October 2012 due dates?



  • kerrbear79
    kerrbear79 Posts: 229 Member
    Anybody else tired of peeing all over their hand?!!!! LOL! I had my 34 week appointment yesterday and when I gave my urine sample it wasn't very neat. Seems like every time now I pee a little, or a lot this time, on my hand trying to give my sample in that stupid small cup.

    I'm not nervous about the baby being here, but just getting antsy for him to be here. I remember feeling this way last time too, ya know the waiting game. I am nervous though, like Jillsie11, about naturally going into labor. I was induced 8 days after my due date, ugh. I would looooooove to go into labor on my own but the thought also freaks me out.
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    Anybody else tired of peeing all over their hand?!!!! LOL! I had my 34 week appointment yesterday and when I gave my urine sample it wasn't very neat. Seems like every time now I pee a little, or a lot this time, on my hand trying to give my sample in that stupid small cup.

    YES!!!! The teeny tiny stalls in my doctor's building make it a huge effort, too. I could barely turn around in the stall before I had a belly, now with a belly there's almost no room to move in there!
  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member
    Anybody else tired of peeing all over their hand?!!!! LOL! I had my 34 week appointment yesterday and when I gave my urine sample it wasn't very neat. Seems like every time now I pee a little, or a lot this time, on my hand trying to give my sample in that stupid small cup.

    Do you ladies have to pee every time you go to your doctor?? If so, why? Just wondering, cause I don't have to...but I'm sure if I did, I'd have the same problem:)
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    Do you ladies have to pee every time you go to your doctor?? If so, why? Just wondering, cause I don't have to...but I'm sure if I did, I'd have the same problem:)

    Every time! Certain substances in your urine indicate different conditions. I knew beforehand about the link between protein and pre-eclampsia, but here's a link with some other health issues:

  • kerrbear79
    kerrbear79 Posts: 229 Member
    Anybody else tired of peeing all over their hand?!!!! LOL! I had my 34 week appointment yesterday and when I gave my urine sample it wasn't very neat. Seems like every time now I pee a little, or a lot this time, on my hand trying to give my sample in that stupid small cup.

    Do you ladies have to pee every time you go to your doctor?? If so, why? Just wondering, cause I don't have to...but I'm sure if I did, I'd have the same problem:)

    Yep every single time since my first appointment. I know they check for UTI's too.
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    Anybody else tired of peeing all over their hand?!!!! LOL! I had my 34 week appointment yesterday and when I gave my urine sample it wasn't very neat. Seems like every time now I pee a little, or a lot this time, on my hand trying to give my sample in that stupid small cup.

    Do you ladies have to pee every time you go to your doctor?? If so, why? Just wondering, cause I don't have to...but I'm sure if I did, I'd have the same problem:)

    Yep every single time since my first appointment. I know they check for UTI's too.

    I have to pee everytime too. They check protein (an indicator of preeclampsia) and glucose levels, I believe.

    Kerr- you crack me up! I don't exactly pee all over my hand but I am not the neatest person. The cup is never dry and it's not like I can really see where I'm aiming down there! haha!

    JLS- I am fortunate to have a nice large bathroom! I can't imagine being restricted! I think peeing in a cup is challening enough, let alone doing it in a tiny stall!

    I have my HS reunion this weekend... not excited. I was the thinnest I had ever been before I got pregnant and now I feel large and in charge and, to be quite honest, I don't know how fun this event is going to be sober... I helped plan it so I have to go but who knows how long I'll actually stay for.
  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member
    Wow- I guess I'm the only one how doesn't have to pee each time. I guess if we were showing symptoms, they would check then...?

    Had my 34 week appointment today...and my ultrasound. She's still a girl!! Guess my hunch was wrong- but at least I know one way or the other now. So she was about 5 lbs 4 oz, head down, and had a heart rate of 137. She's only in the 42nd percentile...when my 2 year old was born, she was in the 95th percentile, so maybe I will have a normal sized baby girl this time around instead of an extra large!

    BeckyJill- that doesn't sound like a very fun reunion! Had mine last winter, so I know they're akward enough without liquid courage;) Hope you have fun though!

    Can't believe how close it's getting- 39 days til my due date! Washing her clothes and packing my hospital bag today:):)
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    BeckyJill - Good luck with the reunion! Don't worry about feeling "large and in charge"! I think you look awesome! I don't know if my HS had a reunion. It closed about 8-9 years after I graduated, and I didn't really keep in touch with anybody, anyway. I had friends in HS, just not very good ones that I stayed in contact with for very long afterwards. I can count on one hand the number of HS people who are on my FB friends list, and of those, I sporadically keep in touch with two of them. I think it's time for a friends list edit!

    Jillsie - How big was your first daughter? I have a cousin who is due 2 days ahead of me. Her last baby was 10+lbs, and this one is getting so big her doctor is considering inducing her at 36 weeks out of fear the shoulders won't make it through her pelvis. :noway:

    Have any of you done a will? How did you decide who should be your child's guardian? We'd like to keep our guardian within the family, but we're having a hard time deciding who that should be. BIL+wife are already overwhelmed with their 3 kids and we don't agree with a lot of their parenting choices, but they are established and live in the same city as our parents. I know my brother would be a great dad, however he is younger (26), single and lives with a roommate, and is a police officer. He has a good job, but the hours are certainly not ideal given that he's single. If he was married and had a wife who would be home when he is working night shifts it would be totally different. Also, he lives 4 time zones away from our parents. I don't think DH's parents could handle looking after young kids anymore (BIL's kids frazzle them and they're only there for a few hours at a time), plus we both know our kids would be morbidly obese in no time living with MIL. I'm leaning towards my parents, but they have their own set of issues. Dad had a stroke a few years ago and mom's arthritis is getting worse, and even though they're younger than the inlaws I know the extra work of having kids around would wear them out in no time. We have a few friends we'd be totally comfortable using as guardians, but really want to keep it in the family. What to do? :ohwell:
  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member
    Jillsie - How big was your first daughter? I have a cousin who is due 2 days ahead of me. Her last baby was 10+lbs, and this one is getting so big her doctor is considering inducing her at 36 weeks out of fear the shoulders won't make it through her pelvis. :noway:

    Have any of you done a will? How did you decide who should be your child's guardian? We'd like to keep our guardian within the family, but we're having a hard time deciding who that should be. BIL+wife are already overwhelmed with their 3 kids and we don't agree with a lot of their parenting choices, but they are established and live in the same city as our parents. I know my brother would be a great dad, however he is younger (26), single and lives with a roommate, and is a police officer. He has a good job, but the hours are certainly not ideal given that he's single. If he was married and had a wife who would be home when he is working night shifts it would be totally different. Also, he lives 4 time zones away from our parents. I don't think DH's parents could handle looking after young kids anymore (BIL's kids frazzle them and they're only there for a few hours at a time), plus we both know our kids would be morbidly obese in no time living with MIL. I'm leaning towards my parents, but they have their own set of issues. Dad had a stroke a few years ago and mom's arthritis is getting worse, and even though they're younger than the inlaws I know the extra work of having kids around would wear them out in no time. We have a few friends we'd be totally comfortable using as guardians, but really want to keep it in the family. What to do? :ohwell:

    Jls- My last daughter was 8 lbs 10 oz- which was big enough for me at 5' 4" and still put her in the 95th percentile!:)

    We did a will after Elsie (our daughter) was born, and we named my brother and his wife as guardians since they have kids and are stable. My sister is pregnant now though, and her marriage is going a lot better than it was when we wrote the will so I'm leaning towards switching it over. It's a tough decision though, I completely understand! Good luck:)
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    Well the reunion went better than I expected. By the end of the night, it was drunko's everywhere. I headed home a little after midnight and felt I got plenty of catching up in. Glad that's over. :)

    Childbirth classes start on Wed for me. DH isn't excited because he's heard they are a waste of time. I think it will be a nice refresher course for me (not that I've done this before but I've read a ton and done a lot of research), but I think it will open his eyes. He's never witnessed a birth or really even held a newborn. I can't wait to hear his reaction to everything. I think he'll learn a lot. I'm excited for the next 4 Wednesdays, we have a guaranteed date night haha!

    As for a will, we'll put one together relatively shortly. I'm sure it'll be a battle though. We both think our families are the best fit for our baby. It'll be interesting to see how it all ends up.

    It's almost October! Can you believe it? I remember writing in this thread about all the new, fun and exciting things happening and talking about how interesting everything feels. I'm prepping for labor and delivery and getting my hospital bag ready. The nursery is ready to go and I think we're moving the pack n play in our room this week to help get the dog acclimated. Almost birth month!
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    Jillsie - Oy at 8lbs 10oz! Not huge, but yes, still a big baby! DH was either 9 or 11lbs, depending on which day you ask MIL. :huh: I really hope I have a normal/average sized baby!

    BeckyJill - So glad the reunion went well, and kudos to you for staying awake past 10pm! :laugh:

    We have our last pre-natal class this Wednesday. They have not been as informative as I'd hoped (probably because like BeckyJill, I've done a ton or reading and research), but I did learn a couple of tidbits. This week is about breast-feeding, so I'm REALLY hoping this one is informative. I haven't done much reading on this topic yet, and bf-ing is something I really want to do.

    We have an appointment with a lawyer in two weeks, so we'll have to make our decisions before then. Today I'm leaning towards BIL/SIL, but just realised we may have to have some sort of clause if they decide to relocate. Both mine and DH's parents (and currently BIL/SIL) are on the east coast, but SIL is from the west and desperately wants to move back. I wouldn't want them to move my kids across the country, away from my parents. My brother is also in the west, but several hours away from SIL's hometown. Gah. We'll figure it out eventually.

    I had a shower at work last week, so this weekend I'm hoping to pick up the rest of the important stuff we need. Our clothing stash is still way too low, but the gender neutral selection out there is so limited we may have to wait and run out and pick up some extra clothes once we know if it is a boy or girl. Luckily WalMart is just a 2 minute drive from our house! I have the toiletries part of my hospital bag ready, I think this weekend or next I'll finish it off. STILL waiting for the crib to arrive. I was told "the end of the month" and I know there's a few days left, but I'm getting anxious now! I'm worried I'll give birth and the baby won't have aplace to sleep. There's no reason for it, but I've had a feeling the last few days that our baby will arrive before 40 weeks. Don't know why, though!

    Over 2 weeks in and I'm still dealing with this cold. Nothing major/worth an extra doctor visit for, just a lingering cough and runny nose/sinus pressure, but it's getting to be annoying.

    When are you ladies starting maternity leave? When I first met my doctor she told me she tells all women to start their leave at 37-38 weeks. I thought she was off her rocker, thinking my easy desk job would be no problem and I'd totally work until 40 weeks. Boy, was I wrong! I've reached a point (reached it around week 32, really) where my sleep quality is quite poor and I'm dead tired all the time, even after a weekend off. I'm starting my leave at the end of 36 weeks, so next Friday is my last day. 8 working days left and I'm SO EXCITED! :laugh:

    ETA: Sorry my posts are always so wordy! My office is quiet, so I guess this is my spot for getting ym thoughts out!
  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member
    When are you ladies starting maternity leave? When I first met my doctor she told me she tells all women to start their leave at 37-38 weeks. I thought she was off her rocker, thinking my easy desk job would be no problem and I'd totally work until 40 weeks. Boy, was I wrong! I've reached a point (reached it around week 32, really) where my sleep quality is quite poor and I'm dead tired all the time, even after a weekend off. I'm starting my leave at the end of 36 weeks, so next Friday is my last day. 8 working days left and I'm SO EXCITED! :laugh:

    Becky/Jill- I know it's hard to believe how close we are...seeing you say that, I went back to the beginning of this group and re-read some of the entries. It seems like there's only a few of us left who started out in this group- lol! SOooo exciting to be in the home stretch. I just have a few more things on my to-do list. I hope to pack hospital bag tomorrow...and we need to install the car seat bases. But, other than that- I'm ready- kinda;)

    Jls- With my last baby (and this one, really), I wanted to wait as long as possible to take maternity leave so that I could take more time off when the baby comes. With my first daughter, I worked right until I was induced- at 40 weeks/3 days. This time around, I only work part time...SO whatever Maternity Leave I take will be unpaid, which is quite detrimental for us. SO, I'm planning on working as long as possible once again- hopefully until baby is born, just so I can take a full 6 weeks off after she comes. But I guess it all depends on how much time you're getting/if it's paid. I'd take more time off before if I could- we just can't afford it!:(
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Had my 36 week check-up yesterday and the little guy has turned around into position yay!

    Last week I went down and had the local police department check on my car seat so that's good to go now too.

    Started working from home last week which is a good thing because I'm awake from around 3:30am to 6am every morning and then need to take a nap. I am definitely at the uncomfortable phase of this pregnancy! My poor skin on my tummy hurts and is so tight. I'm keeping it moisturized but found my first stretchmark on the underside last night :sad:
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    Faughorn- That is such awesome news that baby boy finally turned! I hope he stays put now! As for the stretch marks, my belly has been ok but my thighs are seeing quite a few... My belly is always itchy so I'm trying to constantly apply lotion or cocoa butter. I feel greasy but not itchy...

    My boobs have gotten enormous- they are constantly touching and rubbing- no matter what bra I wear now. So my belly needs lotion and my cleavage needs baby powder and astringent. Gotta love it... I'll be purchasing some nuring bras and tanks this week. I've been putting it off because I want to make sure whatever I buy fits these bad boys.

    Jills- it's hilarious reading through this whole thread. Very surreal and awesome that this will be around in the future to look back on too. :) I still need to buy my carseat. I am using the Target registry completion coupon (10% off) so I'm waiting until I have a final list to go buy everything with the discount. I have one more shower this weekend. I'm not expecting a whole lot of stuff but I still hate returning things so I just want to wait and get everything done in one shopping trip.

    JLS- I hope the bf'ing portion goes well for you. I took a class last Monday and, like the childbirth class, it's not amazing, but it's certainly helpful. It was at least reassuring and they shared information where to find local help (la leche league and lactation consultants). I also learned my insurance will cover majority of my breast pump. Kick butt!!

    As for maternity leave, I'm still not 100%. I originally told my boss 1 week before my due date but then changed it because I wanted to spend more time with the baby when she gets here. But, like you, I am so damn tired all the time. I'm on the same schedule as FaugHorn- up from 3 or 4 until 6 am. That doesn't really help me function during the day. My boss is cool with me stopping whenever, I just have to make sure my backup is fully prepared. She's sitting with me all day Monday and then at least once a week until I'm done.
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    Jillsie - That's the thing that sucks about starting my mat leave early, I'm expected back at work early, too. However, I'm in Canada and taking the full 52 weeks, so I still have loads of time at home with baby. My office is "merging" with a larger office in May, so my job will become redundant and I won't have the same job to come back to next year, which is part of why I'm not super concerned about leaving early. Also, DH and I had always planned for me to stay home until our children are school-aged. I worry about finances, too, so I may come back to work doing casual/part-time hours at some point.

    Faughorn - So awesome your baby decided to flip! My sleep has been awful, too. I find most nights I'm awake several times (in addition to pee breaks), or I wake up and can't get back to sleep for a while. It's almost like sleep is becoming a chore. I feel like I'd be better off taking several naps throughout the day instead of trying to get 8 hours all at once.

    BeckyJill - The bf'ing class was the same as the rest. Mostly a re-hash of stuff I already know. We did watch a short video that showed several women bf'ing, which was a bit helpful. I've seen loads of women bf before, but I've never actually *watched*. It was good to see how things are supposed to look up close, and what movements to look for when it comes to the baby's jaw/chin/mouth to determine if there is a proper latch.

    Oh, boobs! Mine just had another growth spurt. I suddenly had to go from the middle hook to the largest on my bras last week. I was getting undressed the other night and DH commented they looked bigger, then I went to work the next day and saw someone I hadn't seen in a few weeks and she commented on their growth spurt, too!

    I found out this morning that our crib that was supposed to be delivered this week is delayed again and won't be delivered until mid-October! We ordered the thing in JULY!!! :mad: :explode: The person I've been in contact with told me to let them know if there is anything they can do to help, so I e-mailed him back saying we expect a full refund, and we will be going elsewhere to buy something in-stock. 3 hours and no response so far... We've had terrible luck with this store over the past several weeks with other issues (nothing we need is ever in stock and has to be ordered and takes longer than they say it will, they gave people incorrect items from our registry, etc) and we're tired of dealing with them. It's unfortunate, because they sell awesome stuff and it is a very popular local store. We thought it would be great to spend our money there instead of the big box places, but we were wrong!
  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member
    It's been 6 days since the last post, so I thought I'd see how everyone is doing...???

    Have my 36 week/3 day appointment this morning. Appointments every week now- SO exciting! Will get tested for the Group B Strep test today (which I was positive for last time around and needed the antibiotics during labor), and hopefully they will check to see if I'm dilated at all. My last pregnancy, I didn't dilate AT ALL the whole time- even at 4 days overdue- so they decided to induce. This time however, I've had more contractions and what not so am interested to see if there's any difference.

    Any of you dilated at all yet?
  • kerrbear79
    kerrbear79 Posts: 229 Member
    I had my 36 wk 3 day appointment on Monday. I too had the Group B Strep last time and tested positive for it again on Monday. I was checked with absolutely ZERO progress. In fact he said my cervix was hard as a rock lol. I've had a lot more contractions too this time so I thought maybe that would make a difference, but so far it hasn't. =( It is still early for us though so that doesn't mean we will be late for sure. I also never "dropped" last time and still haven't yet. Supposedly sex is supposed to help soften the cervix I guess because of the sperm? We haven't had sex in about 2 months so no surprise there. I asked my husband if he wasn't attracted to me now because I'm "big" and that didn't stop him last pregnancy. He said honestly that I am just too mean this time! Hahahha. I have been soooo mooody and irritable it's ridiculous. So yeah i'm such a *kitten* that he doesn't want me, pisses me off even more!

    On the boob front mine have only increased one size, same as last pregnancy. I am looking forward though to when the milk comes in afterwards and I have very full perky ones for awhile. =)
  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member
    I had my 36 wk 3 day appointment on Monday. I too had the Group B Strep last time and tested positive for it again on Monday. I was checked with absolutely ZERO progress. In fact he said my cervix was hard as a rock lol. I've had a lot more contractions too this time so I thought maybe that would make a difference, but so far it hasn't. =( It is still early for us though so that doesn't mean we will be late for sure. I also never "dropped" last time and still haven't yet. Supposedly sex is supposed to help soften the cervix I guess because of the sperm? We haven't had sex in about 2 months so no surprise there. I asked my husband if he wasn't attracted to me now because I'm "big" and that didn't stop him last pregnancy. He said honestly that I am just too mean this time! Hahahha. I have been soooo mooody and irritable it's ridiculous. So yeah i'm such a *kitten* that he doesn't want me, pisses me off even more!

    I guess I'll find out in an hour!! I know it's early- just curiosity has gotten the best of me:) I never dropped last time, but they say that with your 2nd baby you don't necessarily "drop" until labor begins.
    I can't believe you haven't had sex in 2 months- LUCKY! My husband still wants it at least twice a week so I've been giving in:/ And I've been more of a *kitten*, but he doesn't care I guess! Lol. And with my daughter, we had sex 4 times in one day to try and speed things up- to no avail...still had to be induced:) Will keep you all posted!
  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member
    Wasn't dilated yesterday, but cervix was soft. Doctor already started talking about the possibility of inducing again....really hope it happens naturally this time around- just want to experience that. Hope everyone's doing well!
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    I had my 36 wk 3 day appointment on Monday. I too had the Group B Strep last time and tested positive for it again on Monday. I was checked with absolutely ZERO progress. In fact he said my cervix was hard as a rock lol. I've had a lot more contractions too this time so I thought maybe that would make a difference, but so far it hasn't. =( It is still early for us though so that doesn't mean we will be late for sure. I also never "dropped" last time and still haven't yet. Supposedly sex is supposed to help soften the cervix I guess because of the sperm? We haven't had sex in about 2 months so no surprise there. I asked my husband if he wasn't attracted to me now because I'm "big" and that didn't stop him last pregnancy. He said honestly that I am just too mean this time! Hahahha. I have been soooo mooody and irritable it's ridiculous. So yeah i'm such a *kitten* that he doesn't want me, pisses me off even more!

    I guess I'll find out in an hour!! I know it's early- just curiosity has gotten the best of me:) I never dropped last time, but they say that with your 2nd baby you don't necessarily "drop" until labor begins.
    I can't believe you haven't had sex in 2 months- LUCKY! My husband still wants it at least twice a week so I've been giving in:/ And I've been more of a *kitten*, but he doesn't care I guess! Lol. And with my daughter, we had sex 4 times in one day to try and speed things up- to no avail...still had to be induced:) Will keep you all posted!

    Oh Jillsie, you are a good wife! I'm in the same boat as KerrBear, it's been about 1.5-2 months for us, too. Doesn't help that DH was sick the last half of August and I've been under the weather since early Sept. He's has been really good about not asking for it, and while it does cross my mind sometimes, honestly I'm usually so tired I'd rather sleep! I guess I should indulge him a few times before baby arrives, because there will most definitely be another dry spell afterwards!

    Had my 36w3d u/s and doctor appt today. Baby looks to be about 6lbs 5oz right now, so assuming a 1/2lb gain per week we're looking at ~8lbs if I deliver on time. Had the Group B Strep test, but no internal exam. My OB wants me to go to my GP regarding my cold that's been lingering for 3+ weeks "just to be sure" it's not a sinus infection. I'm certain it's not, I've had one before and this is not nearly as bad, but it has been dragging on too long. OB was concerned when I asked about the coughing fits I have some times, she said it is possible I could cough so hard I make my water break. It was a question DH wanted me to ask and I felt silly about when I asked, but I guess there is valid concern! :frown: So off to my GP tomorrow morning...