2nd Trimester



  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Brandy - Definitely let us know what you do...as for sleep...I sleep ok...I can usually get 6-7 hours in - I surround by self with pillows and start off sleeping upright a little...I eventually end up on my back or left side but so far that and making sure to get some exercise has helped with my sleep. I had a preggie pillow the first time around and loved it...although it was like having another person in our queen sized bed.

    Bru - no registery for me...I still have lot of items form my first so not going to register...also don't really want a baby shower..I am thinking to have a baby meet and greet after the baby is born and is about 6 weeks...that way I can rest and I can see for sure what I really need. first time around I went to Babies R us and was totally overwhelmed...so i know the feeling...I have been to Burlington and they have a great selection and good prices so does buy buy baby. I would also suggest a children's consignment store because they grow so fat would hate to spend tons on things they never used. I have like 4 pairs of shoes my son never wore because the time he started walking his feet were too big...

    Jalyner - Glad you started feeling your little one again. It's never wrecking when they stop moving for long periods of time. I kind of wish the doctor had called you back just to check in on you...but at least the soda and lying on your back did the trick. Funny story about your leg getting stuck..be careful out there with all the tornados it has been really crazy lately. I so want o start a garden this year...I hope I can do it...I saw some seedlings today I am going to try and buy to get started.
    A list from 2nd or 3rd time moms is a good idea...there was one circulating somewhere...but here are just a few things I loved.

    Baby blanket - we used these for all kind of things but especially when other people were putting my son on there person because he has sensitive skin - I would say have at least 4. Get the larger ones if you can and register for the Anais and Aden ( i know that's not the spelling but you can google it) they are nice and soft...I didn't have those for my first but got one for the second...you can find them at target...in the end any blanket will do.
    Onsies - I personally love the kimino type ones that you don't have to put over the baby's head. I was so afraird of putting things over my son's head in the beginning so I loved the ones that side snapped and the ones that had the sleeves that folded over to be mitten to cover his hands...this and sleepers are what my son lived in for 2 months so I had like 10 -15 mix of onsies and sleepers.
    Mitts - I would say have mitts though it isn't a must but they do scratch themselves so having the mits was nice when I could find a pair.
    Socks- i like keeping my son in socks for the body heat regulation...I know a dad whose son never wore sock all winter...just a preference I guess.

    As for big ticket items...I had a bouncer with my son...he loved it...for the baby I am getting swing I think th swing will be better for me this time around because of the toddler...but the bouncy seat worked just fine.
    Pack and play and a crib - I co-slept with my son so I got a pack and play with the bassinet attachment and he slept in that for 3 months and then when he got too big for that I took out the bassinet attachment and let him sleep in the pack and play bassinet for another 3 months then transitioned him to a crib...so I would say both because it was nice having him in the pack and play later when I needed to make breakfast or get dressed for work.
    Breast pump - couldn't live with out this since I went back to work after 3 months.
    Avent baby bottles - were my favorite and my son loved them and the Dr. Browns but bottles are something you really need to try out with your child. this time around I have the Avent bottles but also got some glass bottles that are tommie tippee...since I want to try and use glass bottles.
    Bobby pillow - or some form of pillow to prop up the baby when you breast feed and just when he wants to look around.
    I would also suggest an activity mat of sorts for tummy time which understandably most babies hate.
    Wipes and diapers of course - I cloth diapers so I am just reusing what I have
    Pacifier if your baby will take one - mine never did
    Nursing tanks /bra- I lived in those at the hospital and my first 6 months
    If you like music then a cd with soothing music doesn't have to be classical or anything but something the baby will find soothing
    A baby carrier - I used an ergo and a 7 sling ( which I did not like) between that and the bouncer my baby was good.
    Things I didn't use - wipes warmer ( thought I am sure my son would prefer warm wipes), bottle warmer ( mainly because of the hassle was easier to stick the bottle in a glass of warm/hot water), a bear or cuddle toy my son wanted nothing to do with any kind of stuffed animal or binky,

    I am sure there are other things...please feel free to add you other mommas as my list is not complete...if anything else comes to mind I will add it later.

    Moya - Glad you are back safe and sound...congrats on the possible boy...I know your hubby is super excited.

    Ok...ladies sorry for the long post...am off to bed.

  • sas6575
    sas6575 Posts: 70
    Hi Emily,
    Yes hubby is from Haverhill, just north of Boston, MA so we're heading there for 10 days :) this time next week we'll be at the airport! SOOOOO excited (and a little anxious as we don't really 'do' baby showers and the likes over here! All of hubby's family have it organised though and I'm going to be thoroughly spoilt so I'm really looking forward to that and they absolutely adore my daughter who turns 13 next month so she'll be made a fuss of too!
    Have a great Friday xxx
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    Brandy- I'm 17 weeks & I've just started to be uncomfortable at night. I just started using my body pillow last night and it helps. I think my biggest problem is that I can't decide which side I want to and then near end up comfortable.

    Bru- I never sleep on my back either, but I keep waking up on mine too. I wonder if that's what I should try before going to bed =P Might cut my time in half trying to get comfortable lol Also, I most likely wont have a baby shower. My family thinks people should only have a baby shower for the 1st baby, and this will be my 2nd. I might get surprised with one if it's a girl, but other than that nada. Something we learned don't scan clothes because you'll already get too many =P Also, for shoes my son just wore cute little booties until he could walk. We registered at Target because it was affordable for people who were invited to the shower. Also, Target gave us a test list to go off of for baby registration items. The best thing we did was go down every isle and scan what we needed other wise we would have missed so much. Can't ever have too many onesies or spit rags.

    Moyafigura- Glad you had a nice vacation! Congrats on the boy too. I'm glad that you're needed a 2nd ultrasound so that baby can be confirmed, I'd hate to sell all the girl stuff to find out the tech was wrong.

    Question: Has anyone started to get uncomfortable leg pain when sitting? Not sure how to explain. I sit on my side when i sit on the couch and I have to constantly rotate about every 30 minutes because I get leg pain. If you get this, what do you do to prevent/sooth your leg after?
    Also, the hospital I go to has a new gadget as of last week. It looks like an Ipod with a screen & they do an ultrasound with it every time you come in for a check up. Does anyone else's doctor have that yet? Do you prefer that or hearing the baby's heart beat? It's a shame the gadget doesn't have sound, I was looking forward to hearing the little swishing sound, but I think I'd rather see baby, than hear the heartbeat.
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    I keep reading all problems re sleeping. So far so good for me, I go to bed about 9.30/10pm and have to drag myself up with my alarm at 6.45am! (I sometime wake up once for a wee). I have bought I pillow ready to help if required (im sure it will be in a month or 2).

    Have a great weekend girls x
  • jcgutierrez
    jcgutierrez Posts: 53 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies, and Happy bumps! I went to my ultrasound yesterday and we confirmed, it is a GIRL! I am thrilled :)

    Have a wonderful weekend and I hope all of everyones pains go away! Remember they are for a good cause and you will feel them less!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Sas- your trip sounds like it will be loads of fun, make sure you update us on the US before you go!

    Kelley - glad your baby moon was a success and it sounds like hubby really stepped up to the plate! I'm with you on trying to maintain up until 3 rd trimester! Thanks for the list. What's "tummy time"?

    Brandy - congrats on sticking to your goals! 3lbs is great! Unfortunately I'm not too creative, but I love how you are going to wait to find out until your hubby can know too. Maybe you can entrust the envelope to a close family member or friend and let them come up with their own way to let the two of you know. With regard to sleeping, I have a tempurpedic and make DH cuddle me so I sleep pretty well with only occasional hip discomforts

    Helenmelon - your life sounds so idyllic to a city slicker like me - horses and long country drives, beautiful! Enjoy!

    Emily - thanks, my exam is 4/29. Sorry to hear you've have trouble sleeping. I have resorted to only having sips of water in the hours before bedtime. Try to pay attention to other reasons you can't sleep (discomforts, worries, etc) so you can target them. I hate allergies but Flonase is a wonder drug...

    Brunettewife - I missed that part about measuring small, will put some prayers up for your ultrasound ruling out trisomy! I hope you get the bonus as well. You'd think the in-laws would clean the system at least before giving it to you. I think I mentioned I'm having a late shower like you. Thanks for the BCF tip, will check it out!

    Jalyn - you make a good point about earlier showers but I think I'll just make do by getting any critical stuff myself and having it for funs nice any other time would be harder.  Sorry to hear about the weather and your garden fiasco, lol! I'm glad baby is moving again, these things seem to come and go, hopefully 3rd trimester it will be more consistent and less worrisome

    Moyafigura - glad you had a great trip! Congrats on the baby boy!

    Myiceisonfire - I think the leg pain is from compressing branches of the sciatic nerve, at least mine is. If I stay too long my leg falls asleep. Maybe front he extra weight? Only thing that helps is walking around...

    Jcgutierrez - congrats on your little girl and have a great weekend too

    AFM - my colonic went well and I promise I'll stop talking about constipation for a while, sorry for the tmis! I am enjoying the continued baby movement andy so is DH, doing pretty well on staying active and getting in my fruits and veggies. I'm losing my motivation to count calories though. When I lost a lot of body fat I wasn't counting, just eating healthier, and I might just retreat to that and see what happens. I'm still waiting for us to sort out if/when/where we are doing a babymoon, at the very least I'm going to be doing a stent in las Vegas to take a review course for my test, might just bring DH and extend it. On Monday I'm going to call the lady that offered to do a 3D ultrasound on me and try to get it done, which is an exciting thought! Well I'm off to work a nightshift on this Friday night, hope you ladies have great weekends (and stay away from ER docs like me)

    25 weeks! (yay!) (18+)
  • amberwebb79
    amberwebb79 Posts: 113 Member
    How is everyone this morning?

    @Melissa-I hear you on the constipation. The doctor has had me on some sort of medicine I forget the name for. It seems to help only about 50% of the time.

    @jcgutierrez-Congrats on the girl. I have a feeling mine is a boy this time around, but who knows.

    @myiceisonfire-I have bad leg pain when I try to sit too. I was diagnosed with Meralgia Paresthetica (sp?) a few years ago before my first pregnancy. It's usually just the one leg, but when I'm pregnant it happens to both. I have a cane I use from time to time when I have a bad episode. Although I'm lucky to say that hasn't happened in a while. I think for most pregnant women though, it's not nerve pain like that. My doc tells me to get up and move at least every 90 minutes during the day. I have a 15 month old, so it's usually about every 3 seconds when she's not napping. Movement just seems to be the best treatment, but you may want to see what your doctor recommends.

    I'm heading for a trip out of town, so not really looking forward to that. 3 hours in the car with a 15 month old and pregnancy nausea.

    Did I mention that the doctor called to reschedule my ultrasound for Friday the 13th. Should I be worried there might be twins, or a monster in there? I've been feeling an incredible amount of movement starting about 10 days ago. I don't remember feeling it this early with the last one. I can even feel it on the OUTSIDE when I put my hand down there. This one's been so different than the last, it's like I have no idea how to be pregnant, I'm starting from scratch again. LOL.

    I have a lot of nice stuff family got me with my daughter that's hardly used. She hated the swing and the bouncy chair and the stroller, so maybe this baby will get some use out of them. If I went out shopping, I had to carry her in a baby backpack/sling type thing. Now I let her run around on this leash that's a sheep backpack.

    Yep. I'm one of THOSE mom's who puts their kid on a leash.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I've been having a rough time sleeping pretty much ince Monday. Mostly pee breaks throughout the night, but I keep waking myself up lying on my back.

    Just finished my 1st 5k of the year and 1st 'pregnancy' 5k.. my unoffical time was 41:41. Which isn't horrible like I thought it could be, slower than I wanted, but I'm pregnant and I didn't finish in dead last so I'll totally take it! Can't wait til I can start working on speeds again in the fall or spring next year after I have Miranda. :) I'm determined to get under 35min next. Then 30min and eventually, I want to be at a 25min 5k or less. :)
  • 9Honey16
    9Honey16 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi Ladies!
    Hope everyone's having a nice Saturday! I've been horrible about posting on here but I have been following along- birthdays, anniversaries, gender reveals, babymoons and 5k's-oh my you gals have been busy! Love reading about how committed everyone continues to be with healthy eating and exercise :) For me all social media tends to go out the window when things get a lil' stressful. Luckily not baby related but my pup has IVDD and slipped a disc in her back again, this time was the worst and she lost movement in one of her back legs. Pregnant me of course was an emotional mess (since she is my baby lol) and it took a lot of extra care to nurse her back to health. Thankfully she's doing great now with just a slight limp, but high spirits!
    Baby-wise I think last time I posted I mentioned having to do my anatomy scan 3 times, the third time with a specialist. Dr. said she just wasn't getting clear enough pics, but 3rd time was a charm and everything looks great! Had my 1hr glucose which wasn't bad at all...except that I didn't pass, booo. So I did the 3hr glucose which kind of sucked for someone who faints at needles lol But Hallelujah I passed that one with flying colors!(and managed not to pass out) It felt like a nice hurdle to get over, and now doc appt Monday for 28 wks!!!!
    Picked up two DVDs, Erin O'brien Fitness Fix and Tracey Mallet 3in1 Pregnancy System which I've been alternating m-f and then penatal yoga class on Saturdays has been so much fun! I've tried hard to stay on track with dr's eating plan but I admit sweet tooth sometimes gets the best of me! I keep telling Hubby that once this baby pops out I'm gonna need a huge piece of Chocolate cake stat!
    Well tomorrow is the 28wk mark for me so I'm hopping over to the 3rd Tri board. Keep up the great work ladies and I'll see you over there soon!
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    "Pregnant and I Know It" MUSIC VIDEO (Parody of "Sexy and I Know It")

    Every pregnant woman should watch this hilarious video =D... just go to youtube.com and that put in the search bar. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did lol
  • misslouisiana
    misslouisiana Posts: 37 Member
    I would like to know how many calories a day you all are eating? It is confusing to me. I want to have enough calories that will be healthy while at the same time slow my weight gain.
  • yahyamommy
    yahyamommy Posts: 69 Member
    Brandy- I'm 17 weeks & I've just started to be uncomfortable at night. I just started using my body pillow last night and it helps. I think my biggest problem is that I can't decide which side I want to and then near end up comfortable.

    Bru- I never sleep on my back either, but I keep waking up on mine too. I wonder if that's what I should try before going to bed =P Might cut my time in half trying to get comfortable lol Also, I most likely wont have a baby shower. My family thinks people should only have a baby shower for the 1st baby, and this will be my 2nd. I might get surprised with one if it's a girl, but other than that nada. Something we learned don't scan clothes because you'll already get too many =P Also, for shoes my son just wore cute little booties until he could walk. We registered at Target because it was affordable for people who were invited to the shower. Also, Target gave us a test list to go off of for baby registration items. The best thing we did was go down every isle and scan what we needed other wise we would have missed so much. Can't ever have too many onesies or spit rags.

    Moyafigura- Glad you had a nice vacation! Congrats on the boy too. I'm glad that you're needed a 2nd ultrasound so that baby can be confirmed, I'd hate to sell all the girl stuff to find out the tech was wrong.

    Question: Has anyone started to get uncomfortable leg pain when sitting? Not sure how to explain. I sit on my side when i sit on the couch and I have to constantly rotate about every 30 minutes because I get leg pain. If you get this, what do you do to prevent/sooth your leg after?
    Also, the hospital I go to has a new gadget as of last week. It looks like an Ipod with a screen & they do an ultrasound with it every time you come in for a check up. Does anyone else's doctor have that yet? Do you prefer that or hearing the baby's heart beat? It's a shame the gadget doesn't have sound, I was looking forward to hearing the little swishing sound, but I think I'd rather see baby, than hear the heartbeat.

    Im having leg pains for so many weeks but it's while lying on the bed and it's like when I lie on my back and try to get up my right leg is so stiff from the hip that I can't move first 3-4 steps are so much painful and I feel numbness of my different body parts too while lying u can't believe I can feels numbness in my right ear and scalp too. For both these problem I have found lying on side esp left side has been beneficial for me.

    While sitting try to change Ur positions and find some comfortable one. Like my growing belly aches after a while on my side and as I don't have that long preggo pillow I use 3 cushions one under the belly, one between knees and one under feet which I always kick outta bed.

    AFM: 25 weeks today.i feel my feet gonna swell vey bad as standing or sitting for just few minutes and I feel pins and needles in my feet.

    What u guys r doing for preventing stretch marks?
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member

    Have got lots of time today. Had a fab weekend was away for the day on Sat visiting family and yest I spent the day gardening and walking dogs etc. Also got a few bits of clothes - couple casual dresses and leggings, demin jacket and couple of black work tops.

    I have no leg pains at the mo but have been told to try and sleep and sit on my left hand side. I also go to an pregnancy exercise class each week which does alot of stretching and flexing to try and stop swelling and aches and pains (not sure if it works but does no harm I guess).

    I have my 20 week scan tomorrow afternoon so hopefully all will be well - Im excited but a little nervous too.

    Jane - what do you think of the Erin O'Brian dvd? I have it and Im not sure if I like it or not? Prob need to give it a few more goes.

    Misslousiana - I eat about 1800 plus exercise (but usually go over by about 200). This is set as my maintenance calories. Midwife advised me to leave it the same until 3rd tri.

    Bru - well don on the 5K - good time.

    Catch you all later.

    Helen 19+6
  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member

    What u guys r doing for preventing stretch marks?

    From everything I've read, lotions don't really help prevent stretch marks, but they can alliviate itching. Staying active is your best bet to not getting them, since moving makes your skin move and stretch on its own, and staying active will help you maintain a slow progression of weight gain. My neighbor didn't get any stretch marks and she walked almost every day up until her daughter was born. Granted, everyone is different and has skin types and all that, but staying active is your only real weapon against them (or so I've read). Good luck!
  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member
    I would like to know how many calories a day you all are eating? It is confusing to me. I want to have enough calories that will be healthy while at the same time slow my weight gain.

    I eat about 1800. It's something you'll have to figure out for yourself. I ate less and felt weak, so I upped it to 1800. I feel great now. Just something you've got to feel out for yourself because everyone is different. Sorry I can't give you a better answer! Good luck!
  • sas6575
    sas6575 Posts: 70
    Hey Helen,
    We're both having scans tomorrow afternoon - just wanted to pop on and say I hope everything goes great with yours.
    I will update on Weds morning.
    Hi to everyone else, will write more weds, promise xx
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
  • travelgirl77
    travelgirl77 Posts: 99 Member
    Hi all!

    It looks like everyone is doing pretty well, which is great!

    Brandy-We are not finding out what we are having, but the ladies have posted some great ideas! Also, if you are part of pinterest, you can search for gender reveal and there are some other good ideas.

    Emily & Brandy- I have never slept well, especially since having my firstborn! I always have one eye and ear open listening for him! The pregnancy has made it ten times worse. I probably should stop drinking water earlier in the day, but darn if I am not always thirsty! I guess it just prepares us for the long nights ahead:)

    Moya-Congrats on a boy! I sure love my little guy!

    Brunettewife-Congrats on the 5k!

    Misslouisiana- While I still track, I am much more concerned about getting enough protein in my diet. When I hit 80-100, I am good. Some days, my calories are much lower, but I refuse to force feed myself. I am very overweight though, so if I do not gain much, if anything, I think it will be okay. So far, no weight gain at almost 19 weeks, but that is not from counting calories!

    Yahyamommy- I thought with my last pregnancy I was totally in the clear from stretch marks. Then, at 37 weeks, they just appeared. I delivered at 39, so there they were for two weeks and now forever. Unfortunately, I do not know of any fool proof ways to not get them. Really try to stay hydrated and get some exercise in. Much of that is just genetics and your own skin. Like my c-section scar, they are badges of honor for carrying my son.

    AFM: Feeling really great! Getting my workouts in with toddler in tow, as my husband has been traveling. Just bought the Summer Sanders prenatal workout, which I am anxious to try. Next week is our anatomy scan, which I am excited about, even though we are not finding out the sex. I *think* I am feeling the baby, but again, with this anterior placenta, it is nothing dramatic yet! Loving this second trimester energy and the abundant sunshine here. I have been out walking, mowing the lawn, planting, and playing with my son, which is great for my soul!

    Hope everyone is well!

    18 weeks and 5 days.
  • Brandy715
    Brandy715 Posts: 74 Member
    Hi Everyone!!!

    I hope everyone had a great weekend...mine went by to fast- which is normal!

    @Brunette Wife- Thanks for the info on Burlington! I will check them out!!

    @Kelley- thanks for the info on the baby needs- I am excited to register for gifts but I have no idea where to start!!

    @Myiceisonfire- I know the feeling with the leg pain. Mine feels like “growing pains” that I had when I was little- I am constantly moving to find a comfy position. The thing your dr is using to see the baby sounds really cool!! I will look up that video on YouTube! Sounds pretty funny!!! 

    @Sarah- I did not think of Pinterest!! I bet they have all kinds of ideas!! I am excited about that idea! 

    AFM- had a fantastic weekend. The weather where we are is amazing! So hubby and I planted our herbs and pepper plants. (My dad is the one with the huge garden- so we don't do to much) Then mainly we worked in the yard- trimming bushes, raking, making the flower beds pretty again, etc! My sweet tooth has come out this weekend!!! All I want is icecream, cakes, etc! It is so hard to ignore that!!!

    Question- we have been looking at cribs- and I am sure everyone knows there are a million different types. Any suggestions on cribs?? I have heard that some of the cribs that can go to toddler beds are not as great. Also, any moms who are putting there babies in daycares?? I will be able to stay home for 5 months- but after that I will have to go back to work- Will you ladies do "interviews" with the daycares?? If so, what kind of questions should I be asking?

    Lastly- I am 17 weeks- when will I start to feel the baby?? This is my first too!

    Thanks ladies!!

    17weeks and 5days
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    How is everyone this morning?

    @Melissa-I hear you on the constipation. The doctor has had me on some sort of medicine I forget the name for. It seems to help only about 50% of the time.

    @jcgutierrez-Congrats on the girl. I have a feeling mine is a boy this time around, but who knows.

    @myiceisonfire-I have bad leg pain when I try to sit too. I was diagnosed with Meralgia Paresthetica (sp?) a few years ago before my first pregnancy. It's usually just the one leg, but when I'm pregnant it happens to both. I have a cane I use from time to time when I have a bad episode. Although I'm lucky to say that hasn't happened in a while. I think for most pregnant women though, it's not nerve pain like that. My doc tells me to get up and move at least every 90 minutes during the day. I have a 15 month old, so it's usually about every 3 seconds when she's not napping. Movement just seems to be the best treatment, but you may want to see what your doctor recommends.

    I'm heading for a trip out of town, so not really looking forward to that. 3 hours in the car with a 15 month old and pregnancy nausea.

    Did I mention that the doctor called to reschedule my ultrasound for Friday the 13th. Should I be worried there might be twins, or a monster in there? I've been feeling an incredible amount of movement starting about 10 days ago. I don't remember feeling it this early with the last one. I can even feel it on the OUTSIDE when I put my hand down there. This one's been so different than the last, it's like I have no idea how to be pregnant, I'm starting from scratch again. LOL.

    I have a lot of nice stuff family got me with my daughter that's hardly used. She hated the swing and the bouncy chair and the stroller, so maybe this baby will get some use out of them. If I went out shopping, I had to carry her in a baby backpack/sling type thing. Now I let her run around on this leash that's a sheep backpack.

    Yep. I'm one of THOSE mom's who puts their kid on a leash.

    I am would be one of those mamas too if I could find the leash I got for my son when he was a baby...sometimes it's safer to keep them closer and get stares than having them running in the street.

    Hope the trip went well and that your little one was a good little lady in the car..