3rd Trimester



  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Oooh, pregasaurusrex, that does sound bad. I haven't experienced swelling that bad, as the others have said keep your salt levels low and drink heaps of water. Elevate your feet. Pleased your midwife is keeping an eye on you. Hope it improves, is it hot where you live? Has it improved now?

    Blink1021 - Congratulations! Happy happy times, enjoy every second! I can understand her not wanting to be induced, that would be like someone getting you out of your lovely cosy bed when you're not up for it!!

    MrsCarter00 - Congratulations! What a good hungry boy he sounds!

    Mellynat - Big hugs, try not to worry. She might just be a great sleeper!! I insisted on a scan with my #2 as she was so chilled out. She was a big baby, but I hardly ever felt ANYTHING! When she was born she just slept and ate for about 8 weeks, it was very relaxing, but of course I worried … then she woke up … and we had almost 2 years of hardly any sleep!! You have to remember there is quite a sizable error in the weight predictions via ultrasound, about 10% I was told. They are predicting weight based on head, abdominal circumferences and femur length, and sometimes it's hard to get a good head circumference if baby is presenting it's head. My first was predicted to be much bigger than he was, but he was just very long and skinny with a big head! He still has all those features!!!

    Well I've had an exciting week. Midwife was concerned about my fundal height, and sent me for a growth scan. She was worried there may be too much fluid ... so I've had a scan this week, fluid levels were fine, but apparently he's a big un!! I'm 29 weeks, and he was measuring 32 - 33 weeks! Which doesn't quite put him off the charts (95%ile), so I imagine I'm going to be doing the longer diabetes test when I next see the midwife, the short test came back as normal ... and also he's breech, hurray! My third baby and ALL have been breech at this stage, what is that about? My 1st turned and I had a normal delivery, my second didn't turn and was footling breech so I had a c section, she was 8 lb 5 at 37 weeks, and they said she didn't have enough space to turn ... so we shall see what this one does!
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Oooh, pregasaurusrex, that does sound bad. I haven't experienced swelling that bad, as the others have said keep your salt levels low and drink heaps of water. Elevate your feet. Pleased your midwife is keeping an eye on you. Hope it improves, is it hot where you live? Has it improved now?

    My swelling has gotten a lot better thanks! I live in Miami, so it's warm down here even in the winter months. It's been unseasonably warm lately too.

    Well I've had an exciting week. Midwife was concerned about my fundal height, and sent me for a growth scan. She was worried there may be too much fluid ... so I've had a scan this week, fluid levels were fine, but apparently he's a big un!! I'm 29 weeks, and he was measuring 32 - 33 weeks! Which doesn't quite put him off the charts (95%ile), so I imagine I'm going to be doing the longer diabetes test when I next see the midwife, the short test came back as normal ... and also he's breech, hurray! My third baby and ALL have been breech at this stage, what is that about? My 1st turned and I had a normal delivery, my second didn't turn and was footling breech so I had a c section, she was 8 lb 5 at 37 weeks, and they said she didn't have enough space to turn ... so we shall see what this one does!

    Mine's measuring about 1-2 weeks ahead too, but he's managed to get himself turned at least. These babies just kinda do their own thing.

    Hope yours turns soon!

    Are you hoping for a VBAC?
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Do any of you use a special detergent for baby stuff? My kid has more clothes than I do now, and I'm not sure if I should wash his clothes in our detergent or if I should get baby stuff.
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    I used fragrance free detergent for the first 2 yrs. I only recently started putting my daughter's clothes with ours and she is 2.5. Its up to you if you want to use special detergent. I would say at least fragrance-free until you know if he has any reaction to detergents.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I used fragrance free detergent for the first 2 yrs. I only recently started putting my daughter's clothes with ours and she is 2.5. Its up to you if you want to use special detergent. I would say at least fragrance-free until you know if he has any reaction to detergents.

    Any particular brands you find better than others?

    We usually just get whatever is on sale.

    I know they make baby detergents but they are expensive, and I'm not sure if it's worth it or not if I can get a generic fragrance-free for half the price.
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    I used fragrance free detergent for the first 2 yrs. I only recently started putting my daughter's clothes with ours and she is 2.5. Its up to you if you want to use special detergent. I would say at least fragrance-free until you know if he has any reaction to detergents.

    Any particular brands you find better than others?

    We usually just get whatever is on sale.

    I know they make baby detergents but they are expensive, and I'm not sure if it's worth it or not if I can get a generic fragrance-free for half the price.

    nothing particularity special. I just used tide free and gentle and arm and hammer fragrance free detergent. With blow-out stains (yes they will happen, lol) I would spray it with stain remover and hand wash out the stain as much as I could before putting it in the washer. I used Amway brand for that and it worked awesome. I think I remember seeing a generic to Dreft baby detergent at babies'r us if you want to try out the baby detergent. My sister in law used the costco generic brand that is fragrance free.
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    I have eczema so i use fragnance free detergent for the entire family. However the main skin irritant is not the detergent, which will be rinsed off,shut the fabric softener which remains in the clothes.
    After trying many brands , even sensitive skin ones, i have stopped using fabric softener quite a while ago , which solved my eczema problem. Since fabric softener is a chemical , which stays in the clothes, can irritate sensitive skin.
    Now I used plain white vinegar as a fabric softened, and softener ball in the dryer.
    Vinegar rinse every chemical off from the clothes and do mot leave any smell. clothes will NOT smell like vinegar, they won't have any smell.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Pregosauruserex - Pleased your swelling has eased! Yes I'm hoping for a VBAC, but I am aware that if scan says he's big and he's breech I will be encouraged to have a c section. We'll see, but I'm not too concerned, the c section was OK, just a bit odd more than anything. I have to go to see an obstetrician at the hospital to get the go ahead for my VBAC and discuss limits that will be placed on the birthing process etc. what will be will be!

    We use eco store washing liquid, which I find fantastic, my #2 has mild eczema, and it has been good for her. I think it's a New Zealand brand though.

    We don't use fabric softener and I totally second rehheadmommy's use of white vinegar, it's truly amazing how soft vinegar makes clothes feel, especially fleeces, makes them feel like new again!! Though I very rarely use vinegar, I used it regularly as part of my cloth nappy routine as it makes the nappies sooooo lovely and soft! And we use the drier balls too.
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    How are my fellow mommy to be' s a doing? I am getting really uncomfortable, and keep having nighmares about having the baby at home, in the car or in the hospital lobby . My next checkup and membrane sweep is on Thursday afternoon. I have a feeling that my dr will going to be shocked how open I will be by then. I was already 3 cm open last Friday and I feel that things happened since.
  • mellynat
    mellynat Posts: 345 Member
    am sooo annoyed with my doctors office. I'm in the last 2-3weeks on this pregnancy which I should be seeing my doctor once a week. They can't get me in till next week& it's with another doc in the practice that I do not like!!! (last apt was tues 11th) !! although the weekly apts are a pain in the butt. It'd be nice to hear the heart beat still and know how am progressing along. and make sure the baby isn't breech. Felt like she moved side ways yesterday. My obgyn that I've seen the entire pregnancy is off till Jan 7th!!!! and didn't care to mention that to me last week when I saw her. I'm soo mad. :(
  • Mrshotwing
    Mrshotwing Posts: 166 Member
    wow i am suprised at being 3cm they did not keep you. They normally do at 3 cm. Hopefully they will keep you at next apt. i still have about 11 weeks left, but seems like I have so mucg to do before then that it will fly by.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    am sooo annoyed with my doctors office. I'm in the last 2-3weeks on this pregnancy which I should be seeing my doctor once a week. They can't get me in till next week& it's with another doc in the practice that I do not like!!! (last apt was tues 11th) !! although the weekly apts are a pain in the butt. It'd be nice to hear the heart beat still and know how am progressing along. and make sure the baby isn't breech. Felt like she moved side ways yesterday. My obgyn that I've seen the entire pregnancy is off till Jan 7th!!!! and didn't care to mention that to me last week when I saw her. I'm soo mad. :(

    Time to make that angry phone call babe...
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    wow i am suprised at being 3cm they did not keep you. They normally do at 3 cm. Hopefully they will keep you at next apt. i still have about 11 weeks left, but seems like I have so mucg to do before then that it will fly by.

    over here they don't keep you in unless you are more than a 4cm. I live in WA state. I guess each hospitals have their way of doing things.

    11 wks will FLY by!! I still have a ton of things to do and I have just 4wks left. Lol.
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    am sooo annoyed with my doctors office. I'm in the last 2-3weeks on this pregnancy which I should be seeing my doctor once a week. They can't get me in till next week& it's with another doc in the practice that I do not like!!! (last apt was tues 11th) !! although the weekly apts are a pain in the butt. It'd be nice to hear the heart beat still and know how am progressing along. and make sure the baby isn't breech. Felt like she moved side ways yesterday. My obgyn that I've seen the entire pregnancy is off till Jan 7th!!!! and didn't care to mention that to me last week when I saw her. I'm soo mad. :(

    OMG I would be SOOO mad. Thats ridiculous!
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    How are my fellow mommy to be' s a doing? I am getting really uncomfortable, and keep having nighmares about having the baby at home, in the car or in the hospital lobby . My next checkup and membrane sweep is on Thursday afternoon. I have a feeling that my dr will going to be shocked how open I will be by then. I was already 3 cm open last Friday and I feel that things happened since.

    doing good here! getting by day to day. some days are good, some days totally suck, but overall, ALMOST DONE. lol. I have been really nauseous lately :-/ ugh. 36wks now, so hopefully I have less than 4wks to go! I really don't want to go over, but I want to prospone induction as much as I can. I hope I go on my own around 39wks. Lol. I am physically and mentally done being pregnant. LOL I have a Dr appt tomorrow and I am SUPER curious to see if I have any progress!! I have been feeling him really low lately, so hopefully he's pressing hard enough on my cervix to thin it out a bit so I can dilate!! HAHA

    keep us updated on your appt! I am curious to see how it goes! You might have the baby this weekend! woohoo
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    How are my fellow mommy to be' s a doing? I am getting really uncomfortable, and keep having nighmares about having the baby at home, in the car or in the hospital lobby . My next checkup and membrane sweep is on Thursday afternoon. I have a feeling that my dr will going to be shocked how open I will be by then. I was already 3 cm open last Friday and I feel that things happened since.

    Sofar so good. Just chugging right along.
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    wow i am suprised at being 3cm they did not keep you. They normally do at 3 cm. Hopefully they will keep you at next apt. i still have about 11 weeks left, but seems like I have so mucg to do before then that it will fly by.
    They probably would have kept me with first baby. They have quite different take on second pregnancies though.
    I think is common to have opened cervix at the second or subsequent pregnancy.
  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
    I'm in my second trimester, but just wanted to comment. My first child I stayed dilated at 3cm for 3 weeks before I went into labor & second child I also dilated to a 3 & stayed that way until I went into labor 2 weeks after that. Not to be a debbie downer for all you folks hoping this means they're going to send you on to the hospital. Just passing on my experience :) Good luck to all! You're almost there!!!
  • Mrshotwing
    Mrshotwing Posts: 166 Member
    This is actually my 3rd and both times before i was at a 3cm and they put me in the hospital. Yes I think every Dr and every hospital is different. I think babies will come when babies are ready :)
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    I used fragrance free detergent for the first 2 yrs. I only recently started putting my daughter's clothes with ours and she is 2.5. Its up to you if you want to use special detergent. I would say at least fragrance-free until you know if he has any reaction to detergents.

    Any particular brands you find better than others?

    We usually just get whatever is on sale.

    I know they make baby detergents but they are expensive, and I'm not sure if it's worth it or not if I can get a generic fragrance-free for half the price.

    With my son I used Dreft. With my daughter we use All fragrance free and I find it to be not any more expensive than any other detergent and I was my stuff in it too.