Daily Chat Thread



  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    What Beeps said!! lol

    I'm blowing off the gym today. I'm tired, surprisingly not hungry with 800 to spare. I'm going to go put on the TV and veg and maybe crash on the couch. My eldest on punishment which is AWESOME!! the kids are QUIETLY playing board games. (no electronics and no going outside with his friends so he is forced to find fun ways to hang with his brother HA HA)
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    That does sound pretty awesome, Sam!

    I hit my protein goal today. Four days to go.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    My grumpy day from yesterday turned into a crappy night and a horrible day today. I had an awful sleep last night which meant I was exhausted and dragging today. It was a planned rest day so thank goodness, but I still had I wake up early to get my boys to school, etc. and I woke up with a cold. I am a total man when it comes to being sick: whining, moaning on the couch. And unfortunately, I let my monster get the best of me and have been bingeing all day. I feel like such a failure :(
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    61g of protein! (I aim for 85g+)

    i will lift tomorrow, so protein shake will improve that #, lol.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Jdgro...I do not think it matters when to take a Protein shake (for those that do)..although I have read that within an hour of workout is best....I take it after I workout for I am craving it...and sometimes it is about 8:15pm...I sleep at 9pm, and as thus it makes sense to incorporate whey protein isolate in my juiced fruit/veggie mix, as I find that lighter....

    As for push ups, I think as long as you push your body, and you have proper form, and exercising the required muscles, it matters now how you do them - but it is better to do one great push up, then 15 with wrong form. I started doing one full body push up, every night afore going to bed...then I increased to two...then stopped at 5...now I can do three sets of FB push ups (wide fly, varied fly, fly, wide diamond...still working on narrow and military style)...As Tony Horton (P90X), "do your best, and forget the rest!"

    Oh..and this is a daily/minute/hourly chat if you like group...lol! And you can ask all the questions you desire. I ask a lot too, and have gotten such insight! Good luck :flowerforyou:

    Just coming off my Zumba high....aaahh...what an addict..I need an intervention lol!

    I am on my 81g protein today! If I manage to wolf down a Cliff Builder's bar afore bed, I will be at 101g!!

    Lift on ladies!!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    TOM..... does that tell yall anything?

    I can't get protein above 50 the past 2 days :sad: :cry: :grumble: :explode: :angry: :mad:
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Hey pudding stop being down on yourself- its ok to have a bad day! Tomorrow will be better.

    Jdgro-welcome Im glad you are asking questions!
    Beeps has good answers.

    I am wondering about nutrient timing- I think in Supercharged he downplays it.
    However I keep finding cardio will make you soft-- see Rachel on the t- nation site. And I can't give up cardio. But I do most swimming and cycling on an empty stomach and usually don't feel hungry for a while afterwards.
    But some people suggest that cardio in the fasted state is "the worst thing ever"
    So I've been trying to eat 100-200 cals before a swim and I feel nauseated the whole time.
    Any opinions on cardio and eating??
    Even walking decreases my appetite

    I did better on my protein today. But my kid was up with an earache last night and my lifting this morning was weak. I had to rush because one guy (of course deadlifting in the squat rack because he couldn't be bothered to move to the completely unused dl platform.) was in the squat rack for thirty minutes. I also realized that I need a lower seat for my front squats.
    I tried out some new teriyaki salmon jerky - yum and some kefir probiotic yogurt drink- not as tasty but not bad - especially when it's mixed with my office coffee.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Beepejaye- nice push-ups

    Sam- a little quiet can be amazing
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    Been trying for 109-120g protein or 30%. trainer said. Its not close to 1g per pound of BW but it's about all I can muster.

    Beepeejaye agree on the pushups - you have a great way of adding, awesome.

    Pudding maybe you need a rest. I'm thinking I do. If I don't feel better by this afternoon, I'm gonna take a week off. Restoration.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    I posted a pic of my bar with the weight that I lifted with my deadlift yesterday on Facebook to stir my husband up a bit and inform him in a silly way that we'll need to look for more weights (there may be a 2nd hand set up coming soon!! yay!).

    A friend of mine (who is totally into clean eating, Paleo, and Michelle Bridges - 12wbt, 1200cal diet etc - nothing wrong with any of that btw, she's just VERY into it all iykwim) has just posted that I shouldn't have to lift that much and should do light weights with high reps and linked me up to a Fitness Blender workout....

    *head against desk*

    Her husband keeps asking me what Jillian DVD I'm doing... :glasses: They don't get it I suppose!

    I did start with 30DS though lol weakling that I was :laugh:
    These days I just like to walk into my garage, no music, no-one telling me what to do, get in the zone and smash it out. I focus better that way.

    Pmag, I happily do cardio in a fasted state... is it really terrible? I do sometimes then have to force myself to eat afterwards, but that's ok. I just can't eat even a small bit beforehand because it makes me ill. It's water or nothing. Actually, I pretty much do all working out in a fasted state and then stuff my face afterwards... I think it's just the way I work.

    It's late, I have to be up before dawn again, but tomorrow I lift :smile: :heart:
  • jdgro
    jdgro Posts: 30 Member
    Thank you for the warm welcome and great answers, folks:-)

    I'm up early today to get to the gym first thing. I do have time later but don't trust myself not to talk myself out of going!

    Today is my 2nd workout. Everything is exercises I've done before EXCEPT a biggie: deadlifts. I was a little nervous about doing back squats for the first time ever on Monday, but I'm way more nervous about trying out deadlifts. They seem scary for some reason! I think maybe all my life growing up hearing "bend from your knees!" has freaked me out about my lower back. I grew up in a dance studio (which my mom still has today) so that is my background. It's just about as opposite heavy weights as you can get.

    Okay, off to the gym...
  • jdgro
    jdgro Posts: 30 Member
    Oops 2x post
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Pmag, I think cardio and food is yet another thing that depends entirely on the individual. I've trained for four half marathons and I would always eat a little something before heading out. I know faster runners that run on an empty stomach. I'm not trying to say that all fast runners go with an empty stomach, just that it certainly seems right for some people.

    This was my last half marathon in 2012. I found MFP about 3 months before and learned to eat like a boss. Trimmest I've ever been. I was about 130 lbs at 5'6".

    That was my best training season (no injuries, no life disruptions, consistent training) and, by far, my worst race :laugh: I cried for a week :sick:

    Started Stage 4 yesterday and the DOMS is kicking my butt.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Sam, happy for your quiet time and behaved kiddos
    Pudding, don't beat yourself up. Slipups happen and the best thing to do is forgive yourself and move on and up.
    Bepee, nice!
    Pmag, [my non-sciencey opinion] I definitely think that's a personal decision. I wouldn't push myself to eat if it made me nauseous just because 'someone' said it was bad not to. Especially if you're eating enough overall.
    Sunshine, that's great! I hardly get to 100g
    Dna, yay for new weights!! LOL at all the unwanted opinions. Its hilarious to me that people offer suggestions when clearly what you're ALREADY doing is working!
    Jdgro, I understand your uneasiness. Make sure you study correct form and start off easy. Before long, I bet you'll learn to love DL's :)
    Runz, you are so focused in that pic, love it!

    Yesterday we took my pup bike riding down to the river, and swam with him in his new life-vest. He's still not quite that comfortable, but he's gone miles from where he started off. We are determined to have a water dog lol. I neeeeed to get back to lifting.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    I posted a pic of my bar with the weight that I lifted with my deadlift yesterday on Facebook to stir my husband up a bit and inform him in a silly way that we'll need to look for more weights (there may be a 2nd hand set up coming soon!! yay!).

    A friend of mine (who is totally into clean eating, Paleo, and Michelle Bridges - 12wbt, 1200cal diet etc - nothing wrong with any of that btw, she's just VERY into it all iykwim) has just posted that I shouldn't have to lift that much and should do light weights with high reps and linked me up to a Fitness Blender workout....

    *head against desk*

    Her husband keeps asking me what Jillian DVD I'm doing... :glasses: They don't get it I suppose!

    lol - this is AWFUL.

    I literally do NOT post ANYTHING on facebook about my nutrition/fitness choices. EVER. People are sooooooooooooo super-dumb and lame that I could not even STAND the sorts of stuff that it would stir up.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member

    This was my last half marathon in 2012. I found MFP about 3 months before and learned to eat like a boss. Trimmest I've ever been. I was about 130 lbs at 5'6".

    That was my best training season (no injuries, no life disruptions, consistent training) and, by far, my worst race :laugh: I cried for a week :sick:

    I think runners take their sport VERY SERIOUSLY!! Too bad....

    I hope you don't suffer these sorts of "sadnesses" over something as silly as weight-training! lol What I *love* about weight-training is HOW FORGIVING it is....can't lift that 10 lb DB, who cares?? Drop back to 8!! Can't lift that 100 BB, who cares?? Drop back to 50.

    Get the form RIGHT....and the rest is foo-foo-froo-froo stuff. EVERYBODY improves with weight-lifting!! That is the key!! EVERYBODY!! Just do it right and, with time and effort, you'll build those muscles and the amount of weight you can push or pull or lift or whatever, will GO UP.

  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I posted a pic of my bar with the weight that I lifted with my deadlift yesterday on Facebook to stir my husband up a bit and inform him in a silly way that we'll need to look for more weights (there may be a 2nd hand set up coming soon!! yay!).

    A friend of mine (who is totally into clean eating, Paleo, and Michelle Bridges - 12wbt, 1200cal diet etc - nothing wrong with any of that btw, she's just VERY into it all iykwim) has just posted that I shouldn't have to lift that much and should do light weights with high reps and linked me up to a Fitness Blender workout....

    *head against desk*

    Her husband keeps asking me what Jillian DVD I'm doing... :glasses: They don't get it I suppose!

    lol - this is AWFUL.

    I literally do NOT post ANYTHING on facebook about my nutrition/fitness choices. EVER. People are sooooooooooooo super-dumb and lame that I could not even STAND the sorts of stuff that it would stir up.

    Ditto - THE only thing I ever post is to check in at the gym at 5ish AM - then I get a bunch of "good for you" and likes etc. But that's IT!

    Re: when to eat, how to exercise etc, I think there's a bunch of "bro-science" out there that means nothing. I have read that IN THEORY, it matters not, that you should eat when you're hungry, you should eat at a deficit if you want to lose weight and that's about it. But I will say that I lose weight MORE EASILY when I eat low-carb - I think mostly because I get more food when I don't eat pasta and breads. It's hard to eat 100 gms of vegetables, so I get more protein, which is good for me all the way around. One thing my trainer did suggest - if you are having a protein shake before bed, have casein, it's slower absorbing. I think, honestly, the best rule of thumb is do the investigating, find what works for you and stick with it.

    Welcome JD, just make sure your form is spot on!

    Runz, I liked Stage 4, and I was wicked sore all the time!

    Oh yea I lift all the time fasted. I can't eat at 5AM my last meal is the night before - 8 hrs or so

    Sam good for you for taking it easy when your body is telling you to, ditto to you other ladies for listening! And Pudding, it's pretty human if you ask me. We're never ever going to be perfect! Doing all this work is so you can have those yummy eat everything days. Change your perspective girl!

    Today, I did Deads, Inverted Leg Presses, Lunges, Seated Calf Raises, Back Extensions, Obliques and Abs - and I have a PR for my leg presses - 180x8! I realize that I've been laying back on the deads - next workout I'm pushing more!

    Sushi for lunch today!!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    TOM..... does that tell yall anything?

    I can't get protein above 50 the past 2 days :sad: :cry: :grumble: :explode: :angry: :mad:

    Tomorrow's another day. No one expects perfect girl! You're on it already!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I posted a pic of my bar with the weight that I lifted with my deadlift yesterday on Facebook to stir my husband up a bit and inform him in a silly way that we'll need to look for more weights (there may be a 2nd hand set up coming soon!! yay!).

    A friend of mine (who is totally into clean eating, Paleo, and Michelle Bridges - 12wbt, 1200cal diet etc - nothing wrong with any of that btw, she's just VERY into it all iykwim) has just posted that I shouldn't have to lift that much and should do light weights with high reps and linked me up to a Fitness Blender workout....

    *head against desk*

    Her husband keeps asking me what Jillian DVD I'm doing... :glasses: They don't get it I suppose!

    lol - this is AWFUL.

    I literally do NOT post ANYTHING on facebook about my nutrition/fitness choices. EVER. People are sooooooooooooo super-dumb and lame that I could not even STAND the sorts of stuff that it would stir up.

    Hahaha, yes, FB is full of *kitten* comments like that. I'm not totally dissing Jillian though, some of her DVDs are tough. But they are cardio, not weights. And only worth doing at levels 3 or 4.
  • jdgro
    jdgro Posts: 30 Member
    Fear of deadlifts was so dumb. It was a total non-event lol. I just picked it up and did it. In retrospect I don't know what I thought might happen lol.

    I am noticing something the author talks about in the book which is the issue of grip strength. I noticed this on Monday with the step-ups. I felt like my legs were okay (working but not going to conk out) but my hands, wrists, and forearms fatigued a lot faster than the rest of me. So I am going to take that as a sign that I need to build up some strength.

    Pretty good workout today. I was at the gym at around 6:30 a.m. My gym is interesting. I feel like there are several different groups of members depending on what time you go. There might be young dudes with tattoos, or SAHMs with fake tans and fake nails, triathletes who want to talk shop endlessly, or older guys heading off to work, couples working out together, etc. So the 6:30 am weekday crowd was good from my perspective. This was an all-business, get it done efficiently, perfectly pleasant but just very businesslike group. I like that! They are not there to ogle girls, not there to chat, not there for social hour, just bang out a workout and move on.

    One thing that I am discovering is the actual logistics of the gym, like figuring out for exercises that the workout has me alternating, how I am going to set up my stuff to be ready to move from one thing to the other. My gym has kind of a weird flow with three pretty distinct weights areas. There's a room that used to be for group classes but when the gym outgrew it and took over space next door for classes, they converted that former class area into a weights area. That's also where all the exercise balls, rollers, and odds and ends type of things are, and also punching bags. It's also pretty much the main place people go to stretch.

    Then there is a central area with a couple different types of racks, and that is more like the "showcase" area where it seems like it's more high-profile. I am probably saying this all wrong lol.

    Then there's an area with a lot of free weights and also a couple of smaller racks and some benches, and that's where I've pretty much decided I feel most comfortable.

    So far not too terribly sore, mostly my inner thighs and also my abs. Oh also the fronts of my shoulders. I ran from thing to thing today and at meetings etc so ate a mishmash of mostly snacky type of foods. At my board meeting the woman hosting had just started a Nature Box subscription so she had six different Nature Box things for us to try. The eternal struggle for me is getting enough protein.

    Oh also one last thing -- the hubs is LOVING that I am lifting more weights. I have been giving him minimal info but did mention that I was doing deadlifts today and if I'm not mistaken I think he was a little bit excited lol.