2nd Trimester



  • amberwebb79
    amberwebb79 Posts: 113 Member
    Morning all, hope your babies are all behaving themselves.

    I've finally gained some weight, up about 3-4 pounds so far. How is is that I've only gained that much, but it feels like 15-20 already. I don't fit my pants anymore. Haven't had an ultrasound, and only heard one heartbeat at the 12 week appointment, but some days I swear that there is more than one baby in there. Going in for 16 week appointment on Friday.

    DD is recovering from Roseola at the moment, so she's been a nightmare for a few days. Every little thing sets her off into crying or mini-tantrums. I can't wait until she's better again. It feels like she just got over the puking and diarrhea not long ago. Thanks to this illness she's stopped sleeping through the night, so I have as well. And just when I was getting some energy back. It feels like years since I've gotten a decent workout.

    15 wks 0 days up 4 lbs
  • batgirlrox
    Kristi- Rib is still bothering me. Went for a massage yesterday and came home in more pain then I started I think. No update on the schedule. All I can say about the Bachelor is wow haha. Not excited I have to wait 2 weeks for the finale though ;) My thinking lately has been around D-day a lot too. Baby is still breech and I've been having a lot of dreams that she's not turning. C-sections never scared me before I went in and watched one and got a play by play, now they scare the poop out of me! I know if I have to have one it will be best for myself and baby but still, eek! Great goals for the week!

    Kelley- Well my 3 days of do nothing turned into 0 days of do nothing. :(With my sister movie into her new place on Friday and the fact I co-signed on her mortgage(since she is a server so her tips aren't included in her taxes) we had 2 bank meetings, a lawyers meeting, and last minute odds and ends shopping to do. What I meant by viability date was when they will work to save the baby if it's born pre-mature. It's 26 weeks here but can be as late as 30 weeks other places. I'm glad you got to sleep in this weekend! With my back lately sleeping in is a thing of the past haha.

    Destiny- Congrats on the girl!! Hope you fight of the illness before it catches up to you!

    Jalyn- For the kicks I haven't been actually counting them but I am definitely aware when they don't happen for a period of time. They get in sleep cycles just like we do so 10 kicks in 10 minutes seems like it would only be a good judge when they were awake and moving.

    Yahya- Congrats on the girl. Placenta's move up just try and stay away from lots of squats and things like that in your exercise regime.

    Melissa- Congrats on the possible name choice. I'm glad I haven't had much heartburn yet, hope it subsides or you find something that works for you soon!

    Sas- Don't get too worried about movement yet. It's possible your placenta is laying in a different spot this time "blocking out" the movement sensation. I have a posterior placenta and felt my first twinges at 15-16 weeks. Keep your chin up and don't fret yet :-) (I know that's harder said then done)

    AFM- My rib is still bugging me so I went for a massage yesterday and have decided I don't only hate massages I despise them! I may be the only person in the world but I simple dread every time I book myself one. My in-laws came back from their trip to the states last night and according to my FIL, my MIL has bought enough clothes to cloth the baby for the first year...oh boy. I'm a little afraid but she's bringing the stuff over today so I can see what she's gotten.

    I had a weird urge to go to the fabric store yesterday and look at fabrics for a possible baby blanket. I don't typically sew(I can and have made several pairs of PJ's in the past) so this was an odd desire for me. I did however find the cutest Eeyore panel in pink and blue at the store and I'm now debating with myself if I should attempt to make a blanket for baby out of it. It may turn out disastrous or be cause for much grief and tears so I'm undecided.

    On a very exciting note my sister moves out this weekend! She takes possession on Friday so I took the day off to help her clean and organize etc. Then my hubby and dad are going to come on Saturday and do all the lifting/moving. I'm so very excited to have the baby's room accessible so I can start working on it.

    Watching my best friend's little one this afternoon and hope she doesn't have as much cabin fever as my puppies (it's been very cold, windy and snowy here the last week) There is a movie store here going out of business so I got 22DVD's for $60 so maybe there are a few new ones she would like to watch. Hope everyone has a great day!

    26W 5D
  • Brandy715
    Brandy715 Posts: 74 Member
    Hello Everyone! I am finally in my 2nd trimester! :) I sure hope that all this sickness etc goes away! It has gotten alot better though! I am excited to get to know everyone!!!
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member
    Brandy- Welcome Hope you feel better!

    Amanda- That's awesome that your MIL got you tons on gear! I hope you two have similar tastes and its stuff you like as well. So sorry your rib is still bothering you. That's terrible! Try not to overdo it when you're helping your sis move.

    Amber- Sorry your LO isn't feeling well. I know its just a matter of time before my DD gets this bug that I have and I'm not looking forward to a sick baby :frown:

    Kristi- At least you're still exercising! You're doing better than me! :laugh: My sweet tooth has really kicked in the past few days too.

    Melissa- Great goals this week! Glad you enjoyed your weekend, and I hope you're feeling better UTI-wise.

    Jayln- Welcome back! Great job on keeping active, and your goals for this week look great. I agree the others, I wouldn't start counting the movements yet. My last pregnancy I just made sure I felt some movement throughout the day until I got into the 3rd tri.

    AFM- This cold is still kicking my butt. I feel like a dead beat mom but I let my LO watch two episodes of Sesame Street back to back so I could rest. Isn't that terrible? I'm hoping I can get over this quickly, because I'm afraid its inevitable that she'll get something too so I want to feel up to babying her. This time last year we were in the exact same boat- my husband got bug and brought it home to us girls, but DD ended up with really severe croup and was hospitalized for 4 days. So hubby and I are feeling extra paranoid about her getting sick.

    So when we told my parents that we were having a girl and I told them that I wanted to name her Quinn my dad informed my husband that Quinn is a boys name. So now hubby doesn't like it anymore. And then my brother text me and told me I need to watch a few episodes of "Daria" before I decide on that name. :explode: So frustrating! Now I guess we're starting from scratch on baby names. There goes my dream of having a baby with the initials QRS :laugh:

    Hope you're all having a great hump/leap day!

    19w +9lbs
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Happy Wednesday Mamas!

    Destiny - Congrat on finding out it's another girl! Here's hoping you feel better and your DD doens't get sick at all. I know how you feel about not being able to interact the way you want with your DD...when I was sick a few weeks back made me cry to have to watch my son wonder around on his own trying to get me to play with him and I was stuck on the couch...I was so grateful my hubs came home early. As for the name...I thought the name Quinn for a girl was cute...too bad your husband jumped ship but I am sure you all will agree on something.

    Brandy - Welcome and don't worry if you are in the majority you will feel better in a few weeks and get a few weeks of a break...hang in there.

    Amanda - sorry your ribs still hurt and that your three days off were not as relaxing as they should have been...how exciting though to finally be able to start putting together your nursery. Hope it all works out with your sisters move...remember to not push yourself too hard. And great news on the clothes for babies first yr...hop your mother in law made some good choices.

    Amber - good luck at the U/S in the beginning I felt like I was carrying twins too...but turns out and Thank God it's only one. Hope your daugther gets better so you can get some rest. My LO has been waking up in the middle of the night lately too...I think it's due to teeth coming in but I am not sure.

    Kristi - So motivating to hear you have been getting your exercise in...it's rainy here as well...I think your plan to focus on workouts this week and suga next week is reasonable...some weeks the sugar cravings are too strong...and other weeks they are there but can be ignored... I am the same way...mine is more not knowing what I want to eat...I want to eat something good but don't know what...so I ate nothing and then eat everything in sight later that night or the next day...lol

    As for labor I haven't been thinking abou that but that's because I already have an idea of what to expect and still have not gotten my first time...it wasn't as bad as I feared but still a very painful experience...this time I want to not take the epi at all so hopefully my water will break which causes the process most times to go a lot faster. Either way I am really trying not to think about it until I have too...lol...I do think though that the bigger I get the bigger the baby is and I have to push that little one out...lol

    Yaya - congrats on the finding out you are having a girl...now you can go shopping like you wanted.

    Sarah - don't despair...lots of people don't feel definite movement until 22-24 weeks. With my first I was about 25 weeks until I felt something I knew was movement for sure...hiccups...it was amazing...with this little one I felt movement early but I knew what to look for...it varies by person...hang in there.

    Jayln - welcome back...was wondering where you were. Great job on keeping up with your workouts and Crossfit even modified at that is great. As for the painting...my husband doesn't think I can paint well...the apt I lived in when we met I had painted and he was less than impressed with the job I had done...he used to be a painter by trader in another lifetime so he has his method and is pretty good really just a little on the lazy side ( or he likes to call it being tired) when he's done with his 9-5. I have threatened to paint but I won't because I hate painting...lol the perfectionist in me gets too fustrated. As for the baby kicks...I am with the others...I wouldn't start counting kicks until 3rd tri...I just monitor baby movements...noting when it happens and what times of day I feel it most...

    cutmd - hope the UTI goes away...and congrats on settling on a name.

    AFM - Woke up this morning feeling tired, it could be due to going to bed after 11:30pm lately....I really need to get to bed earlier. I also need to workout...haven't worked out since last week...I just feel so lazy. Worked late last night and tonight...so by the time I get home and hang with the hubs and baby I just want to veg out. So not hitting my targets this week.
    Can't wait until this weekend...it's my first wedding anniversary...and I really am hoping hubs and I can go out for dinner and a movie...so we will see... otherwise just been tired, feeling pregnant and a bit cranky lately...hoping all those things pass...lol...I guess the preggers feeling will only get worse... On a good note...started booking my baby moon, which I am going on in a week and a half...we are headed to Aruba...I am a bit excited and nervous...because I need to tell my boss and it's the middle of tax season but she is pretty lax and hopefully she will be understanding...say a little pray that it all goes smoothly....

    alright back to work....

    Kelley 24 wks...but who's counting :)
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Morning ladies,
    I woke up in the most foul mood this morning totally convinced baby won't be alive at our 20 week scan (2 weeks today) as I haven't felt any movements yet.
    This is my second and I'm pretty sure I felt movements with the first before now.
    Can I ask when you felt your little one move? I'm 18wks 3 days
    Sarah xx

    I will catch up with everyone later as got a busy day.

    Sarah - I wouldnt worry at all - my midwife said you usually start to feel movement at 20 ish weeks. Im sure all is well x
  • sas6575
    sas6575 Posts: 70
    Thank you for your comforting advice ladies.... I'm sure I'm just going through a stage of paranoia!
    Calmness has been restored :) xx
  • DawnCallas
    Hi Ladies! I am so glad to have FINALLY found you ladies! :-) I am 22 weeks pregnant today with our 3rd! :-) I can't wait to get to know you ladies! :-)

    Goals for this week:
    *Get my booty moving! :-) I want to workout at least 3 times!
    *Drink only water! (I have slowly been adding other liquids into my diet and it is time to cut that out!)
    *No more late night meals! Snacks - SURE! Meals - NO WAY! LOL
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Welcome Dawn!

    Happy Thursday Everyone!....the weekend is almost here and I can't wait...

    Have finally pulled out a pad and paper to start my to do list... Went to bed before 11 last night...Yippy...although my little one was restless all night so I didn't sleep as well as I could...can't wait until teething period is over so he can move back into his crib.
    The baby is on a roll this morning...seriously there must be a party in my belly because Jolie is in there having a ball.
    Anyway, just wanted to say hi...hope everyone has a great day will check back in a little later.

    Kelley - 25 weeks today
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I'm not able to keep up with everyone, so I apologize for not commented on others happenings. I try to keep up with too many threads I think.
    My goals for the week were 3 days of 30min exercise. Monday: went for a 41min walk at a new park
    Tuesday: I went to a half hour of Zumba
    Wed: went for a 32min walk at the park
    So I've hit my goals for the week, but the weather is so nice today so I may get another day in outside while I can :)
  • kmreynolds11
    kmreynolds11 Posts: 109 Member
    Welcome, newbies! :wink:

    Just had a quick minute to read up on how everyone's doing... sounds like we've got a a bunch of busy, busy 2nd Tri mamas on here! Great job everyone! Hearing about how everyone's doing definitely keeps me motivated and moving!

    Beautiful day here today. 65 and sunny! :glasses: Which means.... the guys wanted to have a cookout for lunch at work. Think burgers, potato salad, chips, beans, ice cream... the whole works. My healthy eating for today just got shot! Unfortunately, I'm not going to make my goal of logging everything today... just couldn't keep track of everything! Yikes! :embarassed: I'll go for a walk this afternoon and then planning on doing a strength workout at home tonight.

    Hope you're all doing well! TGI-almost-F!!!:drinker:

  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Kristi – best of luck with the sugar cravings, sometimes I find fruit helps, sometimes not! For sure make sure to eat it with protein and fat to steady your blood sugar levels, this will help with the rebound sugar craving effect. Congrats on the exercise, don’t feel too bad about the cookout!

    amberwebb – sorry to hear your LO is sick. Hope she gets better soon. That little bit of bloat and belly growth can make you feel huge, but sounds like you are doing great on weight gain!

    Amanda – sorry to hear your rib is still a problem. I have never been a massage fan either. Sewing is potentially disastrous for me as well, but if push comes to shove you could finish it up on maternity leave… Congrats on your sis moving out, enjoy starting that baby room!

    Welcome Brandy, the MS should continue to fade for you!

    Destiny – you shouldn’t let your family dictate your baby name. Quinn is primarily a girl name - http://www.thinkbabynames.com/meaning/0/Quinn. Hope you feel better soon!

    Kelley – I’ve thought about the baby size issue to with my weight gain – a coworker’s wife just had a 9 lb baby! :noway: Yay on the anniversary and the trip to aruba, sounds wonderful! Congrats on reaching 25 weeks, glad your LO is nice and active!

    sas – glad you’re feeling better!

    Welcome Dawn – great goals, I feel you on the late night hunger though, best of luck!

    Brunettewife – good job hitting your goals!

    AFM, I got the vitamix I ordered for my birthday yesterday and just enjoyed my second green smoothie packed with tons of raw kale and fresh fruit. I'm so glad I got this thing cause I am starting to feel my aversion to cooked veggies rearing its ugly head again. I am off today and planned on lots of exercise and house cleaning, but I just feel so wiped out. Recently woke up from a couch nap and want to get going without using caffeine. Plus I have to study for my specialty oral exam. Today might be my first rest day of the week unless DH comes home and then goes to exercise, that often will get me up. I was supposed to do Zumba this am on a guest pass with a friend but she bailed :frown: My stomach has also been bloated and gassy so I'm sulking about that as well. Oh, and I found out I have some training for work to do during my OB appointment 3/14, so I had to reschedule for 4/5. I was already 2 weeks later than I was supposed to be, now I will be almost in my 3rd trimester before I am seen again :frown:. And I've been ruminating on my recently fat butt. So just a grumpy bear today I guess, sorry. Only baby kicks seem to help...

    21w 6d
  • kmreynolds11
    kmreynolds11 Posts: 109 Member
    I'm so glad it's FRIDAY! :glasses:

    Took a great walk at lunch today and heading out to a magic show tonight with some girlfriends! (I really hope I'll be able to stay awake past 8pm!) :laugh: One of my friends actually just broke the news that she's expecting too... so I can't wait to see her new little bump and catch up with her!

    I'm excited for a nice relaxing weekend. I need it since I realized its the last low-key weekend we'll have before the busy spring plans of sporting events, baby showers, family visits, weddings, etc begin!

    Ladies, this closes out my 27th week! Wow -- can't believe how fast things go by! I'm officially moving over to the 3rd Tri board on Mon. It's been a pleasure getting to know you all and I look forward to the next several weeks when a lot of you join me!!! :drinker:

    Best wishes this weekend and for the weeks to come!

  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    Hi, everyone!
    What a busy week! I threw a baby shower for a girl at work on Tuesday, then had carpet installed in the nursery on Wednesday, and had a rising freshmen orientation after school Thursday. I am pretty pleased with the fact that I got a work out in mon, tues, thur, and today, too...Wed I cleaned while the carpet guys were here and also made a veggie lasagna. Delish!
    So, even with keeping under calories I still packed on almost 6 pounds these last two weeks. I am hoping to see that drop a little...but DH and friends are all shocked at the belly growth, and he is getting very annoyed at my scale obsession. I can't really do much more about it-- I have deficits at the end of the day and am really active, and eat super healthy 90% of the time...I think baby girl is just growing, and my belly is as well to accommodate her needs...or maybe I have been a little dehydrated with the warm weather, so my body is holding water...I had cut back because I thought it was adding to the heart burn. BUT -- Life is a lot better with the heart burn script. I only eat one tums every few days now, instead of 9 or so every day :) Maybe I can get my water intake back up there!

    Happy to see everyone is still keeping healthy!
    My goals for this week are to do at least 30 minutes cardio every day; 12+ glasses of water a day, and do some strength training 2x next week. For not diet/health related -- get the crib put up, and work on the nursery some more (the trim needs to be replaced)...and get our screen room cleaned out...
    Well, I am off to bed!
  • yahyamommy
    yahyamommy Posts: 69 Member
    I'm so glad it's FRIDAY! :glasses:

    Took a great walk at lunch today and heading out to a magic show tonight with some girlfriends! (I really hope I'll be able to stay awake past 8pm!) :laugh: One of my friends actually just broke the news that she's expecting too... so I can't wait to see her new little bump and catch up with her!

    I'm excited for a nice relaxing weekend. I need it since I realized its the last low-key weekend we'll have before the busy spring plans of sporting events, baby showers, family visits, weddings, etc begin!

    Ladies, this closes out my 27th week! Wow -- can't believe how fast things go by! I'm officially moving over to the 3rd Tri board on Mon. It's been a pleasure getting to know you all and I look forward to the next several weeks when a lot of you join me!!! :drinker:

    Best wishes this weekend and for the weeks to come!


    Though I dont write posts very often but I do read all the posts every other day.

    Hey kristi congrats on beginning of last trimester and I do read that trimesters posts sometimes. Haven't forgot the whole fa*t discussion there it was hilarious

    AFM I gaining very fast since 2nd trimester has started. ThoughI have been told to do bed rest coz of losing placenta I am it doing my evening walk but I can't be on bed rest either as a homemaker living with 5 family members and all guys no one to help in house chores and my bedroom is upstairs and kitchen is downstairs

    Still don't know what caused this placenta to go low we never did it after finding BFP
  • ewegner
    ewegner Posts: 48 Member
    Hey ladies! Sorry I've been MIA for the past few weeks...it's been stressful here. I see that everyone is staying active and learning whether they are having boys or girls...so exciting! Congrats to everyone who is finding out, feeling their babies move, and staying healthy. :)

    Last weekend we had our gender reveal party..it was very exciting and I'm happy to say we are having another boy! Of course, everyone was hoping for a girl since we have a little boy already, and honestly with my pregnancy being completely different this time around I thought Girl for sure until about 2 weeks ago. I had a dream we were having a boy and since then just knew.

    The next day, however, my doctor called me with my ultrasound results. They found a choroid plexus cyst in the baby's brain and I now have to go to a specialist to get a level II ultrasound to see exactly what's going on and if there are any other abnormalities with the baby's organs or body. Of course I read up on the topic and have found both negative and positive stories about this type of cyst. I'm more calm about the situation but very anxious to get this ultrasound to find out exactly what is wrong, if anything. It's so hard to finally find out the sex of your baby and the next day find out there may be something wrong. I'm afraid to even start buying bottles, diapers, and an outfit just in case. Very scary.

    And then, at my regular appointment this week, my doctor also tells my I have a low lying placenta and am restricted from exercise until further notice. This comes after stepping on the scale at the office and learning that they have my as having gained 20lbs already and I'm only 22 weeks! I'm kinda freaking out, and have started to eat SUPER healthy again, watching my sodium and drinking gallons of water. Hopefully that'll help. Can't wait for the weather to be nicer so I can just get out and walk.

    Sorry to be such a debbie-downer...I really hope to share some better news next week when I get some more results. Hope everyone has a great weekend! Happy March! :)

    22 wks
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Happy March Ladies!!!!

    Wow can you believe it's March already! Time is just flying by!

    Liz - Congrats on the boy. Sorry to hear about the cyst and the placenta...wow...a double whammy...I will be keeping sending good vibes and prayers your way. Please keep us posted on what happens this week. Glad you are able to keep your calm....hang in there and know we are praying for you.

    Becca - good job on the positive outlook. If you are eating heathly and still gaining weight than it's probably just the baby having a growth spurt. When I hit 2nd tri I gained 8 lbs in a month ( some of it was from unheathly eating) either way after that the weight gained slowed down and I only gained 2 in the last month. So don't worry...the body does what it needs to in order to keep the baby growing and healthy. Great goals...hope this week is not as crazy as last week.

    Kristi - see you over on the 3rd tri board soon and congrats on your last and final tri...

    Melissa - I am so jealous about the vitamix - I have been trying to get my husband to let me get one...so far I haven't sold him on it...he talked about maybe getting me a ninja but he's not serious...I love that vitamix and all the different smoothies and combos that is can do...Sorry your are having a sulky week...I hope this weekend was better and your energy is back up...hopefully this week is better for you. It's too bad about you OB appointment...you would think that they would squeeze you in before the hit 3rd tri.

    AFM - I have my glucose dr's appt on Tuesday...so hear's hoping that all goes well.
    Last week ended well...ended up taking the little one to an artful playgroup and he had a blast. This weekend, has been crazy...the great thing about owning a home is it's yours...the bad thing is that things are always breaking that we have to fix. We had to fix the plumbing this week and the water heater...sigh...good thing my hubby is handy, he fixed the plumbing and had his buddy fix the water heater at cost...but then tonight we found some flying ants...what the heck!!!! Other than that we had a low key weekend and today hubby and I celebrated our anniverary by going to the movies...we haven't been to the movies in almost 10 months...so it was nice to go to the movies...we say Safe House...it was a great movie...lots of action.

    Anyway, this week my goals are to get off my fat butt and workout at least go for walks or get on the ellipitical. Went to the farmer's market today and got some fruit and veggies so I have no excuse to eat veggies...And my hubby got bottles water so
    I have no excuse. Hear's to a healthy week! Alright...need to get to bed...hope everyone had a great weekend.
    - drink water
    - exercise 3 days
    - eat at least 2 veggies/fruits a day.
    - finish packing for the trip
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Kristi - catch you on the flip side, I'm sure you will be another success story for our group!

    MrsJax - water actually helps heartburn, just drink it like crazy when you're not eating. I'm glad the meds are helping though. I believe you're just going through a growth spurt, try to eat maintenance and not less and it will even out. You gotta let her grow!

    Yahyamommy - good luck on the bedrest, sucks cause it decreases your calorie requirement too. Low lying placenta just happens and if it helps you feel any better I'll tell you you can't really cause it nor has bed rest been proven to help. Oh, and it often moves up on its own, will be prayin that happens for you!

    Ewegner - welcome back, your bump is looking great! Don't worry about the choroid plexus, definitely means nothing in isolation. I am sorry to hear about the exercise restriction and weight gain, definitely a scary combo but I bet it will all even out. Hopefully your placenta will move up too! Do you have new goals written out?

    Kelley - now we are even since you got an elliptical, lol. My DH fought the vitamix for weeks and now he loves it! I'm excited cause he often won't eat veggies but he's been making green smoothies and drinking up! Sorry to hear about home problems but congrats on your anniversary and movie night, we loved safe house as well!

    AFM - I'm doing better! Just got back from an overnight road trip to Sacramento, we had a long drive and argued about the baby's middle name some more and had some good parenting discussions. The baby also is kicking a ton and kicked me soooo hard I jumped and it hurt, but I'm so glad he's healthy enough to do that at 1lb! My digestion's improved a bit, and DH made my WEEK by saying he doesn't think I gained any weight outside of my belly. He was surprised when I told him 15lbs! And he is NOT a flatterer so I felt so much better! If I can maintain this weight until 3rd trimester I will be perfectly on track. I did weight training, stepper, and elliptical on Friday and p90x plyo (modified) on Saturday and am still sore tonight after resting! At 6 months I'm gonna start buying baby stuff, I realized I'm pretty ignorant since I still have to research bassinet versus crib, etc, so early might be better. Will also sign up for newborn care, labor, and breastfeeding classes. It is dawning on me that though I can administer medical care to babies and kids I am clueless about childcare!

    Goals this week:
    - maintain weight
    - 1+ liters of water
    - fruit and veggies 4-5 servings
    - exercise 5x/week (6 is a little tiring these days but I may do prenatal yoga DVD I just bought on one of the off days)
    - keep forgetting to add kegels to this list. 10 ten second holds and 30 quick ones at least every other day.

    22wk 2days
  • amberwebb79
    amberwebb79 Posts: 113 Member
    Good Morning everyone.

    My LO is all better, although the doctor never could figure out what all the screaming was about. Shouldn't be in any pain like that with Roseola.

    Am I the only one who has no idea what to name this baby? I don't find out until April 6th if it's a boy or girl. My husband is probably getting annoyed that I turn down every name he thinks of. He's got a talent for picking names of people that were evil in school, or tv characters I knew growing up. And I refuse to name my child after his mother. She's mean to me.

    15 wks 5 days +4lbs
  • batgirlrox
    batgirlrox Posts: 105
    Destiny- I hate people who want to name your baby for you. They had their chance to pick names and now it's your turn. Chose what you and DH like, it is after all YOUR baby.

    Kelley- MIL came back with great choices. I tend to be very ummmm opinionated on what I want and there was maybe only 2 out of 30 outfits I went meh, so I'm pretty excited. Happy Anniversary! I'm so jealous of your warm weather trip. I tried desperately to find a decent one but couldn't so we are going to the mountains instead(Yay more cold?!?!) oh well it will hopefully be relaxing none the less.

    Dawn- Welcome. Great goals

    Kristi- I'll see you in a few days on the 3rd tri board!

    Melissa- I just tried green smoothies this week after a recommendation from my yoga instructor. I found it totally weird to be putting spinach in my perfectly tasty smoothie but was pleasantly surprised how they tasted. I'm trying to keep it up. Great work outs.

    Yaha- There isn't a whole lot of rhyme or reason for low lying placenta. That's just where the egg found a comfy spot to snuggle in. Sometimes they move back up, others they stay low only time will tell.

    Liz- Sorry to hear about your ultrasound upset. I hope the specialist can provide more answers for you and I will keep you in my prayers.

    AFM- Did my glucose screening last week and went and checked my own sugars after the lab drew their sample and it was well within the normal range so I'm confident I passed. It wasn't nearly as bad as I had heard. I didn't have to fast for mine and hubby came and sat with me. We listened to an audio book, which made the hour fly by. I'll find out the official results on the 16th.

    Finally have a schedule for myself. I basically told my boss what I wanted/was hoping for my light duties and he agreed. YAY. Finally have a schedule for this planner to plan my life around! Work is definitely getting much more difficult and I'm glad I only have 5 more days on the ambulance. Even a simple task like bending down to do BP's and then getting back up without something to pull myself up with is humorous for my co-workers. I transported a 30 weeker with ruptured membranes this week. Panicked me a little, that's only 3 more weeks then I am and I am definitely NOT ready if that were to happen to me.

    We got my sister's new house all cleaned and moved in. Boy, was that exhausting! The first day cleaned for 6 hours and could barely move when I got home. I decided I wasn't over doing it the 2nd day so took it a lot less intense and supervised a lot more. I was still tired but at least I could move. Was hubby's birthday yesterday so we went out for dinner and a movie. It is so nice coming home and there only being US (plus our puppies) here. Husband had decided this means he's allowed to walk around naked all the time which is quite funny to me but oh well. We woke up to 6 inches of fresh snow this morning and it's still coming. I do love the way snow makes everything look so clean and fresh. Hope everyone else had a great weekend.
