2nd Trimester



  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    Hey girls! So no ultrasound today...or next visit. I will have another at the end of April. Doc did check her heartbeat, and my weight is stabilizing...so yeah! I am so excited to have NOT gained 3 lbs a week in the last few weeks ;) He also gave me a script for my super, super itchy belly.

    I just changed my profile pic...I can't believe I am that big, but hubby says that is what my belly looks like. Not too bad for 15 lbs...at least it explains the gain! Also, on a positive note, I was sorting my clothes and taking out what won't fit, and even at 5.5 months preggo, the majority of my work clothes from the beginning of the year still fit fairly well :) A lot of skirts went in the too small pile, though...they were fine while I was standing, but too tight when I sat down.

    Well, tomorrow is Babies R Us, and Friday is Honeymoon Island State Park for some gulf swimming :)
    Hope everyone is having a great week!
  • sas6575
    sas6575 Posts: 70
    Good morning ladies,
    Ultrasound went well - sonographer needed to get 2 measurements which baby wouldn't move for and she even tried reclining me backwards so my legs were up in the air for 10 minutes but she wouldn't budge.... yes, baby is a girl :) we weren't going to find out (hubby's decision) but he crumbled at the last minute and we're absolutely thrilled. We're calling her Ava.
    I've got to go back on 27th March to get these last 2 measurements but all is well apart from that.
    Of course my hubby spoilt me last night and we had a complete binge on all things delicious so I'm back on the healthy eating today :(
    Have a great Thursday everyone! xox
  • MissConfidence
    27 weeks today! Does that make me be in third tri? I don't even know.

    In any case, I'm happy to have slept good the last three nights. I can honestly say that it's all due to the new pilates workout I just started doing. It's pretty awesome. For the longest time all I was doing was walking and some aerobics at home but totally gave up on the pilates because of the whole lying on your back thing. Even though tbh I kinda thought it was an exaggeration. Until 2 weeks ago when getting an u/s I had to call it done and when I got up and almost fainted. I don't get why we do those exams on our backs if it can cause us to pass out... Hoping next time I can be slightly on my side or sitting up a bit. It was scary and now I am terrified of lying on my back even for a minute. But then I came across some standing pilates workout and it's all the same just standing which is great. Still walking but since integrating pilates I am sleeping so cozy and my back isn't giving me any trouble.

    I'm a little upset because I feel like my doctor is a little too dismissive with me. I know I could just change docs but it also feels weird to stop seeing him so far into things. After I almost fainted he said it's from lying on my back and my hemoglobin is too low and to up my iron pills from one a day to three, just like that. I said, jump to three overnight like that, isn't it a bit harsh on the body? But he kinda just laughed it off like I was being ridiculous. Then I said but the iron I'm taking also has folic acid, can I get a prescription for just iron so I don't take too much folic acid? "There's no such thing as too much folic acid". Uh... I'm no doc and I really don't like making pros feel like I know it all but I'm pretty sure there's such a thing as too much folic acid. I didn't say that. I'm getting a second opinion. I just feel like, there are the docs who don't want you questioning things or knowing anything and then there are the ones who love what they do so much they want to practically teach you. I don't necessarily want either extremes but I hate being made to feel like I'm wasting someone's time or asking too much. This doc has a good reputation and was recommended to me so I feel like I should just stick it out. But it's also a lousy feeling walking out of the office without whole-heartedly trusting him.

    Anyway, needless to say this is my first pregnancy and it's a roller-coaster of emotions. I'm excited, I'm terrified, I'm hungry, I'm nauseous, I'm tired, I'm anxious, I'm bored, I'm happy... I need a vacation!!!!! Hahah
  • mpederson
    mpederson Posts: 123 Member
    @ Lilylove86
    This post really hit home for me, you might as well have been telling my story! Sounds like we're in the same boat with regards to starting weight, build, due date, weight gain......
    We recently went to Vegas as my husband was in a wedding. I opened up my facebook account to see both of us tagged in the photos and I was mortified. My arms look like they belong on a different person and my wrap dress just made me look very barrel shaped. I was pretty bummed.
    I'm also in a wedding in June, I'll be at 30 weeks at the time of the wedding. The bridal party was in a tough spot for finding dresses as the other two bridesmaids just gave birth a month ago and I'll be a whale. So we ended up finding something that should hopefully work for all of us but again......deep V neck in the front and spaghetti straps. I'm dreading the fat arms and back in the photos not to mention my lovely chest acne that's cropped up thanks to hormones! sigh.....
    My husband and I have barely touched each other since I got pregnant and for the first three months I didn't care because I was so tired I just wanted to sleep and he was afraid of "knocking it loose". Now I just feel like I'm in that weird awkward fat stage and feel totally unattractive and self conscious.

    I know I'm being hard on myself as this is supposed to be a wonderous time in a women's life but sheesh.....it's hard!
  • JLatham325
    JLatham325 Posts: 105 Member
    @ Lilylove86
    This post really hit home for me, you might as well have been telling my story! Sounds like we're in the same boat with regards to starting weight, build, due date, weight gain......
    We recently went to Vegas as my husband was in a wedding. I opened up my facebook account to see both of us tagged in the photos and I was mortified. My arms look like they belong on a different person and my wrap dress just made me look very barrel shaped. I was pretty bummed.
    I'm also in a wedding in June, I'll be at 30 weeks at the time of the wedding. The bridal party was in a tough spot for finding dresses as the other two bridesmaids just gave birth a month ago and I'll be a whale. So we ended up finding something that should hopefully work for all of us but again......deep V neck in the front and spaghetti straps. I'm dreading the fat arms and back in the photos not to mention my lovely chest acne that's cropped up thanks to hormones! sigh.....
    My husband and I have barely touched each other since I got pregnant and for the first three months I didn't care because I was so tired I just wanted to sleep and he was afraid of "knocking it loose". Now I just feel like I'm in that weird awkward fat stage and feel totally unattractive and self conscious.

    I know I'm being hard on myself as this is supposed to be a wonderous time in a women's life but sheesh.....it's hard!

    I feel your pain, and I'm only 15 weeks! (as of tomorrow).
    I try to force myself to have sex with my boyfriend atleast once a week, if at all, because I'm not obviously pregnant looking yet, just bloated all over, and my weight gain has been nonstop so none of my clothes fit. So I'm just miserable and insecure (not to mention constipated no matter what I do or try). So I don't feel cute or sexy, and I don't even change my clothes in front of him anymore, I go into the bathroom. The man has 8 pack abs for godsake lol I can't wait until I start showing more, and have more of a pregnant belly, instead of just feeling/looking like I've gotten fat.

    I've been doing atleast 40min per day on the elliptical, but I've been eating so many calories that my gains have been above and beyond. And when I try to cut back a bit on the snacking I get ravenous. It's been frustrating.

    Speaking of which, How many calories do you guys eat per day? I know alot of people say "Maintenance" or "200 above Maintenance" but exactly how many calories? I feel like mine are sometimes too low and that's why I get hungry and lose control and binge eat
  • speedyme
    speedyme Posts: 86 Member
    I am hearing you ladies 100%! I lost 20lbs before i got married in November but quite doing bootcamp when i got back, even though i was still 27 lbs from my first goal. Over the next 2 months i put 10 back on and then found out i was pregnant. I check in every couple weeks with a group of friends to support each other with our weight loss and last Tuesday we set some goals for the next 10 weeks. Everyone was setting 10-17lbs losses and i was setting a 10lbs gain on top of the 8.5 i've already gained. Talk about depression!

    I still won't undress in front of hubby but can't get enough sex! Unfortunately I'm in bed by 9 and hubby doesn't go to bed until 11 or 12 so no nooky for me! He hasn't mentioned not being attracted to me as I was heavier when we met. He only askes that i don't loose too much because he loves the curves. I think he may have been worried to have sex in the beginning but the way i'm feeling now, he will just have to get over it!

    I've been eating about 300 less than my maintenance calories but still feeling satisfied, as i get further along i'm sure i will up it but for now i feel good and still gaining regardless.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    So, we're having a GIRL! Miss Miranda Catherine <3 I'm so over the moon and hubby is beyond excited!!!

    Though the appt brought a little drama.....Our appt wasn't til 4:15p. Even though they had scheduled me for the u/s today, it wasn't on the tech's paperwork and I was going to have to wait til DH's schedule and tech's were the same, a week, maybe 2 without him having to take off of work. while we were trying to figure out the best situation scheduling the lady said she'd talk with the tech and see what was available, there was about a 15min wait and they said if we hold on a little longer, we could get in today :) From almost tears of excitement to frustration and back to excitement all in a matter of 30min. I do have to go back for another u/s in 2 weeks for them to check cervix size and then had to have blood drawn for a test. She has 2 small cysts in her head that they want to check out more of. But the doc says she thinks it's nothing, just to be on the safe side.. otherwise heart rate and measurements are great and on track :)
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member

    Jalyn – sorry to hear hubbie away for 3 month. Im sure it will fly by and pleased he is back for the birth. Glad you aren’t panicking about the baby room – do you have someone that will help you while he is away?

    Saz – congrats on a girl. Great name! I change my mind on names each week. What a stubborn little thing – at least you will see her again in a few weeks.

    Emily – I live in Cumbria so a bit further north. Wow 11 years, do you miss home or think of US as home now? I love Battenberg but hardly buy it. I wasn’t doing much exercise but trying to up it for the next few months – if I start to do it now – then will I?

    Travelgirl/Sarah – Im 18 weeks and up 10lb which feels a lot to me, but my Mum and sister don’t think I look any different (yet my clothes wont fit!). I haven’t felt any movement yet but midwife told me I prob wont until 20 weeks. Enjoy NYC sounds fab.

    Lysanne –Try not to worry about weight gain – Im sure it will level out now you are feeling better. It’s so difficult gaining but its normal and must be done. I would just try and do a little more walking.

    Melissa – Glad docs went well and pleased you are a model patient. In UK you just have all appointments with your midwife (unless a problem). If you start with a healthy BMI my midwife doesn’t seem to weigh you (except first appointment). I presume if I was worried she would check for me. Hope your Colonic goes well and gets you moving again!

    MrsJax – Love your profile. Great bump! I could do with your motivation for exercise and healthy food.

    Mpederson – I haven’t had any photos taken except ones I have taken in the mirror. I can image seeing pics on facebook not ideal if you don’t feel like yourself. I’m trying to do leg and arm exercises x 3 per week. I bet to anyone else you look great from all the swimming etc you do – it will be the small changes you notice – that’s others won’t.

    Sugarbabe – My maintenance is 1750 but I tend to go over that by about 200 as still hungry (plus I eat exercise cals) I don’t worry too much about recording everything I just like to keep a check on what I’m eating so don’t go crazy. Try not to get into a habit for not getting changed if front of your boyfriend – Im sure he will love your new body, esp you belly & boobs….!

    Burnettewife – Congrats on girl also. Did you have the name picked out or just choose last night? Catherine is popular here but Miranda not so much – but I like it. Glad you got your scan. Did you have any idea if it was a girl? People ask me and I have no clue!

    As for me: Nothing much to report here. I got a maternity/nursing pillow yestday. Im sleeping ok at the minute but want to be prepared and hopefully will make me more comfy. Im going away this weekend to meet with my uni friends, 2 of the 5 are pregnant now and 2 have toddlers so be nice to see the kids and catch up. (its about 2 hour drive away so not too bad)

    Everyone have a good day
    Helen 18+3
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    After we heard the first heartbeat, we talked names, and we agreed on hers within minutes. I have thought girl since my bloodwork came back saying I was pregnant :) Miranda isn't too common here, nor is Catherine. Catherine was his grandmothers first name. And we both really liked Miranda. If we were having a boy, Jacob Nicholas. Both really liked Jacob and DHs first name is Nicholas. :)
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Whats everyones goals for the next week?

    swim x 2
    walk x 4
    Pilates x 2/3
    Tracey Anderson Mat Legs & arms x 2/3

    Hopefully I have now tped this I will stay motivated!
  • sas6575
    sas6575 Posts: 70
    After slacking somewhat of late and walking the 'short' way to work and back I will, as from Monday, be walking the 'long' way which is a total of 60 minutes every day (approx 4 miles)
    That's my lot! :)
    I went on the dreaded scales this morning and I've put on 5lbs in 2 weeks which puts me +13 in total @ 21 + 5 weeks. I'd really like to stop my binge eating and get back on track and try not to put on any more in the next couple of weeks.... here's hoping.....
    Have a fab weekend ladies,
    Love Sarah xx
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    After slacking somewhat of late and walking the 'short' way to work and back I will, as from Monday, be walking the 'long' way which is a total of 60 minutes every day (approx 4 miles)
    That's my lot! :)
    I went on the dreaded scales this morning and I've put on 5lbs in 2 weeks which puts me +13 in total @ 21 + 5 weeks. I'd really like to stop my binge eating and get back on track and try not to put on any more in the next couple of weeks.... here's hoping.....
    Have a fab weekend ladies,
    Love Sarah xx

    As per my book 13lb at 20 weeks is the average for a lady with average BMI. So looks spot on to me. Im hoping I will be about the same. got 2 weeks and 2lb - will see how it goes. x
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Mrs jax - that's quite a bump you have there! You look legitimately preggo for sure! My scrubs fit but they're starting getting a little snug over the tummy this week

    Emily - We are expecting a boy! hope you're feeling better! I had a colonic a few times when I was in soCal and liked it but I've moved since so I have to try this new person. I might try your calorie set up for a while. There is some pressure ot decrease the weight gain recommendations to prevent obesity among the OB population, might be why your docs recs are lower. That way if they say 30 and someone overshoots by 5 or 10 it won't be as bad

    Sas- congrats on baby Ava! I'm kinda glad your hubby caved so you can buy little girl stuff! Great walking goals and good luck with the maintenance but I agree your weight gain is fine. 

    Missconfidence - you are in the last week of 2nd trimester! Congrats! Sorry to hear you are having trust issues with your doc. The things he is doing sound reasonable as pregnant women do tend to faint and folic acid is one of the few vitamins that is really, really hard to overdose on and most agree there wouldn't be any symptoms unless you take more than 1000mg for a really really long time and even then the data's not good. However sudden increases in iron can constipate  lot of people. I would just openly ask for further clarification if I were you. 

    Mpederson - as hard as I am on myself I feel bad when others are being too harsh with themselves. I mean even gazelles and lions look less graceful brine new life into the world! I just got benzoyl peroxide wash to attack the chest acne!

    Xosugarbabie - I know what you mean, my DH is athletic with an 8 pack and maybe 5% body fat but at the same time he is doing well with my growing body. I actually force myself to be exposed and get over it. My calories hav been everywhere. I was at 1750 for cals,then 1500. I cut it for a while to 1350 but gained even more that week, so I'm a little lost. I wore a body media fit for a little while and my maintenance was 2000 so I thought 1500 +exercise cals would be good. I might just give up on counting!

    Speedyme - yeah, why are we gaining under maintenance? Maybe eating more would actually help? I have been randier as well but we are struggling to find positions that work and I'm usually frustrated, lol

    BrunetteWife - congrats on your little girl! I am especially fond of Catherine as a name, yours is just lovely

    Helenmelon - that would be awesome not to be weighed. It seems like the US is so focused on measurements and numbers and body image but we have the most obese! You will feel movement soon, you're around that time when you might feel little flutters and pokes but not recognize them, too, so pay attention :). Next week probably gonna stick with my at least 3 strength and 2-3 cardio sessions, kinda into a routine. One of them will have to be Brazilian butt lift or Butt Bible to keep the tush perky!

    AFM - started taking a probiotic and I think it's helping a little with my stomach though the cocktails are still required. It's been rainy and now I'm coming down with a cold. This week my stomach seemed to poke out even more and I looked huge in the mirror at a kickboxing class! I was also doing walking and kicking while watchin tv last night and really felt my belly weighing me down, which made me nervous about mobility issues to come! Going to take new pics today, I wonder if they will capture the difference.

    According to my scale I'm up almost 2lbs :explode: Some of it might be the cheese I ate, which makes me retain, but still! Been really mulling over this calorie thing, I think I eat more carby salty foods at night because I restrict so much during the day and I always gain more with carbs. I might just increase my calories a little and see if it helps. You know on mfp when someone can't lose or is gaining they say you're not eating enough so your body is holding on to everything? Well I'm going to test the theory. DH left town yesterday and will be gone for most of the week so I should be able to eat super healthy! wish me luck! Oh and I am 24weeks today so I will buy my first baby item to celebrate! Have a great weekend everyone!

    24 weeks, + :noway: Lbs
  • jcgutierrez
    jcgutierrez Posts: 53 Member
    Happy Saturday! We went to our ultrasound yesterday and she said she was 90% sure it was a girl. She gave me another appointment on Friday to double check. I am so excited! Have a great day!
  • sas6575
    sas6575 Posts: 70
    Hi ladies,
    I hope you all had a wonderful weekend?
    Nothing new and exciting with me - not much sleep over the last few days, not due to baby but my hubby's silly shifts at work so I'm absolutely shattered today and looking forward to a very early night!
    Just before my walk at lunch today and got this shooting stabbing pain in my low pubic bone. I have a high pain threshold usually but this really shocked me at how painful it was. I walked the short way back to work after lunch and it's still bugging me, even sat down. I'm hoping and praying it's nothing and I've maybe laid funny last night, tossing and turning all night - it's just weird it came on right before lunch and so severe. Going to keep an eye on it - don't like to tell hubby about my aches and pains, he's not the sympathetic type!!
    Willing this week away as we've our scan (again) next Tuesday afternoon then we finish work on Weds and it's America on Friday yey!
    Have a great week ladies xxx
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    I'm 17 weeks and the last week or so I've been getting cramps kind of like pms, they aren't as bad now, but still kinda there. short, mild, and only happens maybe once or twice a day. It's really low in the middle. Has anyone else had this? I have a dr apt today, but I guess I'm just hoping to hear something to help make me feel better before I go in.

    If you reply to this, can you send me a message, I always forget this group is here and it'd be a while before i see the replies here. sorry! if you do reply, thank you very much.

    Also, if anyone wants to add me, I'd happily accept friend requests =D
  • eejieweejie
    eejieweejie Posts: 49 Member
    Morning ladies! I hope that you all had a fabulous weekend!

    Mrs. Jax - Love the bump! I'm glad that your appointment went well and baby is ok! Sorry you didn't get to have your ultrasound though :( I hope that you had a wonderful time at Honeymoon Island! I lived in Tampa for a few years and I really miss the gulf sometimes!

    Sas - Congrats on the baby girl!!! Love the name Ava, it's precious! It seems like you're right on track with your weight gain, so I wouldn't worry too much!

    MissConfidence - Just a few more days left in the second trimester! I'm glad that you have been sleeping better. Sorry about the incident with your doc, maybe he was just having a bad day? Or does he always seem to be dismissive? Make sure you eat tons of fiber with the increased iron, like Melissa said, it can really constipate some people, and being pregnant you're much more susceptible to constipation anyway.

    Mpederson - Why do people insist on tagging unflattering pics on FB!?! This is why I changed my settings so that I have to approve all tags before they show on my profile! lol! Although I'm sure you look fab, and are just very critical of yourself, I know it's difficult with the changes in your body, but remember it's not forever, and you are growing a sweet baby human inside of you! I'm sure you'll feel better once you have more of a defined baby bump :)

    Sugarbabie - My maintenance was 1750, and when I hit the second trimester I set it to gain half a pound, and my new calorie goal is 2000. Some days I'm a little under, others a little over. Just try to make healthy choices :)

    Terri - sounds like you need to get hubby to start going to bed earlier ;)

    BrunetteWife - Congratulations on the baby girl! Love the name, especially the middle, although I'm very partial to it as it was my mum's name :) If we had had a girl, her middle name would have been Catherine also. I'm glad to hear that she was measuring great, and I'm sure the cysts will be gone soon.

    Helen - I hope that you had a wonderful time catching up with your uni friends. Great goals for the week too! I do miss home, and still get homesick constantly! I still have two older sisters over there, as well as all my aunties, uncles, and cousins, so that has a lot to do with it. Even after 11 years, I still feel like I don't quite fit in here, maybe one day! It's the marzipan that does it for me on Battenburg! Yummy!

    Melissa - Yay for boys! lol! Did you manage to find some cute baby stuff? I hope your colonic gets things moving again, and that your cold is gone soon! You have such a cute baby bump, you're all belly! Love the shirt as well! My calorie set up seems to be working really well for me, not gaining too much, and I'm never really hungry, but if I am still hungry after I've used all my calories, I still eat!

    jcgutierrez - Congrats! I hope that you'll get 100% confirmation on Friday!

    AFM - Had a drive by midwife appointment on Friday, and all was well. The midwife I saw was really nice, and she said that baby was measuring perfectly. He was very active when she was finding the heartbeat, and when she found it, he kicked the doppler right in her hand! So cute! We had a very productive weekend this weekend, the other half painted the guest bathroom and did yard work, and I cleaned, and cleaned some more! I'm hoping to start to tackle my huge stack of ironing this week, not looking forward to that at all! Had my dad and step-mum over yesterday for lunch, and we had a nice afternoon. I haven't eaten too terribly this weekend, although I did make a lemon meringue pie the other day, so I have treated myself to a small slice each day, staying within calories (although not sugar, oops!) I weighed myself this morning and according to my scale, I'm still only up 5.5lbs - hooray!

    Hope you all have a wonderful week!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    My goal for the week are too get my walking in, I have about 40miles to go between now and the 31st.

    Also gearing up for my first pregnancy 5k this Saturday. It feels good to not stress about trying to beat a previous time! Hubby is finally back to work after 3 months laid off, now I get to start spring cleaning since he's not here most of the day :wink: I registered my shower and my MIL booked my shower location yesterday. Two things done. I've started getting my guest list together and I'm allowed to make my invites as my MIL isn't very crafty. I made a mock one, and I cant wait to print them real ones! Hope to get a pic posted soon. I'll be 19weeks tomorrow, almost halfway over :noway:
    Happy Saturday! We went to our ultrasound yesterday and she said she was 90% sure it was a girl. She gave me another appointment on Friday to double check. I am so excited! Have a great day!

    That's so exciting :) Congrats!!
  • speedyme
    speedyme Posts: 86 Member
    myiceisonfire - I actually feel this off and on as well, i take it as my uterise is growing and stretching. You're baby is rapidly growing right now and your uteris is also, along with rising up into your abdomin, needing to make room for baby. definately mention this to your doctor, i know i will be as well!

    Have a great week
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member

    Here's the invite I printed out yesterday :) I got the template from here for anyone interested: http://www.do-it-yourself-invitations.com/kids-birthday-invitations.html She has a few other color combos and could probably do additional combos if you email her.