'm over 35, oh yeah and overweight. For now that just means I get to have an ultrasound next week! I'm excited and nervous all at the same time. I haven't shared the pregnancy news with anyone but my husband so it's weird sharing this today. :)

    I look forward to sharing this journey with everyone!

    Congrats and Welcome!

    I understand being excited and nervous. I'm like that too. I've never had any miscarriages, but it took us 9 years to get pregnant. I am so focused on my uterus right now that my work life is suffering! haha

    Anyone thinking about names yet? I know it's reeeallllly early, but I think this is so hard!! DH and I hardly ever agree on names.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Comgrats on the good appointments!! I know I posted it in my status, but just going to say it here! I had my ultrasound to check my cervix today and they just did everything including looking at the baby. I got to see the baby moving around like crazy, and some got some cute pictures with its legs up and stretched out! I heard the heartbeat and it was 163. The whole thing was so awesome, so I am so relieved now! Also my EDD due dated changed to 11/14, which means I will be 13 weeks tomorrow, so I'll be on to the second trimester soon! Now I feel like I can breathe and get on with my life for a few months! Now just to catch up with school, so I get done before I have this baby! Also, my anniversary is on the 15th, so it may be really close!
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Comgrats on the good appointments!! I know I posted it in my status, but just going to say it here! I had my ultrasound to check my cervix today and they just did everything including looking at the baby. I got to see the baby moving around like crazy, and some got some cute pictures with its legs up and stretched out! I heard the heartbeat and it was 163. The whole thing was so awesome, so I am so relieved now! Also my EDD due dated changed to 11/14, which means I will be 13 weeks tomorrow, so I'll be on to the second trimester soon! Now I feel like I can breathe and get on with my life for a few months! Now just to catch up with school, so I get done before I have this baby! Also, my anniversary is on the 15th, so it may be really close!

    That's awesome! I know what you mean about relief after seeing and hearing the heartbeat... I will be 13 weeks on Friday, so will be joining all of you in the second trimester soon too!
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    Here's a great link saying what wish we ladies should and should not eat during pregnancy =)

  • MyrianeO
    MyrianeO Posts: 92 Member
    dls0516: Congrats on the news! All the best wishes from myself, and this group will give you that emotional support you will need!

    Chickybuns: That's so great! Sounds like everything is in check and baby's healthy!!

    AJs Dream: We're having trouble with names too lol... my bf is sooo picky lol ! But we're thinking Zachary for a boy and Malika for a girl (we're french)
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    AJs Dream: We're having trouble with names too lol... my bf is sooo picky lol ! But we're thinking Zachary for a boy and Malika for a girl (we're french)

    Cute names! I guess we are now stuck with "J" boy names to follow in my husband's family tradition, so that is going to make it even more difficult! Urgh.
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    AJs Dream: We're having trouble with names too lol... my bf is sooo picky lol ! But we're thinking Zachary for a boy and Malika for a girl (we're french)

    Cute names! I guess we are now stuck with "J" boy names to follow in my husband's family tradition, so that is going to make it even more difficult! Urgh.

    My 8 year old is Justice if you do not live in New Zealand it could work. Its supposed to be spelled Justus but I changed it because I thought it would be easier for everyone to spell. I got the name from General Hospital (I love that soap). Just an idea my sister named her kid Junius after the father but I would not recommend that she quickly found a nickname for him everyone tries to call him Genius.
  • MyrianeO
    MyrianeO Posts: 92 Member
    AJs Dream: We're having trouble with names too lol... my bf is sooo picky lol ! But we're thinking Zachary for a boy and Malika for a girl (we're french)

    Cute names! I guess we are now stuck with "J" boy names to follow in my husband's family tradition, so that is going to make it even more difficult! Urgh.

    I also love Jacob if that helps :)
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    blink1021 - Your son's name is so cute! I can see why you changed the spelling. I don't want to give my child any hard-to-spell names either. I was at a birthday party for a 10-year-old girl last weekend, and one kid's name was Kendzior (pronounced Kenzer).

    MyrianeO - I like Jacob too, but it was my sister-in-law's long-time boyfriend's name. And he was psychotic. My husband likes Jack, but I'm not sold on it yet. I'm letting him keep it on the list since we have quite a while before December gets here!

    Thanks for the help!

  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    My parents spent a looooong time thinking up what horrible nicknames kids would be able to call me before finally settling on a name that had the least offensive attacks available lol. My husband and I have already come to an agreement about boy and girl names (although we're not allowed to tell until after the birth).

    Rules that we followed - if you have to explain how to pronounce it, then you're spelling it wrong, if it rhymes with curse words pick a new name, if it was the character of a popular movie in the last 5 years then pick a new name, if it has a horrible meaning pick a new name :)
  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
    My husband hates picking out names, he's not that picky it's just the actual final decision that kills him. He gets hung up on the fact that it's such a monumental decision. Thankfully though we both love unusual names & spellings and followed suit with both our children. I didn't want them to be the 15th kid in their kindergarten class with the same name, and I doubt I'll have to worry about it. I think it's babycenter.com that you can actually put in what name you're thinkin about it, and it'll actually rank it in popularity for the past 10 years....
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Luckily mine isn't too picky either. We are pretty sure on a girl name, but he doesn't love the boy name I like, but I'm open to suggestions, he just hasn't thought of anything better. But we don't have to worry too much yet until we find out the sex. I also want to stay away from popular names. My goal is to have a simple, easy to pronounce and spell name that is not popular. Lucy and Jude are my favorites at the moment.