I have a crush.



  • PedmomJill
    PedmomJill Posts: 505 Member
    Woo hoo you go girl!
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    i decided to make the 1st move today and send him a casual "hi" text. I waited and waited and freaked out!!! He finally answered almost an hour later.. he had been working out. :blushing: this amazona lady is impatient.

    so now we've been texting back and forth about whatever. i wanted to send that text out just so he knew i was thinking of him after last night. hopefully he asks me out again... hopefully!!!

    Your fierceness kills me in a good way! Wish I was that confident!
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    I'm glad you had a good time!!
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    i asked my crush out tonight. BIG FAIL ON ME.. i wanted to wait for him but we've kept in contact here and there and I couldn't take it anymore!

    we're going to hang out again. yay!! :bigsmile:
  • PedmomJill
    PedmomJill Posts: 505 Member
    Ah, it's not a fail if he said yes!!!! Good for you!
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Update on my crush for those that are interested:

    We saw each other on Friday night. We hung around his new place... it was cool, we talked, laughed and just hung out. I drove there because we were going to take his car into town to go out but we ended up drinking there at his place and sorta went with it. Eventually we did go to a restaurant down the street from his place and watched some basketball and had a drink there.

    After the restaurant, he did kiss me. We made out for hours. It was nice.

    I really like him. I spent the night because by the time we were done it was 4 and he invited me. We went to sleep and woke up the morning and went to breakfast.

    I do regret making out with him heavily. It was the damn tequila. I mean, we had all our clothes on but we petted heavily. :blushing: I couldn't help myself, I realllllllllly am attracted to him. But still, I should have stuck to just kissing. Also, I told him that I liked him- several times while we were making out. I guess more like gushed?! OMG. He told me he liked me too but I just didn't envision it being that way. I shouldn't have drank again with him. I don't want him to think I'm a party girl.

    Doh!!! :sad:

    He did wake up the next a.m and we were normal. He got us out tickets to the concert we had planned on seeing. Breakfast was normal too. I didn't feel awkward at all.. but then I felt him a bit distant in his contact and made me feel confused. I hate this!! I invited him to go hiking with me on Wednesday and he said he would but I have a feeling he'll end up canceling for some reason.

    I know he's not worth my time if he's making me all bent up out shape.. i did NOT sleep with him but I think he likes to take things slow as when I asked him why he hadn't kissed me he said he didn't kiss 1st date and that he liked to take his time. I just hope he doesn't have the wrong idea of me. I just really like him.
    If we do go hiking I think I'll bring it up and tell him I think we moved too fast and that I'd like to just continue to get to know him. Lord knows he has a million things going on right now being completely new to this city, moving, and finding a job.

    Any thoughts?
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    wow, what timing on my comment :laugh:

    Guys can be dense. Just ask if he thinks you're trying to take things too fast? Put things out in the open - while you're both sober - and talk it out. If he's a good guy he'll talk about it with you. If he's not worth your time he'll make it more awkward than it's worth.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Weird!! Haha!!

    Making out isn't BAD per say but the petting heavily and all the fun moaning stuff was way out of hand lol. I mean, I had FUN. So did he. But I need to stick to my boundaries no matter how much I like the guy.. after all, I don't know him yet. It's just plain old good lust. I can't do casual sex.. not for me so I should just stay away from the messing around.

    I hate having regrets and this is one of them. I've been replaying everything in my mind and keep feeling stupid. Last night, we talked on the phone for almost an hour. I was going to bring it up but I thought about it and decided it'd just be more awkward if I brought it up so soon. So I let him take the lead in the conversation and all seemed normal. We laughed and talked about random stuff. We didn't bring it up so maybe I'm making a bigger deal about it than it is.. but he's definately not contacting me as frequently. :frown:

    I don't want him to think that just because we made out I think he's my bf or something. I know we were having fun. I just don't know how to say that w/o sounding like I'm 14. I want him to see me outside of party mode which is why I thought hiking was a good idea. Going through a divorce makes everything seem like a party! lol But I want to be taken seriously too... it's tough.
  • PedmomJill
    PedmomJill Posts: 505 Member
    I think you're overthinking and worrying too much! I know it's easy for me to say since I'm not the one experiencing it. Just wait and see how I am if I finally meet someone I really like. (I mean someone other than the one guy who told me via text after 4 dates that he wasn't interested. Of course HIM I liked! LOL)

    Anyway, maybe you should back off a little bit. Don't call or text him tonight or tomorrow and see if he does. Just my advice!
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    why is this so hard? i just want to skip this crap and get me a man and have all the hot sex and fun i can! haha

    i did plan on not contacting him tonight. i'll see what happens. i looked back to "our history" and it seems he's contacted me via text or FB but when he's called (even our 8 hour convo) it's been because i've texted him to. obviously he doesn't mind talking to me but i wonder if he's just like that (which i'm not sure if i like that because i want a man to step up) or if he's just not that into me enough to call me.

    he did say early on he can text and preferred to. he also mentioned how our 8 hour conversation had used up more minutes than he had used all last month.

    i hate boys. no i don't... i love them. :heart: :love: oh man he was a great kisser too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • PedmomJill
    PedmomJill Posts: 505 Member

    i hate boys. no i don't... i love them. :heart: :love: oh man he was a great kisser too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    LMAO. It doesn't get easier no matter how old we are!
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I agree. I think you're over-analyzing. Definitely do a hike or a long walk on the beach under the stars followed by a candlelight dinner...?
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Good thing is that I haven't acted like a psycho ***** TO him... this is all happening behind the scenes. My friend Kate (woot!) talked me down the ledge of giving him a speech about how I shouldn't have done that blah blah but I'm freaking 32 years old. Making out isn't bad.. maybe it was a bit fast but we can always put the brakes on. I just know to drink too much around him anymore and to just get to know him.
    Which by the way, we talk ALOT. It's really nice that he's not quiet. Neither am I!

    I will just act cool about it all. I think talking about it to him will make him think I'm overthinking and analyzing everything which for someone who isn't looking for a relationship (me), is not sending the right signals.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I will just act cool about it all. I think talking about it to him will make him think I'm overthinking and analyzing everything which for someone who isn't looking for a relationship (me), is not sending the right signals.

    Ah that is indeed a good point. Keep us posted!
  • Zodiacsmom
    Zodiacsmom Posts: 105 Member
    I have one too, and it is driving me crazy! I am too damn old for a crush LOL!!!

    We went to highschool together and he recently reached out on FB to show me support on my lifestyle changes and journey, next thing I know he is texting me and I have developed the biggest crush. What I hate is "playing the game"...waiting for him to text, not being to available, all that crap! Drives me cookoo!

    Hoping and praying he likes me as much as I like him :):blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing:
  • agregson1985
    agregson1985 Posts: 55 Member
    thanks for the words.

    i just don't like feeling lol. i hate feeling because it's out of my control and i'm a control freak.

    i'm insane!!! he did text me after our brief meet up about 4-5 times about random stuff going on. i haven't heard from him since but he's in the process of moving so he's busy.

    oy. i want it to go away!

    OMG it's like I'm reading my own life!!! I have recently been in a similar situation and I went absolutely nuts because I am also a control freak in this way. I would watch my phone and think to myself why isn't he texting why isn't he calling. I know it is a lot harder done than said but try to relax. Breath deep, try to keep yourself busy doing other things. I have to tell myself this stuff all the time. Everything will turn out the way it is suppose to!!

    haha im the same way!!! i gotta learn to wait for him to text not me first!!
  • agregson1985
    agregson1985 Posts: 55 Member
    this was so funny to read because im going through the sammmmeee thing! except he suddenly stopped talkin to me as much but ill play hard to get!
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I have been freaking out... like driving myself crazy. I wondered if I messed things up by messing around with him. I wondered if maybe he thought I was skanky or what. Then I was going to give him the speech about "sorry but we shouldn't have done that" and my friend said NO.

    Tonight i had dinner with another friend who told me to never be ashamed of what I do. If I had fun and it was mutual than let it be. Enjoy it. She said if he thinks badly of you after than F him. He was there too... She also said that my mistake is thinking too far ahead. I should just think of it as it was.. a night of fun.. nothing more. Whatever happens happens but don't expect more than what it was.

    Common sense right?? But I needed to hear that. Truthfully if he lost interest in me because I made out with him, well F him. I'm human and I am very attracted to him. I like him. I enjoyed every second of it. Also, like my friend said.. it was a fun night.. that's all. I'm not in a relationship with him and just because we did that doesn't mean we will be. If it doesn't lead to that then at least I had some fun with a hot guy!!!

    Anywho, I backed off. I left the guy alone. I didn't text him nor call. I did stalk his FB a bit (hehe) but he doesn't know that of course.......

    Tonight, he called me. First time since we started talking that he called me. No texting needed or FB flirting... he just picked up the phone on the way to the gym. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    20 minutes later and a nice conversation.. I'm pretty giddy right now. Oh and we're on for hiking tomorrow!!!!!
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    this was so funny to read because im going through the sammmmeee thing! except he suddenly stopped talkin to me as much but ill play hard to get!

    did ya'll mess around too? lol