2nd Trimester



  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Just checking back in with everyone. I am 17 weeks now. Havent felt any movements ( that i know of). We find out the babys sex august 13. I am so excited. It will be nice to finally be able to buy some baby clothes and not just look and wonder if i can get pink or blue! lol. Also talking with my mom on when we should due a baby shower. Do you normally do this 2 months before or earlier or later than that?

    I am doing mine about 7 weeks before my due date, that's just what worked out for my sister coming into town!
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Hello ladies,
    I'm now 14 weeks and counting my blessings each day. It is amazing to feel the movements and cannot wait to find out if it is a girl or a boy for me to start planning!

    Welcome! I love feeling movements, now for me at 22 weeks, it's more like ninja moves :)
  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member
    Just checking back in with everyone. I am 17 weeks now. Havent felt any movements ( that i know of). We find out the babys sex august 13. I am so excited. It will be nice to finally be able to buy some baby clothes and not just look and wonder if i can get pink or blue! lol. Also talking with my mom on when we should due a baby shower. Do you normally do this 2 months before or earlier or later than that?

    I did my shower at about 7 months, but I've seen them all over the board. I just wouldn't wait too long though, because you'll have to go out and purchase the things you need that weren't given to you:)

    And with my first daughter, I first felt her movements around 16-17 weeks...so ANY day now for you, I'm sure!
  • tiffypooh2u
    tiffypooh2u Posts: 299 Member
    Hey there!!! I just came across this group as I was trying to find out how many calories I should be eating while pregnant. I am so used to eating 1,200 calories (to lose weight), that eating almost 2,000 calories seems so UNREAL!! HAHA But I guess it's normal! Here is a little bit of a background for me:

    I found out June 23rd that I was pregnant! We are so excited!! I am now 12 wks and am glad to be heading into the second trimester. I have had such a CRAZY pregnancy so far. A week after I found out I was pregnant, I got zapped by an electric fence while trying to put a hose over the fence into my cousin's horse stable. About a week and a half later, I ended up getting "Hand Foot and Mouth" from my little cousin. AND THEN just about 2 weeks ago, I stepped on a rusty nail that went through my flip flop after an aweful devestating storm. I had to go get a teatnus shot. Thank goodness, after getting checked out, all seems well. They have me going every 2 weeks for 6 weeks for an ultrasound just to be sure that the development of baby is going as well as it should. What a scary first trimester. I am ready to be normal again! HAHA

    My appetite has been AWEFUL! Pre-pregnancy, I was doing very well with losing weight slowly but surely. I was a MFP addict. When I found out I was pregnant I knew I needed to stop obsessing over calories and just take it easy. Well, I took it a little too easy if you ask me, I gained about 7 pounds in my first trimester!!! The only things that were appetizing to me, were carbs and greasy, fatty foods. So after realizing this morning that I gained that weight, I knew it was time for MFP to save my life yet again! I haven't exercised in a while, so I need to start walking and doing the elliptical (of course moderately- just slowly to get my heart pumping a little). I need to start eating a little more healthy and drink more water. My BMI is 32 and I am not happy about being in the "obsese" category. It's devestating. I was in this category prior to pregnancy. It's been a long "weight loss/gain/loss/ gain again" journey for me, and I just want to have a healthy pregnancy and need support from people like you.

    I started at 1,200 calories and when I punched in that I wanted to maintain it told me 1,890... that's going to be hard to get used to. And adding 200 to that number? It just seems so crazy to me. But apparently this is what I need to do to keep this little one healthy. I can't wait to share this journey with people on MFP as I have grown to have my own little MFP family!!! It's awesome! I am here to support you guys as well!
  • tiffypooh2u
    tiffypooh2u Posts: 299 Member
    How are you guys getting multiple ultrasounds? Does your insurance pay for that? I am curious because mine only allows 2.

    Sometimes if there are complications or they need to keep an eye on the baby for some reason, they will schedule you for ultrasounds. I had hand foot and mouth (which could cause abnormalities, miscarriage, and defects), and they need to make sure that the developments are going as they should be. :-/ Believe me, as much as I want to see this little boy/girl, I don't want to be nervous because something could be wrong...
  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member

    I started at 1,200 calories and when I punched in that I wanted to maintain it told me 1,890... that's going to be hard to get used to. And adding 200 to that number? It just seems so crazy to me. But apparently this is what I need to do to keep this little one healthy. I can't wait to share this journey with people on MFP as I have grown to have my own little MFP family!!! It's awesome! I am here to support you guys as well!

    Welcome to the group! This is just my opinion, but you'd prolly be okay just eating maintenance for a while. I'm a little over 25 weeks now and still eating maintenance plus whatever calories I burn while working out (which ends up being a bout 2000-2100). That has kept my weight right on track- towards the high end in fact (up 16-17 lbs now)! But it's up to you what you want to do- I just think maintenance has been MORE than enough for me:)
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm crossing over into the 2nd trimester, so I wanted to say hi :) This is our first baby and we are really excited - we're not finding out the gender, which is driving our families NUTS!

    Re: the # of ultrasounds - I had one at 7 weeks, 10 weeks, and then 12 weeks (NT screenings). My office gives a "free" gender scan at 16 weeks, then anatomy at 20, and I'm not sure what after that. I'm not high risk, and they said that many is routine at my office. I guess everywhere is different!
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    Just checking back in with everyone. I am 17 weeks now. Havent felt any movements ( that i know of). We find out the babys sex august 13. I am so excited. It will be nice to finally be able to buy some baby clothes and not just look and wonder if i can get pink or blue! lol. Also talking with my mom on when we should due a baby shower. Do you normally do this 2 months before or earlier or later than that?

    I did my shower at about 7 months, but I've seen them all over the board. I just wouldn't wait too long though, because you'll have to go out and purchase the things you need that weren't given to you:)

    And with my first daughter, I first felt her movements around 16-17 weeks...so ANY day now for you, I'm sure!

    My mom is hosting one for me at 28 weeks. I live far from my family/friends (18hr drive/90 min flight) so the shower is planned for when I'm home. One of my coworkers has tentatively chosen a date at 30 weeks to host a work shower, but I don't think it's set in stone yet. I agree with Jillsie about not waiting too long. We're flying to our first one and won't be able to bring much back, so my mom is encouraging people to give us gift cards, which means we'll have to go out and buy most things our selves when we get back. So far our only purchases have been the stroller and crib, so we have a TON of stuff we need to buy between weeks 30 and 40!
  • JaclynnGail
    JaclynnGail Posts: 204 Member
    Had our 16 week appointment today, and all was well! Heart rate was in the 140's, and we are scheduled for our anatomy scan (and should find out the gender) on August 7! Haven't had any spotting in 2 weeks, and am hoping to have that scary business over and done with.

    Went ahead and did the quad screening today, and am extremely anxious about that. Should have the results in about a week, they told me. I hate that the false positive rate is so high...I have a lot of anxiety with this pregnancy already, and am not sure how I will react if anything on the screening looks abnormal. If it were just me, I probably wouldn't have even done it...but husband really wanted it and I was swayed. Anyone have any encouraging words about those screening tests?
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member

    I started at 1,200 calories and when I punched in that I wanted to maintain it told me 1,890... that's going to be hard to get used to. And adding 200 to that number? It just seems so crazy to me. But apparently this is what I need to do to keep this little one healthy. I can't wait to share this journey with people on MFP as I have grown to have my own little MFP family!!! It's awesome! I am here to support you guys as well!

    Welcome to the group! This is just my opinion, but you'd prolly be okay just eating maintenance for a while. I'm a little over 25 weeks now and still eating maintenance plus whatever calories I burn while working out (which ends up being a bout 2000-2100). That has kept my weight right on track- towards the high end in fact (up 16-17 lbs now)! But it's up to you what you want to do- I just think maintenance has been MORE than enough for me:)

    thanks for this post. Needed to see it, people have been giving me a hard time about when I will be increasing calories and blah blah blah. I have mine still set as the same since the beginning. I eat between 1700-1900 and days I work out a lot its more like 2000 and I am gaining weight plenty. I can't imagine eating more because I simply can't eat more and I'm sure I will gain like crazy. But thats not the point, people also don't realize its not healthy for both mom and baby to gain too much weight. My goal is 35lbs max, but at this rate I feel like it will be more :(( I am 14wks and gained close to 8lbs already
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Some exciting news, I have an ultrasoud scheduled for Aug 21st! Can't wait to find out the gender already!
  • mellynat
    mellynat Posts: 345 Member
    Coco do what ur comfortable with. Obviously if ur full I & eating nutrious meals I don't see any reason to increase the calorie intake. I try staying under 2000 & plan to throughout the pregnancy. I wish I did this with my previous pregnancies but u live u learn. Btw so exciting about finding out gender august will be here in no time. I haven't set up my apt but doctor said I can have my u/s in 3 weeks!
  • mellynat
    mellynat Posts: 345 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm crossing over into the 2nd trimester, so I wanted to say hi :) This is our first baby and we are really excited - we're not finding out the gender, which is driving our families NUTS!

    Re: the # of ultrasounds - I had one at 7 weeks, 10 weeks, and then 12 weeks (NT screenings). My office gives a "free" gender scan at 16 weeks, then anatomy at 20, and I'm not sure what after that. I'm not high risk, and they said that many is routine at my office. I guess everywhere is different!

    I thought about not finding out this time since we already have a boy & a girl. But my husband said he wants to know. Lol so I think we will find out in 3 weeks.
    That's so awesome that u get so much u/s. I got a lot my 2nd pregnancy but it was for medical reasons. But it was so nice to see the baby so much times.
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    Just checking back in with everyone. I am 17 weeks now. Havent felt any movements ( that i know of). We find out the babys sex august 13. I am so excited. It will be nice to finally be able to buy some baby clothes and not just look and wonder if i can get pink or blue! lol. Also talking with my mom on when we should due a baby shower. Do you normally do this 2 months before or earlier or later than that?

    I did my shower at about 7 months, but I've seen them all over the board. I just wouldn't wait too long though, because you'll have to go out and purchase the things you need that weren't given to you:)

    And with my first daughter, I first felt her movements around 16-17 weeks...so ANY day now for you, I'm sure!

    My mom is hosting one for me at 28 weeks. I live far from my family/friends (18hr drive/90 min flight) so the shower is planned for when I'm home. One of my coworkers has tentatively chosen a date at 30 weeks to host a work shower, but I don't think it's set in stone yet. I agree with Jillsie about not waiting too long. We're flying to our first one and won't be able to bring much back, so my mom is encouraging people to give us gift cards, which means we'll have to go out and buy most things our selves when we get back. So far our only purchases have been the stroller and crib, so we have a TON of stuff we need to buy between weeks 30 and 40!

    I'm actually having 3 showers- my side, DH's side and friends by my house (I live 2 1/2 hours from either side of our family). All 3 will be done before the month of October. I'm due the 28th so I'll have the whole month (hopefully) to prep and organize. We already have the big stuff so I don't have to worry about a crib or dresser.

    I agree with the other ladies about not waiting too long. You'll want time at home to rest and relax- plus you never know if baby is going to make an early arrival.

    Oh- and a side note on baby movements- it took me forever to realize what I was feeling. I'm 25 wks 3 d and my little lady is quite active. I think chicky mentioned ninja movements- heck yes! Haha! I've also noticed she's on a nice little pattern. Really active from 4-6 pm and then again whenever I go to bed b/t 10-11. No worries- baby will move soon enough!
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    And welcome to all the new 2nd tri ladies!
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I've been patiently waiting for my specialist appointment next Monday, and I'm certain everything will be just fine. I did fall this weekend, flat on my back, so I had another "unofficial" ultrasound at work, and baby is still doing awesome! We tried to get a good look to see what baby is, but his/her legs were crossed the entire time! I will hopefully find out on Monday if baby cooperates!

    I've had people ask me when I'm going to register, but I don't think I will. I think I'm too old to have a baby shower now, even though it is our first. I honestly don't think any of my friends would even think to throw one at this point, and I'm okay with that.

    I did step on the scale this morning, and it was scary!!!! I have not been monitoring my calories at all, and I'm an emotional eater, so I've gained nearly 20 pounds!!!!! And I'm only 18 weeks today. I have been trying to create some good eating habits now without counting calories to have in place after baby is born. I've been reading "Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat", which is basically about mindful eating. I don't know how well it's going to work, since I seem to be hungry all the time! And I know it's not dehydration, because I drink a ton of water. I may have to just suck it up and start counting calories.

    And that's all I know!

  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member

    I'm actually having 3 showers- my side, DH's side and friends by my house (I live 2 1/2 hours from either side of our family). All 3 will be done before the month of October. I'm due the 28th so I'll have the whole month (hopefully) to prep and organize. We already have the big stuff so I don't have to worry about a crib or dresser.

    BeckyJill- we have the exact same due date (was yours a Superbowl weekend baby too;)?! And we are both expecting girls!! Just thought that was cool:)

    Ajsdream: I say have a shower- even if you have to mention something to a friend...and even if it's something small. You only have your first baby once!

    Today is my last day of work for 10 days, and then I'm heading to Myrtle Beach for the week for vacation with my family!! Super excited to spend a week at the beach- just wish I could get my back tan too;) Next Sunday is also my daughter's 2 year old birthday- it seriously goes so fast:( Anyway, if I'm not on here much over the next week or so- have a good one, ladies!
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member

    I'm actually having 3 showers- my side, DH's side and friends by my house (I live 2 1/2 hours from either side of our family). All 3 will be done before the month of October. I'm due the 28th so I'll have the whole month (hopefully) to prep and organize. We already have the big stuff so I don't have to worry about a crib or dresser.

    BeckyJill- we have the exact same due date (was yours a Superbowl weekend baby too;)?! And we are both expecting girls!! Just thought that was cool:)

    Ajsdream: I say have a shower- even if you have to mention something to a friend...and even if it's something small. You only have your first baby once!

    Today is my last day of work for 10 days, and then I'm heading to Myrtle Beach for the week for vacation with my family!! Super excited to spend a week at the beach- just wish I could get my back tan too;) Next Sunday is also my daughter's 2 year old birthday- it seriously goes so fast:( Anyway, if I'm not on here much over the next week or so- have a good one, ladies!

    Oh fun! Have a great vacation!!! We have one coming up in September! I can't wait! Happy birthday to your little one! My daughter just turned 2 last month, they grow too fast!
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member

    I'm actually having 3 showers- my side, DH's side and friends by my house (I live 2 1/2 hours from either side of our family). All 3 will be done before the month of October. I'm due the 28th so I'll have the whole month (hopefully) to prep and organize. We already have the big stuff so I don't have to worry about a crib or dresser.

    BeckyJill- we have the exact same due date (was yours a Superbowl weekend baby too;)?! And we are both expecting girls!! Just thought that was cool:)

    Ajsdream: I say have a shower- even if you have to mention something to a friend...and even if it's something small. You only have your first baby once!

    Today is my last day of work for 10 days, and then I'm heading to Myrtle Beach for the week for vacation with my family!! Super excited to spend a week at the beach- just wish I could get my back tan too;) Next Sunday is also my daughter's 2 year old birthday- it seriously goes so fast:( Anyway, if I'm not on here much over the next week or so- have a good one, ladies!

    Ha- I never thought about the Super Bowl!! Nice! :)

    Have so much fun on vacation! Enjoy the beach! And happy birthday to your little one :)
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    I had my first non-friend or family member rub my belly last night! I was at my softball game and one of the guys wives came up to me and started touching my belly. She said "it's finally starting to stick out so I can finally touch you without looking like a weirdo..." I just laughed and asked her name!! Haha!

    It's kind of nice to actually look pregnant- even in a regular t-shirt!