2nd Trimester



  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    Hello, hot mommas!

    I have really been slacking here lately. I have been reading all of the posts, but have been busy and not responding every day....sorry for being a bum!
    Helen-- I find that I am reallly cranky if I don't work out, and I LOVE to eat...I am sure I would be up 30 lbs at this point if I hadn't been exercising. I am more motivated by having the cals to eat thatn anything else;)

    Melissa -- you may want to try to eat more. I know that pre-preg. I had to eat more when I got 15 lbs from my goal weight. If I dropped below 1600 cals net, I would stay the same or gain. And remember that the bebe is growing a lot- it could be fluid or baby. Something that has been helping me is measuring. I measure my hips, thighs, arms, bosom...and belly. If your boobs and belly are the only things growing, you are doing good :)

    eejieweejie -- the Gulf was great! It was my first trip in since October. I also kayaked the Rainbow River on Sunday. Life is good in FL :)

    AFM...well, I have been getting a lot done as far as the nursery goes, and have washed all of the hand me down clothes, made closet dividers, am sorting, hung curtains, crib is all up...I am having name issues, though.
    I love Madeleine, but DH doesn't like that spelling...I got flamed on the Bump for thinking Madelynne (I know I shouldn't care) because I wanted to use Lynne as the nick name...but now I feel like Madelynne of any form is too common, as is Elizabeth. I don't really care for Scarlett any more. I said it about 25 times one day and was over it. I am not crazy about Daphne either. That leaves Hazel, but I am not in love with it. I am actually thinking about putting a suggestion box in my classroom! Oh, and I admitted my 'condition' to the kids today. It was funny- as if I could hide that bump! They were mad a first that I didn't tell them for so long, and then shocked when I told them I would be 6 months at the end of the week. It was really funny, and they were cute.
    My workout went good today, but it is starting to get too hot on the track. I am thinking of switching to a shaded trail near school instead....and I logged yesterday and today....I am really, really going to try to log every day this week. I am also keeping my fingers crossed that weigh day Wednesday goes good....and think it will. I haven't gained any inches on my but or arms...
    Well, off to finish dinner!
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    myiceisonfire - I actually feel this off and on as well, i take it as my uterise is growing and stretching. You're baby is rapidly growing right now and your uteris is also, along with rising up into your abdomin, needing to make room for baby. definately mention this to your doctor, i know i will be as well!

    Have a great week

    The dr said seeing as this is my 2nd baby it's completely normal & I might feel it the rest of the pregnancy on and off too. That mad me feel much better! =) Also, baby looks great she said. I even got to move up the ultrasound date to next week Thursday! I'll be 18wks 2days along, so baby better spread those legs so I can see! =) Can't wait to find out what the gender is. Our son is turning 2 in May, so now we really want a girl to have one of each, I think if it's a girl, our family will feel complete =) .... But if it's boy, I will love him equally as much as I would if it was a girl. =)
  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member
    Jalyn – Is the OIT thing something separate for DH or does it mean he’s closer to getting that job he wanted? Will he be able to visit? Hopefully someone else will come into help with the baby room and hopefully the baby doesn’t come early! Are the contractions in your upper upper belly or at the top of your uterus (should be able to feel where your uterus is). If they are uterine I would slow down the pace or stop and make sure you are well hydrated. It’s happened to me once or twice, but it’s considered a warning sign you’re overdoing it so be careful.

    OIT means that he's better qualified for the job he wants. I'll be taking a train to see him once school lets out in May. Until then, we'll have skype.

    They didn't feel like my uterus. It felt like my skin was too tight -like it was stretching. Does that make sense? Regardless, I slowed things down.
  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member
    Hello mommas to be! I haven't been very good and writing each of you in turn, but I have been lurking. Things have just been busy (crib making, in-laws, birthday parties, nursery painting, etc.)

    I'm glad to see everyone working towards their goals. This forum is really motivational to me and it calms my fears a lot. Thank you to everyone, for their input. It's so nice to worry together, isn't it? lol.

    MrsJax -I'm glad you had a good time in FL. I need a vacation too! And good luck on the names. DH and I only agreed on one name, so that's what it's going to be.

    Myiceisonfire- Keep us posted on what you find out!!

    Brunettewife- thanks for the link.

    AFM: We've just been busy. We put up bead-board in the baby's room on Friday, which was quite the adventure (it's way far from being done, but we're one step closer!), we planted a garden on Saturday (after we went to the zoo for a family birthday party), and I had a house full of people again. My feet and hands have swollen up, much to my disappointment.
    I've been feeling nervous about my LO because he used to move so much more. I'm 6 months along today and I only feel him once or twice an entire day, when before I used to feel him move all day long. I'm trying not to be nervous, but weekly updates I've been getting via email on pregnancy say that I probably feel black and blue from all the movement. On the contrary, I hardly feel him move at all anymore. My doctor's appointment is next week so I'm trying to be calm, but I'm considering calling him and asking to move the appointment closer. I want to hear the hearbeat so I can put my mind at ease. I keep gaining weight though. I'm up 20 lbs now. Yikes! But I'm pretty sure a lot of that is water weight, since my fingers and ankles look like sausages. :ohwell:
    Well, here's to a great week, everyone! My goals are:

    walk 4 times this week
    crossfit WODs 3 times this week
    Drink more water. I haven't been getting enough!

    25 weeks

    AFM: Oh my heavens, where to start!? :laugh:
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Jcgutierrez - congrats on your 90% chance baby girl, lol! Let us know how the recheck goes

    Sas - hope that pain went away! Seems there are all kinds of reasons -growing uterus, round ligament, baby kicking weird places, etc for us to get these pains!

    Myiceisonfire - I get a tiny cramp every blue moon, assume it is uterus stretching as well. Glad you got some reassurance. Good luck at your ultrasound!

    Emily - thanks for the compliments, my bump is slowly coming along! Not dong great on shopping... Congrats on the great midwife appointment and all the work you're getting done, sounds like you're a busy bee! As for your tiny weight gain - :grumble:

    Brunettewife - congrats on hubby going back to work and your 5k - be careful out there with your precious package aboard :wink: . Your invites are darling and you are waaay ahead of me!

    MrsJax - 1st trimester a lot of weight jumped on my hips and highs and iv been terrified to see them get any bigger. Although I've read that's just where some women put their fat stores. My tape measure broke recently too! 
    I don't think of Madeline as too common, but I'm sure you'll find the name that's right for your family.  Lol at your students not knowing you were pregnant already!

    Jalyn - DH and I also only agreed on one name, lol.  With the combination of the weight gain and the baby moving less I think you should go in earlier, even if it's just a blood pressure and Doppler check. The water retention could be normal but it could also be a sign of pre-eclampsia. The baby likely just turned so you can feel him less (which happened to me) but you should definitely have him checked out as well. Keep us posted!

    AFM - I'm doing better. The baby is moving more and so are my bowels, I lost a few pounds and this is even before my colonic on Thursday so I'm happy. The thought crossed my mind to cancel but it's probably good for me. It looks like we are going to have a baby shower the day after my mom's retirement party in June since everyone will be around, I am getting booed for not having a registry or nursey colors. I honestly don't know what to put in a registry, I went to babies r us and was lost, though I did pick up a stroller and crib guide. I've bought one baby item to celebrate 6 months, a personalized sleep sack from pottery barn. I did increase my calories a little, I think I was shooting myself in the foot. I may track for the next 2 weeks then stop for 3rd trimester.
    I have to get serious about studying for my oral boards instead of spending all my free time looking at baby stuff. This is my final qualifying exam to be board certified in emergency medicine, and if I pass the hospital pays me back and I look good, if I fail I'll be humiliated and will have less money to spend on the baby :frown: ! Wish me luck!

    Goals this week
    - maintain
    - regularity
    - an hour of studying a day
    - 3 strength, 3 cardio sessions at least!

    24 weeks 4 days, +18
  • sas6575
    sas6575 Posts: 70
    Hey Melissa,
    Good luck with your studying, I'm sure you'll pass with flying colours!
    My pain did go, thank you. I have stopped wearing the ankle weights when I walk now, just incase they weren't helping the situation! They've been retired until after Ava arrives, much to my hubby's delight. xxx
  • sas6575
    sas6575 Posts: 70
    Good morning ladies and happy hump day :)
    I hope everyone is having a good week so far - no niggles from this side of the pond thank goodness. Counting down the days until our 2nd '20wk scan' next Tuesday to get those final measurements (if Ava behaves this time!) and then we're coming to the States for my baby shower with hubby's family next Thursday so I'll be away for 10 days....can't WAIT to be thoroughly spoilt and eat EVERYTHING delicious and naughty :) I know I'll regret it when we're home but I know my in-laws, they won't let me munch through salads for 10 days hahaha!
    Take care everyone and have a great week xx
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    I am back from ny baby moon and it was absolutely lovely...just the best...I spent lots of days on the beach, reading and napping and much to my delight my hubby really was on daddy duty and took me little one with him on errands, to the pool and on walks...so I was really able to relax...and I did some snorkeling so I am happy. Then once I got back the weather has been mild which is also nice because that means I can walk outside...so I have been trying to walk outside every other day...kind of raining here today but hopefully it lets up so I can take my son with me on our walk this afternoon. Otherwise...definitely think my stomach has grown...feel tons of movement some days and not so much other days. On vacation I ate ok but didn't eat tons of calories...I think I have eaten more unhealthy foods since being back...so I have tried to cut back by having salads and eating a new 7 grain cereal for breakfast...I steped on the scale yesterday and had only gained 2 lbs since my last doctor's appt which is great...have my 28th week check up next week so really trying to not gain any more weight until I hit the 3rd tri.

    Last week on this board then I will move to 3rd tri. I have caught up on everyone's post but that took so long have no time to reply...glad everyone is doing well and had a decent week last week...will be caught up moving forward...

    27 wks
  • Brandy715
    Brandy715 Posts: 74 Member
    HI Ladies-

    Sorry I have been MIA these past few weeks. Life has gotten a little crazy here! But I am going to try to get back on schedule. I have finally gained my first solid 3 lbs. I know that does not sound like a lot, but I am already over weight as it is. I have been trying to do really well- eat right, excersice, drinks lots of water. But it has finally come on. Which I am okay with!

    We were able to find a super great deal on a jogging stroller! So that was really exciting. This is the frist thing we have gotten the baby!

    I am 17 weeks today!!! So that is really exciting. We should be able to find out what we are having April 4th. I need some help. My husband just started a new job, so we do not want him asking off to go to the Ultrasound appt. What would be a good way to tell him what we are having. My ideas are- record the ultrasound and I will close my eyes when they tell us and we watch it at home together. Or have them write it down in a sealed envelope and we open it together at home?? Any other creative ideas anyone has...please let me know!

    I hope everyone is doing great and I am going to try to stay on track again!!

    Have a great week!!!!!!!
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    HI Ladies-

    Sorry I have been MIA these past few weeks. Life has gotten a little crazy here! But I am going to try to get back on schedule. I have finally gained my first solid 3 lbs. I know that does not sound like a lot, but I am already over weight as it is. I have been trying to do really well- eat right, excersice, drinks lots of water. But it has finally come on. Which I am okay with!

    We were able to find a super great deal on a jogging stroller! So that was really exciting. This is the frist thing we have gotten the baby!

    I am 17 weeks today!!! So that is really exciting. We should be able to find out what we are having April 4th. I need some help. My husband just started a new job, so we do not want him asking off to go to the Ultrasound appt. What would be a good way to tell him what we are having. My ideas are- record the ultrasound and I will close my eyes when they tell us and we watch it at home together. Or have them write it down in a sealed envelope and we open it together at home?? Any other creative ideas anyone has...please let me know!

    I hope everyone is doing great and I am going to try to stay on track again!!

    Have a great week!!!!!!!

    With my first...I did the envelope surprise because my husband had to be out of town.
    Maybe have them take a picture of the lower half...mine was a boy so the tech did a little circle or arrow or something and wrote boy on the u/s pic. I like the video idea too...you could do like a reveal cupcake if he likes desserts ( red/pink if girl or blue if boy)...
    You could do like a little treasure hunt type thing the day after where you leave clues for him...that's if you want to do like a little game and you want to find out before he does...
    So excited for you all...let us know what you decide.
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Morning all

    Emily – thanks - I had a fab weekend with the girls and their kids. I even bought some Battenburg – I love the marzipan too!

    Melissa – Great goals esp with studying – it’s so hard to concentrate though when lots of baby things to think about! Glad you are feeling a bit better and I defo wouldn’t cancel your appointment it will still help. Im the same unsure where to start on buying stuff – my friend who is due in 3 weeks has written me a list of everything she has bought so I can follow it or at least know where to start!

    Bru – wow – good luck on the 5K and great work with all the walking. I walk quite a lot but don’t really record how many miles I do. I’m exactly the same as you – 19 weeks gone Tues. Have you got much of a bump? Mine is growing but don’t think anyone would think I’m pregnant. I have put on about 14lb though! So a little higher than my chart which states 13lb at 20 weeks is average – I’m not too far off though.

    MrsJax – Im the same. I like to eat the extra cals when I work out. I have been struggling for time this week and not getting home to 7pm and then need to tidy round and make supper etc. I aim to be sat down by 8pm and have an hour watching TV or reading (and catching up the OH). I like the name Madeleine – just start your list again and see what else pops up. I change my mind each week. This week for a girl I like Jenny Elizabeth!

    Jalyn – Did you manage to move your appointment forward?

    Sas – I have my first 20 week scan on Tues – Im a bit nervous but excited too. Your holiday/family trip sounds brilliant. I’m going to Paris to see my best friend beginning of May with another friend so looking forward to that.

    Kelley M – 3rd tri already seems to be flying by! You holiday sounded fab and well done on healthy eating.

    Brandy – Your right 3lb is not a lot. Keep up the good work. My friend does a lot of jogging with her baby and stroller – they love it. How about you buy a little outfit in pink or blue and wrap it up? You can get one here that say ‘I love my Daddy’ in each colour? But I also like the idea of opening the envelope together.

    AFM: I have been super bloated this week but feeling better today so hoping the scale will go back down a 1lb or 2! Im getting my hair cut and coloured tonight so that should make me feel better – going to go a bit darker as looking a bit yellow at the mo!

    This Saturday me and my sister are taking Gran to visit her sister (our great Aunt) it’s about a 2.5 hour drive. We will prob do a bit of shopping and have lunch. My Mum is looking after our nieces so I have told my sister I will get up early and help her with the horses (she has 3) before we go so I imagine I will be pooped by time we get home. I plan to just potter about on Sunday.

    Best get on – have a good day.

    Helen 19+2
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    HI Ladies-

    Sorry I have been MIA these past few weeks. Life has gotten a little crazy here! But I am going to try to get back on schedule. I have finally gained my first solid 3 lbs. I know that does not sound like a lot, but I am already over weight as it is. I have been trying to do really well- eat right, excersice, drinks lots of water. But it has finally come on. Which I am okay with!

    We were able to find a super great deal on a jogging stroller! So that was really exciting. This is the frist thing we have gotten the baby!

    I am 17 weeks today!!! So that is really exciting. We should be able to find out what we are having April 4th. I need some help. My husband just started a new job, so we do not want him asking off to go to the Ultrasound appt. What would be a good way to tell him what we are having. My ideas are- record the ultrasound and I will close my eyes when they tell us and we watch it at home together. Or have them write it down in a sealed envelope and we open it together at home?? Any other creative ideas anyone has...please let me know!

    I hope everyone is doing great and I am going to try to stay on track again!!

    Have a great week!!!!!!!

    I saw the cutest video on youtube about a woman who let her family know from helium balloons in the box. You could go to a place where the blow up balloons and show them a card that says what baby is, tell them you do not want to know. Tell them if it's a girl you want so many blue balloons, and if it's a girl you want so many pink balloons. Makes sure you give them a box, in case they don't sell them. ....... Make sure the box is closed when you pick it up so you can't see. After you and hubby guess open up the box and let them fly =)
  • eejieweejie
    eejieweejie Posts: 49 Member
    Brunette- Good luck on your 5K this weekend! Your shower invitations are adorable as well!

    Mrs. Jax - So glad to hear that you had a wonderful weekend, I am jealous though! lol! I love the name Madeleine/Madelynne, I like both spellings too, it's not like Madelynne is way off the wall or anything! We're having naming issues too. If we were having a girl we had a name picked out, but we had a hard enough time agreeing on a name for our first DS, so this baby boy may be nameless for a while!

    Ice - I'm glad to hear that the doc said the cramps are normal and baby looks great. Good luck with your ultrasound!

    Jayln - Sounds like you had a busy weekend! Did you get your appointment moved up to check on the little one? Maybe he's just towards the back of your uterus or something now, so you don't feel him as much? I hope all is well :)

    Melissa - Glad that both baby and bowels are moving! I'm sure you feel a lot better about both! I received gifts when I had DS, but I didn't have a shower, and we bought most of the stuff ourselves. I think a lot of it had to do with the fact that we were the only ones who lived in FL, and everyone else we as in different states, and most of my family is in England. My step sis handed down her pack n' play, swing, and soothing gliding (which I highly recommend by the way, baby took a lot of naps in there!) which we were very appreciative of, and will be using for this baby as well! GOOD LUCK with your boards! When is the actual exam?

    Sas - Happy to hear your pain went away, and good luck with your scan next week! Hopefully baby girl will be obliging this time! So your hubby is American? Whereabouts in the States are you headed to? I hope that you have a blast!

    Kelley - Sounds like you had a wonderful time on your baby moon! I'm glad your hubby took daddy duty so you could relax!

    Brandy - 3lbs sounds great, I wouldn't worry too much. Are you wanting to find out the sex at the same time as your hubby? If so, I'd probably just have them write down the sex and put it in an envelope so you can open it together! If the ultrasound is at your doctor's office you may want to check their policy about videoing the ultrasound, I know many won't let you :( If you don't mind finding out before hubby, the rest of the ladies suggestions are great!

    Helen - Glad you had a fab time with your friends! I hope your haircut goes better than mine! I got over 10 inches chopped off a couple of weeks ago, but I'm not sure what the poor girl did to my hair, as the end result wasn't quite what I wanted! Oh well, luckily my hair grows quite fast! I hope you have a lovely weekend with your sister, Gran, and great Aunt :)

    AFM - I haven't been sleeping very well, and feel quite exhausted! I've also finally got to the point where I have to wake up to pee during the night, which doesn't help matters! The weather has been lovely here, so we've been spending quite a bit of time outdoors, however the pollen is horrendous, and my poor monkey has been suffering from allergies. It's supposed to rain this afternoon, and I can't wait for it to wash some of this pollen away! My scales need a new battery, so I'm not sure if I've gained anymore! I'm sure I'll be in for a shock when I get it working again!

    Have a great weekend ladies!

    Emily 24w2d
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member

    I saw the cutest video on youtube about a woman who let her family know from helium balloons in the box. You could go to a place where the blow up balloons and show them a card that says what baby is, tell them you do not want to know. Tell them if it's a girl you want so many blue balloons, and if it's a girl you want so many pink balloons. Makes sure you give them a box, in case they don't sell them. ....... Make sure the box is closed when you pick it up so you can't see. After you and hubby guess open up the box and let them fly =)

    That's a great idea...love it...how cute.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Bru – wow – good luck on the 5K and great work with all the walking. I walk quite a lot but don’t really record how many miles I do. I’m exactly the same as you – 19 weeks gone Tues. Have you got much of a bump? Mine is growing but don’t think anyone would think I’m pregnant. I have put on about 14lb though! So a little higher than my chart which states 13lb at 20 weeks is average – I’m not too far off though.

    Thanks! I used C25k 2 summers ago and got use to using mapmyrun.com (and the phone app) to track me distance so I could track my speed and work on it. I'm also part of a challenge to do 90miles this month, also the reason I'm tracking my miles :) I'm still considered 'obese' which I think is utter b/s. I had a little belly to begin with, but I sucked it in al the time. Once I found out I was pregnant, I stopped holding it in and immediately people assumed I had a baby bump.. kinda annoying at 13weeks... but I do have a bump going (just changed my profile pic) but I also know that much of that is fluids and organs being pushed upward. Miranda is still pretty low, so it's not a 'baby' bump per say, but it's baby related! I'm up 13lbs, and one of my docs isn't happy about it and how I may need to see a nutritionist. I calmly responded on how I'd lost 50lbs in a year on my own. And she pretty much dropped it.

    I go in next Thursday for them to check my cervix size. Can't remember if I already posted this (I'm sure I did) but I'm measuring at a 22 and I should be a 25, not sure what the numbers mean, but they plan on checking via vag u/s. I also should be hearing from them about my test results on the possibility of Tri 18 with the cysts they saw on baby M.

    In other news, I'm really looking forward to my 5k this Saturday. My baby brother (12) is doing it with me, it's his 2nd and my 10th. I also have a friend from grade school and her husband joining as well as 2 local MFPers who did the Warrior Dash in Oct '11 with me AND a few from work. At least I won't be alone! I've never had this many at a race with me before! Can't wait!!! Then SUnday, I have a store meeting for binus checks. everyone gets something, but we were told they may only be about $30, which can help a little with gas (not much though) and there's 15 additional checks going out to associates that were hand picked by management for $250. I work with about 150 people, but wishful thinking that my management team sees all the hard work I've put in! Oh, and my BIL/SIL gave me their old travel system , which I was super grateful for, ,til they dropped it off yesterday. It's very used and abused AND has mold on all the fabric. Super bummed and kinda pissed, but it's free. My MIL is trying to clean it as we speak, but I did register for one just in case. Even if it's trashed and I don't receive one from someone else, at least having it on my registery will get me a 10% discount! I'll take it!

    Speaking of registries, are any of you having a shower or choosing not too? If you are having one, when are you? Have you/will you register? I registered at Babies R Us, but wasn't impressed with a lot of the stuff, so I went to Target, and found the same problem. A lady and I in a check out line were chatting and she suggested Burlington Coat Factory. I went, and WOW! What a selection! My shower is June 24th and I'm pretty much done registering for the most part. I keep taking things off then putting them back on. Like the stroller/carseat. Anyway, sorry for being such a Chatty Cathy, lol. Time for lunch, talk to you wonderful ladies later!!
    -Bru 19wks 2days +13lbs
  • Brandy715
    Brandy715 Posts: 74 Member
    Ladies- ya'll are amazing!! I love all the ideas!!!

    I really like the pink/blue balloons!! I am going to have to really think about this and decide what to do!!!

    Another question- how has everyone been sleeping?? I am having the worst time!! I am so uncomfortable at night. I have a "preggle" pillow and somtimes that helps but not all the time- any other suggestions that I can use to get more comfy at night??
  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member
    Kelley- so glad your babymoon went so well!

    Emily and Helen- Thanks for the concern, but they didn't move up my appointment. I called and the nurse told me to drink a caffinated drink and then lie down on my back until I felt movement (the doctor was at lunch). So, I did what they said and I did feel some movement. Very light at first and then stronger. I can feel him much better while I'm on my back. Needless to say, I was relieved. :smile: The doctor hasn't called me, but I guess if the nurse told him all was well, then he didn't have to.

    Bru- good luck on the 5k!! I can't hardly run anymore. I did sprints up a hill about 2 weeks ago and haven't tried running since. My belly did not enjoy it. Also, a lady at my church is throwing me a baby shower and I'm following her lead on when to do it. She has 2 and says that the earlier the better because it helps you get everything ready and lets you know what you need to buy yourself. Mine is scheduled for April 21st, which will put me at 29w3d. She said that with her first, she waited until a few weeks before she was scheduled to deliver and she said it was WAY too stressful on her. I've never had one, so I'm following her lead. We don't have a burlington coat factory, but I wish we did! I registered at Target but I really don't know what I'm doing. I have no real idea of the "must haves" vs the "don't waste your money" items.
    It would be nice to have a must have list from the 2nd or 3rd time mothers in the forum!

    AFM: We've had tornado warnings and heavy rain all but one day this week, so my exercise has suffered. I haven't been able to do my usual routine of walking and crossfit outside. I guess I'm going to have to force myself to do a workout video. I have a hard time doing those these days.

    Funny story: I walked out to the garden yesterday to get some green onions in my husband's flip-flops. I made it to the garden, but almost didn't make it back! I sank up my calf in the mud and lost one of his shoes. I kept myself from falling over, thankfully, but when I went back to the house to spray off my leg, I saw that DH had unhooked the hose from the house. So, my pregnant self hoised my leg up to the spigot, my skirt up to my hip, and gave my neighbors quite the show. :laugh: Oh well!

    It's almost Friday!!!
  • Brandy715
    Brandy715 Posts: 74 Member
    Speaking of registries, are any of you having a shower or choosing not too? If you are having one, when are you? Have you/will you register? I registered at Babies R Us, but wasn't impressed with a lot of the stuff, so I went to Target, and found the same problem. A lady and I in a check out line were chatting and she suggested Burlington Coat Factory. I went, and WOW! What a selection! My shower is June 24th and I'm pretty much done registering for the most part. I keep taking things off then putting them back on. Like the stroller/carseat. Anyway, sorry for being such a Chatty Cathy, lol. Time for lunch, talk to you wonderful ladies later!!
    -Bru 19wks 2days +13lbs

    I have not register yet- waiting to find our what I am having. We are having my shower early b/c most of my family will be gone for the summer. So mine will be June 2nd. I have been looking at Buy Buy Baby (I'm in SC so we have one here) and they have cute stuff. What did you find at Burlington Coat Factory???
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I found pretty much everything at Burlington. I think the only things I registered at the other two stores for were the bottles,safety and such. The main things like bedding, bathing items, playard, and so on were all BCF.

    As for sleeping at night, it sucks. I've never been a back sleeper but I wake myself up many times a night on my back, I think my afternoon naps are more productive.
  • moyafigura
    moyafigura Posts: 140 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    It has been a while since i was on here. Wow! So many new faces! No way i can catch up :happy:
    The cruise / vacation we went on was awesome. Got to relax, see new places. Did a lot of walking. Some snorkling.
    After we came back i had my ultrasound, and the tech told us it looks like we are having a boy, although we (hubby and I) could not see what she was seeing because of the babies possition. Also she could not get a few of the measurements she needed for the same reason and so i am having another u/s in a week. I am hoping that this time we will see 100% that its a boy. We are so excited. I am trying to go through all my girls stuff and either sell or give it away, to make room for this baby. Feel like there is so much i need to do, and so little time.