2nd Trimester



  • JaclynnGail
    JaclynnGail Posts: 204 Member
    Had my five month appointment /anatomy scan part 2 today, and everything looked good! Teddy Wayne is measuring at 1.3 pounds and right on schedule. Have been feeling small movements for awhile, but they have gotten considerably more noticeable and frequent over the past 5 days or so...husband was able to feel him for the first time last night, and again tonight...hooray! Hope everyone else is doing well!
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    Well I managed a 5km walk today, that's the most exercise I've done in about 10weeks, not quite the fit pregnancy I was planning, but there are more important things than me right now! Anyway, no adverse effects just yet, so yay!

    Hope everyone is doing well, it's very quiet on here .... *tumble weed*

    I have had trouble with exercise too. I am 25 weeks and really the only exercise I do is walking whether its taking my dog on a walk or light hiking. Over the past 2 weeks been having trouble with my blood pressure rising so I am trying to keep it down. Had high bp with the first and the medication was not so trying my best to stay off it this time around. I just try to watch the amount and what type of food I put in my mouth right now I have only gained 11lbs so I am hoping to keep it that way or to drop a few (My doctor didn't want me to gain any).
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    24 weeks today..Im getting close to my third trimester. The baby really doesnt want me to sleep at night. After his daddy talks to him he likes to curl up on one side of my stomach and use me as a punching bag. Now that i think about it he pretty much likes to kick and punch all day long. I dont know when he sleeps! lol. Its a great feeling though to know hes moving around in there.
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    24 weeks today..Im getting close to my third trimester. The baby really doesnt want me to sleep at night. After his daddy talks to him he likes to curl up on one side of my stomach and use me as a punching bag. Now that i think about it he pretty much likes to kick and punch all day long. I dont know when he sleeps! lol. Its a great feeling though to know hes moving around in there.

    too cute :) I hope you can get some sleep, though!!!

    I felt our little guy/gal kick for the first time today (I'm 20 weeks) - such a crazy feeling!!!
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    24 weeks today..Im getting close to my third trimester. The baby really doesnt want me to sleep at night. After his daddy talks to him he likes to curl up on one side of my stomach and use me as a punching bag. Now that i think about it he pretty much likes to kick and punch all day long. I dont know when he sleeps! lol. Its a great feeling though to know hes moving around in there.

    Wish mine kicked all day. She is usually active when I first get to work for a few hours, then she wakes up a little bit after lunch, then she will start again around 8pm and its great when she decides to jump on my bladder :) Or last night she really got going at 130am and went till almost 4am. I really hope this isn't a preview of whats to come.
  • brees25
    brees25 Posts: 3 Member
    Well I managed a 5km walk today, that's the most exercise I've done in about 10weeks, not quite the fit pregnancy I was planning, but there are more important things than me right now! Anyway, no adverse effects just yet, so yay!

    Hope everyone is doing well, it's very quiet on here .... *tumble weed*

    I'm right there with you with the exercise. I was getting some good 3 mile walks in a few weeks ago, but then they stopped. I'm almost 15 weeks and beginning to get my energy back -- today being an exception, it's been a bad day. I'm hoping to get back to the gym next week. We'll see. Glad to know that I'm not alone in my slackerness. I've only gained about 5 lbs, so I must be averaging things out.
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Had my OB appointment today! My dr was on call today so I had to have an appt with the back-up DR andddd lets just say I had to wait 1.5hrs in the waiting room. Super frustrated but I guess they were really behind. Anywho, everything seemed fine. She didn't say much, she didn't tell me the HB or how my stomach is measuring. I have to wait another 4wks to talk to my Dr about my u/s to see what she says cause baby was measuring 1wk ahead and I am curious to see if she will keep the same due date or what. I gained 5lbs since my last appt 4wks ago, booo, I was aiming for 4lbs but I will take it.
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    24 weeks today..Im getting close to my third trimester. The baby really doesnt want me to sleep at night. After his daddy talks to him he likes to curl up on one side of my stomach and use me as a punching bag. Now that i think about it he pretty much likes to kick and punch all day long. I dont know when he sleeps! lol. Its a great feeling though to know hes moving around in there.

    too cute :) I hope you can get some sleep, though!!!

    I felt our little guy/gal kick for the first time today (I'm 20 weeks) - such a crazy feeling!!!

    i know its unmistakable what that feeling is... just wait until he/she does it all night long! lol
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Jamie31 - I remember when I was pregnant with my boy, he used to move constantly, and it is soooo reassuring! My second was a girl, and she was very quiet, so quiet that I insisted on having a scan at about 31 weeks as I had hardly felt any movements at all, as soon as they started scanning she started kicking lots, and the sonographer says, so you couldn't feel that ... errr ... well that was the most she moved in weeks!!!

    I can't wait to able to feel this one, then I can stop worrying. I'm almost 15 weeks now, and all my nausea and tiredness has gone, which I find as worrying as I do reassuring!

    Got my midwife appointment on Wednesday, I know I've gained weight, dread to think how much.
  • snowgrrl83
    snowgrrl83 Posts: 242 Member
    I just wanted to stop by and say hello! I'm 18 weeks and 5 days today. I've been feeling "something" in there, but I'm never certain whether it is my digestive system working away or whether it is my little one moving around! I'm having my 2nd trimester ultrasound on Weds and I can't wait! Its soooo exciting to see baby on screen again. I was soo amazed when we got to see him/her during the IPS scan at week 12. Here is hoping for another special moment on Weds ...and we are finding out if its a boy or a girl!! :) soooooo excited!!!
  • kathyk519
    kathyk519 Posts: 197 Member
    HI All! I haven't been posting anything in a while. I think that the last time I posted, I was still in the first trimester group. I will be 16 weeks tomorrow. It has been 6 days of no vomiting and 3 days of no nausea - Yay! I am finally feeling like myself. I actually did some house work on Sunday and Yesterday. A big feat considering I have been so tired that folding half the laundry basket wore me out. I know that I was really hoping to be able to keep running during the pregnancy but being as tired as I was, I barely could get a 2.5 mile walk in 2-3 times a week (sometimes it was so slow). And some of the time it was once or twice a week.

    I haven't felt any movement yet - but they did tell me I had a posterior uterus - so does that mean it will take longer to feel anything?
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Found out today that I'm having a boy!!!! Very excited, but we only had a girl name picked out sofar. Now we have to do the name-search all over again!
  • mellynat
    mellynat Posts: 345 Member
    is anyone else experiencing hip/thigh/leg pain?? I been feeling sooooo sore every morning when i wake up like i've been doing squats and lunges the day before. like that soreness u feel after working out . I havne't really been doing squats. and just working out on elliptical or walking for exercise but i'm so sore. i don't think i had this issue until 30wks w previous pregnancies.
  • mellynat
    mellynat Posts: 345 Member
    Found out today that I'm having a boy!!!! Very excited, but we only had a girl name picked out sofar. Now we have to do the name-search all over again!

  • mellynat
    mellynat Posts: 345 Member
    HI All! I haven't been posting anything in a while. I think that the last time I posted, I was still in the first trimester group. I will be 16 weeks tomorrow. It has been 6 days of no vomiting and 3 days of no nausea - Yay! I am finally feeling like myself. I actually did some house work on Sunday and Yesterday. A big feat considering I have been so tired that folding half the laundry basket wore me out. I know that I was really hoping to be able to keep running during the pregnancy but being as tired as I was, I barely could get a 2.5 mile walk in 2-3 times a week (sometimes it was so slow). And some of the time it was once or twice a week.

    I haven't felt any movement yet - but they did tell me I had a posterior uterus - so does that mean it will take longer to feel anything?

    I think depending on the position of the uterus is does effect how soon u feel the movement. I'm not sure of the position of my uterus, but I didn't start feeling any movements till 19/20 weeks and it's my 3rd pregnancy..
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    HI All! I haven't been posting anything in a while. I think that the last time I posted, I was still in the first trimester group. I will be 16 weeks tomorrow. It has been 6 days of no vomiting and 3 days of no nausea - Yay! I am finally feeling like myself. I actually did some house work on Sunday and Yesterday. A big feat considering I have been so tired that folding half the laundry basket wore me out. I know that I was really hoping to be able to keep running during the pregnancy but being as tired as I was, I barely could get a 2.5 mile walk in 2-3 times a week (sometimes it was so slow). And some of the time it was once or twice a week.

    I haven't felt any movement yet - but they did tell me I had a posterior uterus - so does that mean it will take longer to feel anything?

    I think depending on the position of the uterus is does effect how soon u feel the movement. I'm not sure of the position of my uterus, but I didn't start feeling any movements till 19/20 weeks and it's my 3rd pregnancy..

    I was told at my 20 week ultrasound that I have an anterior placenta, so it's on the front. I just felt my first movement this past week, and she said it will be many more weeks until my husband can feel it from the outside, due to the position of my placenta.
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    is anyone else experiencing hip/thigh/leg pain?? I been feeling sooooo sore every morning when i wake up like i've been doing squats and lunges the day before. like that soreness u feel after working out . I havne't really been doing squats. and just working out on elliptical or walking for exercise but i'm so sore. i don't think i had this issue until 30wks w previous pregnancies.

    My legs have been sore too and I am at 26 weeks. It is mostly in my thighs and ankles. Also went hiking a few weeks ago nothing strenuous was walking normal not fast and I started having pain where my thigh meets my hips. That went away but was very strange. Been told it is normal though.
  • licha75
    licha75 Posts: 391 Member
    Found out today that I'm having a boy!!!! Very excited, but we only had a girl name picked out sofar. Now we have to do the name-search all over again!

    Congrats on having a boy!! I will be finding out tomorrow, can't wait. I actually just want to make sure the baby is okay but knowing if it's a boy or a girl will be a plus.
  • Rosered3333
    Rosered3333 Posts: 171 Member
    I'm almost 15 weeks now and I'm feeling like myself again. I start feeling better around 11 weeks and I've done a lot of walking this week and I even went to kickboxing yesterday!

    I was amazed at how tired I was; I thought I was going to be able to push through and keep my regular workout routine, but that didn't happen. I'm so happy to have some energy back and I think I am going to start lifting again and build up my stamina for the thrid trimester.

    It's kind of funny: the first trimester I was looking forward to all of the ultrasounds and wondering if something was wrong between all of them. Now with the second trimster, I'm waiting to feel the baby move and I'm wondering what's wrong because other 15 weekers have felt their babies move. I've decided to not worry about it too much though because I just want to enjoy feeling better.

    So glad to join you ladies!!
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    I'm almost 15 weeks now and I'm feeling like myself again. I start feeling better around 11 weeks and I've done a lot of walking this week and I even went to kickboxing yesterday!

    I was amazed at how tired I was; I thought I was going to be able to push through and keep my regular workout routine, but that didn't happen. I'm so happy to have some energy back and I think I am going to start lifting again and build up my stamina for the thrid trimester.

    It's kind of funny: the first trimester I was looking forward to all of the ultrasounds and wondering if something was wrong between all of them. Now with the second trimster, I'm waiting to feel the baby move and I'm wondering what's wrong because other 15 weekers have felt their babies move. I've decided to not worry about it too much though because I just want to enjoy feeling better.

    So glad to join you ladies!!

    15 weeks pretty early to feel the baby move :) I felt my first movement last week during week 20, and it's definitely not consistent. I have an anterior placenta, so my husband can't feel the baby from the outside. I got a doppler early on to help ease my nerves between appointments, and I can hear the baby's heart beat anytime I want to!!