2nd Trimester



  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    I had my first non-friend or family member rub my belly last night! I was at my softball game and one of the guys wives came up to me and started touching my belly. She said "it's finally starting to stick out so I can finally touch you without looking like a weirdo..." I just laughed and asked her name!! Haha!

    It's kind of nice to actually look pregnant- even in a regular t-shirt!

    ahh, that would drive me nuts! I hated it when people touched my belly!! I still don't have a real belly yet, I'm thankful for that! lol
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I had my first non-friend or family member rub my belly last night! I was at my softball game and one of the guys wives came up to me and started touching my belly. She said "it's finally starting to stick out so I can finally touch you without looking like a weirdo..." I just laughed and asked her name!! Haha!

    It's kind of nice to actually look pregnant- even in a regular t-shirt!

    Haha. I've actually had a few people that didn't know ask me...so I guess I don't just look tubby now. I had an appointment today which went great. His heartbeat was 155 and he was moving around like crazy! My next appointment is in four weeks, and at that time they will schedule the glucose test. After that I will be going every 2 weeks! I feel him moving around so much now, it's so cool, I'm enjoying it now before it gets too uncomfortable :)
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    I had my first non-friend or family member rub my belly last night! I was at my softball game and one of the guys wives came up to me and started touching my belly. She said "it's finally starting to stick out so I can finally touch you without looking like a weirdo..." I just laughed and asked her name!! Haha!

    It's kind of nice to actually look pregnant- even in a regular t-shirt!

    Wow you didn't even know her name!! haha Some people are fearless! I have been "attacked" a few times at work, but nothing out in public yet. I don't really like it, because I feel like they are just rubbing my belly fat at this point.
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    Haha. I've actually had a few people that didn't know ask me...so I guess I don't just look tubby now. I had an appointment today which went great. His heartbeat was 155 and he was moving around like crazy! My next appointment is in four weeks, and at that time they will schedule the glucose test. After that I will be going every 2 weeks! I feel him moving around so much now, it's so cool, I'm enjoying it now before it gets too uncomfortable :)

    That is so cool that you can feel him moving a lot! I can't wait for that. I've been feeling baby sporadically for a week now, but if I have any digestive issues, I can't really feel him/her.
  • jennysmission
    jennysmission Posts: 399 Member
    Just wanted to say HI I'm crossing over from 1st tri group!!

    My name is Jenny 33 and having my 5th baby (wow I know)
  • katydid25
    katydid25 Posts: 199 Member
    Also dropping in to say Hi! This is my first pregnancy and I hit my 14th week last Friday so I feel comfortable saying I'm officially in my second trimester! Its so exciting to enter this stage as there are so many "milestones" in this trimester: the finally pregnant looking belly, feeling movement for the first time, finding out the gender! And of course, the nausea is wearing away and energy is coming back. It's almost dorky how excited I am to be here!!

    My weight gain (or lack thereof) has been absolutely fantastic. My BMI was 28 when I found out I was pregnant so my doctor suggested aiming for about a 20lb weight gain. Coming into my second trimester, my BMI is 28.3. I've only gained a half pound so far, so that's one thing I'm not feeling overwhelmed about. It also shocks me though because some days I feel absolutely huge!!
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    I am at the same gain as you. I am 18 weeks and have gained about 20lbs. I workout 5-6 days a week, twice a day and always eat under my calories. I think no matter what our doctors say we are going to gain what our bodies want to gain
  • mellynat
    mellynat Posts: 345 Member
    so i'm pregnant with my 3rd & 16weeks pregnant. 17 if i go by the first due date & not ultrasound. I still haven't felt any major movement. I remember with my 1st I started to feel around 15, 16wks. but with my 2nd it was earlier like 14wks.
    It's just so weird that i still don't really feel pregnant this time. I don't know if i like it. lol not to mention i barely look pregant. lol but I just want to feel pregnant already & feel this baby move.
    2weeks and we get to find out gender so maybe then it will really feel real.

    when did u start feeling movements??
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    so i'm pregnant with my 3rd & 16weeks pregnant. 17 if i go by the first due date & not ultrasound. I still haven't felt any major movement. I remember with my 1st I started to feel around 15, 16wks. but with my 2nd it was earlier like 14wks.
    It's just so weird that i still don't really feel pregnant this time. I don't know if i like it. lol not to mention i barely look pregant. lol but I just want to feel pregnant already & feel this baby move.
    2weeks and we get to find out gender so maybe then it will really feel real.

    when did u start feeling movements??

    I started feeling movements at 17 weeks. You have a cute bump, you totally look pregnant to me! Not sure if it'll help you feel any better, but I'm 26weeks and I still have coworkers who are just finding out I'm pregnant because my bump isn't completely obvious to all just yet! Trust me, I know the feeling of wanting to look pregnant! (My profile pic is from 24weeks, and I swear the belly photographs larger than it really is!)
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    Hey back from vacation it was great I definitely needed it. I would warn anyone going on any extended trips in a car to definitely take breaks every 2 hours. My doctor told me I had to because of blood clots I needed to get up and move around and of course my bladder sometimes required to start sooner but I had terrible lower abdominable pain to the point it hurt to stand up and sit down. Turns out the baby doesn't like cars after laying down for an hour or so it went away (helps that my aunt is a nurse). Also found out when pregnant you are more sensitive to sunlight so stay under those umbrellas ladies :). My trip was 13 hours so it is a long trip.

    My family threw me a baby shower at 18weeks but only because I was coming for a visit and they wouldn't see me again until after I had the baby. I never had a shower with the 1st one and was greatly unprepared I was also 24 and had no clue what I would need. Right now I have the stroller, carseat, diapers like crazy (my sister made me a diaper cake), tons of gift cards, crib, bassinet, bouncy seat, bottles, saucer. Hopefully I am off to a good start.

    Gender/anatomy scan on July 30 can't wait :) My dad told me before we left the beach house to think girl (he has two grandsons he wants a girl to spoil). I am 19weeks now and around 17 weeks I started feeling movement and it wasn't really kicking it felt like it was rolling around. Since it is my 2nd I knew what to look for with my first I wasn't really sure. Husband can't feel it from the outside yet.
  • aya619
    aya619 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm 20 wks today. I go in tomorrow for an appt. I'm kinda nervous because I have gained 11lbs and not sure if I am where I should be or not. I feel like its a lot considering its halfway and I know with my first baby/son I gained more than 75% of my weight the last trimester. I'm trying this time to be healthier. I'm bummed because I was working out 4-5 times a week prepregnancy and now my butt can only get out 1-2 times a week. I try and stay within my calories, but I have had many nights over because of dessert.
    How many calories are you all consuming?? I see some ladies diaries set to 1800 and others to 2100. I keep mine at 2100 and thinking thats why I feel like I am gaining so much. I am hungry all the time and will not depirve myself of food. I just wished I was working out more. I haven't been running but more of ZUmba and Elliptical. I'm already starting to get low back pain ;( anyone else??
    What is everyone else doing for workouts?
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I'm 20 wks today. I go in tomorrow for an appt. I'm kinda nervous because I have gained 11lbs and not sure if I am where I should be or not. I feel like its a lot considering its halfway and I know with my first baby/son I gained more than 75% of my weight the last trimester. I'm trying this time to be healthier. I'm bummed because I was working out 4-5 times a week prepregnancy and now my butt can only get out 1-2 times a week. I try and stay within my calories, but I have had many nights over because of dessert.
    How many calories are you all consuming?? I see some ladies diaries set to 1800 and others to 2100. I keep mine at 2100 and thinking thats why I feel like I am gaining so much. I am hungry all the time and will not depirve myself of food. I just wished I was working out more. I haven't been running but more of ZUmba and Elliptical. I'm already starting to get low back pain ;( anyone else??
    What is everyone else doing for workouts?

    I feel that 11lbs is great, well at least compared to me :) I'm really afraid I will gain a lot in the last like you said, but there are some that it slowed down after 20 weeks...so who knows, everyone is different. I'm currently set at 2300 calories, which is maintanance which I was eating pre-pregnancy and maintaining my weight with the 250 added. I have been gaining a lot I think, but feel that my body needs the extra calories since I'm growing a baby., I am usually hungry, even days when I eat healthy! It would be different if I was eating 1200 or low like many women were before becoming pregnant. I go through spurts of exercise. I usually walk sevearl days a week, do some Turbo Fire and Turbo Jam, and try to do some strength training...although I need to do more!
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Hey ladies!!! I am 20w1d and had my ultrasound yesterday..just thought I would share.......its a boy!!!!!!! We love the name Jaxon Ray, but probably wont be set in stone till he is here :)
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Hey ladies!!! I am 20w1d and had my ultrasound yesterday..just thought I would share.......its a boy!!!!!!! We love the name Jaxon Ray, but probably wont be set in stone till he is here :)

    how exciting!! Congrats on your boy!! 4 more weeks til my u/s. I can hardly wait
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    I'm 20 wks today. I go in tomorrow for an appt. I'm kinda nervous because I have gained 11lbs and not sure if I am where I should be or not. I feel like its a lot considering its halfway and I know with my first baby/son I gained more than 75% of my weight the last trimester. I'm trying this time to be healthier. I'm bummed because I was working out 4-5 times a week prepregnancy and now my butt can only get out 1-2 times a week. I try and stay within my calories, but I have had many nights over because of dessert.
    How many calories are you all consuming?? I see some ladies diaries set to 1800 and others to 2100. I keep mine at 2100 and thinking thats why I feel like I am gaining so much. I am hungry all the time and will not depirve myself of food. I just wished I was working out more. I haven't been running but more of ZUmba and Elliptical. I'm already starting to get low back pain ;( anyone else??
    What is everyone else doing for workouts?

    11lbs is not bad at all! I am 15wks and up about 9lbs :S and I eat healthy and exercise daily. I eat around 1800-1900 a day. Just continue with healthy eating and do not deprive yourself. 1800 cals leaves me stuffed! So I can barely eat more than that. Everyone has their own limits and I wouldn't stuff myself just to reach a calorie number. You're doing great!

    and for exercise, i just bought a stationary bike and I have been using that daily. I enjoy it, but I really need to add some light weights to my routine to keep my arms toned.
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    I have my GD test on Thursday morning and getting a 3D/4D scan that afternoon! I'll also be moving into the third trimester board next week. The second trimester FLEW, amazing!
  • katydid25
    katydid25 Posts: 199 Member
    Hey ladies!!! I am 20w1d and had my ultrasound yesterday..just thought I would share.......its a boy!!!!!!! We love the name Jaxon Ray, but probably wont be set in stone till he is here :)

    Congrats!!! Thats so exciting! I love the name too!
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Hey ladies!!! I am 20w1d and had my ultrasound yesterday..just thought I would share.......its a boy!!!!!!! We love the name Jaxon Ray, but probably wont be set in stone till he is here :)

    Congrats!!! Thats so exciting! I love the name too!

    I love the name too! I would love that for a boy name, but my daughter is Jacklynn so it wouldn't workout. HA
  • jessdeweerdt
    jessdeweerdt Posts: 128
    Hey all! I haven't been logging.. but not gaining too much either. I'm 18 weeks now and up 8 pounds. I feel okay with this.. I do want to log again - strangely I miss it. I've just been lazy/busy I guess. We go for the gender scan on Thursday!!! I'm soo hoping for a cooperative baby!!
    I'd love to have some more preggo friends.. friend me!
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Thank yall!!! Cocolo I guess jaxon would be too close to jacklynn huh?? Haha I bet you can't wait to find out!!

    Jess I hope baby cooperates for you!!!!!! Be sure to let us know! :)