2nd Trimester



  • mellynat
    mellynat Posts: 345 Member
    We've got a boy!!!! It has definately helped me to connect more with the baby knowing the gender! And, especially my husband. Plus, now we've been going out to look at cribs and bedding (I might try my hand at making a quilt since nothing is striking my fancy) and carseats, and strollers.. and you know - everything! We've started an online registry which allows us lots of options and the best deals available.. and we'll do a regular registry probably at babies-r-us even though I think they're overpriced. We got a baby doppler to use at home which is very fun. It was a pretty good investment.. my husband has a great time trying to find the baby and talking to it! Thanks Ebay!

  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    We are having a girl!!!!! Very excited I already have a boy now I get my girl. Although naming her will be a challenge. Hubby and I can't agree so any suggestions will be great. We did agree that Kathryn (after my grandmother) will be her middle name. Also everytning is fine the fall only hurt me she is perfect all organs are present and where they should be an she is right on target size wise for December 15. Very relieved:-)

    Congrats!!! Girl names are hard for me to come up with, hopefully you have better luck with that! Girls are so much fun to buy for!
  • mellynat
    mellynat Posts: 345 Member
    We are having a girl!!!!! Very excited I already have a boy now I get my girl. Although naming her will be a challenge. Hubby and I can't agree so any suggestions will be great. We did agree that Kathryn (after my grandmother) will be her middle name. Also everytning is fine the fall only hurt me she is perfect all organs are present and where they should be an she is right on target size wise for December 15. Very relieved:-)

    COngrats!!!!! so glad to hear everything is ok!
  • mellynat
    mellynat Posts: 345 Member
    Hi ladies, its so great to have found this group. Iam in my 14th wk ,just completed the horrifying 1st trimester, Iam looking forward to an exciting second trimester.

    welcome :)
  • mellynat
    mellynat Posts: 345 Member
    Is anyone else having aching boobs? lol I had a weird bump under my right armpit freaked me out so the doctor sent me to get an ultrasound on it. but it's nothing abnormal. It's just growing pains or something.. Ugh and they itch so bad. How do i stop the itching? i remember only my belly itching last pregnancies.
  • bellisima6
    bellisima6 Posts: 76 Member
    Hello ladies,
    Gender scan is for next Thursday and I cannot wait to find out what we are having. Praying for a girl but really I just want an healthy baby.
    We don't have names yet but we are working on it, and at the reveal with family on Friday we will have a basket for names suggestion.
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    Is anyone else having aching boobs? lol I had a weird bump under my right armpit freaked me out so the doctor sent me to get an ultrasound on it. but it's nothing abnormal. It's just growing pains or something.. Ugh and they itch so bad. How do i stop the itching? i remember only my belly itching last pregnancies.

    My boobs hurt and itched until about a week ago and it was constantly. Drove me nuts wearing a bra was killer. Now they only hurt from time to time but the itchiness is still there I have tried lotion, baby oil. Its embarrassing to say but I scratched the side of my left one in my sleep and it was so bad I had scratch marks and they started to bleed. My doctor assures me it will get better and to stop scratching.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Just had a successful 12 week ultrasound. Moving into my second trimester next week. Thought I'd say "hi."
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    Is anyone else having aching boobs? lol I had a weird bump under my right armpit freaked me out so the doctor sent me to get an ultrasound on it. but it's nothing abnormal. It's just growing pains or something.. Ugh and they itch so bad. How do i stop the itching? i remember only my belly itching last pregnancies.

    I had stabbing pains in my boobs once in a while, and they itched like CRAZY up until about 20-22 weeks. I tried a few lotions, BioOil, but oddly enough, baby powder seemed to be the only thing that helped! I thought it would dry things out, but it was the only relief I could find. Mine still itch some times, but not nearly as much now.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Is anyone else having aching boobs? lol I had a weird bump under my right armpit freaked me out so the doctor sent me to get an ultrasound on it. but it's nothing abnormal. It's just growing pains or something.. Ugh and they itch so bad. How do i stop the itching? i remember only my belly itching last pregnancies.

    I've had itchy achy boobs since the start. I use Palmer's anti-itch cocoa butter oil on them. Just a little bit will help soften up the skin so it doesn't itch so badly when it stretches. The achiness I just deal with.
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Just had a successful 12 week ultrasound. Moving into my second trimester next week. Thought I'd say "hi."

    That's great news! Welcome! :)
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    Is anyone else having aching boobs? lol I had a weird bump under my right armpit freaked me out so the doctor sent me to get an ultrasound on it. but it's nothing abnormal. It's just growing pains or something.. Ugh and they itch so bad. How do i stop the itching? i remember only my belly itching last pregnancies.

    I've had itchy achy boobs since the start. I use Palmer's anti-itch cocoa butter oil on them. Just a little bit will help soften up the skin so it doesn't itch so badly when it stretches. The achiness I just deal with.

    I just lather up every day- I use Burt's Belly Butter and the Belly vaseline stuff. It's a little sticky for my liking but gets the job done. The achiness comes and goes.

    I had to get an u/s done on my breast as well. The Dr. said it was nothing unusual and pregnant breasts go through so many changes that it's normal to feel new growths/etc. On a positive note, I was told well done for knowing my body and not being afraid to ask about the changes. A lot of women will ignore lumps/growths in the breasts because of fear... So good for you for knowing your body! :)
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Just had a successful 12 week ultrasound. Moving into my second trimester next week. Thought I'd say "hi."

    That's great news! Welcome! :)

    Thanks! We are very happy that all is well.

    Here's a video of our ultrasound if you are interested in seeing it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oaytWK-8Cg&feature=youtu.be
  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member
    Had my glucose screening test today- hoping everything comes back normal. For those of you who haven't experienced it yet- honestly, the drink doesn't taste GOOD, but I don't think it's as bad as some make it out to be:) Doctor also said this baby was measuring 2 weeks ahead of schedule- which is exciting. But with my last daughter he told me the whole time she was 3 weeks ahead...then she was induced at 4 days overdue and was a whopping 8 lbs 10 oz! So no getting my hopes up for an early delivery this time!

    Well I'm at about 27 weeks 3 days, so I'll be heading to 3rd trimester soon...I guess I'll be seeing a lot of you over there! Good luck ladies:)
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Hey all, moving over from the first trimester board. Happy to be here! Next OB appt/us is at 16 weeks so a little over 3 weeks to go!
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Had my glucose screening test today- hoping everything comes back normal. For those of you who haven't experienced it yet- honestly, the drink doesn't taste GOOD, but I don't think it's as bad as some make it out to be:) Doctor also said this baby was measuring 2 weeks ahead of schedule- which is exciting. But with my last daughter he told me the whole time she was 3 weeks ahead...then she was induced at 4 days overdue and was a whopping 8 lbs 10 oz! So no getting my hopes up for an early delivery this time!

    Well I'm at about 27 weeks 3 days, so I'll be heading to 3rd trimester soon...I guess I'll be seeing a lot of you over there! Good luck ladies:)

    what flavor did you get? When pregnant with DD I heard that the most tolerable flavor is the lemon lime, I did that flavor and it tasted like stale sprite. It was not too bad. Congrats on entering your 3rd tri!!!
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Hey all, moving over from the first trimester board. Happy to be here! Next OB appt/us is at 16 weeks so a little over 3 weeks to go!

    Welcome!.. Love your profile picture...so cute!
  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member

    what flavor did you get? When pregnant with DD I heard that the most tolerable flavor is the lemon lime, I did that flavor and it tasted like stale sprite. It was not too bad. Congrats on entering your 3rd tri!!!

    I got orange last time and didn't think it was too bad so I got it again- enjoy!:)
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member

    what flavor did you get? When pregnant with DD I heard that the most tolerable flavor is the lemon lime, I did that flavor and it tasted like stale sprite. It was not too bad. Congrats on entering your 3rd tri!!!

    I got orange last time and didn't think it was too bad so I got it again- enjoy!:)

    I had orange with my son too. I didn't find it to be so bad it was like a melted orange popsicle. The hard part for me was trying to get it all down before it became warm. I get that test in about 7 weeks :) Hope yours turn out ok. My doctor said that since I tested negative last time most likely it is good it will be the same result this time. Hope that helps.
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member

    what flavor did you get? When pregnant with DD I heard that the most tolerable flavor is the lemon lime, I did that flavor and it tasted like stale sprite. It was not too bad. Congrats on entering your 3rd tri!!!

    I got orange last time and didn't think it was too bad so I got it again- enjoy!:)

    I also had the orange- just tasted with flat orange pop. It wasn't terrible and the drink itself actually wasn't that big. I can't really complain at all. I get my results Monday- I'm also entering the 3rd tri with Jillsie at the end of the week. See you ladies in the third tri :)