2nd Trimester



  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    Brandy -- I started to feel LO move a lot at 20 weeks...there were movements before that, but they were faint and I wasn't sure if it was the baby or gas. Now I am positive they were baby. As far as daycare, make sure they are NAEYC certified, and ask about their emergency procedures/injury procedures...also, turn over of employees, and what kind of meals/feeding atmosphere are provided.

    MissLouisiana -- my calculator is set at maintenance of my pre-preg weight for a lightly active lifestyle +gain 1/2 a lb a week. It works out to 2300 cals a day. I try to eat all of my exercise cals, but can't always get there. I usually net between1800 and 2300 a day, depending on the the work out I do. I try to always get 100 g of protein and calcium, and aim for better than 25 g of fiber, as well as 6 servings of fruit and veg a day.

    Sarah -- glad to hear you are enjoying the nicer weather. It sure is great to get moving outside! It is one of my favorite things about living in FL :)

    I can't see what everyone else wrote to reply to everyone.... :( It only shows about 6 posts once I hit the reply button.

    AFM: I was a piggie this weekend...pizza, fried scallops, indian food, crab legs....and got to go to the movies. Oh...yeah, and didn't work out Fri, Sat, or Sun other than cleaning house and shopping....so I felt much better about myself once I got out and burned a buttload of calories today. I did get a lot done in the nursery. I have almost all of the decor for little girl's room, and we got the new shades. I also inventoried and sorted all of the baby clothes we have already, and stored the 9 mos + by size category in labeled baskets in the the closet. I also bought little girl a toy...ok, well, it is really for me. It is this toy bear and you can feed it, and it plays peek a boo, and it snorts when it laughs. I had to have it!


    It makes me seriously LOL>>>
    well...time for bed for this lady :) Catch you all again soon!
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    My last week on this 2 tri side...Wed or Thurs I will be officially be 28 weeks.
    Have been feeling great lately...getting at least 6 hours of sleep and walking with running intervals every other day...I have made it my goal to get in 10 miles a week. And so far so good...loving the weather...even today it was chilly but the sun was shining and I loved being outside. This weekend was low key on our part...we hung around the house on Sat after church and then on Sunday I sent my little man to my mother inlaws for like the first time by himself...usually my husband has to be there. I usually don't like him going there by himself because she serves her other grandkids lots of sugar and meat both things my son is not really allowed to have. But I wanted my hubby to paint which he did and now there are is only a wall and half to paint until I can start putting the nursey together...praying he does it this week... and I had a meeting...seems like he did well and had a blast playing with his cousins so maybe I will send him again. Other than that...things are well.

    Yaya - I am sorry to hear about your leg pain. I hope things get better for you soon. I have stretch marks from being overweight before I had kids and I got them with my son...so I can't help you with the stretch marks sorry. The other suggestions sound good stay hydrated and exercise.

    Brandy - I didn't feel my first move until about 20 weeks, I may have felt it before but wasn't sure what it was...but at 20 wks he had hiccups and I felt those for sure. But for my current little one I am pretty sure I felt it super early like 12-14 weeks...but people said it was probably gas...but I was smaller this time so I think it was baby...who knows...but once you feel the baby for sure...movement will be unmistakable from then on.

    Bru - congrats on the 5k...keep up the good work.

    ok...have work to do...hope everyone is having a great start to the week.

  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Amberwebb - congrats on all the movement, it's a great sign. Might be feeling more cause of your placenta's position, your babies position, etc. I had that for a while and then was sad when it calmed down. A leash sounds like the safe way to go!

    Brunettewife - great job on your 5k! You did the right thing taking it easy for your little one

    9honey - enjoy your last trimester and see you in a few weeks!

    Myiceisonfire - will check out that music video soon I promise!

    Misslousianna - whatever your weight gain goal is you can just input it into MFP. I'm trying to maintain for the next week or 2 so I have mine set at 1500+exercise cals.

    Yahyamommy - sorry to hear about your discomfort, definitely part of the reason we aren't supposed to lie on our backs. Try compression stockings for the swelling.  As for stretch marks, I agree they are supposed to not be preventable but I still rub on a stretch mark oil 2 times a day.  Also trying not to overgain. I hope the activity thing is true as well!

    Helen - looking forward to hearing your ultrasound results tomorrow!

    Sas - best of luck to you as well!

    Sarah - sounds like you are doing great! Keep up the great active work!

    Brandy - congrats on the garden work and its harvest, I'm sure it's delicious. I think an occasional controlled indulgence is just fine, so don't feel bad if you have a few sweets! As for a crib, I am going to start with a bassinet and figure out the crib thing in a little bit.  We havent decided exactly what we'll do for a nursery yet. In terms of a babysitter/daycare, I think we are leaning towards a nanny but still have a lot of research to do. Will only be taking off 3 months. Trust me, it will be a rigorous interview process whatever we do! Oh and I started feeling flutters at like 15 weeks but I have a posterior placenta. Most first timers have to wait for 20 weeks...

    MrsJax - omg that teddy bear is soooo cute! I might have to get it as well though I fear it will go neglected once my own little cub is born! Your weekend sounds delicious and productive, I think the most important thing is to stay active so great job!

    Kelley - so your family is vegetarian and sugar free? How did you do that? Glad your little one had some fun.  Wonderful job on getting active again, will be a great goal to bring into the 3rd trimester

    AFM - still fighting hard to stay active. My belly is definitely growing and I feel like I swallowed a soccer ball, I also feel like I'm struggling a bit more during my workouts. I guess it's the transition into 3rd trimester? I keep pushing while at the same time trying to listen to my body - im afraid if i stop or slow down too much I'll get weak, which seems worse than getting fat! My weight seems to be ok, I am definitely snacking more but have less capacity to eat large meals so I guess it balances out. I finally started a registry at my mom's urging as well. So getting there. I guess the baby is moving as much as he's supposed to but some days are more active than others, so still getting nervous on the less active days.

    Goals this week
    Maintain again
    3 veggie 2 fruit servings daily again
    3 strength at least + at least 2 cardio
    Daily studying
    Keep up on my daly activity - I find I tend to laze around more

    25 weeks 3 days, +18ish
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Morning all

    Just a quickie as at work!

    Melissa - I love your t-shirt/profile pic you look great. Thanks for well wishes. Scan not til 4pm - will post agin tonight or tomorrow morning. Im quite nervous about the scan, I know nothing I can do but cant help but worry.

    Brandy - Im 20 weeks and unsure if I can feel baby or not? Sometimes feels like my belly is going to rumble (as if hungry but Im not), so presume its baby wriggling about. I presume it will happen more in next few weeks.

    Im 1 stone heavier now (14lb) , Im struggling to exercise this week as I have a bit of a chesty cough and dont want to over do it. So just sticking to dog walking.

    Catch you later x
  • speedyme
    speedyme Posts: 86 Member
    Hello everyone! There are so many conversations going on and not familiar with everyone so though i would just sum it up.

    Sleep - I haven't been sleeping the best lately but last night i had the best sleep i've had since getting pregnant! The secret is...my husband took an overnight shift! He's the one that tosses and turns all night and while i can sleep through his snoring, i can't sleep through his moving and gettting out of bed 3-4 times a night.

    Leg Cramps - i just started getting these in my calves, mostly due to lack of excersize and the weight gain. You can stretch them out by putting your toes up on the wall with your heal on the ground as close to the wall as possible and then lean into the wall. I really have to get the walking in but the weather here has been so random and i hate feeling cold. This will be my goal this coming week as i think there is finally a break.

    Finding out gender - It seems everyone is finding out the sex of their LO. My husband and I have choosen not too but when I read everyone anouncing what they are having, i feel left out. At the same time though I want to feel the excitement of finding out at the birth. I have 3 already, 2 girls and 1 boy so i doesn't matter to me what we have. This will be my husbands first though. We have our anatomy scan in 2 1/2 weeks and just hoping that they don't accidentally show us.

    Movement - This one i haven't felt yet that i know of. It's been over 14 years since i had a baby and maybe it will take longer just because of that. A couple times I thought that i felt something but it's so random (once every couple days or less) that i summed it up to gas. I am 17 weeks today and don't think i have felt anything. Every morning and evening i will lay there and just concentrate on some kind of movement but nothing. I've had an ultrasound and baby was moving so much and last week heard the heartbeat so not thinking anything is wrong, just want to feel something consistant so i feel pregnant instead of just fat! lol

    Well other that what was mentioned above, i'm feeling pretty great! Still tired though so if i don't get a walk in on my lunch break, it doesn't seem to happen. The days are longer here now, sunlight till after 8pm now and will continue to be later as summer arrives so will definately work on getting out for walks in the evenings to enjoy the nice weather to come (One of the great things about living in Alberta Canada, day light till as late as 10-11pm in the summer). There is nothing like going for a nice brisk walk, with your head phones in and just looking at the neighborhood as it starts to green up and flower.

    I hope everyone has a great week!
  • JLatham325
    JLatham325 Posts: 105 Member
    Hey ladies!

    I went for my 16 week appointment today. The baby’s heartbeat was strong and healthy :) The doctor mentioned that I’ve gained 11 pounds so far, and that I should try to slow down my weight gain… which of course I expected because I know my eating has been out of control lately, but it still made me feel bad lol Anyways, we find out our gender in two weeks, and I’m so anxious!

    Hope everyone is doing great!
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member
    I'm finally back! Olivia (DD) and I had a great vacation with my brother and his family, and she was so amazing during the long drive there and back. We got back on Thursday and it seems one mess after another has happened since then. About 2 am Friday morning (so less than 8 hours after we got home) I woke up feeling sick and spent the next 3 hours hugging the toilet. Right when I was about to fall asleep I hear DD start throwing up! I was exhausted but my hubby had planned on taking Friday off from work so I was expecting him to be able to help out. Well shortly after we all got settled back into bed, DD asleep, the hubby gets called into work! And while he was on the phone he woke DD up! UGH! So Friday was a sleep deprived blur. Saturday we went to some yardsales and 2 different people at different places asked if we were expecting. I guess that means I'm really showing now. DD had bouts of throwing up in the night all weekend. Then on Sunday it was a nice day so we were playing in the backyard. We have a little play house with a ladder and a slide and DD decided she was big enough to go up and down it now. She had no trouble going up the ladder but she didn't sit down to go down the slide so instead she kind of cartwheeled, and landed on her face, with a mouthful of dirt. Poor baby! Her whole nose and face are all scratched up now. Then yesterday after I made us breakfast I went to the sink to get the dishes soaking and- no hot water! So I messed with the hot water heater unsuccessfully for about 30 mins before giving up. Luckily we have enough dishes I could just let them pile up. Then in the afternoon one of my dogs got out of the yard because it was SOOO windy one of the boards in our fence blew down. So DD and I had to search the neighborhood for her with no luck. But thank goodness she found her way home about an hour later. When my hubby got home from work he had to mess with the hot water heater for over an hour before he finally got the pilot light to stay lit. Mess after mess after MESS!!!!!! Luckily today has been pretty smooth so far *knock on wood*

    I can really feel this little girl move now, and I love it! I think this is my favorite part of being pregnant. The hubby even felt her move, he couldn't feel DD until I was much further along. We still haven't decided on a name. Quinn has officially been vetoed by every male in our family. But we found some "q" alternatives we're liking- Qiana, Querida, and Quella are the top ones. Tomorrow I'll be 23 wks and so I'll weigh myself and I'm dreading it. I'm sure I gained 5 lbs while I was gone. I've been trying to read up on everyone but I missed out on a LOT. So I'll try to get back on track! Hope you're all doing great!

  • sas6575
    sas6575 Posts: 70
    Good morning ladies!
    Our scan went well yesterday...in the end! Little Ava Jane wouldn't move again for the measurements so I was asked to go for a walk and have some chocolate (ok ok twist my arm!) well she loved that and turned around perfectly. All measurements now recorded and everything is great. It's hard to comprehend that's the last time we'll see her until she's born! Hubby has posted her ultrasound pics on facebook, bless!
    Last day at work for us and last day at school for my daughter then we're off to America yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! (Can you tell I'm kinda excited???!!!!!!!!) I've been packing all week, I love it! I was awake at 2am this morning thinking of things I've got left to do & pack but as soon as I got up and had a cup of tea all my worries faded away....needless to say I think I'll be having an early night tonight!
    I'm going to be without internet for 2 weeks so please all stay safe and well and I'll do my best to catch up when we're home.
    Helen - I hope your scan went great - can't wait to hear all about it today xxx
  • eejieweejie
    eejieweejie Posts: 49 Member
    Hello all! Wow, so many to catch up with, I shall do my best!

    Bru - Well done on the 5k! As for registering, this is baby boy number 2 for me, so I already have almost all that I need aside from new clothes for the peanut, and I never registered with my first one anyway!

    Brandy – I was sleeping pretty badly last week, but it’s been much better this week! As far as cribs, we got a convertible one with DS, but we never converted it and just got him a toddler bed instead when he figured out how to climb out of the crib! We’ll be reusing the crib for this little one though. As far as movement, I felt my first one move the day before my anatomy ultrasound, which was around 20 weeks and a few days! With this one I felt him move around 17 weeks, but it’s usual to feel them earlier after you’ve already had one :)

    Jayln - Happy to hear all is ok with baby, and that he just needed a little jolt of caffeine to wake up and get moving around! Lol, I'm glad you're ok after sinking in the mud!

    Moya - Sounds like you have a wonderful time on your vacation! Let us know when you know for sure if it's a boy or not!

    Sas - I hope you and hubby have a wonderful visit with hubby's family! Since I've lived over here I've lived in the south, really need to venture out and see the rest of the States one day! Glad to hear your scan went well! Have a fabulous trip, and stay safe.

    Ice - No leg pain here! The gadget at your doc's office sounds pretty cool! I think I'd rather see baby too.

    Melissa – I’ve been sleeping better this week, thanks! I’m a stomach sleeper, and I really miss it, but finally getting used to sleeping on my side! Oooh, Vegas sounds fun! I can’t eat too much at one sitting either, and eat small meals/snacks every few hours, although I did eat far too much for dinner last night! My little one is the same with his activity, although the past few days he has been getting more and more active during the day, whereas before he would wake up and have a dance party as soon as I laid down for bed!

    Jcguiterez - Congrats on the baby girl!

    Amber – I hope that you have a great trip! You made me lol with your leash comment!! We had a dog one that someone gave us for DS, and I have nothing against them, but we actually never used it! We call them reins in England, and I remember wearing them as a kid!

    Jane – Congrats on entering your 3rd trimester, see you in a few weeks!

    Misslouisiana – I set my goals to gain 1/2lb and it set me at 2000 calories. I sometimes hit it, but would say that I usually average 1800 - 1900.

    Yaya – sorry to hear about the leg pain, I hope that it has subsided some. As far as stretch marks, I had some before I even got preggo with my first son, lol! If you’re going to get them, you’re going to get them unfortunately! I will say that my sister gave me a bottle of Bio Oil after I had DS, and it did help them fade some.

    Helen – How did your scan go?!

    Sarah – My son turns 4 next week and I still have the baby monitor in his room so I can hear him for my reassurance! I think I’ll just go ahead and leave it in there until he moves out! Lol!

    Mrs. Jax – That bear looks adorable!!! You can get a real bear hug now! lol! Mmmm, Indian food! I could eat a Tikka Masala!

    Kelley – Happy to hear you have been feeling great! I hope your MIL didn’t feed your little one too much junk! How’s the nursery coming along?

    Destiny – I’m glad to hear that you and DD had a great trip! So sorry to hear things haven’t been too great since you got back! I hope that Olivia is feeling better, poor baby!

    AFM – Not too much to tell over here! Baby is getting more and more active every day, which I love, but sometimes makes me feel a little nauseous?! I don’t remember ever feeling like this with DS, so it’s odd! I have also started to get a little more active! I’ve been taking it slowly since I was diagnosed with a low lying placenta, but I figured that doc didn’t put me on any restrictions, and I haven’t had any bleeding or anything, so I jumped on the elliptical on Monday. I only did 15 mins to start with, and yesterday I did 20, and will keep increasing it. I have been doing it with very low intensity though, as I don’t have a HRM, and it’s been so long since I’ve done any exercise that I’ve really got my heart rate up, that I’m a little nervous! Still need a new battery for my scale, but it does have a little life left in it so I weighed myself this morning, but I’m not sure how accurate it is! Up a total of 7lbs if it’s right!

    Hope you’re all having a great week!
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Hi Ladies...

    Speedyme - don't worry you are not alone about not finding out the gender...this is my second and I decided not knowing would give me the push I need at the end. I have some days where I wish I know the gender because I see something on sale or I am debating about giving up my son's outgrown stuff but I will find out soon enough so I am not sweating it.

    Sugar baby - glad the 16wk check up went well and that the baby is healthy. I hear you on feeling bad about your doctor saying something about your weight gain. I am the opposite I keep waiting for them to say something, epecially when i didn't gain alot first tri and then the big jump in second but nope they were silent...tomorrow I am going to ask to see my chart so I can compare how much weight I have gained last time to this time...

    Destiny - how awesome that your little one did great on the drive out and back...you have to share your secreats. Sorry to hear about all the sickness over the weekend and then the water heater and the dog...wow...been a crazy few days. Hopefully things have slowed down.

    Melissa - I am vegetarian when I am not pregnant but my husband is not...for some reason I crave meat when I am pregnant. So when we had the little one I decided he would be veggie as well. As for sugar free, we are not in anyway sugar free but my son is unless it's natural like fruit or if I make something I try to use agave or honey sometimes brown sugar. I make/bake alot of his treats myself. I tried to be vegan but that was touch and go but I do try to eat things as natural as possible and shop for natural and organic produce and food. Either way my son doens't get refined sugar because he has enough energy to burn without giving him sugar...so far it has worked out and when I am not pregnant not having tons of sugar items around helps keep my weight in check. It can be tough on the nights you crave something though.

    SAS - have fun on your trip to see the family and enjoy your first baby shower.

    Eejieweejie - the nursury is coming along...hubby plans on painting the last wall tonight...he was hoping to get it done on Sunday but it didn't happen...so hopefully tonight he will do it..if he does then there is just a half wall to paint and touch up another wall and he will be done and that means this weekend I can start arranging things...here's hoping. He really is moving slow but he's been crazy busy at work so I am trying not to be too hard on him. Glad to hear you are getting some activity back in your schedule.
    Are you having a birthday party for your son's 4th bday?

    AFM - not much going on...just busy with walk and toddler. I got another walk in last night...really trying to get in something daily. Just wish my son would cooperate so that I could get in more miles...at the moment 1 mile in the stroller seems to be his limit but either way I am just happy to get him out of the house and active in the evenings makes for a better bedtime routine. Although lately he has been getting up around midnight ( which is when hubby and I are headed to bed ) which means he ends up in our bed because we want to sleep. 28wk appt tomorrow, and then I think I will run some errands before coming to work...really want to get in as much done in my 3 days so I don't work this weekend like I did last. this weekend I really want to do some gardening and some spring cleaning...nesting is starting to kick in and I have the urge to purge and organize...lol.

    Hope everyone is having a great day.

  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Hi all, scan went well thanks. She managed to get all the measurements we needed and everything looked good. The pics arent very clear as baby moved around a lot! (im not really bothered as long as all ok.). We didnt find out the sex - thought I might have been tempted but I wasnt at all.

    I have bought a few bits and bobs today and think I willk continue over the weeks.

    Off to pregancy exercise/breathing class soon, just making supper before I go as will be nearly 9pm when I get back.

    Im full of cold which is annoying - blocked nose, cough, sore throat. Unsure if I can take cough medicine so will pop in chemist torrow and ask.

    Sas - glad all went well and enjoy your holiday.

    Best get on. xxx
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Glad everything went well Helen! Hoping for the same for my appt tomorrow morning.

    Popcorn anyone?! Pretty sure I just felt Miranda move! Almost like a popcorn popping type of feeling. I felt it last week once or twice, figured it could have easily have been gas but I'm almost positive this was totally her.
  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member
    Kelley- I just realized I never said THANK YOU for making a "must have" list for me. I appreciate it a lot!

    brunettewife- YAY on feeling baby move. It's so exciting and it makes it all more real.

    Helen - I'm sorry you're feeling ill. Get well soon! I'm excited to hear about your scan.

    sas- have a safe and fun trip!

    AFM: I guess I'm in my 3rd trimester now-? I thought that the 3rd started at 28 weeks but yesterday my doctor said I was in the 3rd. Huh. I had a LOT of questions for him yesterday at my appointment and he told me to scale my crossfit weight back, which is understandable. Mentally, I think I'm just as able or just as strong as I was before and that I have no limitations, but last week I did some kettlebell swings with a 35 lb weight and the next day my stomach hurt really bad. It's better now, but it scared me. I also talked to him a little about my birthing plan and it made me realize how fast this is all going. Before long, I'm going to have a baby in my arms and it scares me, quite frankly. I'm missing DH while he's away, but I've kept myself busy. I got a second job working for Rodan and Fields company, which has be so wonderful. I'm so glad to have been able to join their team. I love helping people and feeling like I'm helping them to change their lives. My sister, for example, has suffered from exema for years. She has it everywhere -even on her eye lids. I feel so bad for her! But I was able to get her some cream for it and she feels so much better. She said she feels pretty for the first time in as long as seh can remember. It made me cry. A teacher I work with has psoriosis and she's just started treatment as well. I can't wait to see how she does. Anyway, I'm feeling good and happy. I appreciate you ladies!

  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Had my doc appt today. My blood work came back normal, no issues with Downs or anything else, she is growing perfectly normal which was a HUGE sigh of relief!! However, I'm having a stitch put in this coming Tuesday since my cervix has gotten smaller since my last appt 2 weeks ago. At the rate it's going, I could go into pre-term within the next 6-8weeks. So, I have my surgery scheduled in hopes that it does it's job and keeps things from progressing too soon. A friend of mine just lost his baby boy last week when his wife went into labor at 22wks. That scares that hell out of me. I can't process going into labor in 2 weeks. The surgery scares me too, though. I haven't had surgery since I was 7 (almost 20yrs ago) and it was the same hospital, which I have horrible memories of, but the doc is scheduled to be there that morning and on call th rest of the day, so I'll just deal with it. It's been almost 20 yrs, I'm hoping the hospital has changed for the better in that time, ya know? I'm officially on a 20lb weight life restriction and can only climb 4ft ladders at work, I made sure to have it in writing since my store manager can be an *kitten*. But anyway, Miranda is healthy and that's all that matters.
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    Had my 18 weeks ultrasound today! The ultrasound tech said that baby looks great, and the due date stayed exactly the same =) Also, IT'S A BOY!! Our soon to be 2yr old will be getting a little brother. It's going to be adorable watching them play together some day. Guess our family's not complete yet, need that little girl at some point =)
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    Had my 18 weeks ultrasound today! The ultrasound tech said that baby looks great, and the due date stayed exactly the same =) Also, IT'S A BOY!! Our soon to be 2yr old will be getting a little brother. It's going to be adorable watching them play together some day. Guess our family's not complete yet, need that little girl at some point =)

    Dr called me & said she looked at the ultrasound & said that I have to come back for another one at 28 weeks. My plasenta is by the cervix opening & they need to know if it's going to be a problem for delivering baby. I guess when your belly gets bigger it sometimes moves up, but if it doesn't then it means I'll need a c-section. =/
  • yahyamommy
    yahyamommy Posts: 69 Member
    Had my 18 weeks ultrasound today! The ultrasound tech said that baby looks great, and the due date stayed exactly the same =) Also, IT'S A BOY!! Our soon to be 2yr old will be getting a little brother. It's going to be adorable watching them play together some day. Guess our family's not complete yet, need that little girl at some point =)

    Dr called me & said she looked at the ultrasound & said that I have to come back for another one at 28 weeks. My plasenta is by the cervix opening & they need to know if it's going to be a problem for delivering baby. I guess when your belly gets bigger it sometimes moves up, but if it doesn't then it means I'll need a c-section. =/

    Congrats on baby boy. Yes it will be fun watching 2 brothers playing. I remember Charlee bit me video on YouTube. Lolz

    I have the same problem found out between 21-22 weeks. It was not covering the cervix but it was quite low by then. I don't know when they will ask to redo the u/s

    I hope by Ur next scan u find it at normal place. God bless
  • yahyamommy
    yahyamommy Posts: 69 Member
    Kelley- I just realized I never said THANK YOU for making a "must have" list for me. I appreciate it a lot!

    brunettewife- YAY on feeling baby move. It's so exciting and it makes it all more real.

    Helen - I'm sorry you're feeling ill. Get well soon! I'm excited to hear about your scan.

    sas- have a safe and fun trip!

    AFM: I guess I'm in my 3rd trimester now-? I thought that the 3rd started at 28 weeks but yesterday my doctor said I was in the 3rd. Huh. I had a LOT of questions for him yesterday at my appointment and he told me to scale my crossfit weight back, which is understandable. Mentally, I think I'm just as able or just as strong as I was before and that I have no limitations, but last week I did some kettlebell swings with a 35 lb weight and the next day my stomach hurt really bad. It's better now, but it scared me. I also talked to him a little about my birthing plan and it made me realize how fast this is all going. Before long, I'm going to have a baby in my arms and it scares me, quite frankly. I'm missing DH while he's away, but I've kept myself busy. I got a second job working for Rodan and Fields company, which has be so wonderful. I'm so glad to have been able to join their team. I love helping people and feeling like I'm helping them to change their lives. My sister, for example, has suffered from exema for years. She has it everywhere -even on her eye lids. I feel so bad for her! But I was able to get her some cream for it and she feels so much better. She said she feels pretty for the first time in as long as seh can remember. It made me cry. A teacher I work with has psoriosis and she's just started treatment as well. I can't wait to see how she does. Anyway, I'm feeling good and happy. I appreciate you ladies!


    Nice to hear that everything going well and u have landed third trimester.

    I thought 3rd trimester starts after 27week. What does Ur dr say?
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Hi guys

    Im still full of cold! I fell asleep last night at 6pm and woke up at 8pm and went straight to bed to be woken by my alarm at 7am! I must have needed it (13 hours sleep!)- and it proves my body is tricking me into needed a wee x 2 per night! lol. I slept through my boyfriend coming home from work and going again this morning!)

    Im hoping to go and get some food shopping tonight and tidy the house as I didnt do anything yesterday (and I wont have a car tomorrow).

    Think I can feel the baby move now, little taps in my lower tummy. Presume I will feel it more over the next week.

    I havent really exercised this week or recorded my food. Hopefully I will feel better by Monday and start again.

    My Granda is 90 years old on Sunday so we are all going out for supper - he says he is living to watch the olympics and see the baby! Bless him! (mind the olympics are priority !lol) He already has 3 great grand-daughters.

    Going to get a slice of toast and get myself motivated to go shopping!

    Have a nice weekend girls

    Helen 20+3
  • yahyamommy
    yahyamommy Posts: 69 Member
    Hi guys

    Im still full of cold! I fell asleep last night at 6pm and woke up at 8pm and went straight to bed to be woken by my alarm at 7am! I must have needed it (13 hours sleep!)- and it proves my body is tricking me into needed a wee x 2 per night! lol. I slept through my boyfriend coming home from work and going again this morning!)

    Im hoping to go and get some food shopping tonight and tidy the house as I didnt do anything yesterday (and I wont have a car tomorrow).

    Think I can feel the baby move now, little taps in my lower tummy. Presume I will feel it more over the next week.

    I havent really exercised this week or recorded my food. Hopefully I will feel better by Monday and start again.

    My Granda is 90 years old on Sunday so we are all going out for supper - he says he is living to watch the olympics and see the baby! Bless him! (mind the olympics are priority !lol) He already has 3 great grand-daughters.

    Going to get a slice of toast and get myself motivated to go shopping!

    Have a nice weekend girls

    Helen 20+3

    U r not only going to feel it u gonna see Ur growing belly moving and shaking too. Happening to me at 25weeks :)