2nd Trimester



  • kmreynolds11
    kmreynolds11 Posts: 109 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!

    Just a quick checkin this morning and then I'm going to try to log back on later today to catch up on posts and write more to you all before the weekend hits! :wink:

    Sad News --> Yesterday at the grocery store, I was suddenly surrounded by PEEPS! You know, those delicious marshmallowy sugary treats that people either love or hate. That's right folks, the easter candy is out and the candy aisle is now peeping at me! I grabbed a box and ate half of them after dinner last night. Lol... might have to avoid the grocery for the next month. :embarassed:

    Had a healthy/active day yesterday at work... lots of walking and good food. But the peep excitement kinda led to a splurge at dinner time and then the hubby and I had some couch potato time followed by an early departure to bed by me!

    No work for me today... running errands and cleaning up the house. Hope you all have a lovely day!

  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member
    Jane- I think I would *try* and just be excited to see that little one again, but I know its hard not to be worried. Thats nice that your hubby gets to go with you!

    Melissa- Thanks for the website! Happy Birthday! I hope you enjoyed a donut, you deserve it! Even though we all want to stay fit during our pregnancies I think its ok to splurge now and then, to keep our sanity if nothing else! :laugh: I hope you have a fun getaway this weekend. I haven't had any heartburn so far *knock on wood* but with my last pregnancy I would get it sooo bad that my nose would bleed occasionally. I ate a lot of tums but eventually my dr gave me a prescription.

    MrsJax- I hear ya on being tired. I definitely feel better than I did in the first tri but I'm still waiting for that burst of energy you hear about in the 2nd tri. Glad your ultrasound went well. With my first pregnancy we got the 3d ultrasound but not until 30 weeks(?). They got the cutest shot of her smiling in my belly. I loved it. Good luck with your registry!

    Kristi- I have to avoid the easter aisle too, but cadbury creme eggs are my downfall :laugh:

    AFM- Not much new going on here. I completed my goal of working out 3x this week so I'm happy about that. I feel like I need more water still, mostly because I always go way over my sodium goal. My hubby isn't working this weekend (yay) but we don't have anything special planned. Hopefully the weather is nice and we can take DD to the park. Then we have our big ultrasound on Monday!!! Getting excited!!!!

    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies,

    Kristi - I hope you enjoyed your day off. LOL about your peeps binge...I haven't had those in years.. Fortunately, for me easter is heavily celebrated and there is no easter candy that I a must have...but I have been craving bakes goods lately...completely random...so today i hate a huge nuteless fresh baked brownie...it was so good. At least you still get your works out in and have been keeping an eye on your calorie intake...I say don't worry about the peeps though empty calories I can't imagine them being 300 or even 200 each one.

    thedestar - yippy on meeting your workout goal. Hope you enjoyed your weekend with the family.

    Becca - how exciting to get to see your little one in 3D, when they tried with my first he had his hands over his face and with this one...I don't have another U/S unless I request it...which I probably won't so we will just have to wait for the big reveal. Awesome that you are staying on track...you are my motivation...I started this week logging in...got through two days and then dropped off...but still better than I was doing before. Hope you have an amazing weekend. And don't worry...the energy will pick up...it just takes a while...does seem though like the minute it kicks in you will be on the brink of 3rd tri but even 2 wks of a break from being tired is nice.

    AFM - Thursday night was a wash... was either going to work or workout and didn't do either...Dinner was whole wheat pasta with red and white sauce so not too bad...and no brownie sundea after because the hubs finished off the ice cream earlier in the day...so not too bad but still needed one more workout for the week and didn't get it in although yesterday was gorgeous and today was all raining...that seems to be my weekly trend lately...2 workouts a week...really need to start doing more...Porbably when I get the treadmill. Nothing major planned for the weekend. Just church and baby sitting and if Sunday is nice maybe I will get hubs to take us out for breakfast and do some thrift shopping...my step son has almost no clothes at our house...I would really like to get him a few more things that fit...he is growing like a weed...so maybe I can convince my hubs to do that and finish the nursery painting on Sunday...what you say he's been painting that nursery for months now...YES I know...I am trying to be patient and understanding...I figure if it's not done by May, I will hire an outside person to finish it up...sigh...so glad we didn't buy a fixer upper when we were looking for a home...ok...well I will check in later...I hope everyone had an awesome weekend.

    Kelley ( 23 wks)
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Mrs jax - congrats on the great ultrasound. Will you share your pic? My LO had his hands over his face for the 3 D part but they will try me again in a few weeks as prof courtesy. Sorry to hear of the fatigue, I am better than first tri but not my usual self. I hope the heartburn med works for you, all that worked for me was ginger ale and peppermint tea.

    Kristi - thanks for the pep talk, right back at you with the peeps! I am trying to stay level-headed and I know in the end even if I overgain a healthy baby will be worth it. I feel you on modifying p90x, I do the same thing with JM. Would like to do more p90 but I don't have doors that work for the pull up bar and by the time I take that out too I might as well do a different DVD. 

    Destiny - thanks for the b day wishes! Look forward to hearing your report on Monday. I just love salt and water too, I guess it's that increased blood volume thing we're working on...

    Kelley - it's a good thing your DH started early on the painting project huh? Sounds like my DH, he won't get around to most things unless the mood is perfect and he has the right beer and the right companion and the sun is in a certain position... Good luck on starting the 3rd workout!

    AFM - my day didn't go quite as planned. I got extra sleep after eating some jamaican cornmeal porridge, thenworked out extra long and burned 700 calories. However, the gluten free bakery was out of donuts! So I ate some cookies but they didn't hit the spot and left me feeling a little ill. So then I tried to binge on chips and guacamole but it just didn't taste the same. However I did enjoy a kale salad and some grapes, then had striped bass and brown rice with plantain for dinner. I did finish it off with a little gluten free pop tart thing but it wasn't the binge festival I planned and according to my calculations was still under cals. I was a bottomless bit last trimester but that appetite has sailed. Oh well. Going to our weekend retreat tomorrow and will watch a movie I've been looking forward to so I will treat myself to popcorn.

    Unlike you ladies I haven't bought a single thing for the baby yet. I guess part of it is nervousness since I had a miscarriage last time, the other part is procrastination. I can't wait till the baby is bigger, I love the kicks because they are so reassuring and when they get bigger I know I will feel even more confident that I am taking this little one home. And that would be the best birthday present of all... Goodnight!

    Melissa (21 weeks as of a few minutes ago)
  • batgirlrox
    Destiny- My rib is still bothering me. It felt great for a couple days after my adjustment but must have slipped out again. Glad the interview went well.


    Jane- Congrats on the baby movements it was definitely a very exciting moment for hubby and myself when it happened for us. Hope Tuesday goes well.

    Kelley- My coworkers (almost all men) also say the same thing about Courtney. Someone also mentioned the producers requiring her to stick around. Time will tell. I’m excited for this week as it is the first time in 3 weeks I will get to watch it with no interruptions at home! Good luck on the husband motivation! That was my one mandatory condition to buying my house; it had to be new because I can’t fix anything! (I bought it before hubby and I were seriously dating)

    Melissa- Oh trust me I totally understand the paranoid professional feeling. I haven’t been trying to keep my weight down. The first 18 weeks I couldn’t do or eat anything to make me gain any weight. I’ve just heard horror stories of not gaining any weight at the beginning and the making up for it later. (I don’t want to be like me best friend who gained 20 pounds in the last 9 weeks is all.) Typically I don’t have to do CPR since we run one Advanced Care Paramedic and then EMT’s so I’m usually intubating and dealing with meds but it was an odd day and we had 3 ACP’s on so I did my fair share. Happy belated birthday! Sorry your birthday treats weren’t exactly what you hoped. I don’t think I bought anything until I was 23 weeks for baby and that still only involves 2 little outfits. I have nothing big (aside from the crib and change table I was “gifted”) and haven’t even started thinking about a registry. Once again due to the medical knowledge paranoia I’m not having a baby shower until AFTER baby is here healthy and safe.

    MrsJax- Great work on the logging and workouts!

    AFM- Someone mentioned something about exhaustion. I must agree. Not that I live a nice relaxing life but I haven’t increased intensity just maintained what I was doing pre pregnancy. I have cornered my boss 3 times to try and get a schedule for light duties and still yet to have an answer. I’m definitely a planner and this is driving me crazy that in 2.5 weeks I don’t know my schedule. On another note, YAY for being down to under the 100 day mark and passing the viability date for around here (26 weeks.) Also very excited for 3 days off with nothing to do. Hope everyone has wonderful weekend.
  • sas6575
    Good morning ladies,
    I'm hoping to hear lots of stories about over indulging all weekend from you lot so I don't feel soooooooooo guilty!!!!
    I woke up this morning kicking myself as to WHY I had to eat absolutely EVERYTHING in sight from Friday through to last night?! Why can I be SO good all week then go to pieces on the weekend? I'm sure it's down to boredom! I'm going to try extra hard to get my exercise pumped up at the weekends now as this is getting ridiculous!
    How has your weekend been? It was a barmy 60F here in the UK yesterday so we had a bbq in the sunshine (burgers galore followed by ice creams!!!) We did manage a 3 mile bike ride and picnic on Saturday but that was the only exercise I got all weekend. I need to have a serious word with myself as all my effort in the week is ruined at the weekend!
    Well, whinge over - I hope you're all keeping great and had a lovely weekend.
    Love Sarah xx
    18wks today :)
  • kmreynolds11
    kmreynolds11 Posts: 109 Member
    Hi everyone! Hope you all had wonderful weekends! :happy:

    Destiny – Really hope things come through for your hubby’s new job… keep us posted! Looks like your weight gain is right on track… good work! Best wishes at your u/s today!!! Definitely let us know how it goes!!!

    Bru – What is airsoft? Sounds like you had an active weekend planned. How did it go? It’s awesome that you’re still doing 5Ks… keep it up as long as you can. I can’t wait to get back to running and hope I’ll be able to find a good half marathon to train for after baby to help get back in shape.

    Jane – Thanks for the info on the doula… sounds so great. I have a feeling that my crazy hubby is going to be an absolute MESS on D-day. He could surprise me, but generally is just a basket-case when it comes to big events, especially in a hospital. Lol. :noway: I’m sure it’s nice to have someone else around (who’s an expert!) to help support! The glucose challenge test was fine. I didn’t have to fast, but did try to stay away from sweets and ate healthy before going in for the test. The drink tasted like a syrupy orange soda and then an hour later I went back for them to draw a blood sample. If your glucose level reads at a higher level during this challenge test, they have you come in for the glucose TOLERANCE test which is a lot more extensive. The tolerance test involves fasting before and I believe takes 3-4 hours and multiple blood samples. Eek… glad I don’t think I’ll need to do that! I hate needles! GOOD LUCK AT YOUR APPT TOMORROW!

    Kelley – Lol about the hubby painting procrastination. No worries – it will happen! :flowerforyou:

    Melissa – Wow – nice 700 cal burn last week! Sorry you missed your donuts but glad you still let yourself indulge a bit. Wish I had the problem you’re having with the lack of appetite… mine has kicked into overdrive and it takes all my willpower to not annihilate any sweet, scrumptious morsel that crosses my path! :embarassed: I’m procrastinating about buying baby stuff too. My family is throwing a baby shower for me on March 24th, so I guess I don’t want to buy anything until after that. I’m sure we’ll get lots of hand-me-downs and gifts, so I want to wait to take an inventory before going out and buying things we’ll still need. How was the movie????

    Becca – Great job on the workouts and logging last week! Hope you keep it up!! Can’t wait to see a 3D snapshot!

    Amanda – How is your rib? Sounds painful! Any progress on finding out your light duty schedule – I’m like you, I like to know asap so I can plan accordingly. Either way though… lighter work days are coming your direction!!! Enjoy the Bachelor tonight! (BTW – I agree that the producers probably have had some pull in keeping Courtney around. They love the drama!) :bigsmile:

    Sarah – You are NOT alone… I had a case of the weekend blahs too! We had some nasty weather here on Sat and Sun morn so I basically hung out in the house all day with the hubs. We cleaned up the house and took care of little projects, but I still found myself stuffing my face every time I turned around. I did yoga Sat and went for a 45 min walk Sun… but that came NO WHERE near to making up for the crazy amount of cals I ate (and didn’t log… lol) I definitely am dedicated to a good week of eating to help me get back on track!

    As for me – Although I got a lot of stuff done around the house this past weekend and managed some exercise both days… my eating has been out of control. Ever since I took my glucose challenge test last week I feel like I’ve been craving so many sweets, baked goods, and candy! UGH. It's like now that I know my levels were good, I'm letting myself go overboard! :frown: I packed a nice healthy lunch and snacks today to get back on track. Also plan to cook up some tofu for dinner (maybe on a salad?) Need to get back to healthy eating to feel better, stay on track with weight gain, and be comfortable at my brother’s wedding in April (read: don’t want to be a WHALE!).

    Goals for the week:
    -Log all food/exercise to check in on calories
    -Do something active outside every day for at least 45 min (except Wed – supposed to rain)
    -Start drafting a birth plan with hubby (I want to have an idea before we go on our hospital tour)

    :heart: KRISTI
    27weeks today!
    (+16 lb)
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Bru – What is airsoft? Sounds like you had an active weekend planned. How did it go? It’s awesome that you’re still doing 5Ks… keep it up as long as you can. I can’t wait to get back to running and hope I’ll be able to find a good half marathon to train for after baby to help get back in shape.
    :heart: KRISTI
    27weeks today!
    (+16 lb)

    Well, airsoft is a less painful version of paintball, but we were rained out. I did still get to play some laser tag with my brothers which was a blast! I took off some time from running since I found out about LO, but I'm easing back into it. Even if I have to walk my 5k's, I'm still doing them :)
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Melissa - Hope you had a great weekend and got to see a great movie. Your birthday dinner sounds delicious...seriously...so west Indian...I love plantains...but my hubby doesn't like them soft he likes them crunchie ( Spanish style)...so I never make them. Anyway, I good for you on the workout after the semi- binge. Yeah the room didn't happen...sigh...hopefully he will get it done this week and weekend...I must have faith..lol... As for baby items, I haven't purchased anything because I don't know the sex and because I have gotten a couple of the things I wanted for free. We will continue to pray for you...

    Amanda - I was thinking about having a baby shower after...like a baby reveal or meet and greet...Mainly because I have new born stuff I got for free and because we don't know the sex I don't want people to buy a bunch of stuff ( probably more girl since everyone is hoping it's a girl) and then I have to take it back. Hope you enjoyed your vacation!!!! And for being in 3rd Tri or is 3 rd tri 28 weeks...either way...you are almost there...Yippy.

    Sarah - ahh...burgers and ice cream sounds delicious...don't worry...I am sure you will be able to burn off your calories this week and maintain your weight which may not be your goal but it's better than a huge gain. Glad you enjoyed your weekend.

    AFM - this was a lazy weekend to say the least...On Friday baby and I went to mommy and me...which was fun then did some errands and came back home and just hung around and I cooked beans for the weekend...red and black bean chili and lentils. It was great to have meals planned for the weekend because that led to less overeating for me. Also this weekend we had my step son and that is always interesting and my son loves his older brother...so it kind of allowed me to sleep me to sleep in later on Sat and Sun...YEAH!!!!!! Sat was uneventful except for watching a friend's son, which was fine until it was time for him to go to bed...I mean I think the boy is a Soprano...the noted he hit in his screams...eventually the hubs got him to sleep but wow. What I learned though is that my son is sound sleeper so now I am debating about putting him and the baby in the same room since he can sleep through crying. And it was so cute when the baby started crying my son would give him a hug...so precious. Sunday was my kind of less healthy day, we did Ihop and I got pancakes which I love and they were delicious but once I had brunch I wasn't really hungry the rest of the day...oddly enough if I eat one large meal I don't seem hungry for the rest of the day...oh well.

    Anyway, I have nothing majored planned for teh week...I need to weigh myself to see if I have gained as I have a dr appt next week and it's the glocuse test...so we shall see.

    Goal this week:

    WORKOUT!!!!!!! Goodness I have been slacking
    Eat at least 3 veggies a day
    Drink more water - today I didn't drink nearly enough...I need to up my intake.

    Happy Monday ladies!!!!!!!!!!!
  • kmreynolds11
    kmreynolds11 Posts: 109 Member
    Hi everyone! :flowerforyou:

    How's it going?

    I feel HUGE today. :ohwell: Can't believe my belly can keep growing for another almost 3 months... it already feels like my belly button might pop off of me at any moment!

    Beautiful weather today so I've been active and had a nice Zumba class at lunch. It's definitely harder to move my hips these days... but feels great to get moving!

    What have you gals been working on/thinking about lately? In the past week or so I feel like I've started really thinking about and worrying about D-day. People always talk about how traumatic and crazy delivery can be and I can feel myself starting to get anxious about it. My growing belly is reminding me that at some point I'm going to have to push this little guy out and, honestly, I've been getting a little scared the last few days. I've always been pretty good at dealing with pain, but have never been a fan of hospitals or doctors. Last night I started reading some books on the stages of labor and delivery.... guess I'm thinking the more educated I get about my body, the better I'll be able to handle it when it gets here?

    Hope you're all having great days!

  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member
    Happy Tuesday ladies! I only have a quick minute but I wanted to share the info from our ultrasound yesterday. It's another girl!! I'm excited to have two little princesses running around. My husband had this past weekend off and go figure he was sick and now I am. It seems to be getting worse everyday so not sure I'll be able to work out but my goals for this week are....

    -Exercise 3x
    -Water water water!
    -More veggies and less sugar!

  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm sorry I've been MIA for the last few weeks. We've had in-laws and friends, and a steady trail of people in and out of my house. BUT, I've been doing well in my exercise. In fact, I've been pretty proud of myself since I can out-preform the other non-pregnant ladies I work out with each week. I get in 3 great formal workouts a week (run or walk with a crossfit strength WOD after, and on the other days, I clean, garden, spend time outside (always moving). My eating on the other hand, has left much to be desired. When there's friends and family visiting, we eat a lot of "celebration" food, which is almost always terribly bad for you.

    Anyway, I'm happy to see that you ladies are doing well with your goals.

    Kelley- Are you helping paint? I bought some paint for the baby's room but I haven't started painting. I thought I wasn't supposed to because of the fumes and things, but DH is so busy and is already swamped with projects (he's building the crib and it's beautiful!!), that I've considered just opening all the windows and getting it done. I read the warning on the back of the paint can and it didn't say anything about pregnant women. It just talked about not eating it.... Are we allowed to paint?

    Sarah - Over-indulging is my newest hobby!! In fact, I just polished off a foot long subway trio sandwich, baked lays chips, and a diet coke. I could probably eat the hershey kiss that's in my desk, too, if I allowed myself. :blushing: All I do is think about food these days.

    Destiny- Yay for another girl! So excited for you!

    Kristi- I'm right there with you. I get anxious thinking about the birth, too. My birth plan so far is as follows: Epidural :tongue:

    I hope all you lovely ladies have a great rest of your day!

    My goals for the rest of the week:
    -Walk/run (depends on how I'm feeling) Wednesday and Friday
    -Drink more water. I've been terrible about this!!
    -complete two more crossfitmom WODs

  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member
    Oh, I wanted to ask, too, if anyone has been logging or counting fetal movements? I got an email from parenting.com that said it's a good idea to be aware how much LO is moving in the second and third trimesters. It said that there should be about 10 kicks in a 10 minute period.

    I did it twice and in the first 10 minutes there were only 3 movements. The second time there was 6. I'm not going to worry about it, but I was just curious if anyone else has tried it.
  • kmreynolds11
    kmreynolds11 Posts: 109 Member
    Happy Tuesday ladies! I only have a quick minute but I wanted to share the info from our ultrasound yesterday. It's another girl!! I'm excited to have two little princesses running around. My husband had this past weekend off and go figure he was sick and now I am. It seems to be getting worse everyday so not sure I'll be able to work out but my goals for this week are....

    -Exercise 3x
    -Water water water!
    -More veggies and less sugar!


    CONGRATS DESTINY! :happy: Quinn it is????
  • yahyamommy
    yahyamommy Posts: 69 Member
    Finally my anatomy u/s has been done today! It's a girl! So yay to all tutus and poms poms

    But I have been said that my placenta is lying low. Going to see my Ob/g to discuss further.

    I was quite excited earlier now I'm kinda nervous.

  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Amanda - my mom is really into a baby shower before the baby but I'm really thinking of going your way! Sorry you have been exhausted, I bet your boss isn't looking forward to paring down your shifts either. Congrats on passing the viability mark and with such  little gain unintentionally!

    Sas - I was definitely bad over the weekend. Went to Monterey and had several delicious meals and some frozen yogurt, chips, popcorn, etc with DH. But (other than a few tortilla chips that called my name) I'm prepared to b good now. 

    Kristi - how exciting to have a baby shower date! You are about to enter 3rd tri and your babe is gaining like crazy, I'm sure that's where your tasty morsels are going, lol. The movie was great, thanks. :). Is that a recent bump shot you've got going on? If so prepare to be much huger! I worry about delivery maybe more so do to medical experience, but I do believe knowledge is power and that a little courage and a lot of epidural will see you through!

    Brunettewife - great commitment on the 5ks!

    Kelley - yes I am a plantain fiend, thank goodness they're just as good roasted. The chili sounds yummy! So cute about your son hugging the crying baby, he will be a great older brother with those instincts!

    Destiny - congrats on your little girl but so sorry to hear you've been sick. Rest and hydrate and get better soon!

    Jalyner - aha, there you are! Great job with the workouts! It's not advisable that you paint, you'd have to use a mask and lots of ventilation if you do. Here's APA's take: http://www.americanpregnancy.org/pregnancyhealth/paintexposure.html
    Also, you don't count fetal movements until 3rd trimester (28 weeks). Before that the baby is small enough to retreat to the back where you can' feel it. Believe it or not, some first timers feel nothing until 24-25 weeks, so you're way ahead!

    Yahyamommy - congrats on your little girl! Try not to worry about the placenta, a lot of times it creeps up as the pregnancy progresses anyway
    AFM - had a fun weekend in Monterey with DH, it was a little scary cause kids were running around at the aquarium and annoying us (our future?). We may have actually settled on a name after all that fighting, now DH is talking about renegoiating the middle nme, which was going to be my dad's middle name, so i'm little annoyed. I was feeling really wiped out and peeing often with urgency yesterday so I dipped my urine at work and it was positive for a uti so I prescribed myself antibiotics. I tried to send urine to the lab for culture but now it's saying negative for uti?I know what I saw on my dipstick and what I felt so I'm taking antibiotics for a least a few days! Heartburn is also killng me, doing my best to suck it up since home remedies and antacids rarely help.. I have been doing well pushing myself to exercise though. Still 2 weeks until my next doctor's appointment, need to maintain my weight till then! I ordered a vitamix for my birthday and plan on using it to make healthful fruit and veggie smoothies!

    This week's goals:

    -Maintain weight
    -4-5 servings of fruit and veggies
    -6 days exercise including 3 strength
    -limited sugar (was bad on that one!)
  • sas6575
    Morning ladies,
    I woke up in the most foul mood this morning totally convinced baby won't be alive at our 20 week scan (2 weeks today) as I haven't felt any movements yet.
    This is my second and I'm pretty sure I felt movements with the first before now.
    Can I ask when you felt your little one move? I'm 18wks 3 days
    Sarah xx
  • yahyamommy
    yahyamommy Posts: 69 Member
    Morning ladies,
    I woke up in the most foul mood this morning totally convinced baby won't be alive at our 20 week scan (2 weeks today) as I haven't felt any movements yet.
    This is my second and I'm pretty sure I felt movements with the first before now.
    Can I ask when you felt your little one move? I'm 18wks 3 days
    Sarah xx

    dont worry 18 weeks is too early. Wish u best of luck.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Morning ladies,
    I woke up in the most foul mood this morning totally convinced baby won't be alive at our 20 week scan (2 weeks today) as I haven't felt any movements yet.
    This is my second and I'm pretty sure I felt movements with the first before now.
    Can I ask when you felt your little one move? I'm 18wks 3 days
    Sarah xx

    I felt my movement early because I have a posterior (in the back of the uterus) placenta. If you have an anterior placenta (in the front), you may nto be able to feel the babe until 22-24 weeks. Try not to worry! Although, I am a worry wart and that's why I have a doppler. If you are anxious ask your OB to check the heartrate, it's a quick nurse visit! ((HUGS))
  • kmreynolds11
    kmreynolds11 Posts: 109 Member
    Half-way through another week! :wink: Hope you're all doing well... it's supposed to be a stormy, rainy day here... ugh!

    Melissa - Glad you had a fun weekend with the hubby. Hope the UTI feels better (hate those!) and good job on the healthy birthday gift to yourself! Yummmmm.

    SAS - I think we all go through a little worried stage before going to that anatomy scan... Like we all expect the worst. It sounds like everyone starts feeling the baby at different times depending on the baby's and placenta's position. I like Melissa's idea to check in for a quick heartbeat if you really want the reassurance before the scan, but I think you're probably fine and just going through normal emotions!

    Congrats, yahya! :happy: Another little girl in the group!!! I'm interested to hear more info about the placenta.

    I've been doing wonderfully this week on exercise, but the sugar cravings have been off the hook! I eat healthy during the days at work and then go home to eat sweets! Lol... I think I'm just going to try to get through this week and then make a goal for next week involving sugar intake! So weird too since I haven't really been a sweets person (more into french fries and hamburgers)... but right now I can't get enough Peeps, jelly beans, baked goods, and the sugary stuff! :embarassed: Last night after dinner (pancakes w/ syrup!) and dessert (sweet stuff!), the baby was going CRAZY in my belly. I definitely hopped the kid up on sugar and my belly turned into his punching/kicking bag! :noway: I'm up to a 17lb gain, but hope this growth rate slows down a bit in the next few weeks. I'm trying to just keep healthy for the baby, but also hoping to be closer to the 25lb gain than the 35lb gain!

    Good vibes going out to all you ladies today! :flowerforyou:
