3rd Trimester



  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    Just had my 38 week appt. 3cm dilated, 70% effaced and if I do not go into labor before she will be making an appearance on Wed. (12/12/12) . Getting really excited. I have one more appt though on Monday she is still a little high so he wants to look one more time before he induces.
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Just had my 38 week appt. 3cm dilated, 70% effaced and if I do not go into labor before she will be making an appearance on Wed. (12/12/12) . Getting really excited. I have one more appt though on Monday she is still a little high so he wants to look one more time before he induces.

    Yay!!!! That makes 3 of us scheduled for 12-12-12!!!
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    Just had my 38 week appt. 3cm dilated, 70% effaced and if I do not go into labor before she will be making an appearance on Wed. (12/12/12) . Getting really excited. I have one more appt though on Monday she is still a little high so he wants to look one more time before he induces.

    Yay!!!! That makes 3 of us scheduled for 12-12-12!!!
    Wow, the 12 th look like MFP baby day :) I really hope I do. Ot join you girls , lol!
    I am 36week 5 days today, but in the last 2 days I am getting Braxton hicks contraction .it scared me as I thought yesterday that my labour started. It was so unexpected, and panicked since I didn't washed anything yet. Well, I spent my yesterday doing laundry and such. Today I had my dr appointment and my cervix is still closed and long, so hopefully the baby stay put for a little bit more.
    My mom comes on the 16th to watch my son while I 'll be in the hospital. My backup plan for childcare fall apart, so I really ope that the baby will not come before than.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Hi third trimester ladies, just moving on up ... I'm 28 weeks, and hoping to not go into labour in the near future!! Though with a hot summer down between now and due date (here in the Southern Hemisphere) sooner might be preferable to later! Had my last day of work today as I'm a teacher and it's now summer holidays, so just going to be getting organised for this bubba!

    Good luck everyone looking like giving birth on the 12th!
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Just had my 38 week appt. 3cm dilated, 70% effaced and if I do not go into labor before she will be making an appearance on Wed. (12/12/12) . Getting really excited. I have one more appt though on Monday she is still a little high so he wants to look one more time before he induces.

    Yay!!!! That makes 3 of us scheduled for 12-12-12!!!
    Wow, the 12 th look like MFP baby day :) I really hope I do. Ot join you girls , lol!
    I am 36week 5 days today, but in the last 2 days I am getting Braxton hicks contraction .it scared me as I thought yesterday that my labour started. It was so unexpected, and panicked since I didn't washed anything yet. Well, I spent my yesterday doing laundry and such. Today I had my dr appointment and my cervix is still closed and long, so hopefully the baby stay put for a little bit more.
    My mom comes on the 16th to watch my son while I 'll be in the hospital. My backup plan for childcare fall apart, so I really ope that the baby will not come before than.

    You're getting so close! And if the same trend continues for you like it has for just about everyone on here, your little one won't come early lol
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Hi third trimester ladies, just moving on up ... I'm 28 weeks, and hoping to not go into labour in the near future!! Though with a hot summer down between now and due date (here in the Southern Hemisphere) sooner might be preferable to later! Had my last day of work today as I'm a teacher and it's now summer holidays, so just going to be getting organised for this bubba!

    Good luck everyone looking like giving birth on the 12th!

    Thanks!!! Welcome to the third trimester! :):)
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Hi third trimester ladies, just moving on up ... I'm 28 weeks, and hoping to not go into labour in the near future!! Though with a hot summer down between now and due date (here in the Southern Hemisphere) sooner might be preferable to later! Had my last day of work today as I'm a teacher and it's now summer holidays, so just going to be getting organised for this bubba!

    Good luck everyone looking like giving birth on the 12th!

    welcome to the 3rd tri!!
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Well I wish my OB appt was today rather than Wednesday cause I am 2lbs less now. LOL. So I would have been on track with the whole 1lb a week thing. Lol Gah, seriously pregnancy weight gain is a blur. I was on some med for a little while and I stopped taking them this week cause I was getting some serious side effects so I am back to feeling 100% better and like myself again. Woohoo for that.

    I am jealous of all you ladies going in on the 12th. I still have a good 5weeks left. I have been having a ton of pressure lately, lots of menstrual type cramps, and my hip bone and inner thigh bones sometimes feel like they are going to snap. oh what fun! I hope he waits until after new years cause I'd like to spend some more time with just us. Lol. Am i selfish?
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Well I wish my OB appt was today rather than Wednesday cause I am 2lbs less now. LOL. So I would have been on track with the whole 1lb a week thing. Lol Gah, seriously pregnancy weight gain is a blur. I was on some med for a little while and I stopped taking them this week cause I was getting some serious side effects so I am back to feeling 100% better and like myself again. Woohoo for that.

    I am jealous of all you ladies going in on the 12th. I still have a good 5weeks left. I have been having a ton of pressure lately, lots of menstrual type cramps, and my hip bone and inner thigh bones sometimes feel like they are going to snap. oh what fun! I hope he waits until after new years cause I'd like to spend some more time with just us. Lol. Am i selfish?

    Haha! Pregnancy weight makes no sense lol glad you're feeling better!!!!! That really sucks about your cramping and such, yikes! Hope you can get some relief! I don't think you're selfish at all for wanting more time just you two! It's hit me a bunch that the time is running out for just the two of us (even though its been 3 for 9 months now) but now that everything is ready for our baby I'm not rushing these last few special days with my husband :)
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    Well I wish my OB appt was today rather than Wednesday cause I am 2lbs less now. LOL. So I would have been on track with the whole 1lb a week thing. Lol Gah, seriously pregnancy weight gain is a blur. I was on some med for a little while and I stopped taking them this week cause I was getting some serious side effects so I am back to feeling 100% better and like myself again. Woohoo for that.

    I am jealous of all you ladies going in on the 12th. I still have a good 5weeks left. I have been having a ton of pressure lately, lots of menstrual type cramps, and my hip bone and inner thigh bones sometimes feel like they are going to snap. oh what fun! I hope he waits until after new years cause I'd like to spend some more time with just us. Lol. Am i selfish?

    I have been having the hip and inner thigh pain since October. I know how you feel if I sit too long its hell getting up and trying to walk. Be selfish now that I am days away I am ready, but can admit that I will admit the me time I have had since my son is 9 and doesn't need all my attention.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Hi ladies,

    Thank you for the welcomes! All is good here, had some awful weather last week, tornados etc. but the weekend has been just fabulous! Clear blue skies, finally feels like summer, hurray to that! We've got our Christmas tree up and have decorated the windows and put fairy lights outside by our BBQ. I really enjoyed sitting out there tonight! I do love Christmas!

    Cocolo89 - That sounds like you might have an early one! Not at all selfish, enjoy every moment of just you guys, go out (I know that's totally not what you want to do when heavily pregnant!), but if you can go out and have fun!! I'm going to be going to the cinema LOTS over the next couple of months!!

    Right ... I'm off to make some lists, lots to do to get ready for Christmas, and this week I will have three days all to myself, big boy still at school and my little girl will be at kindy ... so hopefully I'll get lots done!

    I'll be thinking of you ladies on the 12th! Can't wait to hear the news!
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I am wondering if those of you who are further along than me can offer some encouragement. For the last few days, I've been having horrible edema in my legs. My midwife has tested my urine and blood pressure, and both are normal, so it's not likely to be preeclampsia. That being said, the swelling is really painful and has stretched my skin to the point of tenderness and discoloration on the tops of my feet.

    She gave me a diuretic today and recommended bedrest today plus elevation of my feet as much as possible, which sofar has only a minimal effect.

    I'm feeling pretty frustrated, and I'm wondering if any of you have had swelling this bad and what you did about it.

    I'm 30 weeks as of today.
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    I am wondering if those of you who are further along than me can offer some encouragement. For the last few days, I've been having horrible edema in my legs. My midwife has tested my urine and blood pressure, and both are normal, so it's not likely to be preeclampsia. That being said, the swelling is really painful and has stretched my skin to the point of tenderness and discoloration on the tops of my feet.

    She gave me a diuretic today and recommended bedrest today plus elevation of my feet as much as possible, which sofar has only a minimal effect.

    I'm feeling pretty frustrated, and I'm wondering if any of you have had swelling this bad and what you did about it.

    I'm 30 weeks as of today.

    Sorry about all the swelling. I fortunately never had a swelling issue. I swelled a little after delivery. I have always been told that elevation and water is best to try to get it to go down. I wouldn't try and exercise. Usually swelling that bad is preeclampsia but its uncommon to see it so early according to my doctor. He thought for sure I would have it because of the blood pressure. Thankfully it did not happen.
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    I am wondering if those of you who are further along than me can offer some encouragement. For the last few days, I've been having horrible edema in my legs. My midwife has tested my urine and blood pressure, and both are normal, so it's not likely to be preeclampsia. That being said, the swelling is really painful and has stretched my skin to the point of tenderness and discoloration on the tops of my feet.

    She gave me a diuretic today and recommended bedrest today plus elevation of my feet as much as possible, which sofar has only a minimal effect.

    I'm feeling pretty frustrated, and I'm wondering if any of you have had swelling this bad and what you did about it.

    I'm 30 weeks as of today.

    gahh, that really sucks. I haven't had issues with swelling either so I don't know what advice I can give. I head compression socks are really good for swelling. Have you tried them out yet? You're suppose to put them on first thing in the morning and keep them on all day. I wore them towards the end of my pregnancy with my DD to prevent varicose veins and spider veins, and it did help with that! This time around I didn't wear them at all and I have noticed some spider veins on the back of my calves :((
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    I am wondering if those of you who are further along than me can offer some encouragement. For the last few days, I've been having horrible edema in my legs. My midwife has tested my urine and blood pressure, and both are normal, so it's not likely to be preeclampsia. That being said, the swelling is really painful and has stretched my skin to the point of tenderness and discoloration on the tops of my feet.

    She gave me a diuretic today and recommended bedrest today plus elevation of my feet as much as possible, which sofar has only a minimal effect.

    I'm feeling pretty frustrated, and I'm wondering if any of you have had swelling this bad and what you did about it.

    I'm 30 weeks as of today.
    I am sorry to hear that! I had some swelling at the end of my 2 nd trimester due to summer heat. I had to take it easy, elevate my leg and it went away. Once the summer was over I had no issues . Since I live n Canada the summer pretty short, so it wsn't for long.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    I am wondering if those of you who are further along than me can offer some encouragement. For the last few days, I've been having horrible edema in my legs. My midwife has tested my urine and blood pressure, and both are normal, so it's not likely to be preeclampsia. That being said, the swelling is really painful and has stretched my skin to the point of tenderness and discoloration on the tops of my feet.

    She gave me a diuretic today and recommended bedrest today plus elevation of my feet as much as possible, which sofar has only a minimal effect.

    I'm feeling pretty frustrated, and I'm wondering if any of you have had swelling this bad and what you did about it.

    I'm 30 weeks as of today.
    I had issues with swelling at week 30 but for me it was too much sodium, not enough water and staying sedentary. Once I started watching my sodium intake like a hawk, drink tons of water (12-16 glass a day, and yes I peed A LOT!) and made myself get up and walk around a decent amount (10-15 mins per hour) it went down to where I no longer have issues. Not sure if your situation is the same to where this will help, but there it is. Good luck!
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    Just to let you know that I had my baby at 728am this morning. I am in the hospital so I will give you my birth story when I get home :smile: She obviously did not want to be induced on Wed. Just trying to rest and breastfeed.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Just to let you know that I had my baby at 728am this morning. I am in the hospital so I will give you my birth story when I get home :smile: She obviously did not want to be induced on Wed. Just trying to rest and breastfeed.

    YAY! Congratulations!!!

  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Just to let you know that I had my baby at 728am this morning. I am in the hospital so I will give you my birth story when I get home :smile: She obviously did not want to be induced on Wed. Just trying to rest and breastfeed.

    So happy you didn't have to be induced!!!!! Congrats, mama!!!!!!
  • Jenny_Rose77
    Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member
    Just to let you know that I had my baby at 728am this morning. I am in the hospital so I will give you my birth story when I get home :smile: She obviously did not want to be induced on Wed. Just trying to rest and breastfeed.
