2nd Trimester



  • Lainn
    Lainn Posts: 281 Member
    Well, I must have been feeling left out...because I had a bleeding scare today, too! I had some spotting a month ago (around weeks 8 & 9), both times ended being nothing (I had several ultrasounds). Then, last night, I sat down to pee...and when I stood up, the toilet had blood in it. It LOOKED like a lot to me, but I made my husband look and he said it probably looked like more than it was, since it mixed with toilet water. Anyway, this morning I had some very light brown spotting...called doctor...they had me come in (again). Listened to heart beat on the doppler (135...she said that was great...but I feel like everyone else always seems to have heartbeats in the 160's). Did a pelvic exam...said my cervix was irritated and bleeding some. Asked about sex...told her I had it late on Saturday, and she said it is very likely from that. Then she sent me on my way and told me again that she's worried about my anxiety and recommended a psych in KC. I love my doctor...I really do...and I know it seems like I overreact a lot (I'm 13 and a half weeks and have had 4 ultrasounds...don't even know how many phone calls I've made). Anyways, I've had no more bleeding today and I'm very glad we got to hear the heartbeat...my goal is to make it to my next regular appointment on the 17th without any more drama. Hope everyone else had a wonderful, stress-free day!
    Sorry you had a scare too! Nothing can throw us preggos into a panic like seeing blood. I would try to take a deep breath and relax. I truly know it is easier said then done, but try!

    As for the heartbeat....sounds like it could be a boy! They tend to have low heart rates. I know that is a old wives tale, but has seem pretty spot on with everyone I known who has had a baby. I wouldn't worry about it. If your doc isn't then you shouldn't be either.
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    JaclynnGail: Sorry you had to go through that! If it makes you feel any better, I'm only 16 weeks, and I've had 7 ultrasounds, and I get the doppler 2-3 times a week. It's normal to be concerned, and I really don't care what anyone else thinks when I'm freaking out about something! That is a great heartbeat too! The range is so wide.


    My uterus is going through a growth spurt right now - I've been cramping for 2 days. (And I did have the doppler done this morning, just for peace of mind!) I am currently 16w2d, and I can't wait to feel this baby move!!!
  • cmaxmor
    cmaxmor Posts: 231 Member
    How are you guys getting multiple ultrasounds? Does your insurance pay for that? I am curious because mine only allows 2.
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    16wk5d and had my regularly scheduled appointment yesterday on July 5. Wouldn't it be my luck that my doctor had to run to the hospital because 2 people went into labor. So I saw a nurse and had to reschedule. Which normally wouldn't be a problem but I am to go on vacation next friday and need to be cleared to leave town. To my surprise I find out my doctor doesn't work fridays. The only open day they have is next Thursday and of course it is the only day next week that I cannot take off because everyone will be in a class and I have to cover the office. So I call and explain the situation and am told he has nothing before that. Okay well I guess we will have to wait till the week of the 23rd. Well the office did not like it when I said that I have to be seen before that. So after 20min on hold they come back on and tell me that miraculously an opening has appeared on Monday but that is all they can do. Not trying to be a pain but I did have an appt yesterday not my fault and not the pregnant women who went in labor fault either. On a happier note heard the hearbeat yesterday it is 150 so still going strong. Still having crazy lower and back pain and was told by the nurse that I am probably having issues with iron. TMI>>>> I am not evidently using the bathroom as much as I should be so I had to go buy a stool softener to alleviate that issue, but they also sent a lab off for kidney infection to just be sure. So hopefully all is well. Also did the 2nd half of bloodwork for the genetic disorders.

    Hope everyone else is doing well. Keeping my fingers crossed that no one has anymore bleeding issues hopefully we are all past that.
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    How are you guys getting multiple ultrasounds? Does your insurance pay for that? I am curious because mine only allows 2.

    I have had 2 ultrasounds already and by the end of my pregnancy if no problems come up I would have a total of 4 ultrasounds. I was told by my office if there are questions and concerns they will do an ultrasound regardless of what insurance says. Although most insurances will cover it if it is believed to be a problem with the baby or a possibility of one. According to the insurance office of my dr. office.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    How are you guys getting multiple ultrasounds? Does your insurance pay for that? I am curious because mine only allows 2.

    My doctor's office typically only does one around 18 weeks. But I had one at 12 due to a past problem with my cervix. As far as I know I won't be getting another one unless there is some concern. I kind of wish I could have one more, for some reason I'm worried about the sex being right..they just seemed so sure so quickly lol. I know they do it all the time, but I just want to make sure!
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    How are you guys getting multiple ultrasounds? Does your insurance pay for that? I am curious because mine only allows 2.

    I am considered high risk because I'm over 35 and did IVF, so my insurance will cover whatever I need done. Also, because I had spotting issues, they will cover them. And I also work in my doctor's office, so I have had a couple "unofficial" done.
  • JaclynnGail
    JaclynnGail Posts: 204 Member
    2 of the ultrasounds I've had have been because of bleeding, one was because I took a super-bad fall off the side of my porch and was worried, and the other was because they couldn't find a heartbeat with a doppler...I don't know if they call them medically necessary, or if they do them special for me because I have so many anxiety issues....I won't find out for sure what the insurance company pays for until the end, so I guess we'll see.
  • cmaxmor
    cmaxmor Posts: 231 Member
    I am having my sex/anatomy US tomorrow! I am so excited!
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    My doctor does 2 ultrasounds, but we found at the gender early by getting a 3d ultrasound. Anyway, I am 21w3d and had my anatomy scan today... Everything went well and we are still on track for November 16th!
  • Lainn
    Lainn Posts: 281 Member
    My insurance typically only alloows for one u/s at 19-20w for the growth/gender scan. My OB doesn't usually recommend more than that either. However since my miscarriages I get one around 7-8w and then the 19-20w one. That is it though...unless something comes up. Like last pregnancy she went way overdue so they had to check fluid levels and make sure she was ok.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    cmaxmor-that's so exciting...let us know

    bluegirl-I'm glad to hear everything was good, wonder which one of us will have our boys first :)
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    So went back to the doctor today and was able to see him. He cleared me for vacation. Just told me that I would have to stop every 2hours to walk around which is fine I will probably have to use the bathroom anyway. Right now everything looks good a strong fast heartbeat and the uterus is soft (whatever that means). He also said based on the hearbeat and the position of the baby he would have to guess that I am having a girl, but we find out for certain on July 30 when they do the sex/anatomy ultrasound. Getting very excited althougth my husband says in his gut he knows its a boy so we will see who is right. At this point I just want a healthy baby. Between us though I already have a boy a girl would be nice then I would have an ally in a house full of boys (even my dog is male). Although the doctor did say not to be surprised if the baby measures bigger than my due date. Since it is the second one they sometimes do that so he may not change my due date. Count down till Dec. 15. :)
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    cmaxmor-that's so exciting...let us know

    bluegirl-I'm glad to hear everything was good, wonder which one of us will have our boys first :)

    chickybuns--- It would be cool if it was the same day! :)
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    cmaxmor-that's so exciting...let us know

    bluegirl-I'm glad to hear everything was good, wonder which one of us will have our boys first :)

    chickybuns--- It would be cool if it was the same day! :)

    Yes it would! I just have this feeling it's going to be right around Thanksgiving!!
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    You girls have your Turkey Day babies- everyone keeps hoping I'll have a Halloween baby. I'm a New Years baby so maybe the holiday birthdays will run in the family :)

    On a different note, anyone else having back problems? My lower back has been a pain- literally- for the past couple of weeks. I'm trying to stretch it out and see what happens. I put a call in to my dr but probably won't hear back until this afternoon. I also have one really sore breast- just the left one... I haven't had any problems since early on in the pregnancy with my boobs. Fun times!
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    So went back to the doctor today and was able to see him. He cleared me for vacation. Just told me that I would have to stop every 2hours to walk around which is fine I will probably have to use the bathroom anyway. Right now everything looks good a strong fast heartbeat and the uterus is soft (whatever that means). He also said based on the hearbeat and the position of the baby he would have to guess that I am having a girl, but we find out for certain on July 30 when they do the sex/anatomy ultrasound. Getting very excited althougth my husband says in his gut he knows its a boy so we will see who is right. At this point I just want a healthy baby. Between us though I already have a boy a girl would be nice then I would have an ally in a house full of boys (even my dog is male). Although the doctor did say not to be surprised if the baby measures bigger than my due date. Since it is the second one they sometimes do that so he may not change my due date. Count down till Dec. 15. :)

    Awesome!! Have fun on your vacation!! We find out the sex of ours July 23rd, I can't wait!!! And i am due just a day before you!
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    You girls have your Turkey Day babies- everyone keeps hoping I'll have a Halloween baby. I'm a New Years baby so maybe the holiday birthdays will run in the family :)

    On a different note, anyone else having back problems? My lower back has been a pain- literally- for the past couple of weeks. I'm trying to stretch it out and see what happens. I put a call in to my dr but probably won't hear back until this afternoon. I also have one really sore breast- just the left one... I haven't had any problems since early on in the pregnancy with my boobs. Fun times!

    Funny, I'm hoping mine DOESN'T show up on Halloween! My brother is a Dec 24th baby, a cousin is a Dec 25th baby, and I know several other holiday babies, and they all wish they had a non-holiday birthday. They feel like people just remember the holiday and forget that it's their birthday, too!

    My back has always bothered me, and started bothering me even more as soon as I got pregnant. It mostly bothers me when I'm stuck at my desk, or when I'm trying to sleep. A body pillow helps some, but I still need extra help. I had been seeing a physio therapist from 12-20 weeks, but am making the switch to massage therapy this week. With physio I was taught a few exercises at my first appt, but then each appt after that I'd have a heating pad on my back for 15 minutes, have about 20 minutes of massage/manipulations on my lower back, and be sent on my way with a $60 bill. I didn't feel like it was working for me, and actually woke up in a lot of pain after my last physio appointment. I've had massage therapy in the past, I know it works, and I'm looking forward to having my back massaged for the *whole hour*, for about the same price.
  • cmaxmor
    cmaxmor Posts: 231 Member
    It's a girl! No clue on names yet. So far we are sticking with the same schedule for my c section. Sadly, thar means I will be in the hospital over Thanksgiving.
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    MrsCarter00: I find out on July 23rd too! I think that bonding with baby before birth will be so much easier once I know what we're having!

    BeckyJill7: I was having lower back pain after I did some cleaning a couple of weeks ago....guess I'll let hubby do the cleaning from now on! haha It also hurts if I sit too long at work, but unfortunately, I can't stop working!

    jls8209: I agree with your family about the holiday birthdays. Mine is on Christmas, and everyone forgets (but I care less and less as I get older!). One year, I walked into my grandma's house, and there was a birthday cake on the table. I was so surprised that they had remembered, until I read what the cake said - "Happy Birthday Jesus". (My very religious aunt had brought the cake.) haha