Racial Pride as it pertains to Caucasian People?



  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    I certainly feel society (which includes myself) owes an apology for the way minorities were and still are treated just because of the color of their skin.

    this is what I was talking about.

    Society can not make it up to the people who were mistreated. We can love people equally but that is what we should be doing just as human beings not because we owe anyone anything. I think the only thing we "owe" is equal rights which everyone has now
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    To me it's fine to be proud of your heritage (Irish, Scottish, German, Polish, Mexican, Spanish, African, etc) than what the color of your skin is. There's nothing to be "proud" about having a certain color skin.

    but what if you just got back from vacay and you have a smoking, gorgeous tan?
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I have to disagree with you on this Patti, yes, it is terrible everything that has happened, and yes, many today still mistreat minorities. I don't know anyone who ever owned a slave and I think that very few slave owners are still alive in the US. Those who had slaves owe something to the slaves they had, I owe nothing. It is history, it sucks, and I am sorry for anyone who went through that or had family who went through it, but white people do no owe it to black people. (though I'm not saying that Black people shouldn't have a parade or anything)
    What we "owe" is equality. What we "owe" is an end to racism. What we "owe" is compassion. I believe we have a duty to speak up against all racism. So, if I hear a racial slur, I'm going to say something. Ask anyone on here who knows me IRL (VerryKerri, Quichebradford). I cannot stand racism and I'll never understand why some people think they're better than others because they're white or why others are so against taking a stand. Do you realize it's only been 2 generations since the Civil Rights Movement ended? That's not that long ago.
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member

    What we "owe" is equality. What we "owe" is an end to racism. What we "owe" is compassion. I believe we have a duty to speak up against all racism. So, if I hear a racial slur, I'm going to say something. Ask anyone on here who knows me IRL (VerryKerri, Quichebradford). I cannot stand racism and I'll never understand why some people think they're better than others because they're white or why others are so against taking a stand. Do you realize it's only been 2 generations since the Civil Rights Movement ended? That's not that long ago.

    Civil Rights movement is still going on. Just ask gay people.
  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    And your point? I was just showing that the definition of ethnic can include racial characteristics. Those racial characteristics can be praised, desired, whatever unless you are caucasian. Then you become racist.
    I'm not saying you're racist. My point of contention is using the term, "ethnic looking people" to refer to anyone not caucasian. Caucasians have ethnicity, too.
    One can say "I have beautiful Spanish olive skin" and it's ok. If a caucasian person were to say "I have beautiful American white skin", they would be ripped apart.
    It's one thing to say, "I love that my skin is pale". It's another to say, "I'm proud that I'm white".

    And that is exactly what I mean, why can't white people say they are proud to be white???

    We can but most people are too focus on being politically correct these days.....White pride, black pride, purple pride blah blah blah.

    There is nothing wrong with people loving their skin whether you were orange or green even. I love my white skin, blue eyes, brown hair. I just got back from the Dominican where I plastered my skin with sun tan lotion cuz I know I burn easy and don't tan well. Love the way God made me.

    People look way too much into this kinda crap and make mountains out a specks of dust when someone throws out the word proud. Maybe they REALLY just meant they like the way they look and it was taken out of context. It's NOT like they just said "I'm proud to be white because we had slaves". LOL CONTEXT PEOPLE

    This is why people are so hateful. And people wanting apologies for things that took place when they weren't even alive from a bunch of strangers who weren't alive either is F*N stupid. I have no one to apologize to except for maybe yelling at my boyfriend yesterday.

    Am I sitting here asking for apologizes from strangers that are of a specific race in Canada, for some people they don't know who chose to take over my families houses,then tried to kill them in currently war torn country?? I'd be stupid.

    GET OVER YOURSELF PEOPLE. Focus on what you are doing around you and get apologies from the people who directly did something to you.

    To the OP. Your son should be proud of whatever he chose to be proud of. Whether is white, brown, both, and especially his project he worked so hard on...and no body should say diddly squat to him for being proud. I hope this isn't an issue you son will have to deal with again.

    To everyone, apologies on spelling, grammar and proof reading....Jotted this one down quick time cuz I'm at work!!:bigsmile:
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I know this may open up a can of worms but I am genuinely curious as to how Whites may feel about it not being "accepted" so to speak to be proud to be White.
    Before anyone tries to crucify (lol) me, let me say my son is half White. I am Mexican, like born in Mexico and all that.
    When my son was in the 1st grade there was some sort of assignment in regards to heritage, and most of the children turned in collages with Hispanic topics. We live in a primarily Hispanic/Latino whatever the politically correct term is blah blah community. He turned in a collage with images of England, Oklahoma (his paternal grandfather is from Oklahoma) and images of White people.
    Needless to say we got weird looks. I was pissed. I mean...cmon...we know he's half Mexican, so what's wrong with him expressing his pride in his other half???
    What do you all think?
    My two oldest are half caucasian/half Hispanic. I've always told them they should learn about their heritage on both sides of the family. On "heritage days" at school, they would write about or dress like their Scottish, Irish, or Mexican heritage. I want them to be proud of their heritage. I just wouldn't condone them saying they're proud to be white or proud to be brown. They should proud to be Scottish, Irish, and Mexican. That was my only point of contention in this thread. Sorry for the derail when I focused on someone else's reply.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I know this may open up a can of worms but I am genuinely curious as to how Whites may feel about it not being "accepted" so to speak to be proud to be White.
    Before anyone tries to crucify (lol) me, let me say my son is half White. I am Mexican, like born in Mexico and all that.
    When my son was in the 1st grade there was some sort of assignment in regards to heritage, and most of the children turned in collages with Hispanic topics. We live in a primarily Hispanic/Latino whatever the politically correct term is blah blah community. He turned in a collage with images of England, Oklahoma (his paternal grandfather is from Oklahoma) and images of White people.
    Needless to say we got weird looks. I was pissed. I mean...cmon...we know he's half Mexican, so what's wrong with him expressing his pride in his other half???
    What do you all think?
    My two oldest are half caucasian/half Hispanic. I've always told them they should learn about their heritage on both sides of the family. On "heritage days" at school, they would write about or dress like their Scottish, Irish, or Mexican heritage. I want them to be proud of their heritage. I just wouldn't condone them saying they're proud to be white or proud to be brown. They should proud to be Scottish, Irish, and Mexican. That was my only point of contention in this thread. Sorry for the derail when I focused on someone else's reply.

    We're never going to stop racism until we stop pointing each other's differences.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    If you are Caucasion, racial pride is interpreted as rasism.

    NAACP?? What kind of an uproar would there be is someone wanted to create National Association for the Advancement of White People? Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson would have a field day with that.

    Latino Film Festival Awards ?? Would a Caucasion Film Festival Award ceremony create a problem?

    BET?? White Entertainment Television?? I don't think so.

    Asian Pride Parade?? Just the Asian community trying to celebrate their heritage, right? White Pride Parade? Must be a KKK offshoot, huh??

    How many of you look at my picture? See the bald head and see a racist? I never owned a slave. I never hired illegal aliens and took advantage of them. I'm not apologising for being white. And I'm not apologizing for what previous generations did either. I treat everyone the same.

    Racial pride as it pertains to Caucasion People? You tell me.

    False equivalence.
  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    I know this may open up a can of worms but I am genuinely curious as to how Whites may feel about it not being "accepted" so to speak to be proud to be White.
    Before anyone tries to crucify (lol) me, let me say my son is half White. I am Mexican, like born in Mexico and all that.
    When my son was in the 1st grade there was some sort of assignment in regards to heritage, and most of the children turned in collages with Hispanic topics. We live in a primarily Hispanic/Latino whatever the politically correct term is blah blah community. He turned in a collage with images of England, Oklahoma (his paternal grandfather is from Oklahoma) and images of White people.
    Needless to say we got weird looks. I was pissed. I mean...cmon...we know he's half Mexican, so what's wrong with him expressing his pride in his other half???
    What do you all think?
    My two oldest are half caucasian/half Hispanic. I've always told them they should learn about their heritage on both sides of the family. On "heritage days" at school, they would write about or dress like their Scottish, Irish, or Mexican heritage. I want them to be proud of their heritage. I just wouldn't condone them saying they're proud to be white or proud to be brown. They should proud to be Scottish, Irish, and Mexican. That was my only point of contention in this thread. Sorry for the derail when I focused on someone else's reply.

    We're never going to stop racism until we stop pointing each other's differences.

    Racism will never be stopped because there are too many idiots in the world. Its the sad truth :frown:
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I think that in terms of your son it's probably not so much a matter of "he's proud to be white" as much as "he's not showing that he's proud to be mexican." Also, I wonder if it's also a bit of disapproval of the interracial union.

    That actually crossed my mind, as well. After reading catshark's follow-up post about the project her son did, it seemed more of a cultural issue vs. a race one. They were upset that her son presented European culture vs. Mexican culture. His classmates/their parents/whoever took issue with it need to get a freaking life. :tongue: That'd be like a foreign exchange student doing that same project, and bringing in materials to represent, say, Finland, where that student is from, and everyone attacking them for not waving a big American flag instead.

    Couple more things I'd like to add:
    Yes the other parents and even the teacher were a little upset because of that above reason. I should of had him present Mexican stuff, since I was from Mexico, according to them.

    My little boy says he's like a mariachi band with banjos, equally Anglo and Mexican. He's so above all that sort of drama, its more me that makes a big deal of it. Even my ex husband says I shouldn't make such a huge deal about it but it bugs me.

    Also, racism isn't exclusive to any certain race/ethnicity. When I married my ex I had such drama from my peers, I was called a "sell-out" and asked why I was marrying a (insert racial slur).
    I also once had a Nation of Islam gentleman tell me my son was a white devil.

    I also don't think White people should have to apologize to anyone over things done in the past. In that case, why isn't my ex's family getting an apology? Their ancestress was an indentured servant, sold along with half a dozen slaves when the landowner died.
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member

    Couple more things I'd like to add:
    Yes the other parents and even the teacher were a little upset because of that above reason. I should of had him present Mexican stuff, since I was from Mexico, according to them.

    My little boy says he's like a mariachi band with banjos, equally Anglo and Mexican. He's so above all that sort of drama, its more me that makes a big deal of it. Even my ex husband says I shouldn't make such a huge deal about it but it bugs me.
    does he actually say "like a mariachi band with banjos?" If so that's freaking adorable, how old is he?


    Also, racism isn't exclusive to any certain race/ethnicity. When I married my ex I had such drama from my peers, I was called a "sell-out" and asked why I was marrying a (insert racial slur).
    I also once had a Nation of Islam gentleman tell me my son was a white devil.


    My husband and I had the same experience. We were walking down the street and they said I white people are the devil and white women are sirens.

    Also in relation to not letting it get to you, I understand why it does. I laugh when people tell my husband he shouldn't be with me cause i'm the devil or anything like that, but when we have kids if anyone says that about my kid I will flip out!
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    I have to disagree with you on this Patti, yes, it is terrible everything that has happened, and yes, many today still mistreat minorities. I don't know anyone who ever owned a slave and I think that very few slave owners are still alive in the US. Those who had slaves owe something to the slaves they had, I owe nothing. It is history, it sucks, and I am sorry for anyone who went through that or had family who went through it, but white people do no owe it to black people. (though I'm not saying that Black people shouldn't have a parade or anything)
    What we "owe" is equality. What we "owe" is an end to racism. What we "owe" is compassion. I believe we have a duty to speak up against all racism. So, if I hear a racial slur, I'm going to say something. Ask anyone on here who knows me IRL (VerryKerri, Quichebradford). I cannot stand racism and I'll never understand why some people think they're better than others because they're white or why others are so against taking a stand. Do you realize it's only been 2 generations since the Civil Rights Movement ended? That's not that long ago.

    I get what you're saying. :smile: my thought is we don't "owe" it because we should be giving all of that anyway. wow, I did not realize the Civil Rights movement just ended 2 generations ago, that's crazy! And as someone else mentioned, it's still going on to an extent
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member

    My little boy says he's like a mariachi band with banjos, equally Anglo and Mexican. He's so above all that sort of drama, its more me that makes a big deal of it. Even my ex husband says I shouldn't make such a huge deal about it but it bugs me.
    does he actually say "like a mariachi band with banjos?" If so that's freaking adorable, how old is he?

    Also, racism isn't exclusive to any certain race/ethnicity. When I married my ex I had such drama from my peers, I was called a "sell-out" and asked why I was marrying a (insert racial slur).
    I also once had a Nation of Islam gentleman tell me my son was a white devil.

    My husband and I had the same experience. We were walking down the street and they said I white people are the devil and white women are sirens.

    Also in relation to not letting it get to you, I understand why it does. I laugh when people tell my husband he shouldn't be with me cause i'm the devil or anything like that, but when we have kids if anyone says that about my kid I will flip out!
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member

    My little boy says he's like a mariachi band with banjos, equally Anglo and Mexican. He's so above all that sort of drama, its more me that makes a big deal of it. Even my ex husband says I shouldn't make such a huge deal about it but it bugs me.
    does he actually say "like a mariachi band with banjos?" If so that's freaking adorable, how old is he?

    Also, racism isn't exclusive to any certain race/ethnicity. When I married my ex I had such drama from my peers, I was called a "sell-out" and asked why I was marrying a (insert racial slur).
    I also once had a Nation of Islam gentleman tell me my son was a white devil.

    My husband and I had the same experience. We were walking down the street and they said I white people are the devil and white women are sirens.

    Also in relation to not letting it get to you, I understand why it does. I laugh when people tell my husband he shouldn't be with me cause i'm the devil or anything like that, but when we have kids if anyone says that about my kid I will flip out!

    Yes, he does say that. He also says he's a tamale with SPAM, and he says his name is Okie Frijoles. He's 10, lol. He cracks me up. He also loves the fact that in movies the hybrid is such a big deal, for example, in Twilight (LOL), and in Underworld.
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    Yes, he does say that. He also says he's a tamale with SPAM, and he says his name is Okie Frijoles. He's 10, lol. He cracks me up. He also loves the fact that in movies the hybrid is such a big deal, for example, in Twilight (LOL), and in Underworld.

    that made me literally LOL a tamale with SPAM! I love it! sounds like you have a super smart kid! My friends son (she is black her husband is white), if you ask "what color are you?" he says "grey" :laugh:
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Your son sounds awesome! That's good stuff.
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Yeah I have made lots of mistakes in my life, but I'm trying to do my best to raise my son to be a thoughtful, kind, considerate man. Thanks, everyone for all your opinions and viewpoints!
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I've always had people ask my boys if I'm their mother (they have dark complexions, dark hair, dark eyes and I'm very pale). Once an older lady asked my youngest, who was 9 at the time, what he was. He had no idea she meant race, so he said, "Catholic". Ha!
  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    I've always had people ask my boys if I'm their mother (they have dark complexions, dark hair, dark eyes and I'm very pale). Once an older lady asked my youngest, who was 9 at the time, what he was. He had no idea she meant race, so he said, "Catholic". Ha!

    Wow...what a rude woman! But I like your son's response, haha!

    I had someone ask me when I was 15 "what are you?" So freaking rude. He was the local KKK leader/prominent member/whatever...gross.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Society can not make it up to the people who were mistreated. We can love people equally but that is what we should be doing just as human beings not because we owe anyone anything. I think the only thing we "owe" is equal rights which everyone has now

    Uh, no there isn't. Ask any gay person in America or Australia who wants to get married if they're equal.

    Go read the studies on the fact that people with 'black sounding names' are hired less than people with 'traditional' names.

    You can sit here any say 'oh we had the Civil Rights movement 50 years ago it's all good now'. No it's not. Look at the hatred Obama gets. I've been watching American politics since I was 13 years old. I've never seen the vitrol towards an American president that I've seen towards Obama. Even when Clinton was going through that stuff after Lewinsky. Look at all the Republicans who have had to come out and apologise after forwarding racist cartoons or caricatures of Obama.

    Better yet, do you want to explain to me why after the 1964 election the South turned from solid Democratic areas to solid Republican areas?
    There is nothing wrong with people loving their skin whether you were orange or green even.

    Please don't lessen the very real impact racism still has. Using the straw men argument of 'orangle/purple' people is offensive.