2nd Trimester

kmreynolds11 Posts: 109 Member
You're now in the midst of the pregnancy! Hopefully your morning sickness has subsided, you're getting back some of that energy, and your belly bump is growing, growing, and growing! Use this space to talk about all the things going on during this mid-pregnancy time!


  • kmreynolds11
    kmreynolds11 Posts: 109 Member
    ladies i have a question

    i was taking 5mg of folic acid in my first trimester. i have seen 3 gynae doctors during this pregnancy(my mistake that i always walked in without appointment and chose the available dr but in the same hospital where my history is maintained in a file). the 1st one prescribed 5 mg of folic, 2nd n 3rd said its too much and when i asked should i reduce both said no keep taking 5mg n thats how i took 5 mg through out 1st trimester.

    now my 2nd has started, a friend of mine said her GP told her to reduce foilc acid intake in 2nd? my question is how much? im asking ill definately consult mine, the one i chose to stick to and taking appointments beforehand is unfortunately on leave till 17 jan

    Umm e Yahya 13w4d

    Just read this on www.babycenter.com:

    "To reduce your baby's risk of having a neural tube defect, experts recommend taking 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid per day, beginning at least a month before you start trying to get pregnant. ... If you're taking prescription prenatal vitamins, they probably contain 800 to 1,000 mcg of folic acid. Again, check the label. Don't take more than 1,000 mcg per day of folic acid unless your healthcare provider advises you to. In the unlikely event that you have a vitamin B12 deficiency, too much folic acid can mask a condition called pernicious anemia."

    According to this article you should only be taking up to 1,000 mcg each day which is the same as 1 mg. It seems like taking 5 mg (the same as 5,000 mcg!) could be too much. I'd talk to another doctor to make sure and try to take an equivalent to what is usually found in most prenatal vitamins.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    There are defintiely pros and cons to circumcision versus none. The pro of doing it is avoiding hygiene related problems and functional problems like the foreskin getting stuck. these problems, if they occur may require your kid to have a circumcision later in life, in which case it becomes a major surgery rather than a snip snip. There is also a lower risk of catching STDs with circumcision. The major downside is if something goes wrong. Rare but a possibility! Something to strongly consider.

    Here is an article to get you started
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Hello future 3rd trimester moms!

    Was ordering some stuff from Amazonmom.com when I came across this today. Don't know if any of you are currently using the service/ or were thinkging about joining so I thought I'd share. Basically, Amazon Mom is not taking new members at this time.


  • batgirlrox
    Sarah- So glad to hear you were able to reach a decision with your husband on circumcision! I would agree that 8 weeks would be too long for me between prenatals! Good luck on the no chocolate.

    Kelley- Glad you had a nice visit with the family even if it was busier then expected. I did watch Bachelor last night and that home town made me want to puke in my mouth a little. I like all the girls aside from her although my gut feeling these days is that is who he will pick in the end and my guess is by the time the show airs they will already be separated, grrrr he seems like too nice of a guy for that.

    Melissa-I haven't been told my weight gain needs to be limited, so I'm assuming I'm supposed to be in the "normal" range. My back is definitely muscle or bone related not a PE. I get pretty decent relief when hubby pushes on it for me, if only he could walk around with me all the time doing it, everything would be wonderful. Great weekly goals and you're right healthy baby is the most important.

    Kristi- Good luck on the glucose screen. I'm doing mine on Monday next week. Love your goals.

    Helen- Congrats on the new car.

    AFM- Monday was a busy day at work. We worked a cardiac arrest out in the country and I ended up doing a lot of CPR. It was a good workout on the one hand but didn't help my back/rib pain. Seemed to have pulled an intercostal while doing it too (I feel like I'm falling apart these days) Yesterday I ended up having a pretty low key day I did manage to get out an take the dogs for a good walk but also had 2 naps, a hot bath, and a hot pack on my ribs for a while. Went out for supper with a friend and didn't even finish half of my meal from the restaurant so I felt good about that. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
  • sas6575
    Hi Helen,
    I was going to give up chocolate for Lent - I've never tried giving up anything before so this was a first until hubby's friend from America told me he's sent a 'girl scout cookies' package over and it's got loads of choccies in so I'm pretty stuffed there!
    I'm really craving a veggie omelette now - do you have any good recipes for this please?
    Have a great Wednesday everyone xxx
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Sarah - I just fry (in frying pan) chopped onion and mushrooms until about cooked and add halves of cherry tomatoes (I have quite a lot of veg). Then I add 2 beaten eggs (if making for me and John I add about 5 - he usually has more than me). Once I think bottom is cooked I add cheddar cheese to top and put under the grill for a few minutes until top cooked and cheese melted. I usually have it with beans (heinz baked beans) and HP sauce. John like me to add bacon bits but that ups the calories quite a bit.

  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Happy Wednesday all!

    Melissa - Great goals for the rest of the week. Where are you planning a vacation to? I am trying to plan one for April as well but don't want to be too pregnant so I can have fun and not feel like a beached whale, so the timing has to be just right...I am thinking the Caribbean. I was debating about taking my little one along but think I may not...we will see.

    Kristi - OH MY GOODNESS I FEEL HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!! I am so sorry for spoiling the show for you...I should have put a spoiler alert in my message...I didn't even think about it... no one really talks about it on here so I figured it would be no big deal...hopefully it didn't ruin it for you too much...sorry again...I know how upsetting having something you enjoy spoiled can be. I have my glucose screening in 2 weeks....hoping it goes well...and that I haven't gained any weight by then... And you are almost in 3rd tri...I feel like this pregnancy is just speeding by...I wanted to enjoy the bliss of 2nd tri for longer...oh well..

    Sarah - no I had never heard of Shrove Tuesday, i will have to google it...I guess we don't celebrate it where I live on this side of the pond but others might I don't know. My sister is heading to your side of the pond tomorrow until next week for a small vacation, I will have to tell her to ask her friends there about it. However, now that I know about it I love the idea...because I love breakfast food...i could eat it anytime of the day... And oddly enough I have never tried my pancakes with sugar ( powdered or granualted), lemon ( I am guess squeezed ontop) and syrup...sounds interesting...may have to try that too. I am thinking about ordering Girl Scout cookies but last time I was preggers I couldn't stand the samosa which were my favorite...

    Helen - Congrats on the John's new car...I love BMW's...almost got when I had my first but my hubby said it wasn't practical...so I didn't and now with the second I am thinking I need a bigger car but for now...we are going to wait until we finish paying off hubby's car...hopefully by yearend...because I really want the Volvo SUV model...

    Amanda - oddly enough...I am not fond of Ben, he seems almost clueless or goofy...I keep wondering how he got chosen as the bachelor but the show is entertaining and the girls do seem to love his unassuming charm...I hope he doesn't pick the model (Caroline I think her name is) in the end...she doesn't seem right for him...almost like she would chew him up and spit him out... On a different note, sorry to hear about your rib pain...I hope after all that CPR your patient made it. Glad you got to rest and relax on Tuesday.

    AFM- For some reason I was exhausted when I got home from work last night. I wanted to play with my little one but the moment I sat down for more than 5 mins I would get drowsy...it was so odd because I really didn't feel all that tired all day. I end up watching seasame street favorite songs with him and singing...he loves music. I had made black-eyed peas for supper...so supper was done...I had the same peas for lunch today, which I didn't get to eat last night because I ate a dounut or two for super and was filled...anyway the peas are hot ( like peppery hot)...which would explain why my little one who ate them for dinner woke up this morning cranky and crying...sigh...I will have to do a taste test next time. Anyway, once the hubby got home I ran out to a meeting and missed the first hr of BL...and decided to watch the second hr...almost did it on the couch but then decided to get on the elliptical so I got my work out in...yeah... I felt great afterward and then showered and went to bed...so not a bad night aside from the dounuts that is. I am on the search for a sourcream dounut and it turns out dunkin dounghnut have stopped making them...sigh...I usually avoid dounuts when I am not preggers because they aren't worth the calories but I am craving the taste of a sourcream one...oh well hopefully it will go away.

    No plans for tonight...just to bed again early and maybe watch top chef so I can get an hour of exercise in...i really need to get moving again after being knocked out last week .
    Hope everyone is having a fit and fabulous Tuesday

    22 wks (6 dys)
  • kmreynolds11
    kmreynolds11 Posts: 109 Member
    Kristi - OH MY GOODNESS I FEEL HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!! I am so sorry for spoiling the show for you...I should have put a spoiler alert in my message...I didn't even think about it... no one really talks about it on here so I figured it would be no big deal...hopefully it didn't ruin it for you too much...sorry again...I know how upsetting having something you enjoy spoiled can be. I have my glucose screening in 2 weeks....hoping it goes well...and that I haven't gained any weight by then... And you are almost in 3rd tri...I feel like this pregnancy is just speeding by...I wanted to enjoy the bliss of 2nd tri for longer...oh well..

    22 wks (6 dys)

    Ha! No worries about the show! :laugh: I was planning on watching it anyways... and am not one to get upset when someone tells what happens... my fault for taping and watching a day later! In fact, your comments actually built up the anticipation... the whole time I was excited to see the whole "fake wedding" deal... and CAN NOT believe that she's still around, especially after that display! I just don't get it. I agree with Amanda that I really don't want him to pick the model (Courtney) in the end... but it feels like that's the direction the show is going in. Why can't these Bachelors and Bachelorettes actually pick a NICE person???? Why do they always have to pick the manipulative peeps who basically trick them into falling in love with them, enjoy the spotlight for enough time to get publicity and some other job in show biz, and then break the poor sap's heart?! The weird thing is that my hubby actually LIKES Courtney. He finds her "sweet" and "funny". Who knows... maybe it's a guy thing?! :noway:
    Geez! Anyways... I think I like Lindzi the best for Ben... hope he figures it out!

    Hope all your Wednesdays are going well! I had a nice walk at lunchtime today and have had a pretty relaxing day. I saw the results of my glucose challenge test online... an hour after drinking the sugary orange drink my blood-glucose level was 97 mg/dL. From looking online it seems like that's in the "normal" range and although I'm not a dr. I'm thinking that means I won't need the 3-hr tolerance test. I hope some of you medical experts will tell me... otherwise I'll just find out for sure from the ObGyn at my next appt in 2 weeks.

    I'm going to try to push myself and the hubby to do a P90X strength workout tonight and still need to plan out a healthy dinner. I still have about 900 calories to work with tonight. :drinker: <--H2O

    Best wishes to everyone to have a healthy and active evening! :flowerforyou:

  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member
    Amanda- That is so awesome about seeing your belly move. I loved those moments, and I can't wait for them to happen this time around. How is your back pain? I don't think I ever realized that CPR would totally be a workout for the person doing it. Glad you got a relaxing day.

    Kelley- Sorry your trip wasn't as relaxing as you had hoped. But its nice your little guy got to play with his cousin. My brother has twin boys that are just 6 weeks younger than my LO and I always love watching them play, even though they live 8+ hours away.

    Melissa- great goals! I'm trying to watch my sugar as well, but I'm not doing too good there.

    Kristi- Glad your results look normal. I would assume your dr or the nurse would call you before your check up if it wasn't normal so you could do the 3 hour test before your appt. At least thats what I had to do last time. Way to go on still doing P90X! You're awesome!

    Helen- Congrats on the new family car! Hope your maternity class went well!

    AFM- My husband said the interview went really well. He's been doing the job he applied for since August but contracting through a different company, and during the days off from the job he just applied for he's been doing other jobs. So his schedule has been 12 days working, then 2 days off. It really stinks! If he gets the new job he'll basically be cutting out the middleman and his new schedule will be 8 days on then 6 days off. The interviewer told him right off the bat that they were going to recommend him for the position but since its a really big company there is a lot of paper work involved and it probably won't be til April that he officially gets hired on. Boo! The only thing that might stop it is that he has a couple DUI's on his record from 6+ years ago.

    I did some yoga on Monday and plan on doing my prenatal dvd workout when DD wakes up. The scale was my friend this morning, I only gained half a pound this week. I hope that I'm on the right track, not gaining too much too soon. Might need to do some research on that. Hope everyone is having a good week!

    18weeks +8.8lbs
  • bgtorres
    bgtorres Posts: 186 Member
    HI ladies I'm new to this group I joined MFP a little over a year ago & I love it. I had no idea that there was a group for expecting mommies & I searched around & found this group Yay!!!
    Anyways a little about me I have a little boy that is 19 months & was able to loose all my baby weight thanks to MFP. I'm currently 24wks pregnant with my 2nd baby & have gained about 11lbs. My Dr. wants me to gain no more than 25lbs. By the way I started at 112 lbs with this pregnancy. I need a lot of help to stay in the 25lbs range. It is so hard for me because I crave lots of ice cream, cakes, & cookies:( so any support is good.:) NIce to meet you all & hope to share wonderful experiences with you all:)
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Thanks all for the welcome :) I've been active with MFP for almost 2 full years now, but I do have my off days, so, sorry if I don't respond or catch up with you all right away. Nothing major to report here. I went to the gym Mon/Tues and I'll either do one more gym day or take advantage of our semi-nice weather and go for a walk outside. I'm playing airsoft with some friends on Fri and my baby brother is turning 12 Saturday and wants to play Laser Tag, so I'll be getting in some light jogging between the two. My work and hormones aren't mixing well this week, but I know it'll pass. Hope you all have a great rest of the week and weekend! Toodles!

    - Welcome Bru! Congrats on expecting! Half Marathon training can be tough...so good for you on almost completing it...when were you going to run the race? I guess that's out now? I wanted to run a half this year as well and am hoping to train once I have the baby...I really wanted to keep running through the pregnancy but with the chold weather here...I have no motivation. Oh well.

    22 wk 5days

    Thanks! Yeah, my HMT was a 20 week process and I hit 16weeks when I found out about being pregnant. I would have continued, but those last few weeks were no less than 7mile runs 3x a week and then a 10, 11, 12, and 8mile on the forth days, I was taking any chances. I never had an actual race in mind, I was just doing it to prove to myself that I could. Though I was thinking about one in April in STL, but it's out now. I'm sticking to 5k's unless doc says otherwise. My next one is Mar 24th with a lot of people I work with, so it will be nice having them envolved in something I've been passionate about for well over a year.
  • 9Honey16
    9Honey16 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi Ladies! Haven't checked in since last week cuz I've been siiiick. Yuck. Just a bad cold but it's knocked me on my butt for the past few days... Seems to be contagious on this board! lol

    Kristi - Happy to hear your glucose test went well! Did you have to fast before? How was the drink? Oh and I think you asked about - a doula is basically someone who provides non medical support during labor. They are certified and carry a wealth of experience to support you during childbirth both physically (massage, etc) and emotionally (help with birth plan/make informed decisions during labor). The doula I'm using was recommended to me by a friend who had her baby in august, and she said that she really helped her to achieve the natural birth she was hoping for (they also work with woman getting epidurals, or other medication too though---whatever your plan is). She will teach our childbirth class, provides prenatal massage, labor/birth support as well as postnatal massage for you and baby :) Sorry-- I could go on and on! lol Crazy that's you're leaving us soon for the third tri group -Time sure is flying, isn't it?

    MrsJax11 - Hope you're feeling better! Good for you getting that hospital tour in already, what type of childbirth class are you taking? Love your name list so far, especially Molly :)

    Destiny - Happy to hear your husband's job interview went well! I had my fingers crossed for ya :)

    sas6575 - I have to admit I've never heard of Shrove Tuesday, but a day that involves eating pancakes sounds great! Dr. has me on super limited sugar intake, but when I splurge I make blueberry and banana pancakes with a smidgin of syrup Yummm

    Melissa - Thank you for the dvd suggestions! I'm impressed by your workout routine, it has inspired me! So cool that your husband got to feel a kick! I know what you mean about the amazement of a little person inside your belly, I have the ultrasound pics on the wall by the computer and I'll just stare at them not quite believing that that little smiling face with the waving hands is whats bumpin' around in there! :)

    Welcome to all the new peeps and sorry I didn't get to everyone! (my head is a bit foggy) Great goals for the week and sounds like everyone is doing really good :)
    AFM: Baby is movin' around and kicking like crazy, I love it! And my husband got to feel his first kick this weekend which we both kinda squealed about which was funny :) I love that he can feel the baby now too! I had my repeat ultrasound on Friday which went well, same tech as the first time though. It seemed like she was having a little difficulty getting the measurements she wanted. Anywho, later that day my doctor called and said that she wasn't happy with the quality of the images that this tech/clinic was getting, so she referred me to a specialist at the hospital. Well my stomach pretty much dropped even though she said about 20 times "don't worry". She said that if there was any indication of something wrong that she would tell me....so I have decided to not stress and just once again look forward to seeing baby again this Tuesday. Derek is taking a half work day though so he can go with me and I definitely appreciate that! So positive thoughts! Have a good night, and I'll be sure to check in again soon!

    Jane 23wks 3d
  • sas6575
    Thanks hun xx

    Sarah - I just fry (in frying pan) chopped onion and mushrooms until about cooked and add halves of cherry tomatoes (I have quite a lot of veg). Then I add 2 beaten eggs (if making for me and John I add about 5 - he usually has more than me). Once I think bottom is cooked I add cheddar cheese to top and put under the grill for a few minutes until top cooked and cheese melted. I usually have it with beans (heinz baked beans) and HP sauce. John like me to add bacon bits but that ups the calories quite a bit.

  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member

    Im not sure full info re Shrove Tuesday but in old days 'Ash' Wednesday was the first day of lent (no eating) until Easter Sunday (about 40 days later) So on Shrove Tuesday you would eat everything out of your pantry - in those days it was butter, milk, flour etc (not sure if they made pancakes!). So in UK people often choose to give something up for Lent, like chocolate, cheese, biscuits, sugar etc until Easter Sunday. Most popular is chocolate (I think) and then you can eat your Easter Eggs! Please dont quote me on the exact details as I'm not 100% (think I learnt it in school).

    I quite enjoyed the class - it had 5 people in (only takes up to 8), me and my friend are 15 & 17 weeks and the others were 29, 30, 34 weeks so I found some of the stretches etc quite easy but I could see they found them difficult with a big bump. I think I will comtinue as it will do no harm to start early, the more practice I have now the better I will be at 30/32/36 weeks. (I think).

    I have been bad with week with my exercise (except walking the dogs) so before Sunday I will aim to do 2/3 x 30 mins DVD exercises and get back on track.

    I thought I had gained a little much weight but I was looking at graph in book last night and at 15 weeks it said average of 9lb so Im ok with 7/8lb (feel better now) x
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member

    Ha! No worries about the show! :laugh: I was planning on watching it anyways... and am not one to get upset when someone tells what happens... my fault for taping and watching a day later! In fact, your comments actually built up the anticipation... the whole time I was excited to see the whole "fake wedding" deal... and CAN NOT believe that she's still around, especially after that display! I just don't get it. I agree with Amanda that I really don't want him to pick the model (Courtney) in the end... but it feels like that's the direction the show is going in. Why can't these Bachelors and Bachelorettes actually pick a NICE person???? Why do they always have to pick the manipulative peeps who basically trick them into falling in love with them, enjoy the spotlight for enough time to get publicity and some other job in show biz, and then break the poor sap's heart?! The weird thing is that my hubby actually LIKES Courtney. He finds her "sweet" and "funny". Who knows... maybe it's a guy thing?! :noway:
    Geez! Anyways... I think I like Lindzi the best for Ben... hope he figures it out!

    Hope all your Wednesdays are going well! I had a nice walk at lunchtime today and have had a pretty relaxing day. I saw the results of my glucose challenge test online... an hour after drinking the sugary orange drink my blood-glucose level was 97 mg/dL. From looking online it seems like that's in the "normal" range and although I'm not a dr. I'm thinking that means I won't need the 3-hr tolerance test. I hope some of you medical experts will tell me... otherwise I'll just find out for sure from the ObGyn at my next appt in 2 weeks.

    I'm going to try to push myself and the hubby to do a P90X strength workout tonight and still need to plan out a healthy dinner. I still have about 900 calories to work with tonight. :drinker: <--H2O

    Best wishes to everyone to have a healthy and active evening! :flowerforyou:


    LOL...your hubby thinks she is sweet...has he seen how she treats the other girls? I mean she is nice to Ben but she is just not genuine and that's what bothers me. I couldn't believe he kept her either but my hubby thinks the producers make him keep her for the dramatic effect. Oh well we will see.

    Hopefully you got in your workout...I didn't workout last night but I did get some work in and paid some bills. Keep up the good work.
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Destiny - glad things are going well for you... Yea on the possibility of the husband getting a new job...sounds really exciting and I am sure having him around more will be more helpful.

    BGtorres - Welcome

    Jane- sorry to hear you were sick..hope you are feeling a lot better now. And yeah on another U/S and another chance to see your little one.

    Helen - thanks for the info on Shrove Tuesday...it makes sense...I thought it was every tuesday but it makes sense that's it part of Lent...nice job on the class...keep up the good work.

    AFM - no work out last night...but I got some work done for my job. Dinner was unhealthy as well but today off to a better start and feeling better...tonight...I have to get some more work done for my job and then an hour of exercise...but it's such a nice day here...I think I will head out of work early and then take a walk with the little one and just log back into work later.

    Hope you all are having a great Thursday....weekend is almost here...

  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Kristi – How exciting to be heading to 3rd tri soon! Congrats on your glucose test going well (definitely normal) and baby growing nicely. I don’t know how you’re doing the “no eating out or take out” though. DH and I cook a lot but sometimes it just happens. Are you just afraid the choices will be unhealthy?

    sas – never heard of pancake day, but it sounds wonderful. I could see myself enjoying a savory pancake… as long as I got a sweet one for dessert. I love the quotes around “girl scout cookies” lol. They are an icon here

    Helen – congrats on your growing little bump. I agree your weight gain is fine! My DH has the sporty 335 and doesn’t plan on his car being the family car. I need to trade in my little coupe!

    Amanda – yeah, I figured it was a muscle but you know I’m paranoid by profession. :wink: I just asked about the weight cause you seem to be keeping it extra low. CPR is a great workout, don’t really get to do it at my hospital cause there are so many paramedic interns, etc.

    Kelley- we were thinking about going back to Hawaii or possibly Jamaica. DH wants to go there soon to help his brother with some green card issues. I hear you on the donuts, I’ve actually been craving them but it’s extra trouble to get the gluten free kind. Great job staying active despite fatigue!

    Destiny – congrats on DH’s potential job offer! Hopefully the old DUIs won’t stand in his way. A half a pound is really good since you’re at the 0.5-1lb/week stage. Someone else posted a weight gain site but here’s another. You’re right on track http://www.gurgle.com/tools/pregnancy_weight_gain_calendar/default.aspx

    bgtorres – Welcome! Looks like you are starting off tiny and gaining perfect. 25lbs seems a little low (really you’re allowed up to 35 but some OBs are low-balling it to curtail female obesity) but doable. I definitely want everything cakey and sometimes I work out extra to get them in…

    Brunette – I agree with not pushing it too hard now, half marathon training will be a great way to start to get back in shape after baby!

    Jane – it will be awesome to get a second US. If the measurements and views aren’t perfect then the anatomy scan isn’t complete, so I’m glad your doc is being thorough and wouldn’t worry. I’m glad someone else finds the kicking as exciting as I do!

    AFM - Same old, same old. Still working to fend off the carb cravings and exercise regularly, all just to maintain my weight. I used to lose with this kind of eating but I do still eat close to maintenance and my body seems to be in a different zone now. It's funny that as more people find out they insist they couldn't tell and I'm "all baby" but I've gained the most in the this group for my weeks! :noway: Tomorrow is my birthday and I have been craving cakey things like pancakes and donuts so I might be bad and visit the gluten free shop to splurge and then try to make up for it in the gym. If I spend the whole pregnancy paranoid about everything I eat I'll go nuts! DH and I will probably take a little road trip this weekend and stay at a B&B, still searching for a place to go. I work the swing shift tonight so I'm gonna try to update my ipod with new songs to inspire a long workout... Oh, anyone else plagued by bad heartburn? Jeez, it's like every night or middle of the night recently. Maybe I just need to go back to drinking my diet gingerale everyday....

    Melissa (+13-15)
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    Hey guys! It has been a busy week for me!!
    Melissa -- I just got a script for the heartburn since it is soooo awful now...we will see how it works!
    Kelly -- we did a super meat stuffed calzone for dinner...so I hear ya on not so healthy ;) lots of protein, though! lol...
    Helen-- it is hard not to obsess over the lbs. However, if you are being healthy and doing your best, what more can you do?
    Jane--How exciting to feel the baby move!
    BGTorres -- Welcome!
    Destiny -- hoping the interview turns to a job!
    Kristi-- I am amazed that you can do P90x! I couldn't hang with that even before baby!
    Amanda -- it is so nice to walk with dogs. My old guy only makes it up and down the block now.
    Amber -- Welcome to 2nd tri :) I still have a little nausea, depending on the food...especially eggs for a while. It should get better, though!

    AFM -- I have logged every day this week, and worked out every day, so doing good. I am tired, though...whoever said that 2nd tri was full of energy LIED! We went to the doc yesterday, and baby girl still measures exactly to my due date, which is funny...already trying to be perfect ;) She is so pretty! They do 3d there and even though she is only 10 oz, they get really cute pics of her face. I ordered our crib, and have started the registry. SO excited tomorrow is Friday!!!
  • kmreynolds11
    kmreynolds11 Posts: 109 Member
    Kristi – How exciting to be heading to 3rd tri soon! Congrats on your glucose test going well (definitely normal) and baby growing nicely. I don’t know how you’re doing the “no eating out or take out” though. DH and I cook a lot but sometimes it just happens. Are you just afraid the choices will be unhealthy?

    AFM - Same old, same old. Still working to fend off the carb cravings and exercise regularly, all just to maintain my weight. I used to lose with this kind of eating but I do still eat close to maintenance and my body seems to be in a different zone now. It's funny that as more people find out they insist they couldn't tell and I'm "all baby" but I've gained the most in the this group for my weeks! :noway: Tomorrow is my birthday and I have been craving cakey things like pancakes and donuts so I might be bad and visit the gluten free shop to splurge and then try to make up for it in the gym. If I spend the whole pregnancy paranoid about everything I eat I'll go nuts! DH and I will probably take a little road trip this weekend and stay at a B&B, still searching for a place to go. I work the swing shift tonight so I'm gonna try to update my ipod with new songs to inspire a long workout... Oh, anyone else plagued by bad heartburn? Jeez, it's like every night or middle of the night recently. Maybe I just need to go back to drinking my diet gingerale everyday....

    Melissa (+13-15)

    Cool... thanks for the input on the glucose level being normal! I'm not eating out this week... because usually for me that means going with the guys at work to get unhealthy cheesesteaks or pizza at lunch or an inpromptu trip to a fast food drive thru lane! Besides, we've been really trying to get a handle on the finances and saving up for the hubby to possibly leave his job for 6-9 months... so this goal actually had two purposes!

    Don't worry about the weight. Seriously... this is coming from another weight worrier who hates to see those dreaded scale numbers go up! I feel HUGE already and wonder everyday if I'm gaining too much/too little, eating okay... etc. But deep down I know that my body is just doing what it needs for little Quin and even after my unhealthy moments (like those 2 cheeseburgers and fries I ate for dinner last night!) I just let it go, gve myself a break, and then move on to trying to be healthier. You are one healthy lady and just that you are AWARE of your nutrition and choices means that it's important to you and puts you ahead of so many other pregnant women who use their bellies as an excuse to go calorie crazy. I say enjoy your pancakes/donuts... go treat yourself! :wink:

  • kmreynolds11
    kmreynolds11 Posts: 109 Member
    Kristi-- I am amazed that you can do P90x! I couldn't hang with that even before baby!

    AFM -- I have logged every day this week, and worked out every day, so doing good. I am tired, though...whoever said that 2nd tri was full of energy LIED! We went to the doc yesterday, and baby girl still measures exactly to my due date, which is funny...already trying to be perfect ;) She is so pretty! They do 3d there and even though she is only 10 oz, they get really cute pics of her face. I ordered our crib, and have started the registry. SO excited tomorrow is Friday!!!

    Hi Becca! Congrats on the great checkup... sounds like your LO is doing well! That's so great that you get to see the 3D. How is the registry going? I did mine, but felt like totally unorganized. It's hard to sift through everything to get to the things you really need. Then... at the same time I know we're getting a lot of hand-me-downs and so wanted to concentrate on the stuff I knew we would still be lacking... but... lol... then I realized that my registry would just turn into breast pump/breastfeeding accessories and gdiapers. I felt a little embarrassed basically having all my friends and family out shopping for boob and butt stuff! :blushing:

    Yeah... still try to do 2-3 P90x workouts a week... but I only call them P90x workouts because I still put in the DVDs and push play. lol.... at this point they're so modified that it's not like doing the real deal. It's just a great opportunity to get some light weight strength workouts in and try to keep those muscles a little toned! I would never attemp the P90X plyometrics or core workouts at this point! eek!
