I have a crush.



  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Oh and we're on for hiking tomorrow!!!!!

    Yay! Have fun!

    PS don't forget to leave the booze at home this time :wink:
  • PedmomJill
    PedmomJill Posts: 505 Member
    Have fun today!
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Oh and we're on for hiking tomorrow!!!!!

    PS don't forget to leave the booze at home this time :wink:

    Ha!!!! :laugh:

    It's been raining all day and night but it's supposed to clear up today by noon if not, hike is postponed. Boo!!
  • agregson1985
    agregson1985 Posts: 55 Member
    this was so funny to read because im going through the sammmmeee thing! except he suddenly stopped talkin to me as much but ill play hard to get!

    did ya'll mess around too? lol

    haha yes we did! and he instigated that! and i know exactly how you feel, like omg i shouldnt have done that i should have played hard to get, but you know what it was fun, felt right at the time, i dont regret it.
  • Katefab26
    Katefab26 Posts: 865
    Yay :-)
  • agregson1985
    agregson1985 Posts: 55 Member
    has anyone ever read the book the secret? The laws of attraction, power of positive thinking! We got to stop doubting ourselves and just be positive! than anything can happen right :) its so hard to be positive about everything tho! wait no its not its easy...haha
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I haven't read it... I've heard nothing but great things about it though.

    So far in my dating journey I have read He's Just Not Into You. I just ordered Why Men Love Bi*ches. I've heard great things about that book.

    I wanted to say.. for those that are reading this and have crushes of your own... EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK! :blushing:
  • agregson1985
    agregson1985 Posts: 55 Member
    haha omg u are funny ahhaha! yes read the book the secret or the power its awesome! totally changed my life around 2 years ago!! And look i was all negative this weekened and now im positive and my crush is talkin to me again lol!!
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I wanted to say.. for those that are reading this and have crushes of your own... EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK! :blushing:

    I know, right? I have a little budding crush. What sucks is he is young (9 years younger than me :blushing: ) and lives literally on the other side of the world (in NZ - talk about an amazing accent...) :frown: Hard to keep reminding myself that while it's fun to flirt, there's a very good chance nothing will ever come of it
  • Harmonee301
    Harmonee301 Posts: 7 Member
    and all this time I thought I was the only one.
  • CreepyOne
    CreepyOne Posts: 221 Member
    I like them, only when someone has a crush on me lol
  • Katefab26
    Katefab26 Posts: 865
    *Sigh* I have a crush now too..... :love: :blushing:
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    we hung out at his place for a bit. i was at the lake for my wednesday jog and he lives 5 min around so he suggested i just go over to his :huh: .. i used the bathroom and just hung out for about 20 min. we chatted and laughed. it was normal.
    we finally left and it was fun. we did our little hike.. it was cold and windy but we explored for a while.

    we went to another park he wanted to show me and talked in the car for a bit. it's fun because we crack up- ALOT!!

    we went back to his place and by then it was 7.. so we hung out for about 3 hours?!? didn't seem that long.. anyway, he didn't ask me up to his place and all we did was hug.

    he has an interview tomorrow and said if he got the job he wanted to celebrate.. if he did, he wanted me there. Hmmmmmm. i just laughed. he said "what you don't want to drink and celebrate with me??" I just said OKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY we'll celebrate.
    IF we do celebrate, i hereby vow I will not get drunk nor will i be sleazy. i will look f-ing hot and i will flirt but will not go there. nope!!!

    the dude acts nervous around me.. but still at ease. I can't explain it. so i get confused (but will NOT overthink it hehe) whether or not he likes me as a friend or what. i was the one that told him i wanted to be just friends and if something happened, to let it flow naturally... so why do i get all anxios when he's doing exactly what i requested?? lol
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Yay! Glad it went well. Maybe your heart wants it to be more, but taking it slowly is probably for the best :) Have more plans with him soon?

    I had another very late night. Was up until 3:30 chatting with my crush yet again. We game together, which is how we met, so we're having fun while talking. And, when I joked about him visiting, his response was, "I probably will sometime" :blushing: I feel like a little girl again. Hehe.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Nothing is set but maybe we'll hang out tonight. Maybe.

    The cool thing is yesterday he texted me when he found out about his interview. He was excited and he decided to share the news with me. I think that's sweet.

    I don't know. I seriously have relaxed. I guess I realized nothing is going to change if I freak out. Whatever is supposed to happen, will. I like this approach much better!!! I'm not constantly checking my phone or my FB. I will just enjoy each moment with him and apart from him.

    I want to invite my crush over sometime but I guess I'm still hesitant. Maybe in a couple of weeks he can by. He will hint around about it here and there so I'm sure he'll be delighted, hopefully anyway.

    And yes bregalad5, I feel like I'm 13 too!!! I am picturing yesterday in my head and I'm so damn happy and myself around him that I was skipping, jumping and cracking up like a hyena (that's what he said when I couldn't stop laughing). I hope he doesn't think I'm not all there haha. That's me, especially when I'm happy!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I think it's cute that he teases me. (are we in 4th grade??) He teased my laugh, my dancing, my workout pants, all in a fun manner but still... do guys ever change?!?
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    Why!! you are so young and beautiful, you should be just enjoying and focusing on having fun luv :flowerforyou:
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Why!! you are so young and beautiful, you should be just enjoying and focusing on having fun luv :flowerforyou:

    crushing IS fun!!!! :bigsmile:

    we talked for 2 hours tonight................................................

    we are hanging out tomorrow night. I vow to not drink too much and do more talking. okay? okay.
  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member
    the dude acts nervous around me.. but still at ease. I can't explain it. so i get confused (but will NOT overthink it hehe) whether or not he likes me as a friend or what. i was the one that told him i wanted to be just friends and if something happened, to let it flow naturally... so why do i get all anxios when he's doing exactly what i requested?? lol

    You do realise that he probably likes you too quite a bit and might not be sure you like him, much like yourself?

    Trust me I'm speaking from personal experience of the present here! Almost exactly everything that you've said in the last few days has been how I'm feeling with her, the checking the phone, the worrying about everything (one of my threads is in this group illustrates this!) Just act like yourself and don't worry about him. Remember with the kissing at the beginning he was probably worried you wouldn't want to, there's 2 of you in this and he's got as much to lose as you have (especially so considering you mentioned he doesn't know anyone in the area.)

    Mine was way worse than yours, you were panicking about kissing a guy when you're 32 on the second time you saw each other?! That's nooothing compared to what we did and ours was on the first! It will all work out just enjoy it, if you think he's feeling nervous or showing signs then talk to him and it will pass! :)
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    We did a bit more than kissing... :wink: We left our clothes on but there was some major rated R stuff going on. :huh: Hmm. lol

    The more I talk to him the more I'm trying to figure out because honestly he's not easy to read. He seems shy yet can be so confident. It seems like he gets nervous at times but maybe he's uncomfortable?
    He also has said his dad isn't very emotional and he can be like that as well. During our hike he said he doesn't get excited about much. He said he wasn't always like that, it started in his early 20's. I told him how I get excited about every single little thing... he then replied "that's good. I guess I just don't have as many opportunities you do to get disappointed though." I was surprised he said that because he's very optimistic, very happy but maybe he's been hurt or something.

    I don't know and so far so good. I'm not overthinking it nor will I worry about it.
  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member
    We did a bit more than kissing... :wink: We left our clothes on but there was some major rated R stuff going on. :huh: Hmm. lol

    The more I talk to him the more I'm trying to figure out because honestly he's not easy to read. He seems shy yet can be so confident. It seems like he gets nervous at times but maybe he's uncomfortable?
    He also has said his dad isn't very emotional and he can be like that as well. During our hike he said he doesn't get excited about much. He said he wasn't always like that, it started in his early 20's. I told him how I get excited about every single little thing... he then replied "that's good. I guess I just don't have as many opportunities you do to get disappointed though." I was surprised he said that because he's very optimistic, very happy but maybe he's been hurt or something.

    I don't know and so far so good. I'm not overthinking it nor will I worry about it.

    You never know someone's past that well to be fair, you might be right and he might have been hurt. That would explain what you've said about the way he acts. Although seriously you are 100% describing me going out with this girl I'm seeing. I'm confident but I know my insides are moving all over the place and it comes out occasionally as a slight show of nervousness (for me I seem to shiver a little bit as though the cold has hit me)

    Oh and you say R rated with clothes...I was meaning mine was without haha. So you didn't go as far so don't worry about it. I overthought it a bit and sent her flowers after that but she's the kind of girl that loved that! Enjoy it anyway because it sounds promising