2nd Trimester



  • Brandy715
    Brandy715 Posts: 74 Member
    Happy Monday Ladies!

    I hope everyone had a great weekend! We surely did!

    Did a lot of yard work this weekend...it was still a little chilly here (Greenville SC) but it was very sunny! So we raked leaves and picked up branches that have fallen. So that was nice. We tried to go to some antique stores to find an old dresser for baby's room...but no luck! My hubby did build me a foot stool for my rocker (it is my grandmother's rocker) so that is exciting! Trying to figure out what to do with the stuff we currently have in the baby's room! :)

    My eating has been okay...starting to really want spicy foods. I am putting hot sauce on everything it seems! Which is unusual for me because I have NEVER liked hot foods!

    Our anniversary is tomorrow...so I am trying to come up with something fun for us to do next weekend (we will be celebrating then) Any suggestions?!

    My goals this week:
    Drink lots of water
    Walk 45 min at least 4 days this week
    Try and fit a yoga class in as well!

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    14 weeks 5 days
  • misslouisiana
    misslouisiana Posts: 37 Member
    So I am finally in the second trimester. FINALLY:happy: Morning sickness has surpassed and I can finally eat food that I couldn't before. After 3 weeks of eating poorly, today I'm ready to get back to eating more healthy food and start exercising again. Woohoo!
  • travelgirl77
    travelgirl77 Posts: 99 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I am new to this group and happy to be at 16 weeks! I have a little one (3 y.o) at home and this pregnancy has really been different than his. I am an "older" mom, 34, but will be 35 when I deliver, so I have had more tests and scans than the first time around. Fortunately, I have already been more active in this pregnancy, exercising at least 4 days a week, and really trying to eat better! I have lost weight during the pregnancy, and for the last month, I have not gained anything, which, for my weight, is probably a good thing! I found out today at my appointment that I have a UTI, so the fun just keeps getting better!

    I look forward to visiting with all of you!

  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member
    Welcome to our new ladies!

    Amanda- So glad you have your schedule worked out with your boss. I'm sure you're feeling relieved! And yay that your glucose test looks normal! Hope you and your hubby (and puppy) enjoy your house to yourselves!

    Melissa- Great goals this week. I need to remember to do kegels as well. Thats nice that you and your hubby had some time to talk about parental things :smile: If it was only my dad and brother disagreeing with Quinn as a name I would just ignore them, but I feel like I need to have my husband on board with me :laugh: He says its not completely thrown out yet so we'll see!

    Kelley- How was your glucose appt? Glad you had a nice weekend besides the house stuff. Great goals!

    Hope everyone is having a great week so far!

    AFM- I spent most of last week being a bum, trying to make my cold pass quickly. Luckily it worked! I feel much better now. Today my LO and I went for our first walk of the year with a friend and her daughter. We only walked for about 20 minutes, I think next time I'll probably go by myself so I can do longer. I've decided on a whim that next week the LO and I will be heading down to AZ to see my brother's family for about 10 days. My husband's schedule is really getting to me lately, and I feel like I need more adult interaction and since I don't have many close friends here this will be a nice break. And LO will get to play with her twin cousins that are her age. I'm really hoping that when we get back my husband will have gotten hired with his new company and will have the better schedule! I'm kind of scared of making the 8 hour drive with a toddler by myself, but I also think we can do it!
  • anastasiawildflower
    anastasiawildflower Posts: 197 Member
    Well, well, well, so this is the lovely trimester I have been waiting for. I am really excited actually. I am finally gaining more energy, so work is going better. I am slowly coming to terms with everything. It's hard to imagine you are actually carrying something inside of you when you can't even see it. It might not even feel entirely real until "Lentil" joins the world. I have had a little weight gain, but not a terrible amount considering how lazy I have been. I plan to take a nice long walk today (60 degrees in Minneapolis). Just wanted to introduce myself in this new trimester. I hope to be talking more with you soon!

    14 weeks 3 days.
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Happy Tuesday Ladies...

    Hope you all are having a great week.

    Welcome to all the new ladies...our group is growing...how wonderful...jump right in.

    Amanda - So glad you liked the clothes...a trip to the mountains does sound peaceful. So glad you got your schedule adjusted and now have the house to yourself with the hubby and the pups. My husband likes to walk around naked too but I discourage it...lol because then both my sons will want to do it...and well I would rather people at least had on one layer...so instead the hubs walks around in his underwear...it reminds me of an episode of Sex in the City when Harry walked around naked sitting on the white furniture...LOL..

    Melissa - oh...Kegels...I need to add those to the nonexistent routine...lol...I seriously need to get off my butt.
    Great goals for the week..as for the research on baby items...definitely do research but also go with what works with your life style.
    Great news on the compliments from the hubby and keeping up your workout and staying active...

    Amberwebb - glad your LO is better...sorry to hear about the name struggle...I have names that I am fixed on but hubby is still throwing names out there...in the end we will probably have a list and name the baby for sure once it's born...that's what we did with our first.

    Brandy - Happy Anniversary...glad you enjoyed your weekend...I have been craving spicy food too so you are not alone.

    thedestar - Glad you are feeling better...wow a road trip 8 hrs with a toddler...let me know what strategies you come up with... I usually only leave with my LO when he has to nap or at night when it's his bedtime, my mom lives 6 hrs away so I know the drama. Last time we drove...I had to stop every two hours so my son could stretch his legs, play with the steering wheel and get out the car seat. What I did try was a bag of goodies, with his toys, and every hour or so I would pull out something new he could play with...that worked for a couple hours. This was of course before I turned the car seat around...I imagine it may be a little easier now. Also lately I got some audio cds with music and stories and he likes those too. There one I listed to last night with my son called Toddlers by Sara Hickman (got from the library it was decent) and the Veggiestales audio stories.... Let me know if you find any other things that work...good luck.

    AFM - Glucose test today...it was decent...I guess...the stuff taste like soda to me which I never drink so it was super sweet. I was allowed to eat before hand so I had a sandwich made a la hubby it was good. Saw the doctor that delivered my son today...such a nice women..only think she suggested was to continue taking vit D...I stopped during the summer because I was getting outside so much. Baby heart beat was a little low and my blood pressure was low as well but they didn't seem concerned. What was not low was my weight...it's official I am at 25lbs gained..at 25 wks...what the heck!!!!!!!! I was doing so good in the beginning...I am Going to get moving I must...I so don't want to gain more then 35...40 at the most...sigh...this week I need to get some hours in so I don't know when I am going to fit in my workouts...I need to do it in the am like I was before...that's what I need to do...luckily there is also a gym at the resort we are going to so there is no excuse not to exercise...ok...this was more for me...thanks for letting me self-talk. After the drs appt I picked up some stuff I purchased on CL and then I got to work and felt so nausea and tired I think it was all the sugar water...it was crazy...I felt so drained...I had to drink tons of water in hopes of flushing out the system. Either way stayed at work but was so tired...I am hoping that tomorrow is better. Also woke up in a weird mood...happy but also moody...was so odd...hopefully the week will improve...

    Ok...I think I am done...lol...sorry for the long post.

    Kelley 25wks.5days
  • JLatham325
    JLatham325 Posts: 105 Member
    Well I've made it to the 2nd trimester :) woohoo!! Hard to believe I'm 1/3 of the way done.

    Anywho, I'm 13 weeks and 5 days today, I've gained 10 pounds already, and I'm counting down the days until I can find out the gender. I believe I don't find out unti April 24th, by then I'll be just a little over 20 weeks,

    Question: Has anybody else noticed that it hurts to sit now? I'm literally really uncomfortable at work in my chair, and when I drive my commute home. It feels as if my butt bones are going to come through the skin, and I've got a meaty butt lol Just wondering if it's a common preggo thing or not
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Now that I have my second wind, I've been doing great with exercise again. SInce March 1st, I've already walked just over 20miles and well on my way to 90 by the 31st. I've not yet started my pregnancy yoga, but I plan on it soon. Can't wait for next Thursday, that's our next appt and hopefully *the* ultrasound for gender revealing. :bigsmile: So has anyone had any craings, normal or weird? I haven't noticed b/c I'm so use to eating what I want in moderation, that I'm not sure about any cravings. Have a great week all!!
  • jcgutierrez
    jcgutierrez Posts: 53 Member
    Good Morning Ladies, Happy Wednesday! I finally made it to the 2nd Tri! I am very excited to know that the misscage rates are lower know. I stopped my progesterone suppositories and metformin and I have been feeling great, No more morning sickness, and I think I have felt my baby move once or twice already. But this is my third pregnancy and I did feel the other very early as well.
    I hope you all have a wonderful Wedenesday, I am looking forward for my appointment next week on Friday to see if we can determine the gender :)
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    Hey Guys! Just a quick check in for me today :)
    I hadn't weighed since last week, and thankfully only gained 1/2 a lb...so I think the big jump was a 2nd tri spike. I did up my water to 12-16 oz a day, and have been really good about working out every day :)
    I was bad with logging food, though...so I am going to get back to it.
    My RLP has been pretty bad this week, so it slowed my pace at the track, and I opted to walk slower for longer periods of time. Just keep truckin', right?
    I am really excited for spring break next week!!!
    I will post more tomorrow!
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Hey ladies jumping back from the third tri board to say hi, its been pretty quiet there lately, lots of babies being born! Looking forward to getting to know some of you. My advice for you all in the second tri, get as much of the big stuff done now while you can, your energy will drop again in the third. I fight the sleepies alot!

    Take Care!

    32 weeks
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Hi Ladies
    So great to see all the new faces...
    xosugarbabi0 - can't say that I feel any extra pressure in my tail bone..sorry you are experiencing this...hopefully it will pass so you can enjoy 2nd tri.

    Brunettewife - good job on sticking to the workouts - good luck on the gender reveal

    Becca - good for you on not slacking on the exercise even if you can't go as hard.

    AFM - quiet day here...lots of movement from my little...worked late and then came home and had dinner...didn't get to really spend time with my little man...but tomorrow is my work from home day...so hopefully I will get to spend a little more time with him tomorrow...Going to try and get to sleep a little early tonight. Didn't get any workout in tonight but ate fairly well except for the dounut this morning...
    Alright ladies...coming up on the weekend...yippy...

  • sas6575
    sas6575 Posts: 70
    Good morning everyone!
    Lovely to see lots of new faces on here. Sorry I haven't posted in a few days - I have been reading all of your posts.
    I've been laid up with migranes for 3 days - I HATE being in bed that long, it's driven me insane! If I could've skipped to work this morning I would have, I was so happy to be out and about again after being cooped up for what seemed an eternity!
    We've been having some movement in there since last Thursday - hubby freaked out when he first felt it and ran into the kitchen HAHAHAHAHA! Since then it's been sporadic but lovely and reassuring every time we feel it. (And it's definitely NOT wind!)
    After 3 days in bed I'm back to the walking today and hope to have a very energetic weekend instead of chilling out like I usually do!
    Have a great Thursday ladies and keep smiling!
    Love Sarah xox
    19wks 4 days
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Well I've made it to the 2nd trimester :) woohoo!! Hard to believe I'm 1/3 of the way done.

    Anywho, I'm 13 weeks and 5 days today, I've gained 10 pounds already, and I'm counting down the days until I can find out the gender. I believe I don't find out unti April 24th, by then I'll be just a little over 20 weeks,

    Question: Has anybody else noticed that it hurts to sit now? I'm literally really uncomfortable at work in my chair, and when I drive my commute home. It feels as if my butt bones are going to come through the skin, and I've got a meaty butt lol Just wondering if it's a common preggo thing or not


    I think I have this - not all the time but sometimes when I sit now - its more my tail bone though. Once Im sat Im ok, its just the sitting. x
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    I will catch up with everyone asap. x
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member

    I have 10 mins so thought I would try and get caught up!
    Welcome to all the new 2nd tri ladies - looking forward to hearing all about you and babies.

    Kristi - have fun in the next Tri - i will be keeping an eye on you.

    cutmd - Love you little bump. Glad you are feeling better. My boyfriend was surprised when I said I was 8lb up, so I was pleased about that too.

    Mrs Jax - Bet your nursery looks good. Are you making it quite girlie? I wouldnt worry about the weight as you are active and eating well - Im sure it will balance itself out.

    ewgner - congrats on having a boy - I think 2 boys together sounds fab. Sorry to hear about the cyst and hope everything turns is ok. Try to keep calm (easier said than done - Im sure).

    amberwebb79 - We arent sure on names (we dont plan to find out if its a boy or girl until birth), we have plenty of time, my favs of the week are Issac Michael (been a fav for a few weeks) and Imogen Grace.

    Amanda - glad you have sorted work for lighter duties. You have been a very good sister - with all that cleaning. When my sister moved I spent quite a lot of time painting for her!

    Running out of time so quick update:

    All well with me, I saw the midwife yesterday and heard the heart beat and urine test, blood pressure etc were all good. Only thing is a have a rash on my legs and hips - midwife wasnt concerned but said to go docs for some cream, so went to see nurse and she though it was a heat rash or allergic reaction so has given my a big tub of cream that I can use all over my body (and get more when I run out if it works). In the UK you dont pay for prescriptions when you are pregnant so that was a bonus! If it doesnt work I have to go back in 2/3 weeks.

    I have my 20 week scan date for 27 March, not sure if boyfriend can make it as it his busiest time of year (farmer) but Mum is coming with me and if John manages to come they both will be there.

    I have been a bit crap with workouts! (except dog walking) so need to get back on track. It getting light nights here (well light until 6.15pm rather than 4.30pm) so that helps.

    Best get on and sorry for any spell mistakes as I have rush typed this!

    17+2 (+8lb)
  • batgirlrox
    batgirlrox Posts: 105
    Good Morning Momma's to Be!

    Welcome all newcomers!

    Well my rib has got the best of me this week. I ended up calling in sick for all of my shifts this week, thankfully I had almost 200 hours of sick time banked up since I was scheduled for 72 hours this week. I broke down and took some Tylenol a few times this week. I know it's "safe" but hate taking any extra medications. We also got 8 inches of snow in 2 days which didn't help my energy level.

    The weight monster has caught up to me(which I have researched is quite common about 27-28 weeks), 4 pounds this week. I only have myself to blame as the pain in my rib caused a lack of making anything aside from grilled cheese and ichiban soup. I made it to the grocery store and ended up in the car before I was done leaving hubby to finish. Knock on wood so far today I'm feeling almost normal and I started my day with a green smoothie so here's to hoping for a better food day. I'm undecided if I should attempt taking my dogs for a walk(both are 80 pounds and have cabin fever so aren't going to be nice to me on their leashes) but we shall see. The sun is shining and looks like it will be a great day.

    Well I have officially hit trimester 3!!! Very excited! Guess I really need to get my butt in gear and get some stuff done for baby! I'm moving over to the 3rd trimester board and hope to see you all soon!
  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member
    Happy Friday everyone! I almost didn't make it! :wink: We got a new principal this week because the one we have now is retiring and it's not like he even shows up to work anyway (he's pretty sorry). We were asked to make a "wish list" from our new prinicpal, so I put down that I don't want to be teaching SpEd again next year, and asked for Kindergarten or 1st grade. I doubt they'll give it to me because my current position is considered "hard to fill," but it's worth a try. I'm looking elsewhere for a job for next fall if I have to teach this class again. I'm just burnt out. 9 out of 10 years of SpEd has left me exhausted emotionally.

    I went to the doctor last Wednesday and I gained 7 lbs in a month. I was shocked, but the doctor said he was glad because, before then, I'd only put on 5 pounds the frist 4 months and he was glad to see that I put some weight on. He said I'm right on schedule now with weight gain. I got another vitamin b12 shot, which has seemed to help my depression. Hubby has noticed and I've noticed, so I'm going to keep getting them.

    My work outs have been great these last two weeks. I've worked out 4 times already this week and on Tuesday, I burned over 700kcals. Other days have averaged around 500. Date night is tonight and I'm so excited!!

    I have a request: I'd like to ask everyone to please pray for my husband. He's up for a job at Camp Shelby, which would be a raise from what he made there before. He's been substitute teaching in the mean time (since he got laid off in August), and a position just opened up that he's qualified for. Please keep us in your thoughts a prayers because we REALLY need him to go back to work. I would appreciate it. Thank you!

    Welcome to all the new-comers. 2nd Tri is fun!

    I'll try and be on the board more. I've been so busy writing IEPs and doing paperwork, I haven't had time.

  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Jalyn - sounds like you are working hard - I defo couldnt cope with 9 & 10 year olds all day! lol Whats spEd? (im in UK - maybe just called something else here?)

    So you have gained 12lb at 23 weeks? Thats sounds really good to me and great work on those workouts - I really need to get my backside in gear - Im just not motivated! I have written a plan starting tomorrow for 7 days and will try and stick with to.

    Defo hope your husband gets the job - got everything crossed for him.

    So far so good on food today, fruit and Fiber for breakie, veg chilli & rice for lunch, banana, pear & rice cakes with peanut butter for snacks. Just got enough cals for corned beef and potato pie and beans (its national pie week in Britain today so thought we should have pie!lol)

    Right Im heading home now to do housework and walk the dogs (and typically it has just started to rain!)

    Catch you over the weekend girls.

    17 +3
  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member
    Jalyn - sounds like you are working hard - I defo couldnt cope with 9 & 10 year olds all day! lol Whats spEd? (im in UK - maybe just called something else here?)

    So you have gained 12lb at 23 weeks? Thats sounds really good to me and great work on those workouts - I really need to get my backside in gear - Im just not motivated! I have written a plan starting tomorrow for 7 days and will try and stick with to.

    Defo hope your husband gets the job - got everything crossed for him.

    So far so good on food today, fruit and Fiber for breakie, veg chilli & rice for lunch, banana, pear & rice cakes with peanut butter for snacks. Just got enough cals for corned beef and potato pie and beans (its national pie week in Britain today so thought we should have pie!lol)

    Right Im heading home now to do housework and walk the dogs (and typically it has just started to rain!)

    Catch you over the weekend girls.

    17 +3

    Thanks for crossing everything for me! I teach Special Education Math and Science 8th graders (they're 13-15 years old, depending on if they've been held back or not. I've been teaching these students for 9 years now. I've only taught one "regular" education year (kindergarten). That year was my favorite.