Progress so far



  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Well, not the same results as last week.
    I looked at fact that one of my workouts each week is very iffy, so I included it for 0.5 days a week, and I saw my sleep was overestimated by a lot, so that added to Very Light too. Switched that mid-week.
    In all, I upped my calories actually. And this was the weekend I missed the workout.

    Progress Week 2

    Current BMR = 1763
    Future goal calories = 2339 to 2462

    Average calorie intake per day = 2410
    Average Exercise burn per day = 449
    Average Net Calories = 1961
    Net above BMR - 198

    Weight lost this week = 0.4 lbs

    I have lost inches though, and 2 great weight lifting workouts, in fact, still recovering from Mon night, so this morning weigh-in might not have been accurate. Last week I missed Mon night, hmmmm.

    About to go backpacking, and pre-logged everything I would normally bring. Surprised by how few calories it ended up being, especially with walking 6hrs everyday with extra load. Had to keep adding things to eat.
  • wiginn
    wiginn Posts: 147 Member
    Week 3 progress for me was another 1.4 pounds gone!!!
  • lrobson555
    lrobson555 Posts: 97 Member
    So I started doing this on Wednesday, and as my usually weigh in day is a Sunday I have decided to post my 'Week 1' Results today, even though I've only been doing it for four days!

    Its working really well for me so far :) I'm really enjoying eating more food!

    This week (in four days) I lost 1.5lb and 2 inches from my body. The inches have come off the tummy and legs and it might be all in my head, but i think I can feel it.

    I have been eating approx. 2000 calories every day and doing a workout averaging around 400 calories every day, plus walking for at least an hour every day. I reckon that gives me a net of about 1400 and my current BMR is 1548 so that works out right. My goal BMR is 1401 so I think I'm doing everything right. Please correct me if I'm doing it wrong!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    So I started doing this on Wednesday, and as my usually weigh in day is a Sunday I have decided to post my 'Week 1' Results today, even though I've only been doing it for four days!

    Its working really well for me so far :) I'm really enjoying eating more food!

    This week (in four days) I lost 1.5lb and 2 inches from my body. The inches have come off the tummy and legs and it might be all in my head, but i think I can feel it.

    I have been eating approx. 2000 calories every day and doing a workout averaging around 400 calories every day, plus walking for at least an hour every day. I reckon that gives me a net of about 1400 and my current BMR is 1548 so that works out right. My goal BMR is 1401 so I think I'm doing everything right. Please correct me if I'm doing it wrong!

    Excellent progress, must have meant you recovered fast.

    I will suggest, that if the weekly check shows you on avg netting below your current BMR by 150 a day, that is some extra potential burn that is being lost for all activities that are based on the metabolism.

    So hold it for another week or two. You might also confirm how much that walk takes out of you. Walking calorie estimates are usually right on.

    If this is walking the dog at 3mph hr, that's nice gentle pace, and just more daily activity to not worry about feeding.

    But, if it is a pace that is a workout, you might want to have 1 rest day without walking to allow for proper recovery from all exercise type activities.
  • lrobson555
    lrobson555 Posts: 97 Member
    So I started doing this on Wednesday, and as my usually weigh in day is a Sunday I have decided to post my 'Week 1' Results today, even though I've only been doing it for four days!

    Its working really well for me so far :) I'm really enjoying eating more food!

    This week (in four days) I lost 1.5lb and 2 inches from my body. The inches have come off the tummy and legs and it might be all in my head, but i think I can feel it.

    I have been eating approx. 2000 calories every day and doing a workout averaging around 400 calories every day, plus walking for at least an hour every day. I reckon that gives me a net of about 1400 and my current BMR is 1548 so that works out right. My goal BMR is 1401 so I think I'm doing everything right. Please correct me if I'm doing it wrong!

    Excellent progress, must have meant you recovered fast.

    I will suggest, that if the weekly check shows you on avg netting below your current BMR by 150 a day, that is some extra potential burn that is being lost for all activities that are based on the metabolism.

    So hold it for another week or two. You might also confirm how much that walk takes out of you. Walking calorie estimates are usually right on.

    If this is walking the dog at 3mph hr, that's nice gentle pace, and just more daily activity to not worry about feeding.

    But, if it is a pace that is a workout, you might want to have 1 rest day without walking to allow for proper recovery from all exercise type activities.

    So do you mean that I should be eating a little less, so I am further under my current BMR, or should I be eating more and get closer to it?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    So do you mean that I should be eating a little less, so I am further under my current BMR, or should I be eating more and get closer to it?

    You really want the net estimate to be above BMR on avg, but mighty close. Really, a 100 one way or another will probably be balanced out on another week, or by mere fact exercise calories is not exact, food calories is not exact, ect. 100 difference with 2000 calorie daily is only 5%, not bad at all.

    Now, this method does save you from the problem of constantly netting under it. One day with lighter workout keeps the metabolism from settling, or it should anyway.

    That's the other reason I suggested just 1 day of no walking, if the walking is really a good exercise pace. Allows good recovery and repair of muscles under constant use, and it would help take care of that 150 net under BMR on avg daily.

    If the walking is gentle enough and hardly a rise to the heart rate or breathing, then skip that advice, and see how you do over next couple weeks. You may have room to add some calories each day, or the 1.5 loss each week will remain.

    This level right now also allows the slower rise to total calories that might be useful.
  • lrobson555
    lrobson555 Posts: 97 Member
    Excellent advice!

    Thanks for being so supportive, and for explaining it so well! You've really helped to restore my confidence in consistent weight loss :)
  • wiginn
    wiginn Posts: 147 Member
    1 more pound gone! I'd have to say my first month of following this plan (February) has been a success!
  • morningrunner
    morningrunner Posts: 112 Member
    1 more pound gone! I'd have to say my first month of following this plan (February) has been a success!

    Wow, fantastic!

    I have to say I've had no luck so far. May I ask what you were averaging before and what you bumped up to for this plan?
  • becjerami
    Progress end of Week 4

    Current BMR = 1517
    Goal Weight BMR = 1413

    Haven't had a rest day this week so the net calories are lower than usual.

    Average calorie intake per day = 2204
    Average Exercise burn per day = 759
    Average Net Calories = 1445

    Slight weight gain but there are non diet related factors affecting that at the moment so I'm not too worried. I'm trying not to pay too much attention to the scale these days, although I'll start to wonder if it doesn't go down at least a bit in the next few weeks. Using an HRM now so my burn calories are more accurate. I'm feeling good though and am enjoying eating at this calorie level. It's much easier to resist bad foods and I never feel too hungry.

    Good news is I continue to lose cms and am sure I've lost body fat! I'm going to measure my body fat % this week and use that to track progress as well from now on.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Well, about the same results as last week.
    I gave myself too many treat meals going in to and out of the backpacking trip. Last burger and first burger type thing.
    And overestimated calorie burn for all the walking. 2mph for 6 hrs, even with 45 extra lbs, isn't really that much more, and probably shouldn't have treated it as a workout, but just increased daily activity I didn't need to feed.

    Progress Week 3

    Current BMR = 1763
    Goal calories = 2462

    Average calorie intake per day = 2737
    Average Exercise burn per day = 591
    Average Net Calories = 2146
    Net above BMR - 384

    Weight lost this week = 0.4 lbs

    I lost inches too Bec. Ran out of time this morning to measure, guess I'll try tomorrow.

    Another messed up week coming up with for sure 2, probably 3 workouts to be missed. Think I'll leave at least 200 calories on the table each of those days, and a couple of others to compensate, without messing with my goal numbers.

    Please don't congratulate me on being under my daily goal! ;-)
  • WeCallThemDayWalkers
    Progress end of Week 1

    Current BMR = 1456
    Goal Weight BMR = 1291

    Daily Goal Calories = 1800

    Average calorie intake per day = 1790
    Average Exercise burn per day = 312
    Average Net Calories = 1478
    Net above BMR = 46

    Hope I'm doing this right!! First week trying :) I'm taking Heybales advice and only adding a bit more per day than before so as not to encourage too much "storage".

    Anyways, end result = -0.8 lbs for the week. I'll take it!
  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    Congrats on the loss!
  • becjerami
    becjerami Posts: 80
    Progress end of Week 4

    Current BMR = 1517
    Goal Weight BMR = 1413

    Haven't had a rest day this week so the net calories are lower than usual.

    Average calorie intake per day = 2204
    Average Exercise burn per day = 759
    Average Net Calories = 1445

    Slight weight gain but there are non diet related factors affecting that at the moment so I'm not too worried. I'm trying not to pay too much attention to the scale these days, although I'll start to wonder if it doesn't go down at least a bit in the next few weeks. Using an HRM now so my burn calories are more accurate. I'm feeling good though and am enjoying eating at this calorie level. It's much easier to resist bad foods and I never feel too hungry.

    Good news is I continue to lose cms and am sure I've lost body fat! I'm going to measure my body fat % this week and use that to track progress as well from now on.

    Just to update, I now have BF% calculation which is at 29.6%. Also updated my activity levels as I seem to be consistenly doing more activity. New current BMR is actually 1483, and goal weight BMR is either 1477 (using projected BF %) or 1435 (using current height).
  • paj315
    paj315 Posts: 335 Member
    Can someone help me? Maybe check my numbers?

    I think I'm eating to little....but I don't know.

    I started to doing this at the beginning of February. The initial week I lost 3.8 pounds, I'm sure some was probably water weight, I know. Well since then I have gained every week. This past week was a gain of 1 1/2 pounds.

    I currently weigh 184 and am 5'5" with a goal of 135
    So here are my numbers:
    Sleep 10.07
    very light 12.57
    Light 0.71
    heavy 0.65

    Current weight BMR 1616
    Goal Weigh BMR 1392
    Current Activity goal- 2420
    Goal weight Activity Goal- 2103

    Here's last week's numbers

    Wed Eaten- 1582 exercise-437 Net=1145
    Tues Eaten- 1529 exercise--722 Net=807
    Mon Eaten- 1628 Net=1628
    Sun Eaten- 2117 Net=2117
    Sat Eaten-1720 exercise--437 Net=1283
    Fri Eaten-1824 Net=1824
    Thurs Eaten-1549 exercise--187 Net=1362

    1707 average daily cals
    1452 average net

    Weight gain of 1.5 pounds

    If I am understanding this correctly I need to eat about another 400 calories a day????
  • paj315
    paj315 Posts: 335 Member
    I guess another question I've been having is how do I know the exercise calories burned estimates are accurate? I do 4-5 spin classes a week and have been for almost a year. So I know my body is probably quite used to them. MFP gives me an estimate of 437 cals for a 45 min class, but I know for a fact that the class is easier for me now than 6 months ago when it gave me the same number for the same exercise.

    I ordered a heart rate monitor on Amazon and should get it today or tomorrow. Hopefully I can find out for sure what I am burning.

    When I get it how do I calculate a more accurate estimate of what I should be eating? Should I still go by what that website says?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I guess another question I've been having is how do I know the exercise calories burned estimates are accurate? I do 4-5 spin classes a week and have been for almost a year. So I know my body is probably quite used to them. MFP gives me an estimate of 437 cals for a 45 min class, but I know for a fact that the class is easier for me now than 6 months ago when it gave me the same number for the same exercise.

    I ordered a heart rate monitor on Amazon and should get it today or tomorrow. Hopefully I can find out for sure what I am burning.

    When I get it how do I calculate a more accurate estimate of what I should be eating? Should I still go by what that website says?

    2 things can happen as you get more aerobically fit and the heart and system is more efficient (takes less energy for given level of effort).
    You gain more muscle, you share the load more, and so at the same pace, your level of effort is less, less calories burned.
    Or you keep the level of effort the same for all the new muscle, and actually burn more.

    So level of effort usually measured by HR. Though heat or dehydration can artificially raise it, then your level of effort is not truly as great as indicated.

    So in these spin classes, if you are still pushing it just as much as you were previously, you have more tension, stand longer, sprint faster, then you are burning the same amount of calories. If you are doing everything at the same level as a year ago and enjoying how easy it is now, then yes, less calories.

    You are correct though the estimate of that is the kicker. Sadly women are all over the place for their max HR, their aerobic zone, ect, based on formula's. So a good HRM is needed to get anywhere near accurate, and for women that can still be up to 33% off.

    So those better HRM estimates will merely be to spot check that you are NOT netting below your current BMR on constant basis.
    The ExRx calc still underestimates that greatly.
    If you have used the spreadsheet, it shows the Heavy category is only 7 x BMR. So for your current 45 min class, that is only estimating 354 cals at current weight. At the future weight it is only 305.

    Now, if you use a level of effort in that class that is easier than walking 4pm, then, well, you need to kick it up a notch! ah ha. But I bet that is not the case.

    In other words, just use the HRM to train better, spot check weekly exercise from food eaten. Oh, don't worry about wearing it for anything other than aerobic exercise between about 90-150, studies the formulas are based on are way off below or above that, or for real weight lifting.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I started to doing this at the beginning of February. The initial week I lost 3.8 pounds, I'm sure some was probably water weight, I know. Well since then I have gained every week. This past week was a gain of 1 1/2 pounds.

    I currently weigh 184 and am 5'5" with a goal of 135
    So here are my numbers:
    Sleep 10.07
    very light 12.57
    Light 0.71
    heavy 0.65

    Current weight BMR 1616
    Goal Weigh BMR 1392
    Current Activity goal- 2420
    Goal weight Activity Goal- 2103

    Here's last week's numbers

    Wed Eaten- 1582 exercise-437 Net=1145
    Tues Eaten- 1529 exercise--722 Net=807
    Mon Eaten- 1628 Net=1628
    Sun Eaten- 2117 Net=2117
    Sat Eaten-1720 exercise--437 Net=1283
    Fri Eaten-1824 Net=1824
    Thurs Eaten-1549 exercise--187 Net=1362

    1707 average daily cals
    1452 average net

    Ok, I've used the above figures but based on using a 5% more accurate Mifflin BMR formula, since more valid as goal weight as always. The spreadsheet uses this now. MFP uses that one too.

    CBMR - 1545
    GBMR - 1323

    Goal calories - 1943

    1 week daily avg eaten - 1707
    About 236 shy.

    As to how much you are undercutting your BMR, I know above exercise burn is based on rough estimates, so could be much more, could be very little. Also trusting you nailed those activity times, but it sure sounds like you did with those exact figures.

    Now, why gaining weight after initial loss? Excellent workout routine it appears, and you are finally feeding the muscle and it can repair better, besides storing more glucose and water that always goes with that. (1500 calories of glucose storage available on avg, with water, weighs 3lbs. That is healthy needed weight)
    But since you started out much lower calories eaten, and are still lower in general for net compared to BMR, still suppressed perhaps. And if you had an initial 500 cal extra a day added on (don't recall if you added slowly or not for a week at a time), real weight gain as body held on to this new gift, instead of raising metabolism.

    So not getting full burn yet I think.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I guess another question I've been having is how do I know the exercise calories burned estimates are accurate? I do 4-5 spin classes a week and have been for almost a year. So I know my body is probably quite used to them. MFP gives me an estimate of 437 cals for a 45 min class, but I know for a fact that the class is easier for me now than 6 months ago when it gave me the same number for the same exercise.

    When was the last time you had a break from your workouts?

    I ask because when I lost the 42 in 4 months, the 6th week I actually took off from any exercise routines, cut calories appropriately, and did some gentle non-exercise-pace walking, like 3mph.
    Lost 3 lbs that week.

    When I returned back to the workouts, everything was faster and easier. 5/6 days a week, with 2 of those being massively intense outdoor bike rides, was just not allowing a good recovery. Besides probably being under my BMR by a bit except for rest days when I kept the same calories.

    But I was mainly about getting stronger first, weight loss second. It just came though.

    And I did that 6th week off whenever it rolled around, always lost 2-2.5 lbs that week and got stronger.

    So before you up your calories again, you might eat at 1600 each day for a week and no exercise except gentle walking in that available time.
  • paj315
    paj315 Posts: 335 Member
    I guess another question I've been having is how do I know the exercise calories burned estimates are accurate? I do 4-5 spin classes a week and have been for almost a year. So I know my body is probably quite used to them. MFP gives me an estimate of 437 cals for a 45 min class, but I know for a fact that the class is easier for me now than 6 months ago when it gave me the same number for the same exercise.

    When was the last time you had a break from your workouts?

    I ask because when I lost the 42 in 4 months, the 6th week I actually took off from any exercise routines, cut calories appropriately, and did some gentle non-exercise-pace walking, like 3mph.
    Lost 3 lbs that week.

    When I returned back to the workouts, everything was faster and easier. 5/6 days a week, with 2 of those being massively intense outdoor bike rides, was just not allowing a good recovery. Besides probably being under my BMR by a bit except for rest days when I kept the same calories.

    But I was mainly about getting stronger first, weight loss second. It just came though.

    And I did that 6th week off whenever it rolled around, always lost 2-2.5 lbs that week and got stronger.

    So before you up your calories again, you might eat at 1600 each day for a week and no exercise except gentle walking in that available time.

    Thanks so much for all your help. I definitely am probably due for a week off. I will give that a try and see where it takes me. And then go to trying for the 1943 with my regular routine.

    At least it seems as if I have quit gaining. I've been exactly the same weight the last 4 mornings in a row. So I guess that's good!