I have a crush.



  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    We did a bit more than kissing... :wink: We left our clothes on but there was some major rated R stuff going on. :huh: Hmm. lol

    The more I talk to him the more I'm trying to figure out because honestly he's not easy to read. He seems shy yet can be so confident. It seems like he gets nervous at times but maybe he's uncomfortable?
    He also has said his dad isn't very emotional and he can be like that as well. During our hike he said he doesn't get excited about much. He said he wasn't always like that, it started in his early 20's. I told him how I get excited about every single little thing... he then replied "that's good. I guess I just don't have as many opportunities you do to get disappointed though." I was surprised he said that because he's very optimistic, very happy but maybe he's been hurt or something.

    I don't know and so far so good. I'm not overthinking it nor will I worry about it.

    You never know someone's past that well to be fair, you might be right and he might have been hurt. That would explain what you've said about the way he acts. Although seriously you are 100% describing me going out with this girl I'm seeing. I'm confident but I know my insides are moving all over the place and it comes out occasionally as a slight show of nervousness (for me I seem to shiver a little bit as though the cold has hit me)

    Oh and you say R rated with clothes...I was meaning mine was without haha. So you didn't go as far so don't worry about it. I overthought it a bit and sent her flowers after that but she's the kind of girl that loved that! Enjoy it anyway because it sounds promising

    and good luck to you!!!
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member

    My update is: :happy: :happy: :happy: :love: :blushing:
  • agregson1985
    agregson1985 Posts: 55 Member
    yes i want an update! haha
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    It was good. We hung out at his place then went to watch a b-ball game at a place by his apt. We came back and drank, played a game of scrabble and watched some comedy shows (we both love stand up). I then suggested to go out again so he took me to his fav little hole in the wall bar and we had a good time. Came back to his place and talked some more.. and I ended up staying over again.


    I'm not sure what's going on.. we've seen each other alot over the last 2 weeks. I don't like that I feel confused with him. If he was REALLY into me, I'd know. So for now, I'm going to chill out.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I don't like that I feel confused with him. If he was REALLY into me, I'd know. So for now, I'm going to chill out.

    He could be just as confused. Especially since you said you don't want to be more than friends, he might be backing off...?
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    true, but then the fact that he just literally moved here 2 weeks ago and me liking him so fast is just crazy. i think i'm assuming too much but part of it is because he doesn't say much either. i am very open. i think i make it obvious that i like him by showing him that i'm happy to see him and by making 1st moves here and there. i don't see him increasing on anything. i have made the observation that he isn't very expressive and what he said that one day about how he doesn't get excited about much makes alot of sense now.

    he is a confident guy. i *think* if he really liked me, he'd have no problem saying so. i could be wrong but i guess its easier to back off at this point.

    i said i wanted to be friends and although we just met, i'd like to pursue something more with him or i at least see him in a way that i haven't seen another guy since my divorce (potential bf) but i'm not sure how to say that w/o sounding crazy so instead i will just take a step back before i get hurt.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    i said i wanted to be friends and although we just met, i'd like to pursue something more with him or i at least see him in a way that i haven't seen another guy since my divorce (potential bf) but i'm not sure how to say that w/o sounding crazy so instead i will just take a step back before i get hurt.

    I think someone needs to have a :heart: to :heart: with him :wink:

    Heck, I've only been talking with my crush for maybe 3 weeks now and we've already admitted feelings for each other and such, and have discussed (and decided it's better right now if we don't) a relationship, and instead see what pans out over the next little while until one of us can scrounge up the money to take a trip. Of course, I'm one to, like you it seems, wait for the guy to bring things up for fear of sounding crazy/silly, so I totally know where you're coming from on that. So yeah, he was the one to bring absolutely everything up in this... maybe I just got luck in that :laugh:
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    honestly at this point i couldn't handle his rejection so i rather not. i rather just move on and next him if he's not stepping up.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Heck, I've only been talking with my crush for maybe 3 weeks now and we've already admitted feelings for each other and such, and have discussed (and decided it's better right now if we don't) a relationship, and instead see what pans out over the next little while until one of us can scrounge up the money to take a trip.

    Erm, well, I spoke too soon (that was our discussion last night, and we hadn't chatted yet today when I posted that). Scratch that... we're giving it a try :heart: :heart:
  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member
    honestly at this point i couldn't handle his rejection so i rather not. i rather just move on and next him if he's not stepping up.

    You say that but you'll regret it soon if you don't just go for it, the worst that could happen is he says he's not interested (he clearly is if he spent that long with you on the phone..seriously we don't like spending more than 3 mins on a phonecall unless we like someone..especially a guy that you say is a man of few words and doesn't like expressing himself. Even if you were talking most of the time, the fact is he stayed on the phone, he could have made any excuse like I'm making dinner I'll speak to you later or going for a shower it's not hard.

    Seems like we're both in the same boat anyway, one of us likes the other more. Yours is a guy, mines a girl. I know what you mean. Mine keeps seeing me a lot but made it clear she wasn't interested in commiting (similar to your friendship thing) but the thing is it seems like it's more than that but nothings been said. I think we should make a pact that if it hasn't been spoken about in the next 2 weeks we both talk to them directly about it ;) I'm backing off too for a few days and letting her contact me like you did earlier anyway. I'm not always being the one chasing!
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Funny thing.. we went to sleep at about 5am. Do you know how we fell asleep???

    We were rapping old songs. We rapped everything from Vanilla Ice to Dr. Dre to Snoop Dogg. We must have fallen asleep somewhere in between songs because I then woke up in the a.m with his cat by my side.

  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member
    I like how you're going through the same stages as me! You've gone from blind panic to being sort of secure about it back to blind panic :p

    Just see how it develops over time, you enjoying your time with him? I'd give it a couple more weeks then have "the chat" I guess. Mines gonna be longer than that due to her recent past but I am going to have to I can tell. I'm in exactly the same spot as you though where it feels like I need to blow my own head off for being ridiculous.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Seems like we're both in the same boat anyway, one of us likes the other more. Yours is a guy, mines a girl. I know what you mean. Mine keeps seeing me a lot but made it clear she wasn't interested in commiting (similar to your friendship thing) but the thing is it seems like it's more than that but nothings been said. I think we should make a pact that if it hasn't been spoken about in the next 2 weeks we both talk to them directly about it ;) I'm backing off too for a few days and letting her contact me like you did earlier anyway. I'm not always being the one chasing!

    Haha, okay I read in 2 YEARS! I can do 2 weeks... Deal!! By then it'll be a month of knowing him and it doesn't seem so fast. I'll talk to him then. But I'm still backing off.
  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member
    Same. I've not text her at all today (I feel like I'm the one that's always contacting her) I'm just going to wait until she texts me now. It's easy enough to send a text or something so if they're interested they'll get in touch. The 2 weeks though I'll keep to it even if I'm more confident about yours than mine! :)
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    CRUSHES SUCK TODAY. :sad: :ohwell:
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    CRUSHES SUCK TODAY. :sad: :ohwell:

    :frown: :frown: :flowerforyou:
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    and my crush is over...

    we went out tonight and talked. he sees me more as just a friend. he says he's just felt very comfortable with me from the beginning where he can talk about anything with me w/o me getting pissed off.
    i always said he seemed like a cool guy whom i'd love to be even just friends with... well that's what we're doing.

    i'm glad we talked about it and got everything out in the open. i feel SO much better now knowing.. i guess it's true, when a guy is into you YOU WILL KNOW it. all this confusing crap was just that... confusing.

    on to the next one!!
  • agregson1985
    agregson1985 Posts: 55 Member
    awww well now you know! my crush is being a perv tonight :S.........like sorry im not after a peice of *kitten* ill go to the bar for that thanks. haha
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Aww to both of you :frown:
  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member
    Sighface..looks like we're both in the same boat again.

    Back on the bandwagon, least you know where you stand now. That's what I'll have to do but I have to do my usual going out and getting ruined this weekend and getting it all out of my system. Liver won't be happy but it genuinely does work!