Daily Chat Thread



  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    I tried the BSS again on a higher, cushioned bench and honestly, it still didn't feel right. It hurt my ankles. I think I am going to follow Runz's lead and just do the lunges for both workouts. My one foot actually feels a little sore now since trying the BSS again and when I only have to do them one more workout, I can't be bothered :P

    I pushed up to 10lb weights for the dumbell prone Cuban snatch. I am worried I am doing it wrong because I seem to remember others saying it was very difficult to do with double digit DBs. Going to google a video to be sure...

    I added a 4lb ball to my long arm stability ball crunches to make them harder...it definitely accomplished that! I need a way to make the side crunches on the stability ball more difficult...???
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I have REDEEMED myself. 71 g protein so far today and 60 minutes in the gym.

    Beeps, that has to be a scary situation.

    Pudding, BSS shouldn't hurt your ankle. If lunges work for you, go for it.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Maybe the pain in the ankle with BSS is because you are not putting enough weight on your forward foot??
  • marieann82
    marieann82 Posts: 150 Member
    Beeps-what is the Venus plan?

    Crazy morning. Ended up going to Qudoba 2 hours past my usual lunch time. Cannot believe I scarfed a 1000+ calorie burrito in nearly 5 mins.

    Trying to decide to take time off work to volunteer at my daughters Girl Scout Day Camp. I really would like to but it's 9-4:30 Mon-Friday and really need to focus on work as all the end-of-year school activities are taking time away from work these last two weeks. Although, I received an email letting me know that if nobody volunteers from our troop we most likely will be turned away because there are not enough volunteers. I've volunteered all year as leader--I have no problem volunteering at camp, if I can make it work--but I will be so mad if my daughter cannot attend. Balancing work and mommy duties is so difficult at times!

    I woke up early at got to the gym and back before my kids woke up this morning. I am super happy I got my lifts in even with this day being so crazy!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,989 Member
    Venus plan I think is now called "Venus Factor"....when I bought into the online subscription, it was "Venus Index".

    I'll get my lifting session in on Sunday - I'll be just fine!

    I have 616 calories left in today....likely enough for my supper and that is it. I better go brush my teeth RIGHT AFTERWARD.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Beeps, me too! I have around 600 ish cals to eat and that's NOT eating exercise calories back. I'm trying to stick with Scooby's calculations. Anyway, that's pretty good considering I started today out with poptarts.

    I am mega bloated today from that binge last night. And I punished myself today during workout. I pushed and pushed. I increased several weights. I am exhausted.

    Pudding, I gave up on side crunches on the ball and used the apparatus standing up thingamajig :huh: I could hold a plate for bending over or a dumbbell for obliques. LOVE IT.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Not lifting today....spoilt rotten I am lol - enjoying my birthday...

    Had breakfast in bed (inlcuding home made cranberry-macadamia pistacchio biscotti - I love it instead of cake, clotted cream and a crumpet, etc...), after a guitar serenade....then came gift time....then off I was whisked to a half day spa.....now getting ready to go out for dinner, a movie then dancing...aaahhhhh....

    Lift on ladies, and have a great weekend!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Happy birthday , Bepeejaye!!!

    1401 cals and 116 g of PROTEIN :drinker: :bigsmile: I can't get the high numbers like some of you , but I'll take these numbers.

    If I can I might drink another protein shake if I am hungry. I am just now finishing supper. Scooby calculator has me eating 300 more cals. I know I would have room for a donut. That reminds me.... I haven't had fresh donuts all week. Hmmmmm neighbor has been slacking. hahaha
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Mary, for you that is outstanding!

    bepee, Happy birthday to you...La La La that sounds like an amazingly packed birthday!

    Beeps, do you boo!

    Marianne, sometimes you just need a 1k burrito.

    Congrats on the FSPP, that's a tough mve ladies.

    Sue boo what you up to.

    Still feeling sluggish today. I complain about all the freaking tests I have to give at work, I test more than I teach, but the last two days, the computer based reading assessments at least gave me a chance to sit down and be quiet. I considered going to the gym for a light zumba class, but between traffic and my husband getting in late, I said, screw it, I'll go tomorrow.

    I'm usually pretty good with my protein with a min of 100g but this week has been tough. My calories have been decent but I'm not making my protein. Kind of weird.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Quick post here, I'm packing and getting to bed early so I can be on the road early tomorrow. I lifted today! Not too heavy, I'm afraid to hurt my shoulder again, but I did assisted pullups, dips, DB OHP, tris and bis... oh and lateral raises. And I'm WAY over on cals tonight. I had a big steak, and it was YUMMY!!

    Wow what a birthday celebration BP!! Happy birthday to you!

    Sam, sounds like you're just exhausted. Sleep my friend!

    Mary congrats!! I knew you could do it.

    I have to get off this computer and pack. I'll check in over the weekend.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    SUEBOO! YOu posted. and thanks. Where you going?

    I had to eat TWO cans of tuna to get that much protein . I didn't realize that other foods had protein too like my favorite bread and coffee. who knew?

    SAmBAM! Tell me the texture of Zone perfect bars or anyone please. I had a Quest bar that was hard fudge-y like. I can't eat those. it is hard to break down with water. If it is a granola type bar with crunch water helps break it down.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Mary, Cliff makes some crunchier protein bars. I think anything over 100 grams is great for only 1400 cals!

    Sue, hope it's a fun trip. Glad to see you back at it.

    Sam, there's a lot of commotion in our area about testing right now too. I really feel for the teachers.

    Bepee, sounds like a lovely birthday! Happy birthday!

    Pudding, the BSS is a better movement than the lunge, IMO. I would keep practicing. Make your non-working knee go straight down to the floor. Keep your working leg as upright as possible. Try adjusting your stance until the movement is more natural. I'm really impressed you can to 10lbs on the Cuban snatch!

    Beeps, I've decided I will have to log for the rest of my life probably. I'm sure you will be back to it by September.

    Lifting, shopping, baking, mowing, cleaning today. It's going to be a long day....
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Beeps, what's 90 Days of Venus? Is that like a goal to maintain consistency?

    Stage 3 A AMRAPs today. Ugh.

    I have one more day of school.

    I've been eating like a pig for two days.

    I'm making 120 cupcakes this weekend :grumble:

    Okay, tuna, cottage cheese, plain yogurt, and all the fruits are going on my list next weekend. I promise.
  • Ari112233
    Ari112233 Posts: 91 Member
    Hi everyone. Finished the final 1a workout and 1b should be in the bag on Sunday! I can definitely see that I am stronger. Did you do the AMRAP for stage 1? My starting squat was only 20 lbs.. Tried to start slow there. I can't see doing tons of those, but I will give it a go. Did not lose but a pound in this stage so I am hoping I replaced some fat with muscle. Would love to hear where others were at end of stage 1. Happy weekend!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I managed to eat those 300 more calories . Baby girl climbed into bed with me . We watched a movie. She brought popcorn , and I dug into my stash for us.

    I hurt my GOOD shoulder yesterday doing the kettlebell swings. I knew it was hurting but I thought it was just due to the movement I was not accustomed to . Well, last night I could barely lift my arm. It's better this am . Not completely . I'll nurse it for the weekend.

    I do agree with Cowgirl about the BSS. I really like them. It stretches those quads. But if you can't ever "get" them do what you have to do. :wink:

    Cowgirl, thanks . I look for Cliff bars. So the Zone perfect doesn't have the crunch, huh?
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    The zone bar is more of a chewy granola bar. I prefer the Cliff builders but again, they are the more expensive brand. They are also more chewy granola bar-ish. I"m not a fan of crunchy. It hurts me teeth.

    My left shoulder is clicking bad. Not that it hurts, it's just disconcerting. Something for my chiro to look at.

    Crawled out of bed at 10:00, breakfast, bank, and gym, home for 12:30 and lunch. now I'm just chilling. I had a decent workout though I had to skip intervals. Turns out I had a really bad case of allergies, pollen breaking through my prescription, and ovulating. Explains the absolute exhaustion.

    Remember how I used to be master step up lady? yeah not so much. My form is sucky and my balance is way off. What the heck am I doing different?
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    You know what I like about this group? It's positive! Even if we disagree about something, we know we're on the same team and behave like civilized individuals. I just had to abandon ship in a one of my PAC groups because people are just to stupid to realize we're all on the same team.

    Thanks ladies ;):flowerforyou:
    Had an awesome day in the sunshine with my kids. BONUS!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Yep, SamBam, I like our group of ladies here. No one seems persnickety.

    I did step ups yesterday too. I can NOT do them with weights! I am horrible. 10 # in each hand and half way through 2nd set I was leaning forward when stepping up! I had to put the weights down just to get through. I guess that's why I hate them so much. I can NEVER progress.

    I looked for Cliff bars today at Sam's Club. I found some that had only 10 g protein but were high in calories (like 240 +) I didn't think that was worth it for me. I found a bar that had 30 g protein, 3 g sugar, and 290 calories. Hubby and I will share them. 15 g protein and 145 calories doesn't seem too bad when I need to "chew" something.

    Today's protein consumption is pathetic. 78 g and that 's including a shake that hasn't been consumed.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    I like this group.
    I have spent most of the day asleep. I slept in then slept during accupuncture. Then grocery shopped and had a short hike then took a nap.
    It was a planned 'rest' day and I had a sleep deprived week but still hard to believe I slept all day. Tomorrow I lift.

    I've been reading t- nation articles - no revelations but I am going to try changing my mixed grip so my dominant hand is underhand on deadlifts.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Thank you for the birthday wishes....it was such a lovely day.

    I love this group as well. I have learnt much from you ladies - thank you!

    Today was a lazy day, but did a beautiful night bicycle light ride......it was sweet!! One Zumba class has been put off until the end of summer, as they will be doing trainer certification. I am sad to lose one class, but I have two more!! So I will take up bicycling to replace it until then, me thinks.

    We rock ladies!! Wohoo!! :flowerforyou: