2nd Trimester



  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I haven't been around for a while because we've had quite a rough month.
    We lost our little girl last week, at only 23 weeks. She had trisomy 18, a rare chromosonial condition that is fatal.
    We delivered on august 1st. Our little angel was 12 ounces, 10 inches and was perfect.

    We are coping from day to day but this is very difficult as this was our first child and she was so very needed. We are going to start trying again in a few months, but will never forget her.

    Thanks for all your support and good luck in all your pregnancies. Cherish this experience and take great care of those little ones.

    I can't imagine what you must be feeling, and I am so sorry! Thoughts and prayers headed your way!
  • snowgrrl83
    snowgrrl83 Posts: 242 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I'm officially in the second trimester according to every book and website :)
    Today is my first day being 14 weeks pregnant.
    I had my IPS ultrasound a week ago and everything looked great.

    I've been feeling particularly fat lately. I don't think strangers can tell that I'm pregnant...which REALLY sucks because it just makes me feel like an even bigger slob.

    I have my next OB appointment in 2 weeks and I'm looking forward to hearing the little heartbeat pound! :)
    Hope everyone is also doing well.
  • licha75
    licha75 Posts: 391 Member
    Had our anatomy scan today! I measured 4 days ahead of schedule, so right at 19 weeks. Have to go in for another scan next month because they couldn't get a clear picture of the heart...but, everything else looked good. Heartbeat was 129, which I am told is fine. Unfortunately, I have a fibroid that has gotten bigger (was 6 cm by 6 cm...is now 6 cm by 8 cm)...it is supposedly in an okay location, so they are just monitoring and seem not to be too worried.

    Aaaaaaaaand.....it's a boy! :-)

    I loved our anatomy scan it was so much clearer than when I had my son. I was told as long as the heartbeat is 120-160 your good. I have to go back in a few weeks too because she kept her back to us most of the time and they couldn't get a clear view of the heart either. Sometimes babies just do not want to cooperate. Hope all is well with the fibroid. Have fun with your boy my son was great and so much fun until he went to school. He is 8 now and drives me crazy at times.

    I had the baby's heartbeat done with a doppler today at my 14 weeks appointment, and he said the heartbeat is 170!! I guess it's pretty high, the doctor said it's normal, specially this early in a pregnancy. Wonder if it's a girl? Some myths say that if the heartbeat is low it's a boy and when the heartbeat is high, it's a girl! With my son, it was 140, so who knows! Now I am second guessing myself, maybe I will have a little girl. All is good, will find out in 5 weeks at my next ultrasound.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Had our anatomy scan today! I measured 4 days ahead of schedule, so right at 19 weeks. Have to go in for another scan next month because they couldn't get a clear picture of the heart...but, everything else looked good. Heartbeat was 129, which I am told is fine. Unfortunately, I have a fibroid that has gotten bigger (was 6 cm by 6 cm...is now 6 cm by 8 cm)...it is supposedly in an okay location, so they are just monitoring and seem not to be too worried.

    Aaaaaaaaand.....it's a boy! :-)

    I loved our anatomy scan it was so much clearer than when I had my son. I was told as long as the heartbeat is 120-160 your good. I have to go back in a few weeks too because she kept her back to us most of the time and they couldn't get a clear view of the heart either. Sometimes babies just do not want to cooperate. Hope all is well with the fibroid. Have fun with your boy my son was great and so much fun until he went to school. He is 8 now and drives me crazy at times.

    I had the baby's heartbeat done with a doppler today at my 14 weeks appointment, and he said the heartbeat is 170!! I guess it's pretty high, the doctor said it's normal. Wonder if it's a girl? Some myths say that if the heartbeat is low it's a boy and when the heartbeat is high, it's a girl! With my son, it was 140, so who knows! Know I am second guessing myself, maybe I will have a little girl. All is good, will find out in 5 weeks at my next ultrasound.

    I LOVE seeing the heartbeat! Congrats! 170 is very healthy for a fetus.
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I'm officially in the second trimester according to every book and website :)
    Today is my first day being 14 weeks pregnant.
    I had my IPS ultrasound a week ago and everything looked great.

    I've been feeling particularly fat lately. I don't think strangers can tell that I'm pregnant...which REALLY sucks because it just makes me feel like an even bigger slob.

    I have my next OB appointment in 2 weeks and I'm looking forward to hearing the little heartbeat pound! :)
    Hope everyone is also doing well.

    I know exactly how you are feeling. I am 17weeks and still don't have the official bump. I just look like I ate a big dinner. LOL. Not a lot of people outside the family know I am preggos. I'm pretty sure they are in the "is she or is she not" stage. haha. And when I tell people I am pregnant, they seem surprised. I even had someone ask me if the baby is growing ok cause I seem small. Kinda makes me nervous, Good news is I have an appt tomorrow! yay. Looking forward to it!!
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I haven't been around for a while because we've had quite a rough month.
    We lost our little girl last week, at only 23 weeks. She had trisomy 18, a rare chromosonial condition that is fatal.
    We delivered on august 1st. Our little angel was 12 ounces, 10 inches and was perfect.

    We are coping from day to day but this is very difficult as this was our first child and she was so very needed. We are going to start trying again in a few months, but will never forget her.

    Thanks for all your support and good luck in all your pregnancies. Cherish this experience and take great care of those little ones.

    I am soo sorry about your loss! I can't imagine going threw all that heartache. So sad. Stay strong! :((
  • snowgrrl83
    snowgrrl83 Posts: 242 Member
    Had our anatomy scan today! I measured 4 days ahead of schedule, so right at 19 weeks. Have to go in for another scan next month because they couldn't get a clear picture of the heart...but, everything else looked good. Heartbeat was 129, which I am told is fine. Unfortunately, I have a fibroid that has gotten bigger (was 6 cm by 6 cm...is now 6 cm by 8 cm)...it is supposedly in an okay location, so they are just monitoring and seem not to be too worried.

    Aaaaaaaaand.....it's a boy! :-)

    I loved our anatomy scan it was so much clearer than when I had my son. I was told as long as the heartbeat is 120-160 your good. I have to go back in a few weeks too because she kept her back to us most of the time and they couldn't get a clear view of the heart either. Sometimes babies just do not want to cooperate. Hope all is well with the fibroid. Have fun with your boy my son was great and so much fun until he went to school. He is 8 now and drives me crazy at times.

    I had the baby's heartbeat done with a doppler today at my 14 weeks appointment, and he said the heartbeat is 170!! I guess it's pretty high, the doctor said it's normal, specially this early in a pregnancy. Wonder if it's a girl? Some myths say that if the heartbeat is low it's a boy and when the heartbeat is high, it's a girl! With my son, it was 140, so who knows! Now I am second guessing myself, maybe I will have a little girl. All is good, will find out in 5 weeks at my next ultrasound.

    170 sounds good to me. My baby's heartrate at 13 weeks was 177. Will you find out whether its a boy or a girl at your next ultrasound?
  • snowgrrl83
    snowgrrl83 Posts: 242 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I'm officially in the second trimester according to every book and website :)
    Today is my first day being 14 weeks pregnant.
    I had my IPS ultrasound a week ago and everything looked great.

    I've been feeling particularly fat lately. I don't think strangers can tell that I'm pregnant...which REALLY sucks because it just makes me feel like an even bigger slob.

    I have my next OB appointment in 2 weeks and I'm looking forward to hearing the little heartbeat pound! :)
    Hope everyone is also doing well.

    I know exactly how you are feeling. I am 17weeks and still don't have the official bump. I just look like I ate a big dinner. LOL. Not a lot of people outside the family know I am preggos. I'm pretty sure they are in the "is she or is she not" stage. haha. And when I tell people I am pregnant, they seem surprised. I even had someone ask me if the baby is growing ok cause I seem small. Kinda makes me nervous, Good news is I have an appt tomorrow! yay. Looking forward to it!!

    Good luck on your appointment!! Let us know how it goes!
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Had our anatomy scan today! I measured 4 days ahead of schedule, so right at 19 weeks. Have to go in for another scan next month because they couldn't get a clear picture of the heart...but, everything else looked good. Heartbeat was 129, which I am told is fine. Unfortunately, I have a fibroid that has gotten bigger (was 6 cm by 6 cm...is now 6 cm by 8 cm)...it is supposedly in an okay location, so they are just monitoring and seem not to be too worried.

    Aaaaaaaaand.....it's a boy! :-)

    I loved our anatomy scan it was so much clearer than when I had my son. I was told as long as the heartbeat is 120-160 your good. I have to go back in a few weeks too because she kept her back to us most of the time and they couldn't get a clear view of the heart either. Sometimes babies just do not want to cooperate. Hope all is well with the fibroid. Have fun with your boy my son was great and so much fun until he went to school. He is 8 now and drives me crazy at times.

    I had the baby's heartbeat done with a doppler today at my 14 weeks appointment, and he said the heartbeat is 170!! I guess it's pretty high, the doctor said it's normal, specially this early in a pregnancy. Wonder if it's a girl? Some myths say that if the heartbeat is low it's a boy and when the heartbeat is high, it's a girl! With my son, it was 140, so who knows! Now I am second guessing myself, maybe I will have a little girl. All is good, will find out in 5 weeks at my next ultrasound.

    I don't believe in that wive's tale now! My boy's has been between 155-165 so far! It probably means it's an active baby like mine :)
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I'm officially in the second trimester according to every book and website :)
    Today is my first day being 14 weeks pregnant.
    I had my IPS ultrasound a week ago and everything looked great.

    I've been feeling particularly fat lately. I don't think strangers can tell that I'm pregnant...which REALLY sucks because it just makes me feel like an even bigger slob.

    I have my next OB appointment in 2 weeks and I'm looking forward to hearing the little heartbeat pound! :)
    Hope everyone is also doing well.

    I know exactly how you are feeling. I am 17weeks and still don't have the official bump. I just look like I ate a big dinner. LOL. Not a lot of people outside the family know I am preggos. I'm pretty sure they are in the "is she or is she not" stage. haha. And when I tell people I am pregnant, they seem surprised. I even had someone ask me if the baby is growing ok cause I seem small. Kinda makes me nervous, Good news is I have an appt tomorrow! yay. Looking forward to it!!

    Don't feel bad guys. I thought I looked pregnant around 18-20 weeks, but it wasn't until recently around 24-25 weeks that people who didn't know I was pregnant asked. Now I don't think it's a question!
  • licha75
    licha75 Posts: 391 Member
    @ snowgrr :
    Yeah! I can't wait, the countdown to finding out if it's a girl or a boy has started. Hum, I think this is going to be a very long 5 weeks!! As long as the baby's healthy, I was so happy to hear the heartbeat, at first it took the doctor some time to find it but he found it. Scared me for a few minutes but that swooshing sound came out of the doppler machine. :D
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    @ snowgrr :
    Yeah! I can't wait, the countdown to finding out if it's a girl or a boy has started. Hum, I think this is going to be a very long 5 weeks!! As long as the baby's healthy, I was so happy to hear the heartbeat, at first it took the doctor some time to find it but he found it. Scared me for a few minutes but that swooshing sound came out of the doppler machine. :D
    My last appt, we could hear the heartbeat but the baby was moving around so much that the midwife couldn't get a good listen for 10 secs to determine his/her heart rate lol. Maybe at my next appt the baby will cooperate :wink: Still undecided if we want to know the gender for this first one or be surprised...
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I haven't been around for a while because we've had quite a rough month.
    We lost our little girl last week, at only 23 weeks. She had trisomy 18, a rare chromosonial condition that is fatal.
    We delivered on august 1st. Our little angel was 12 ounces, 10 inches and was perfect.

    We are coping from day to day but this is very difficult as this was our first child and she was so very needed. We are going to start trying again in a few months, but will never forget her.

    Thanks for all your support and good luck in all your pregnancies. Cherish this experience and take great care of those little ones.

    So sorry for your loss girl, praying for you!! And good luck when you start trying again
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Had our anatomy scan today! I measured 4 days ahead of schedule, so right at 19 weeks. Have to go in for another scan next month because they couldn't get a clear picture of the heart...but, everything else looked good. Heartbeat was 129, which I am told is fine. Unfortunately, I have a fibroid that has gotten bigger (was 6 cm by 6 cm...is now 6 cm by 8 cm)...it is supposedly in an okay location, so they are just monitoring and seem not to be too worried.

    Aaaaaaaaand.....it's a boy! :-)

    Congrats!!!!! We are also having a boy and i couldnt be happier!! Have you picked a name yet?
  • shellsy0424
    shellsy0424 Posts: 127 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I haven't been around for a while because we've had quite a rough month.
    We lost our little girl last week, at only 23 weeks. She had trisomy 18, a rare chromosonial condition that is fatal.
    We delivered on august 1st. Our little angel was 12 ounces, 10 inches and was perfect.

    We are coping from day to day but this is very difficult as this was our first child and she was so very needed. We are going to start trying again in a few months, but will never forget her.

    Thanks for all your support and good luck in all your pregnancies. Cherish this experience and take great care of those little ones.

    So sorry for your loss, my prayers are with you and your family.
  • licha75
    licha75 Posts: 391 Member
    @ snowgrr :
    Yeah! I can't wait, the countdown to finding out if it's a girl or a boy has started. Hum, I think this is going to be a very long 5 weeks!! As long as the baby's healthy, I was so happy to hear the heartbeat, at first it took the doctor some time to find it but he found it. Scared me for a few minutes but that swooshing sound came out of the doppler machine. :D
    My last appt, we could hear the heartbeat but the baby was moving around so much that the midwife couldn't get a good listen for 10 secs to determine his/her heart rate lol. Maybe at my next appt the baby will cooperate :wink: Still undecided if we want to know the gender for this first one or be surprised...

    Our first one we didn't want to know if it was a boy or girl, it really didn't matter. This time, I want to get the room prepared and myself prepared because this will be our last one. Plus, a head's up for my son will help too, he really wants a boy, so if it's a girl, this will give me the chance to get him prepared for a little sister. I can't wait, 4 weeks and 6 days to go! lol :)
  • JaclynnGail
    JaclynnGail Posts: 204 Member
    We have! It's going to be Theodore Wayne, after both of our grandfathers.
    Had our anatomy scan today! I measured 4 days ahead of schedule, so right at 19 weeks. Have to go in for another scan next month because they couldn't get a clear picture of the heart...but, everything else looked good. Heartbeat was 129, which I am told is fine. Unfortunately, I have a fibroid that has gotten bigger (was 6 cm by 6 cm...is now 6 cm by 8 cm)...it is supposedly in an okay location, so they are just monitoring and seem not to be too worried.

    Aaaaaaaaand.....it's a boy! :-)

    Congrats!!!!! We are also having a boy and i couldnt be happier!! Have you picked a name yet?
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    We have! It's going to be Theodore Wayne, after both of our grandfathers.
    Had our anatomy scan today! I measured 4 days ahead of schedule, so right at 19 weeks. Have to go in for another scan next month because they couldn't get a clear picture of the heart...but, everything else looked good. Heartbeat was 129, which I am told is fine. Unfortunately, I have a fibroid that has gotten bigger (was 6 cm by 6 cm...is now 6 cm by 8 cm)...it is supposedly in an okay location, so they are just monitoring and seem not to be too worried.

    Aaaaaaaaand.....it's a boy! :-)

    Congrats!!!!! We are also having a boy and i couldnt be happier!! Have you picked a name yet?

    Love the name! I think it's great that you can honor your grandfathers that way!
  • snowgrrl83
    snowgrrl83 Posts: 242 Member
    We have! It's going to be Theodore Wayne, after both of our grandfathers.
    Had our anatomy scan today! I measured 4 days ahead of schedule, so right at 19 weeks. Have to go in for another scan next month because they couldn't get a clear picture of the heart...but, everything else looked good. Heartbeat was 129, which I am told is fine. Unfortunately, I have a fibroid that has gotten bigger (was 6 cm by 6 cm...is now 6 cm by 8 cm)...it is supposedly in an okay location, so they are just monitoring and seem not to be too worried.

    Aaaaaaaaand.....it's a boy! :-)

    Congrats!!!!! We are also having a boy and i couldnt be happier!! Have you picked a name yet?

    I really love Theodore!!! Its my dad's name...and if it wasn't his name, I would pick it too!
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    We have! It's going to be Theodore Wayne, after both of our grandfathers.
    Had our anatomy scan today! I measured 4 days ahead of schedule, so right at 19 weeks. Have to go in for another scan next month because they couldn't get a clear picture of the heart...but, everything else looked good. Heartbeat was 129, which I am told is fine. Unfortunately, I have a fibroid that has gotten bigger (was 6 cm by 6 cm...is now 6 cm by 8 cm)...it is supposedly in an okay location, so they are just monitoring and seem not to be too worried.

    Aaaaaaaaand.....it's a boy! :-)

    Congrats!!!!! We are also having a boy and i couldnt be happier!! Have you picked a name yet?

    That's great!!! Our little boys middle name will also be named after my husband's grandfather! We're thinking Jaxon Ray :)